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  • What would happen if we detonated humanity's most powerful nuclear weapon at the deepest point of the ocean?

    人類最大の核兵器を 海の一番深いところで

  • For sure, tsunamis hundreds of meters high would destroy coastal cities,


  • earthquakes would level countries,


  • new volcanoes would bring us nuclear winter.


  • Maybe even Earth could be ripped apart?


  • Or thrown out of orbit?

    もしかすると地球の軌道すら 変わるかもしれない

  • Well, almost.


  • Currently, Earth's deepest known point is inside the Mariana Trench.

    地球で一番深い場所は マリアナ海溝にある

  • The Mariana Trench is a very deep valley


  • right at the edge of two tectonic plates

    2つのプレートの 出会うところで

  • that looks like an upside-down mountain.

    逆立ちした山の ような形をしている

  • It reaches a depth of about 11 kilometers,


  • almost three times deeper than the dark grave of the Titanic.

    タイタニック号の沈没地点の ほぼ3倍も深い

  • It's one of the last places on Earth for humans to explore.

    人類が探査すべき最後の 場所となっている

  • Pitch black and under a thousand atmospheres of pressure,


  • it's a relatively pristine environment thanks to the absence of humans.


  • A great place for our nuclear test.


  • We'll use the most powerful nuclear bomb humans have ever exploded,


  • the RDS-220 hydrogen bomb or Tsar Bomba.


  • Its explosion was so massive that its shockwave traveled around the Earth three times,

    RDS220、またの名を ツァーリ・ボンバという

  • and its mushroom cloud stretched 56 kilometers into the sky.

    その爆発は巨大で 衝撃波は地球を3周し

  • Its shockwave was strong enough to destroy everything in a thousand square kilometers,


  • its fireball hot enough to burn the rubble.

    衝撃波は1000平方kmの 範囲を破壊し尽くし

  • Bombs like this release such an enormous amount of energy at once, that they could boil away an entire lake.


  • And if we set off a nuclear bomb in the Mariana Trench, that's exactly what happens.

    一瞬のうちに放出された 膨大な熱は

  • Let's pull the trigger.


  • In the first few microseconds, the nuclear fuel undergoes its chain reaction

    そこでマリアナ海溝に 核兵器を設置したら

  • and explodes with the power of 50 megatons of TNT.


  • A blinding flash of light illuminates the darkness of the trench for the first time in history.


  • The heat of the explosion produces a cavity, a flaming bubble of water vapor,

    最初の数マイクロ秒で 核燃料に連鎖反応が進行し

  • radioactive nuclei, and the remains of very unlucky fish.

    50メガトンのTNT火薬に 匹敵する力で爆発する

  • The bubble grows quickly as it vaporizes the water around it.

    史上初めて海溝の闇は 閃光によって照らされる

  • The pressure of the bubble is immense, plowing outwards as if there's nothing in the way.

    爆発の熱が形成する 灼熱の気泡には水蒸気と

  • Sending off a shockwave that will be felt by seismic stations and whales around the world.

    放射性核種と 不運な魚が含まれる

  • And then, almost as fast as it emerges, it stops.

    気泡は周囲の水を 気化させながら増大する

  • On the surface of the Earth, this fireball bubble would grow to ten kilometers the second after it's detonated,

    気泡の圧力は巨大で 行く手にあるすべてを薙ぎ払う

  • as the atmosphere barely puts up a fight to hold it back.

    世界中の地震観測点とクジラが 感知するほどの衝撃波を送り出す

  • But the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is enormous.

    しかし発生したのと 同じくらい速やかにそれは停止する

  • With 11 kilometres of water overhead,

    地上ではこの火球は爆発後 1秒で10kmに達し

  • being in the Mariana Trench is like being crushed by a hydraulic press from every direction.

    やっと大気によって 押し戻された

  • Here, a second after the detonation, our bubble is about a kilometer across, when oddly enough, it starts to shrink.

    しかしマリアナ海溝の 底では水圧は莫大だ

  • The bubble overextends itself, losing pressure as it expands, until the water turns it back, recompressing it.

