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  • I'm standing here with Eilat,

  • you are the Director of the King David Museum,

  • is that right?

  • Yes, the Tower of David Museum.

  • Why don't you show me the different

  • quarters in the city?

  • [Eilat] This is the Christian Quarter.

  • Christian Quarter over here. This is the Muslim Quarter.

  • Dome of the Rock, beautiful,

  • Muslim Quarter. This is the Jewish Quarter,

  • most of it you won't see,

  • because it's down towards the valley.

  • The Armenian Quarter is right there.

  • The Armenians have a quarter?

  • Armenians, yes.

  • I don't understand why they get a quarter.

  • Because they were here. They got all of Glendale.

  • This is my assistant, Sona, she's Armenian.

  • Hi. (laughter and applause)

  • Sona, did you know that the Armenians had a quarter?

  • I did.

  • Have you hung out in the quarter,

  • have your family gone to the quarter a lot?

  • No, nobody's gone. No!

  • You guys don't use it, right?

  • No. You guy are all hanging out

  • at Zankou Chicken in East Hollywood.

  • (applause)

  • What about the Catholics?

  • A lot of Christians don't love-

  • well, especially Irish Catholics, we're loud,

  • we throw potatoes at each other.

  • I promise you, you do not want the Irish Catholics in here.

  • Cause there's gonna be Red Sox sports bars everywhere.

  • Sounds good.

  • No, you've been to one?

  • (shouting and hollering)

  • When they play that song,

  • "Jump Around, Jump Around" over again.

  • (high-pitched sound effects)

  • Jump, jump!

  • Jump, jump!

  • Jump, jump!

  • Jump!

  • Don't give them a section.

  • Many ancient sights here, Mount of Olives, right?

  • Yes. Dome of the Rock?

  • Dome of the Rock.

  • This must be a very ancient sight, it says, "Hyatt Hotel"

  • this must be thousands of years old.

  • This is the hotel where Joseph and Mary couldn't get a room?

  • Is that right, the Hyatt was completely booked?

  • Probably. And they gave it

  • a terrible Yelp review. (laughter)

  • Donald Trump came to Jerusalem.

  • Yeah.

  • And he was very impressed with Jerusalem,

  • he has a peace plan, a way to divide up the city

  • that he thinks will bring great peace and harmony.

  • Here's what he wants to do.

  • Right over there, that's gonna be a Trump Hotel.

  • Beautiful property, best in the world.

  • That's gonna be a casino with a hummus fountain.

  • This is a little evasion river for tourists,

  • they can float around.

  • And right here, everybody: Muslim, Christian, Jews

  • will all live together in one condominium under the Force.

  • Do you think this could work?

  • I love the river.

  • And this, by the way, is real.

  • His face is gonna be projected

  • right over on that mountain there,

  • it's gonna be 600ft tall, you okay with that?

  • It's gonna go up in six months, and guess what?

  • Mexico's gonna pay for it. (laughter and applause)

  • This is the Arab market in the old city,

  • they have so many beautiful things to buy,

  • haggling's a big thing here,

  • and I wanted to learn more about it, so this is Benny.

  • Benny, you understand the art of haggling,

  • what's the first thing I need to know?

  • You need to tell that you saw exactly the same item

  • in the other shop, less than five euro, five dollar.

  • So wait, but what if that's a lie?

  • It's a lie.

  • What's another rule?

  • Now you say the quality, it's not so good.

  • "It's not so good"? That's insulting.

  • Any other tricks?

  • Yes, just to argue with them.

  • Argue?

  • Until he will break up and he will take down the price.

  • Hi, I'm interested in buying these products.

  • The Jerusalem hat, how much is this?

  • Honest price: three dollars.

  • Three dollars? Three dollars, ten sheckles.

  • That's bullshit.

  • Why?

  • I'm not gonna pay $3 for this hat.

  • Is it expensive?

  • Three dollars, that's way too much.

  • Too much?

  • Yeah, and guess what, I saw it

  • at another market for much less.

  • Go ahead, go buy it wherever you like.

  • No, I don't wanna go to that market.

