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  • 10 Weapons That Changed The History Of Warfare

  • 10. AK-47

  • If I asked you to name the first gun that comes to mind, I'd be willing to bet it's

  • the AK-47. That's because it's the most widely produced gun in history, with over

  • 100 million made in total and 75 million in existence right now. That's 20% of all firearms

  • worldwide.

  • The AK-47 was invented in 1947 by Russian General Mikhail Kalashnikov as a cheap weapon

  • for the soviet army. Hence where it gets its other name, Kalashnikov.

  • From its first use, the gun exploded in popularity across the USSR, thanks to its rugged construction,

  • ease of production and relative lack of moving parts. That means it was incredibly reliable

  • and simple to maintain. Even people who had never used a gun could field strip one with

  • ease after minimal training.

  • But that prevalence means that Kalashnikovs are commonly used by terrorists and militia

  • groups worldwide. Since they're so cheap and reliable, countries across Asia and Africa

  • engage in widespread illegal arms trades.

  • 9. Bow and Arrow

  • Most people nowadays probably think of Legolas, Hawkeye or Katniss Everdeen when they picture

  • bows and arrows. But they actually have massive historical significance, possibly dating back

  • as far as 64,000 years.

  • Classical civilisations like the Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians and Hebrews were known to have made

  • wide use of longbows, and they eventually showed up throughout every continent except

  • Australia. But it's not just their ubiquity that's interesting.

  • Stony Brook University biologists Paul Bingham and Joanne Souza have coined the 'social

  • coercion hypothesis', which is the idea that more powerful weapons encourage civilisations

  • to group together out of the threat of being killed by them.

  • In other words, you're probably gonna follow the person who points a load of lethal weapons

  • in your face.

  • Multiple researchers have pointed to that effect in native american tribes, who became

  • much less divided and developed more complex societies after bows showed up around 500

  • AD.

  • 8. Drones

  • Unmanned aerial vehicles hold a special place on this list. That's because they haven't

  • just changed military history, but they're doing it as I speak. Let's back up for a

  • second though.

  • The US military was developing drone technology as early as the 1960s, though the technology

  • didn't really catch up until about three decades later. But it wasn't long until

  • drones were put to use.

  • The first ever Predator drone attack on Afghan insurgents in 2002 was a major turning point

  • in military technology. It was the first ever instance that a remote attack was made in

  • real time.

  • And as technology develops, it could see future warfare that entirely skips ground troops

  • altogether. I mean why risk friendly lives when you don't have to?

  • But drones have been fiercely criticised as long as they've been used, thanks to their

  • capacity for indiscriminate killing and the numbing effect some soldiers have described

  • from killing through a screen.

  • 7. Trebuchet

  • You might think ancient conflicts were all about soldiers, swords and cavalry, but there's

  • a lot to be said for artillery. And there might be no more important example of early

  • artillery than the Trebuchet.

  • Perfecting on the catapult and the ballista, the trebuchet was first invented in 4th century

  • china as a tool for siege warfare. After its introduction in 6th Century Europe, it eventually

  • became a staple of medieval warfare.

  • Before Trebuchets were widely used, castles were pretty much impenetrable. But thanks

  • to its long range and high weight capacity, it was capable of hurling projectiles with

  • the capacity to breach even fortified walls.

  • That meant that instead of taking their chances waiting for defending armies to starve, siege

  • warfare became a lot more proactive. Invaders could push the issue by breaking through defences,

  • or, if they felt really adventurous, they were known to have pelted disease ridden corpses

  • over castle walls to speed things up.

  • 6. Tanks

  • They don't quite hold the prestige they used to thanks to defences like anti-tank

  • missiles, but for decades these behemoth weapons were the pinnacle of wartime tech.

  • Weirdly enough, the first idea came from Leonardo Da Vinci, whose so-called 'fighting vehicle'

  • bore more resemblance to a UFO than anything else. Conspiracy? Probably not.

  • Tanks were first developed by British engineers during World War I in 1914. They actually

  • got that name from their disguise, since the people working on them were told they were

  • building water tanks. But from their first use in the Somme in 1916, they redefined trench

  • warfare.

  • Before then, battles overwhelmingly favoured the defender, since it was so difficult to

  • break the lines of a trench with foot soldiers. But with the advent of armed vehicles, it

  • was possible to break through the lines with relative ease.

  • German soldiers were even documented fleeing from the scene of the first tank attack.

  • 5. Sword

  • It's hard to think of a more iconic ancient weapon than the sword. To most people, they're

  • the epitome of the age of knights, kingdoms and gruesome duels.

