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  • 10 Countries That Are Killing The Planet

  • 10. Somalia

  • As with a lot environmental underperformers, Somalia has struggled with almost 20 years

  • of civil war. Only having re-establishing a permanent central government in 2012, ecological

  • protection has gone by the wayside. In 2014, Somalia finished last in the Environmental

  • Performance Index.

  • The index annually ranks 178 countries on how well they combat high-priority environmental

  • issues. This ranking is largely due to the country's focus on short-term survival in

  • wartime, relying on widespread tree cutting and charcoal burning. This has reduced Somalia's

  • forested areas to less than 200 sq. km in total, a rough 15% reduction since 1990.

  • Another factor was the country's poor biodiversity scores, which were impacted not only by deforestation,

  • but Somalia's illegal fishing trade. An estimated $300 million worth of illegally

  • plundered seafood each year has significantly affected marine life in the area, and after

  • the Tsunami in 2005, nuclear waste washing ashore lead to the deaths of over 300 from

  • radiation poisoning.

  • 9. China

  • A 2016 study by the World Health Organization found that China is the world's deadliest

  • country for outdoor air pollution. It estimated that in 2012, they were responsible for over

  • a 7th of the world's deaths from outdoor air pollution, with over 1.5 million dying

  • a year.

  • It's also the world's biggest emitter of Greenhouse Gas, accounting for around a

  • third of the world's production. China have shown awareness of the danger their emissions

  • pose the planet, becoming the world's leading providers of solar energy in 2016. But in

  • the same year, China backtracked on a policy that's equally as impactful to the planet:

  • overpopulation.

  • At current rates of resource consumption, many scientists believe the Earth won't

  • support its population beyond the year 2100. With 1.4 billion inhabitants, China is Earth's

  • most populous nation, but they rescinded their one-child-per-family rule in 2016, and their

  • population increased almost half a percent the same year.

  • 8. Russia

  • After more than 80 years of the Soviet Union came to an end in 1991, Russia was left with

  • severe environmental problems. Soviet Union leaders had long valued industrialisation

  • and economic growth over pollution control, which became a low priority. While this has

  • largely improved, issues persist, almost 30 years later.

  • At 4.48%, Russia currently produces more of the global Greenhouse Gas Emissions than the

  • 100 lowest countries combined. And according to climate change advocacy group DARA, just

  • under 100,000 people die in Russia every year as a result of carbon pollution.

  • Russia have joined the Paris Agreement to curb global emission, but faced widespread

  • criticism for their low targets. Instead of trying to improve upon current output, Russia

  • tasked themselves with producing 30% less CO2 than in 1990, starting in 2020. For the

  • last few years, Russia have already been achieving this, and their unambitious goals landed them

  • 7 places from the bottom in 2018's Climate Change Performance Index, ranking 53rd.

  • 7. Australia

  • Since the European settlement in the 1800's, roughly 13% of Australia's original vegetation

  • has been removed to make way for agricultural land. This deforestation has increased CO2

  • output, but also increased the salt content of the soil, with around 7% of Western Australia

  • suffering from high soil salinity.

  • This, as well as extensive illegal fishing has significantly added to the extinction

  • of Australia's animals. In 2005, 17 of 82 species in Australian waters were classified

  • as overfished, and a study lead by Anthony Waldron of Oxford University estimated that

  • Australia were responsible for 5 to 10% of the total global biodiversity loss between

  • 1996 and 2008.

  • The country are also serial polluters, discharging an estimated 19,000 tonnes of phosphorus and

  • 141,000 tonnes of nitrogen a year into rivers that flow to the coast. The world's 16th

  • biggest carbon emitters also recorded their highest emissions on record in 2017, placing

  • them 57th in the 2018 Climate Change Performance Rankings.

  • 6. Afghanistan

  • When years of civil war were followed by an American invasion, Afghanistan's ecosystem

  • has been significantly degraded. In 2012, DARA identified climate change and pollution

  • to be two of the country's leading causes of premature death. This is primarily attributed

  • to food spoiling and water contamination, and took 90,000 lives in 2010.

  • Another major impact on Afghanistan's ecosystem is the rise of illegal hunting. Ongoing conflict

  • has limited the government's ability to successfully monitor the poaching, over 150

  • animal species are now at risk of extinction in the country. However, Afghanistan's first

  • three national parks were built between 2012 and 2015 to combat this.

  • The country has also tried to combat its water crisis, providing clean water to around 77%

  • of its population in 2017. This is up from around 55% just a year before, slightly reducing

  • Afghanistan's position as a major proponent of the spread on water borne diseases.

