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  • Hey guys I'm going to show you how to peel and clean an artichoke.

  • Start by removing the tough outer leaves with your hands until you reach the pale yellow leaves inside.

  • Keep in mind artichokes turn black very quickly.

  • To counter that use a lemon in half and rub the artichoke frequently.

  • Trim the top off.

  • Then instead of cutting the stem off, break it and pull it.

  • It will come out with fibres.

  • Using a small knife, circle around the base and remove the green bits covering the heart.

  • Finally use a teaspoon and remove all the fibres from the heart.

  • Place in cold and citrusy water.

  • And that is how to prepare an artichoke.

  • Want more tips, click on the link.

Hey guys I'm going to show you how to peel and clean an artichoke.


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A2 初級

アーティチョークの皮をむく、切る、準備する方法|1分でできるコツ|フレンチガイクッキング (How To Peel, Cut & Prepare An Artichoke | 1 Minute Tips | French Guy Cooking)

  • 116 8
    May に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日