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- Hello everyone and welcome to True, it's day two,
and we're talking about trust.
Hop into something comfy and let's get started.
(peaceful, serene music)
Okay my friends,
let's begin in a nice, comfortable seat today, Sukhasana.
Welcome back.
Let's sit up nice and tall.
Take your time getting here.
And welcome, Benji, thanks for joining us today.
Here we go.
Hands are gonna come together at the heart.
Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy
with me and with all of the people practicing today.
One of my favorite things about this practice, this journey,
is that we take the time to really tend to
what's going on here, not so much here, here,
but right here.
And really ask, "What feels true?
"Am I being true to myself?"
But at the same time there's this kind of zoom out,
global connection of all the people
doing this practice together,
even at the same time now.
So whatever that means to you, you can kind of feel that
as you slowly lift the heart up to your thumbs.
So nice and open through the chest.
Open your heart if you will,
and then relax the shoulders down
and close your eyes.
Today's practice invites you
to quietly whisper the affirmation, "I trust."
Or if affirmations are not your thing,
just think about what trust feels like,
if it's important to you.
Residing in the power of trust, just trusting.
Start to deepen your breath.
And again, close your eyes.
Trust me.
Use the sound of my voice to guide you.
Then trust yourself,
thinking about yesterday's Motive practice.
Trusting your intuitive self and listening to your body.
And then trust the video, trust the yoga.
Trust the yoga.
So as we begin to grow our vocabulary on the mat
and move in and out of Asana,
or the poses,
do your best and just trust the yoga.
You don't have to get it,
and you don't have to understand everything and,
it's my series so I don't expect everyone to. (laughs)
I know I can be a little bit weird.
But the whole point is for you to bring yourself to this.
So in order to bring yourself to this
and to uncover and unveil and discover and re-discover,
you have to trust.
Trust me, trust yourself, trust the video, trust the yoga.
So take a deep breath in.
And as you exhale, bow chin to chest,
start to get that big stretch through the back of the neck.
And today I invite you
to really activate the upper back body.
So it might be kind of soft here,
hence that kind of Mr. Burns rounding forward.
So see if you can draw the shoulder blades together.
Start to breath a little deeper, more fully here.
And if you like, quietly whisper to yourself,
"I trust."
I trust.
Then slowly open the eyes.
Shift your heart over your pelvis
and then lift your head over your heart.
Ta da, and that's it.
End of day two.
Just kidding. (laughs)
Inhale, reach the fingertips to the sky.
(deep nasal inhalation)
Big stretch.
Notice what's going on in your body today,
again connecting the dots, day one to day two.
Careful not to just go through the motions.
Wiggle the fingertips, inhale,
lift all four sides of the torso,
and then on your exhale, gentle twist to the left.
(mouth exhalation).
Now think of yesterday's uniting head
and heart and center.
So we're not just pushing the body into the pose,
but see if you can work
to bring your heart and your center along for the ride.
So we're not isolating the spine and kind of maneuvering it,
we're considering the body as one moving part.
Sit up nice and tall, inhale.
As you exhale draw your navel in,
maybe look past your left shoulder or towards your dog.
And then come back to center,
bring the hands back to the heart.
And inhale, reach for the sky.
Big stretch all four sides of the torso lift and expand,
wiggle the fingertips, breathe in, breathe, breathe in.
And then exhale, gentle twist to the right.
Be kind. (deep nasal inhalation)
Breathe deep.
(mouth exhalation)
(deep nasal breathing)
One last cycle of breath here.
Sit up nice and tall.
Exhale, maybe turn to look past your right shoulder.
And slowly unravel, bring it back to center,
bring the hands to the heart, inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation)
Exhale, relax the shoulders down the back body.
(mouth exhalation).
Twice more.
Big, full breath in.
(deep nasal inhalation).
Exhale, relax the shoulders down, elbows down.
(mouth exhalation).
And one more time, inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation).
And exhale. (mouth exhalation).
