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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Let's shrink an elephant to the size of a mouse, and enlarge a mouse, and make it the size of an elephant.


  • Because this is our video, and we want to see what happens.


  • First, our now tiny elephant stumbles around and then drops dead.

    まず、ミニサイズの象はふらふら歩いた後、 倒れて死んでしまいます

  • Tiny elephant buddy is very cold, frozen to death in minutes.


  • Our giant mouse looks very uncomfortable for a moment, and then it explodes, leaving hot mouse insides everywhere.


  • Why?


  • Because of size.


  • We are optimized to function precisely for the size we are, and would die horribly in any other environment.

    我々は、自分の大きさにあわせて 体の仕組みを最適化していますその前提が変わると 悲惨な最期を迎えます

  • But, why exactly?


  • Why does our mouse explode, and can we do this to our elephant too, if we try hard?

    なぜ巨大ネズミは爆発しミニサイズの象が凍死なんてことが 起こるのでしょうか?

  • Life on this planet is based on cells.


  • Cells do vary in size, but they're pretty similar in their dimensions across all species.

    細胞は種の大きさによって 様々ですが細胞のサイズ自体は どの生物も極めて似通っています

  • A blue whale doesn't have bigger cells than a hummingbird, just a lot more of them.

    シロナガスクジラの細胞が ハチドリの細胞より大きい訳ではないのですただ、シロナガスクジラは より多くの細胞を持っているのです

  • Cells have to do a lot of stuff to stay alive, and they need energy to be able to do so.


  • To get this energy, animal cells convert food and oxygen into usable chemical energy.

    エネルギーを得るため動物細胞は食物と酸素を 利用可能な化学エネルギーに変換します

  • This happens in our mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.


  • They're like little coal engines that spit out tiny ATP batteries, which the cell can use for almost everything it needs to do.

    石炭エンジンのようなもので、 ATPと呼ばれる燃料を放出しますそれにより、細胞は必要な活動を行うことができます

  • Just like an engine, mitochondria get really hot while working.

    そしてエンジン同様、 ミトコンドリアは作動中に熱を発生させます

  • In human skin cells, they reach a scorching 50 degrees Celsius.


  • And some of our cells have up to 2,000 mitochondria, which are radiating their heat into the cell.

    細胞によっては、細胞内のミトコンドリアの数が 2000個に達しますつまり、それらは内部で熱を放出し続ける訳です

  • So, being alive generates a lot of heat.


  • The more cells you have, the more heat your body generates in total.


  • If our bodies didn't find ways of losing this heat, we would be cooked from the inside and die.

    もし体からこの熱を逃がすことができなければ内側から加熱調理されるようなもので 死んでしまいます

  • But this is a problem for bigger animals, because of the way bodies change as living beings scale up.


  • Animals have three properties here that are important.


  • Their length, their outsides or skin. And their insides, like organs, bones, and hopes and dreams.

    体長、皮膚のような表面そして中身、すなわち臓器 骨格、そして夢と希望

  • The thing that's hard to wrap your head around is that when things grow, their insides grow faster than their outsides.

    巨大化させている途中では わかりにくいことですが実のところ、中身は外見以上に 早く巨大化しているのです

  • Imagine a fleshy cube.


  • If you double the length of its sides, its surface and volume do not double.


  • In fact, the surface is now four times the original size, and the volume of the cube eight times the original size.


  • Which is called the Square Cube Law, and has been annoying nature for billions of years.

    これが2乗3乗の法則ですそして、これは数十億年にわたり 自然界を悩ませてきたのです

  • So why is this a problem for big animals?

    でも、どうしてこれが大きな生物にとって 問題になるのでしょう?

  • Because heat can only leave an object via its surface.


  • So if we make our mouse the size of an elephant, or 60 times longer, it has 3,600 times more surface from which to lose heat.

    だから、たとえばネズミを 象のサイズまで巨大化した場合体長は60倍に 熱を逃がすための表面積は3600倍になりますが、

  • But it has 216,000 times more volume filled with trillions and trillions of new hot mitochondria that produce more heat.