  • 5. Saudi Arabia

  • As the world's largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia has contributed significantly to perpetuating

  • a world built around oil-based energy production. The country produced 17% of global oil exports

  • in 2015, and they are the 10th biggest carbon emitters on the planet, despite only having

  • the 10th largest land mass.

  • Frequent oil spills and the infilling of 40% of its coastlines have led to Saudi Arabia's

  • ocean being a highly inhabitable area for most fish species. 50 percent of its mangrove

  • trees have been wiped out, which has been shown to decrease the population of certain

  • types of fish up to 25 times.

  • Saudi Arabia ranked 60th in the 2018 Climate Change Performance Index, earning bottom place.

  • This was attributed to the country's very low ratings in every single category, and

  • in all indicators for emissions and renewable energy. Weak climate change policies, and

  • poor appearance in international negotiations was also blamed.

  • 4. Indonesia

  • Despite having the 17th largest land area, Indonesia is the world's fifth largest emitter

  • of greenhouse gas. This can mostly be attributed to mass conversion of its forests and carbon-rich

  • areas known as peatlands to make way for agricultural land.

  • In 2010, the climate change advocacy group DARA reported that this level of carbon emission

  • is responsible for roughly 150,000 deaths a year. Currently, the study estimates that

  • this death toll will rise to 200,000 a year by 2030, although the Indonesian government

  • has committed to a minimum 26% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to curb this.

  • Conversion of Indonesia's natural land has also considerably affected the species that

  • inhabit the nation. A 2017 study published in the online journal 'Nature' found that

  • Indonesia had 'absolutely the highest number of declining species', having been responsible

  • for 21 percent of the global decline between 1996 and 2008.

  • 3. India

  • In the last 30 years, over 14,000 square kilometers of India's forests have been cleared to

  • make way for industrial projects, reducing India's forestation by around 5%. Some of

  • this was for hydroelectric plants, but the majority has been repurposed for mining, fuelling

  • the coal industry at the expense of the planet's natural resources.

  • This mass industrialisation also meant that India is home to 11 of the 20 most polluted

  • cities on the entire planet. This is largely because India's near 1.5 billion person

  • population is growing at an average rate of 1.2% per annum, and is projected to overtake

  • China as the world's most populous country.

  • This will have numerous fallouts for the planet, including its growing consumption of non-biodegradable

  • plastic and waning hygiene standards in rural areas, increasing pollution and decreasing

  • population. All of this saw India drop 36 places in the Environmental Performance ranks

  • between 2016 and 2018, now sitting just four places from the bottom.

  • 2. USA

  • Despite ranking 27th in the 2018 Environmental Performance Index, the United States was one

  • of the worst performers of all the industrialised nations. Another 2018 study, the Climate Change

  • Performance Index, ranked the US 56th out of the 60 countries it studied.

  • The Index attributed this to the fallout of the new administration's climate change

  • policies. This saw the world's second largest carbon gas emitter dismantle its clean power

  • plan, increase its CO2 emission by 14 million metric tons and leave the Paris Climate Agreement.

  • And given the country's relative power in the world, the ramifications of their environmental

  • decisions carry considerable weight. Their proposed Greenhouse Gas cuts in the agreement

  • would have accounted for 20% of the entire global emission cuts outlined in the deal.

  • So as Global Warming approaches a point of no return, America's absence from the deal

  • will see significant ramifications in the years to come.

  • 1. Brazil

  • Brazil is home to the Amazon Rainforest, the largest rainforest on Earth, known as 'The

  • Lungs of the World'. The Amazon recycles carbon dioxide to produce more than 20% of

  • the Earth's Oxygen, but over 150 acres of the forest are destroyed every minute for

  • various reasons, including Brazil's vast cocoa exports.

  • Over 20% of the Amazon has already been destroyed, releasing stored carbon dioxide into the ozone.

  • It's also believed that the planet loses 137 plant, animal and insect species every

  • single day due to rainforest deforestation, and Brazil has the world's largest area

  • of forest removed annually.

  • In 2010, the Union of Concerned Scientists revealed that the country had reduced deforestation

  • by 67% since 2005. But in 2017, the abolishment of an Amazonian reserve the size of Denmark

  • was described by the Sustainability Network party, as thebiggest attack on the Amazon

  • of the last 50 years”, casting a serious shadow over Brazil's environmental future.

  • So that was 10 Countries That Are Killing The Planet. Did your country make the list?

  • Any big surprises? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to like and subscribe.

  • And If you enjoyed this video, check out this great All Time 10s video, on screen now.

10 Countries That Are Killing The Planet


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地球を破壊している10カ国 (10 Countries That Are Killing The Planet)

  • 92 3
    Andrew Pedro に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日