Begin to take if forward onto all fours.
And we're gonna move right into Cat/Cow.
Nice full breath.
Inhaling as you drop the belly and open the chest.
Exhaling as your round through,
chin to chest, navel draws up.
Now keep it going, moving with your breath.
Inhaling to open.
And exhaling to round.
Warming up through the spine.
(deep nasal breathing)
Great, then inhale, come to a nice neutral spine.
We're gonna curl the toes under.
We're gonna light a little fire,
connecting to your center, your core.
Now elbow creases are gonna shine forward,
so upper arm bones rotate out.
You create lots of space
between the ears and shoulders, then inhale.
And as you exhale, lift the knees, let them hover,
a hovering Table.
Think about drawing your upper abdominals
and your lower belly in towards your center.
Lift your front body to your back body,
and we're here for five, breathe deep.
two, trust the yoga, trust, trust, trust.
And lower, beautiful.
You're gonna bring the knees in to the center line,
arches of the feet come together,
and we're gonna slowly sink the hips back
and then paint your yoga mat,
paint two lines all the way back.
Inhale to look forward.
Exhale, Child's Pose.
Now, close your eyes and listen to the sound of your breath.
This is valuable time to listen,
to pay attention and to trust.
Take one more cycle of breath here in and out.
(deep nasal breathing)
And then slowly, I swear Benji just breathed out when I did.
Slowly we're gonna trace those two lines
all the way back up, so moving with intention.
Then we'll come back to all-fours,
walk the knees underneath the hip points.
Curl the toes under.
And peel 'er up, Downward Facing Dog.
When you get there take a nice deep breath in.
And a long breath out.
Pedal it out.
What's going on today?
For me, my shoulders are a bit sore today.
My mood is happy.
But what's going on in your body today
and what's your mood like?
And really honoring what is.
What's true? (mouth exhalation)
(deep nasal inhalation)
Great, then find stillness, when you're ready.
Hug the lower ribs in.
Claw through the fingertips to eliminate pressure
for the wrists.
And close your eyes.
Then inhale, bend the knees.
And exhale, begin to step the toes, baby steps,
all the way up through the center of your mat.
What's up, creaky old floor?
I thought you'd never come.
Come all the way up.
And we'll meet in a nice forward fold.
Feet together or hip width apart, yogi's choice.
So really ask yourself what feels better in your body.
If the legs are pretty tight,
sometimes it's nice to give yourself a little extra space.
In fact I'll take that width,
with those who take that choice.
Hip width apart, let the head hang heavy-like,
let the arms be heavy too.
Then shift your weight forward and back
so you can really gather your bearings, if you will,
throughout the soles of your feet.
And for those who are not used to yogi toes
and being barefoot even,
this is valuable, valuable, (laughs) valuable time
to really set the foundation
for a lot of your standing poses.
And this could just be a great reminder
for a lot of other folks as well.
So spreading awareness
throughout all four corners of the feet.
Shifting your weight so that it's distributed now evenly.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And then shake the head yes and no a couple times.
Make sure your knees are bent
and you're not just powering through
some straight leg forward fold
because that's maybe how you think yoga's supposed to go.
And we're gonna spend three more breaths here.
And in these three breaths
you can feel your back begin to lengthen.
(mouth exhalation)
You're hamstrings begin to turn on.
And after about three breaths
you'll press into all four corners of the feet.
Tuck the chin into the chest,
and slowly begin to roll it up to standing, nice and slow.
And as you slowly roll up,
stacking through the spine,
see if you can right away find places where you lift,
and places where you ground.
Then again, just trust the process here.
You don't have to get it right
but see if you can find places where it feels good to lift,
maybe the chin slightly, the sternum, the heart.
And encounter that
by exploring places where it feels really good to ground,
maybe lengthening in the tailbone down
to support your back, your spine.
Maybe you're relaxing your shoulders,
where a lot of us carry extra tension or tightness.