    体積は21万6000倍になります兆をはるかに超える新たな 熱を持ったミトコンドリアで満たされるわけです 当然さらに高温を生じるわけですが

  • A lot more insides, not that much more skin.

    内部で熱が高まるのに それを逃がす皮膚は十分大きくない

  • Our mouse is very dead, very fast.


  • But big things like elephants exist.


  • So how do they deal with the heat?


  • For one, they evolved ways to get rid of energy more easily, like huge flat ears, that have a lot of surface where heat can escape.

    まず、彼らは熱をより効率的に排出するために 進化しました例えば大きく平らな耳 熱を逃がすため、表面積をより大きくしています

  • But that's not enough.


  • Nature's solution is actually very elegant.

    実のところ、自然界はより洗練された 解決方法を編み出しました

  • Elephant cells are much, much slower than mice cells.

    象の細胞の活動は、ネズミの細胞の活動より ずっとずっとゆっくりなのです

  • The bigger an animal is, the less active its cells are.

    サイズが大きくなればなるほど、 細胞の活動はゆっくりになる

  • If we classify animals by their metabolic rates, and compare that to their overall mass, it's clearly visible.

    もし動物を代謝率で比較・分類するとこのように とてもハッキリ見やすいですね

  • It's not 100% accurate, but it is a good rule of thumb.


  • Elephants are huge meat sacks filled with trillions and trillions of little coal ovens.

    象は兆を超える石炭オーブンでいっぱいの 巨大な肉でできた袋のようなものですだから、そのオーブンの活動を 生命を維持するための必要最小限なレベルに抑えます

  • So, they keep the ovens just active enough to keep them running and never full power.


  • Their whole metabolism is slow.

    熱を冷やすのにちょうどよいペースで 活動します

  • Things move at a nice chill pace.

    小さな生物はこれとは全く反対に活動 必要があります

  • Small animals need to go the exact opposite way.


  • If you're small, you have a lot of surface area compared to not a lot of volume.


  • You don't have a lot of cell ovens, and lose the heat they produce very fast.

    極端に小さな哺乳類は、極端な解決策に至ります地球上で最も小さな哺乳類 コビトジャコウネズミを見てみましょう

  • So very tiny mammals came up with a very extreme solution.

    モグラの一種で、ネズミというよりは ハリネズミに近い種です

  • Meet the Etruscan Shrew, the smallest mammal on Earth.


  • A mole-like thing that's more closely related to hedgehogs than to mice.


  • With the body length of four centimeters, it only weighs about 1.8 grams, as much as a paperclip.


  • It's a tiny, ridiculous being.

    したがって、熱を維持するため 細胞は常にエンジン全開状態です

  • It would basically cool off immediately, so its cells run on overdrive to stay warm.


  • Its tiny ovens are filled at maximum capacity.


  • Its heart beats up to 1,200 times a minute, and it breathes up to 800 times a minute.


  • This creates an extreme need for energy, so the shrew has to eat constantly.


  • After only four hours without food, it starves to death.


  • And while an African elephant consumes around 4% of its body weight in food each day, our shrew needs 200% of its body weight in food a day just to survive.

    毎日2000個のビッグマックを食べなければならないと想像してみてください1分間に1個以上です 最初はいいかもしれませんが すぐに無理になりますね だから、コビトジャコウネズミと象を 同じ1㎠のサイズにしたと仮定すると

  • Imagine having to eat 2,000 Big Macs a day.

    コビトジャコウネズミは 40倍もの食料を必要とするのです

  • More than one a minute.


  • Fun for a while, but then not so much.

    突然コビトジャコウネズミと同じレベルまで 活性化させたら

  • So, a cubic centimetre of shrew needs 40 times more food than a cubic centimetre of elephant.


  • If an elephant's cells suddenly become as active as the cells of a shrew, a crazy amount of heat would be generated.

