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Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
So I'm at this Hawker Centre, and I'm going to leave my laptop, my cell phone, and heck, even my wallet, to save my seat as I go order lunch.
Could I get a chicken rice?
It's about 9 a.m., and we're on the ground floor of this building which has offices and condos.
Even though a lot of the shops down here are still closed, well, you can still get a pretty close look of everything they're selling.
Although some stores have chosen to put in tighter security measures.
Singapore is ranked number two in the Economist Intelligence Unit's safe city index.
シンガポールはエコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニット世界の都市安全性指数ランキングで 2 位を誇ります。
It comes in right behind Tokyo.
The population of the city-state is more than 5.5 million people.
都市の人口は 550 万人を超えています。
In 2016, crime in Singapore reached a 30-year low, according to Singapore police.
2016 年には、シンガポール警察によると、犯罪件数はこの 30 年間で最低値を記録しました。
And in that same year, there were a whopping 135 days that went by completely crime-free, from crimes including snatch theft, housebreaking and robbery.
そして、同じ年、135 日もの間、ひったくり、押し込み強盗や強奪なども含めての犯罪が全く無い日々が続きました。
So, it's no wonder some businesses barely even shutter their doors at night.
Hello? Excuse me?
Maybe it's self-serve.
I think this is closed.
I think this means that they're closed.
Yep, this one's closed.
This Starbucks is located in one of Singapore's underground train stations and as you can see by the white rope, well, it's now closed.
No gate, no locks, not even a door.
It's just after 8:30 p.m. at one of the busiest train stations in Singapore and as you can see, some of the shops that sell items all day long, have officially closed up shop and indicated so by putting this cover over their products.
シンガポールで一番利用者の多い駅で、ちょうど夜 8:30 を過ぎたところです。見てお分かりのように、一日中営業していた店は正式に閉店しており、商品の上にカバーをかけることで、閉店を表しています。
But of course, you're being watched.
One reason crime is so low here is, well, it's nearly impossible to get away with, and punishment is strict.
Tens of thousands of cameras are actively monitoring areas around Singapore, and the cameras come in handy.
On January 2, 2018, a man snatched a woman's cell phone and ran away.
2018 年、1 月 2 日、ある男性が女性の携帯をひったくり、逃走しました。
Three days later, he was arrested and will face between one and seven years in prison.
3 日後、その男は逮捕され、1 年から 7 年の服役の刑に処されます。
Well, it's all still here.
Don't try this at home!