And then activate through the feet by lifting the toes
and if you're feet are hip width apart
you can even imagine tearing the mat in half
from left to right.
So we kinda fire up through the legs.
And then just for a moment here
we're gonna stretch through the neck
by either nodding the head yes and no
or by drawing circles with the nose one way
and then the other.
Now start to deepen your breath here,
uniting the breath and the movement.
And then when you feel awesome
bring the head over the heart,
the heart over the pelvis.
Lift the corners of the mouth, just slightly.
And here we go.
Let's begin to move.
Inhale, reach the finger tips up high.
Big stretch.
Exhale, bend your knees and rain it down all the way.
Slide the hands to the feet, the shins, or the thighs.
And the goal here, for me, is to find length.
So if the neck is dropping off here,
I cannot really expect for my energy to flow effortlessly
from crown to tail, so find length.
Pull the elbows back.
Take one more breath here
and then use the exhale to bring it back down.
Back up the way you came.
Inhale, reach for the sky, spread the fingertips, engage.
Create a full body experience
and then exhale, hands to heart.
Find places to lift and places to ground.
This is that
dance for balance.
And finding that place in between that feels really you.
And don't worry, we're not gonna find it today.
Maybe we'll find it on the last day, maybe not,
but it's about just having the practice of that dance,
of the lift and the ground.
Take one more breath here, inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And exhale to relax the shoulders.
(mouth exhalation).
Then here we go.
Inhale to reach for the sky.
Spread the fingertips, lots of energy in the hands.
Exhale, bend the knees, draw your navel in and rain it down,
forward fold.
Inhale lifts you up halfway.
Find length.
Pause here for a cycle of breath.
Work it out.
Lift your front buddy, body not buddy,
lift your front buddy too,
up to meet your back body.
And then take an inhale here to kind of catch a wave
and then exhale to fold.
One more time up towards the sky.
Big inhale, press into your feet.
Move with your breath.
Exhale, hands to heart, strong legs.
(mouth exhalation).
Nice work.
Inhale to reach for the sky.
(deep nasal inhalation)
Exhale nice and slow, controlled movement, forward fold.
(mouth exhalation)
Inhale, catch a wave.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And now let your exhale take you down.
(deep nasal exhalation)
In this forward fold you're gonna bend your knees generously
so your belly comes onto the tops of your thighs.
Then slowly send your fingertips
over towards the left edge of your mat.
And then all the way back to center
as fingertips to the right edge of your mat.
Breathe, toes stay pointing forward, knees stay bent.
Then bring it back to center.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Once again, find length.
Imagine placing that perfect cup of coffee
on the back of the neck here.
And then exhale, fold.
Plant the palms, step it back, behead your dog. (laughs)
Here buddy.
Plank Pose.
Do not behead your dog.
Claw through the fingertips.
Again, lift front body up to meet back body.
So what we're doing
is we're finding support from within here.
You can lower the knees.
Sorry buddy, geez!
And everyone send your gaze forward.
Lowering the knees to Half Plank is always an option.
Take a deep breath in.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And on an exhale hug the elbows into the side body
and slowly lower all the way down to your belly.
Then press into the tops of your feet, tuck the chin,
press into the pubic bone.
And here we go, big inhale to rise up.
Bhujangasana, Cobra.
Keep it nice and small here, we have a lot of time together.
So just take your time, nice and slow.
No need to power through.
Remember our exploration yesterday.
And we'll take one more breath here.
And then use the exhale to release.
Curl the toes under, lift the kneecaps, tone your quads,
here we go.
Press up, Plank Pose.
Take a deep breath in and then exhale, send it back,
Downward Facing Dog.
That's all we are over here,
just two downward dogs.
I don't have the heart to move 'im.
'Tis the at home yoga practice at its finest.
Take a deep breath in.
(deep nasal inhalation).
A nice cleansing breath out.
(mouth exhalation).
Now inhale to lift the right leg up high, just hip level.
Turn the right toes down, claw through the fingertips.