  • Swords are conventionally thought to have been invented between the second and third

  • millennia BC, in other words the bronze age. There's evidence from Turkey, though, which

  • suggests that they could go as far back as 3300.

  • In any case, those early swords were a huge development but not all that widely used,

  • since bronze swords tended to either be brittle enough to shatter or flexible enough to bend

  • out of shape.

  • But once the Iron Age rolled around everything changed, since blades became much stronger

  • and could pretty much be mass produced.

  • That meant that battles became a lot shorter and bloodier than the spears knife fights

  • of old, and any group with the means to mass produce them had the fear-inducing authority

  • to subjugate others with ease.

  • 4. Hand Cannon

  • It's pretty hard these days to imagine warfare without guns, so it would be weird not to

  • talk about the first ever firearm.

  • Those guns, called hand cannons, originated in 13th century China and were widely used

  • in warfare before spreading to the west in the following decades. But they weren't

  • exactly guns in the sense we understand - they literally worked like cannons by igniting

  • gunpowder to pelt out stones.

  • Once they reached Europe, however, they marked a major change in medieval combat.

  • Before then, you could be pretty sure that your suit of armour would keep you protected,

  • but that's not so true when an infantryman could fire a projectile fast enough to rip

  • a hole through your chest.

  • But hand cannons weren't for just anyone. They needed specific training to use, which

  • had the knock-on effect that armies began to be made up of less expandable peasant fighters

  • and more trained soldiers.

  • 3. Chlorine Gas

  • Everyone knows that war is hell. So it takes a special type of weapon to get banned in

  • all forms. That's the case with chemical weapons, which were internationally banned

  • from warfare in all forms in 1993. It all started with Chlorine Gas.

  • Chlorine was first isolated as a chemical in the 1700s, and from then it was mostly

  • used for bleaching and sterilizing. But in April 1915, Chlorine gas was first released

  • by German forces in Ypres as part of World War I. The 10,000 gas canisters released onto

  • allied trenches caused 15,000 casualties, a third of which died.

  • That first use of Chlorine Gas completely opened up the field of war. Suddenly there

  • was a weapon that could disable or kill thousands with slow, agonising symptoms like fluid in

  • the lungs and widespread blisters.

  • Now chemical weapons are mostly used illegally by ruthless dictators, most recently President

  • Assad in Syria.

  • 2. Spear Where would we be without the first ever weapon?

  • If it wasn't for the spear, there's a good chance early man would never have escaped

  • its many ancient predators. In fact, sharpened rocks on sticks have been used in combat for

  • so long, they predate modern homosapiens by quite some way.

  • In 2012, Archaeologists discovered the earliest evidence of spears in Kathu Pan in South Africa.

  • Those sharpened stones suggest that Homo Heidelbergensis was crafting spears to hunt over 500,000 years

  • ago.

  • Long after those times, spears kept their place as one of the most important weapons

  • around the world, since they're incredibly easy to make and, of course, deadly in the

  • right hands.

  • Warriors and soldiers from the ancient Greeks to native Americans to Medieval Europe all

  • had their own takes on them, like the sarissa, the lance and the polearm. Every type of spear

  • made its mark in the history of weapons, quite literally.

  • 1. Nuclear Weapons

  • There's no way it could be anything else. In terms of immediate impact, there hasn't

  • been a more immediate change in the course of warfare than with nuclear weapons.

  • It all started when physicists Lise Meitner (Lee-zer Mite-ner) and Otto Frisch (Ot-toe

  • Frish) pioneered nuclear fission in 1938. 4 years later, the Manhattan Project perfected

  • the first nuclear bomb in 1945.

  • And as we all know, that led to the infamous attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that same

  • year. Those attacks probably killed more than 200,000 people between them and had a major

  • impact on Japan's decision to surrender.

  • Since then, the whole world has feared the effects of another nuclear attack. Over the

  • course of the cold war, there was the idea of Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD. In

  • other words, if one country nukes another, it's pretty much guaranteed get nuked back.

  • That pushed conflicts away from all out war and towards much more tactical affairs.

  • That was 10 Weapons That Changed The History of Warfare. Which one do you think had the

  • biggest impact? Were there any we missed? Let us know in the comments and make sure

  • to like and subscribe. While you're at it, check out this great Alltime10s video on screen

  • now.

10 Weapons That Changed The History Of Warfare


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戦争の歴史を変えた10の武器 (10 Weapons That Changed The History Of Warfare)

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    Andrew Pedro に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日