    象のパーツを焼き尽くす、蒸気熱のすさまじい爆発力で吹き飛ぶでしょう実際にはそんなことになる前に 細胞を構成するたんぱく質が変性してしまい 発熱をやめてしまうでしょう

  • All the liquids in the elephant would suddenly start boiling, and then it would explode in an impressive explosion of steaming hot burning elephant parts.

    ただ、象がぐずぐずと溶けてしまう映像より 爆発するほうが絵的におもしろいでしょう?それはともかく 代謝速度の調整はどこでも行われていることです 我々が想像もしないところ 例えば妊娠中の女性

  • In reality, before an explosion occurred, the proteins making up our cells would probably be denatured, and stop producing heat.

    子宮内の赤ん坊は まるで母親の一部であるかのように活動します細胞単位で同じ代謝率で活動し 母親の臓器として同じ時を刻むのです

  • But a meat explosion is much more fun than melting an elephant into a massive hot goo.

    それは、個としての人間であるというより 本当に全体の一部となっているのですそうでなくなるその時まで

  • Regardless, the scaling of the speed of metabolism happens everywhere.

    赤ん坊が生まれたその瞬間から スイッチが入ります

  • Even in places we don't expect, like pregnant women.


  • A baby in the womb of its mother behaves as if it were a part of her.


  • Its cells have about the same metabolic rate, the same speed of life, as its mother's organs.

    赤ん坊の細胞は 同じサイズの哺乳類と同じ活動率になります赤ん坊は文字通り臓器から個としての人間に 数時間で変化します

  • It is truly a part of a bigger whole, rather than an individual.

    しかし、大きかろうが小さかろうが とても似通っている点が1つあります

  • Until it's not anymore.


  • The very moment a baby is born, a switch is flipped, and all its internal processes speed up rapidly.

    哺乳類は、その生涯にわたる心拍数の総数が ほぼ同じです約10億回

  • Thirty-six hours after birth, the baby's cells have the same activity rate as a mammal its size.

    だから、コビトジャコウネズミと象は 全く違っているけど生涯刻む心拍数の数は同じなのです

  • Babies literally transition from being an organ to being an individual, in mere hours.

    彼らの一生のスピードは全く正反対ですが ある意味同じスピードでもあるこのビデオをつくるため大変不純な動機で 象を爆発させてしまいましたが

  • But there's one thing where big and small things are very similar:


  • Heartbeats.

  • Mammals tend to have a similar amount of heartbeats, over their lifetime.

    00:06:57,220 --> 00:07:00,380

  • Typically around one billion.

    00:07:00,380 --> 00:07:03,960

  • So, while the shrew and elephant are very different, they share a similar number of heartbeats all the course of their lives.

    00:07:03,960 --> 00:07:07,76000:07:07,760 --> 00:07:10,660

  • Their speed of life is the opposite and somehow still the same.

    00:07:10,660 --> 00:07:13,360

  • And, for a video in which we made elephants explode for no good reason, this is the most romantic ending we could come up with.

    00:07:14,080 --> 00:07:15,76000:07:15,760 --> 00:07:17,760 00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:19,400 00:07:19,400 --> 00:07:22,360 00:07:22,360 --> 00:07:24,000 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:26,280 00:07:26,280 --> 00:07:28,440 00:07:28,440 --> 00:07:29,980 00:07:29,980 --> 00:07:31,520 00:07:31,520 --> 00:07:33,580 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:36,200 00:07:36,200 --> 00:07:38,800 00:07:39,220 --> 00:07:41,120 00:07:41,120 --> 00:07:43,740 00:07:43,740 --> 00:07:45,800 00:07:45,900 --> 00:07:48,480 00:07:48,480 --> 00:07:49,620 00:07:50,040 --> 00:07:51,420 00:07:51,420 --> 00:07:55,980

Let's shrink an elephant to the size of a mouse, and enlarge a mouse, and make it the size of an elephant.



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