And then exhale, squeeze, knee towards the third eye,
shift forward.
Upper body's in Plank, the shoulders are over the wrists.
Then step it up.
Pivot on the back foot
and bring the hands to the heart as you slowly rise up.
Now feel what's going on in your body.
So a lot of times we're like, "Okay, now what next?"
What next?
This flush of energy that's happening, this magic.
Then inhale,
lift your sternum a little higher to your thumbs.
Exhale, slow and controlled, turn towards the left.
Beautiful, adjust your stance as you need.
And then stay here, or send the fingertips out, Warrior II.
So find a nice supportive breath here.
(deep nasal breathing)
And we don't have to talk about it or think too hard,
but feel, notice what it feels like,
trust that something awesome is happening
when you choose to sync up with your breath,
to breathe full, conscious inhalations and exhalations
as you move your body in these shapes that are challenging.
Inhale, reach forward.
Exhale, send it back, Peaceful Warrior.
Inhale, lift your chest, lift your sternum.
And then exhale, to cartwheel it all the way down.
Come back to your nice low lunge.
Inhale to look forward.
And exhale to plant the palms and step it back once again,
Half Plank or Plank.
Press away from your yoga mat.
Breathe deep.
Find length through the crown.
Then everyone, whatever variation you're in,
smile, look forward, take a deep breath in,
then exhale, hug the elbows in.
And keep your front body lifting to meet the back body
as you slowly lower down, everyone, to the belly.
Now press into your foundation firmly.
Keep the elbows sucking in.
Tuck the chin and inhale, open your heart, Cobra.
Exhale, to cascade it down.
(mouth exhalation)
Curl the toes under.
Here we go.
Lift the kneecaps.
Tone your quads, inhale, press up into your power.
(mouth exhalation).
And then exhale, Downward Facing Dog.
Take a deep breath in.
And a long breath out.
(mouth exhalation)
One more big inhale in here.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And then exhale out through the mouth.
(mouth exhalation)
Now inhale, lift the left leg up high.
Turn the left toes down,
claw through the fingertips, strong body.
Here we go.
Exhale, shifting forward nice and slow.
Squeeze and lift.
And then step it up.
Pivot on the back foot, hands come together,
Anjali Mudra and we lift all the way up.
(deep nasal exhalation)
Take a moment to notice.
Control your breath.
(deep nasal breathing)
And when you're ready, navel draws in from here.
Dial it to the right, nice and slow.
Press into the outer edge of that back foot.
So I've been really loving playing with this transition,
so you can really feel,
oh the power of the knife edge of that back foot.
Lengthen tailbone down,
lift heart up high.
And stay here, or if you like send the fingertips out.
(mouth exhalation)
Warrior II.
(deep nasal breathing)
Breathe deep, pay attention.
(mouth exhalation)
And then we'll send the left fingertips forward.
Take a deep breath in as you reach up,
and then exhale to send it back.
Front knee stays bent here.
(mouth exhalation)
Lots of length in the neck so we're not crunching here.
Inhale in again, and exhale.
From your center, cartwheel it all the way back.
Awesome work.
Way to move mindfully, super strong.
So loop the shoulders, inhale, find length here.
Nice little lunge.
You can always lower the back knee, do your thing.
And then here we go.
Plant the palms, step it back, Half Plank or Plank.
Upper arm bones rotate back.
Navel draws in, everyone, inhale to look forward, smile.
Exhale, hug the elbows in, lower down.
Press into the tops of the feet, inhale.
Find your Cobra, open your heart.
And exhale to release.
Curl the toes under, press up to Plank.
Big breath, big breath.
And then exhale, Downward Facing Dog.
(mouth exhalation)
Awesome work.
Claw through your fingertips,
really root down through your index finger and thumb.
And this time I invite you to really turn your big toes in.
Feel that inner spiral of the femurs,
the tops of the thighs.
Your inner thighs spiraling
out towards the back edge of your mat.