    頭上に11kmの水が あるのだから

  • The tug of war between the fiery death bubble and water goes back and forth a few times,

    マリアナ海溝ではたえず周囲から の水圧で押しつぶされることになり

  • the bubble shrinking and growing, until eventually the bubble loses for good.

    ここでは1秒後には気泡は 直径1kmに達したのちに

  • The pressure around it is too great, and turbulent water begins to chop it up.


  • It becomes something like the underwater equivalent of a mushroom cloud

    気泡は拡大し過ぎると 圧力が低下し

  • as it disintegrates into many smaller, hot and radioactive bubbles drifting upwards.

    水圧に押し戻されて 再度圧縮される

  • And as our mighty destructive blast rises to the surface, it does basically nothing.

    火の玉と水の間の戦いは 何度か押し引きし

  • Just a small wave, and a bubbling plume of radioactive warm water in the Pacific.


  • No tsunami will wash away Japan or California,


  • although boats and whales in the area might have a bad time.

    それは水面下でキノコ雲に 相当するものになる

  • The radioactive fallout will be diluted into the Pacific after a few days,

    細かく崩壊し、熱くて放射能を 帯びた泡となり上昇する

  • although a fair amount of radioactive water and salt makes it to the atmosphere

    破壊的な爆発は水面に 達する頃には

  • where it collects and then rains down again.

    基本的には 何でもなくなっている

  • Even if the wind blows the fallout directly towards the Philippines,

    小さな波と、放射能を帯びた 温かい海水の泡だ

  • the worst of it probably happens over the oceans.

    日本にもカリフォルニアにも 津波は来ない

  • But clearly, the real danger comes from our explosion-triggering earthquakes and volcanoes, right?

    でもあたりの船や クジラには影響がある

  • Even if we detonated the bomb right in the trench at the exact point where tectonic plates touch, probably not.

    放射性降下物は数日で 太平洋に希釈されるが

  • The explosion would vaporize a part of the seafloor, and turn a lot of sand into glass,

    それなりの量の放射能を帯びた 水と塩は大気循環に乗り

  • but most of the energy goes into the water, not seismic waves.

    濃縮され雨となって 降ってくるだろう

  • Earthquakes are already quite common at tectonic plate boundaries.

    降下物は直接フィリピンに 風で降ってくるが

  • And earthquakes with as much seismic energy as our bomb


  • happen a few times a year without triggering any sort of apocalypse.

    でも一番危険なのは地震や 火山噴火なのでは?

  • But maybe it will affect the Earth's orbit.

    プレートが接する直上で 起爆したとしても

  • Since no mass is taken away or added to the Earth, our orbit is completely unaffected.


  • Also, there have been well over a thousand nuclear tests in the last 70 years

    爆発は海底の一部を 蒸発させて

  • and that didn't change our orbit, so why would this time be different?


  • The strongest forces humanity can unleash are laughable compared to the forces of nature.

    エネルギーの大部分は 地震波ではなく水に移行する

  • The planet is too big. It doesn't care.

    地震はプレート境界では ありふれている

  • So, what happens to us if we detonate a nuclear weapon really deep in the ocean?

    核兵器なみの エネルギーの地震も

  • Pretty much nothing.

    特に引き金がなくても 年に数回は起こっている

  • Did you know that every bird in our videos has an owner?


  • More than 1,000 people have got their own bird.

    質量が失われたわけでも 付け加わったわけでもないので

  • It helps us explain things, clowns around in the background,


  • or dies a horrible and avoidable death.

    ここ70年の間に千回以上の 核実験があったが

  • If you want your own bird too and you want it to appear in one of our videos,


  • you can get it at

    人類が解き放つ最大の力といえども 自然界の力に比べれば話にならない

  • Patreon is one of the main ways we sustain ourselves.

    惑星は大きいのだから 気にする程ではない

  • So on top of getting a super nice avatar, you also help us make more and better videos.

    では深海の底で核兵器を起爆したら ホントのところ何が起こるのか?

  • [Quacking]


  • [Outro music]

    我々の動画に出てくる鳥には すべてオーナーがいるのを知ってますか?

What would happen if we detonated humanity's most powerful nuclear weapon at the deepest point of the ocean?

人類最大の核兵器を 海の一番深いところで


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