  • I didn't like that market, it had a weird smell.

  • This market I like.

  • I'll buy it at this market, but not for $3.

  • That's bullshit!

  • Why are you screaming?

  • I don't know, I'm haggling with you.

  • Are you angry?

  • Yes, about my childhood.

  • You wanna have coffee and tea,

  • then we talk about business?

  • I would love to have some coffee with you,

  • that'd be very nice.

  • You like coffee with sugar or without sugar?

  • This is not the way haggling is supposed to go.

  • (laughter and applause)

  • How about this one, what's your price?

  • $150 I make it.

  • Hundred and fifty dollars?

  • Yes- That's bullshit!

  • So what's not bullshit?

  • $60 for this guitar.

  • No, it's too little, brother, it's too little.

  • I'll give you...

  • 65?

  • No.

  • 70? No.

  • 75? No.

  • 80? No.

  • 85. No.

  • 90. No.

  • 95. No.

  • How am I doing?

  • (laughter)

  • [Conan] How much for the camel?

  • - Ten dollars.

  • Ten dollars?

  • How much you want?

  • Ten dollars.

  • Ten dollars?

  • We will give you five dollars.

  • Five dollars?

  • Yes, to close.

  • No, no, for this one.

  • (laughs)

  • You're terrible at haggling.

  • Of course, the most sacred sight of all of Old Jerusalem

  • is this Alabama Heart of Dixie Crimson Tide store.

  • (laughter and applause) Roll tide.

  • (mellow Eastern music)

  • I'm not touching you, my hands are above you

  • and off to the side.

  • Ah!

  • Thank you very much.

  • Nice, what is your name?

  • David. David?

  • Yeah.

  • Do you live here? Yeah, I live here.

  • This is beautiful, thank you.

  • It was very nice to meet you. Maybe you come here

  • to drink coffee or something.

  • We could do a coffee?

  • At my apartment.

  • Want me to come up to your apartment?

  • I live here.

  • If I'm done shooting maybe later on I can come by.

  • I don't believe you.

  • You don't believe me?

  • (laughter and applause)

  • This is nice.

  • It's me. Oh, it's you, oh good!

  • (laughter)

  • Tell me about yourself, David.

  • I have five kids.

  • You have five kids?

  • Yeah.

  • And 19 grandchildren.

  • You have 19 grandchildren? Yes, 19.

  • Does your family know that you meet strangers

  • on the street and invite them up to your house for coffee?

  • Do they know about that?

  • I worry about you, I don't want you doing that too much.

  • Because I could be crazy, right?

  • Look at me, I could be crazy.

  • No, you're beautiful.

  • (laughter and applause)

  • I see,

  • but I'm okay with it.

  • Can I give you a gift? No.

  • Please, may I? No.

  • I think you're gonna like this.

  • It's a yamaka, you like that?

  • (laughter)

  • It's for you.

  • It's a nice memory.

  • It's a nice memory of our meeting.

  • Those are very hard to come by

  • because nobody really wants them.

  • (laughter)

  • Will you wear this ever?

  • Yes!

  • You look good.

  • You're my friend.

  • And you also.

  • You are the lowest energy human being I've ever met.

  • Very little energy.

  • Yes, of course.

  • I think your heart has beat twice since I met you.

  • You artist, no?

  • Not really, no, I'm a comedian in America,

  • I try to make people laugh.

  • Yeah.

  • I've been doing that for a long time.

  • And as you can see, I'm very, very funny.

  • (laughter and applause)

  • This is something that I did.

  • Wow.

  • Who is it?

  • [Conan] That's me.

  • (crows)

  • I peck at you!

  • I peck at your eyes!

  • [Conan] You see my eye, yes.

  • Will you still be my friend

  • even though you know this is what I do?

  • (crowing)

  • Wow.

  • (laughter and cheering)

I'm standing here with Eilat,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

コナンがエルサレムを訪問&トランプス和平案の概要 - CONAN on TBS (Conan Visits Jerusalem & Outlines Trumps Peace Plan - CONAN on TBS)

  • 44 0
    陳冠廷 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日