So the upper arm bones rotate out and the inner thighs,
(chuckles) I got excited, rotate in.
So these are two opposing spirals
that we play with a lot here in the physical yoga practice
in the Hatha Yoga practice.
Inhale to find more length in the neck,
so careful if it's just hanging here.
Just lots of awareness.
And then exhale to lower to the knees.
(mouth exhalation)
Bring the knees together, really together.
Bring the feet together, really together,
and send the hips back.
Look forward on the inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation)
On the exhale paint a wall with your palms.
Drag them all the way back, Child's Pose.
Notice where you're holding or clenching here
and see if you can soften and relax.
And then inhale deeply.
Feel the skin of the back stretch as you breathe in.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And then exhale, slowly, gently lift the forehead.
Reach the fingertips forward
and come to Tabletop position here.
From here we'll walk the knees out, hip width apart.
And you're gonna curl just the right toes under,
send it out.
Feel that nice stretch through the calf.
You can even rock front, rock back.
And then inhale, look forward.
Exhale, lift up through your right leg.
Right heel up, toes down.
Then this one we're gonna lift just a hair more,
just to fire up through that glute.
And then we're gonna bend the right knee
and we're gonna bring it all the way up and in
for a One Legged Pigeon.
So walk the hands forward
and take a second to get settled in here.
Keep the toes on both feet active.
So lots of activity to the tips of the toes
to protect the knee.
So to intensify this stretch,
in time we'll bring the heel out, but don't overdo it.
So begin to check in and start slow,
just like with our Cobras,
we tend to kinda press up into that Cobra.
Feel it out.
Keep that right heel in today maybe,
and we'll loop the shoulders,
find that lift.
And then inhale.
Press into the fingertips.
And then exhale to slowly bow the head.
Now listen carefully, press into the back foot,
inhale to rise up.
(deep nasal inhalation). Ooh!
And exhale.
Softly lower down.
One more time, you got it.
Again reminder to stay active in the toes, inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation)
Catch a wave.
And then exhale, release.
And now you can come onto the forearms here
and relax the weight of your head over.
Only here for a couple cycles of breath.
So I invite you to really tap into the sound of your breath.
To close your eyes and trust.
Trust that this time is valuable.
(deep nasal breathing)
Trust that this practice, this series,
found you at the right time.
(deep nasal breathing)
Trust that everything is as it should be.
Press into the top of the back foot.
Connect to your center.
And slowly begin to rise.
Hands come to the yoga mat.
Keep the toes active
and slowly we'll lift the right knee back.
Come to all fours to reset, Tabletop position.
So notice if your lower belly's kind of dropping down here.
See if you can, again zip up through the abdominal wall.
More on this later.
Just to support your back.
To support the energy that runs up and down your spine.
Curl the left toes under, send that left heel out.
And you can stay here breathing deep.
Rocking front or back.
Or when you're ready
go ahead and lift that left leg up high.
Left heel lifts up, toes dial down.
And then pressing into both palms evenly here,
we're gonna fire up through the glute
by lifting the left heel just a hair more.
Don't overdo it.
Inhale, look forward.
And then exhale, bend the left knee.
Travel on up to your One Legged Pigeon.
And then root down through the top of your back foot firmly.
For this one let's really hug that left heel in,
unless you're really craving a nice line,
or unless your body, your hips are nice and open.
Should have considered that.
(smacking) Adriene!
So some people have naturally open hips.
(mouth exhalation)
And inhale.
Oh my goodness, Benji.
Inhale, lift your chest.
Lift your heart and exhale.
Slowly forehead kisses the mat.
Twice more, inhale, press in your fingertips.
Press into the top of your back foot.
Lift your chest.
And exhale to fold.
(mouth exhalation)
Now really sync up with your breath.
Inhale, rise.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And exhale, cascading down.
Find what feels good on this side.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And see if each time you come to this shape
through our journey
you can find places where you're holding and clenching
and see if you can soften.
And I'm gonna just tell you now, it ain't always easy.
Let the weight of your head go
and for a couple cycles of breath here,
(deep nasal inhalation)
really listen.
(mouth exhalation).
Trust the yoga.
(deep nasal breathing)
And then begin to press firmly
through the top of your right foot.
Connect to your center.
So for me this movement starts in the back foot
and then I connect to my core
and then I slowly unravel from there.
So it's really not about your arms pressing you up.
The arms do help eventually, right?
But inhale, we lift the heart.
And exhale.
Hands press into the earth.
We slowly come back to that Tabletop position.
Press away from your yoga mat, inhale.
And then exhale,
you're just gonna send the legs to one side, any side,
and come through to a nice comfortable seat.
Send your legs out long.
We're gonna Windshield Wiper the toes just one way
and then the other.
Very ancient
yoga move.
I'm full of 'em.
Full of the ancient yoga moves, guys.
And I mean the best teachers are our children.
We see them moving their body like this all the time,
just kind of counterbalancing however they were sitting.
You guys know that?
Like they're doing something here
and they come out and then they very naturally do this.
So that's what this practice is all about, balance.
We do one thing and then we go, "How do I feel?
"How do I support that?"
Now bring the feet to stillness,
and you're gonna flex the toes up towards your face.
So really activate through the feet.
If you wanna have some fun with me you can spread the toes,
yogi toes!
Most people are like, "What the heck?"
And some people are like, "Oh yeah."
If you know, you know.
Just kidding, there's something to know,
you just spread your toes, activate.
It'll change your life.
So try to get as much space between every toe
and if you're like, "I cannot do that."
Well then
this is gonna be a fun journey.
Lift your heart, lift your chest,
and then begin to dig into your heels,
everyone bend the knees a little, or a lot.
And then you're gonna reach the fingertips behind the ears,
reach for the sky, deep breath in.
Then find a big beach ball up and overhead.
Create space in the lower belly.
No toxic thoughts.
Don't you dare.
Inhale, lots of lovin'.
And then exhale, take your big beach ball over
towards your toes in offering to thine toes.
And now we really are in a yoga pose, Paschimottanasana.
Relax the weight of the head over.
In time, if you like,
you can work to straighten through the legs.
Wherever you are, use an inhale to open the chest,
find extension, look forward.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And then exhale to close your eyes and go inward,
forward fold.
Big stretch here.
Deep breath in.
(deep nasal inhalation)
Long breath out.
(mouth exhalation)
Twice more, inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And exhale.
(mouth exhalation)
And last time, inhale.
(deep nasal inhalation)
And exhale.
(mouth exhalation)
And slowly, navel draws in towards the spine,
chin tucks to the chest even more.
And we slowly begin to roll it up.
Now, come onto the soles of your feet here.
Press the palms into the earth.
Lift your bum, bring it towards your heels
and then you're gonna shift your knees to one side
and then the other.
And then one side and then the other.
And you're gonna notice
that you're gonna start to inch down a little bit
towards the front edge of your mat.
And then you'll even it out,
and then we're gonna slowly come to lie down.
So come onto the forearms here, nice and slow.
And we release.
(mouth exhalation).
Legs out long. (chuckles)
Arms resting gently at your side.
Take a moment to snuggle your shoulder blades
underneath your heart space.
Tuck the chin slightly.
And allow your body to grow really soft and heavy,
(mouth exhalation)
Soft and heavy, what does that mean?
Then soft fingers, soft toes.
Close your eyes.
Notice how you feel.
In order to
be in a place where we can feel brave
and empowered to take new paths,
to carve new grooves,
we have to have this relationship to trust.
So trust me, trust yourself, trust the video.
Trust the yoga and trust this process.
Take one more cycle of breath here.
(peaceful, serene music)
And then gently draw the hands together at your heart.
We'll bring the thumbs right up to that third eye.
Thank you so much
for sharing your time and your energy with me.
I will see you tomorrow.