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  • Hello, I hope everybody's semester is starting out well. This is the first official lecture

  • of Accounting 01. Now, everybody should have had a previous session where we talked about

  • class policies. For you face to facers we did that last time we didn't film that, and

  • for you people at home I did a separate filming and taping of going through the class policies

  • for you, so please make sure those folks at home are taking this as an online class that

  • you watch that don't just skip it thinking it's not going to be important. It's very

  • important to succeed in this class I want you to know how we're going to do things so,

  • for the people watching at home on You-Tube or on DVDs, or on that cable TV channel never

  • skip the lectures ok, watch them in sequence watch the whole thing. If you try to shortcut

  • it you'll do yourself harm so, at this point everybody knows the class policies and procedures

  • and everything we're going to go ahead, and start the subject of accounting now, I always

  • like to say at the very beginning some people have to take this class, and it's like "oh

  • I wish I didn't have to take this, but I have to it's required" some people want to take

  • it. Truth be told out of the fifteen of you here there's maybe only one or two who want

  • to be a full-time accountant someday so sometimes the question comes up "why do we have to take

  • accounting", and I'll tell you. Several reasons, but one of them is statistically speaking

  • about half of you are going to own, or co-own a business sometime in your life. Now it may

  • not be your sole source of making money, but it may be just an ancillary income, but you

  • will own or co-own a business. Now I've talked to some of you, and a lot of my students they

  • want to be entrepreneurs, they want to own a business someday. Well if you do that you

  • need to know accounting at least at some level, and you might say "well I'll just hire somebody

  • to do my accounting", but what's the problem with that? Anybody know? It costs money, and

  • what's the other one? you might get ripped off. You can look at the business section,

  • and see what happens when a business owner gives all of their accounting responsibilities

  • to somebody else. It's like "will we trust that person?" I could tell you horror story

  • after horror story from my days as a Financial statement Auditor of small businesses that

  • somebody ripped them off, because that person didn't know accounting at all. So, maybe you

  • won't do all the book keeping, but you at least at some level need to know accounting.

  • Accounting is the language of business, plus, wherever you all end up working there's going

  • to be a bottom line. There's going to be a net income that you need to meet, right, I

  • mean JCCC isn't out for profit, but we concentrate on that bottom line too. We have to stay afloat

  • don't we? In your own homes you have financial situations right? So, the language of business

  • is accounting, it's very important to know, so I know there are a lot of reasons for being

  • in this class, but I want you to remember that there's basic concepts of business, and

  • how important it is to apply to accounting. The first thing I want to do is go over and

  • you should have the PowerPoint slides for you folks here in the face to face. I handed

  • these out to you, and for you folks at home, I have these on ANGEL under the lessons tab.

  • I thinks it's very beneficial to have these so, you don't have to copy everything down

  • that's on the screen, and you can just take notes to the side, or however you'd like to

  • do it. Let's go ahead and go through the very first slide for chapter one, and that is going

  • to be kind of the definition of accounting. I spend a lot of time on this slide so don't

  • think that every slide we do we'll spend this much time on, but I think this is a real nice

  • definition, and I'm not the type of teacher who's going to give you a test question that

  • says "write out the definition of accounting", because truth be told you can find another

  • text-book, and it probably would be slightly different, but this one has a lot of good

  • aspects, and I want to concentrate on that a little bit. It says accounting is a system

  • that identifies, records, and communicates information that is relevant, reliable, and

  • comparable to help users make better decisions. Let's go off the PowerPoint, and come back

  • and I want to step away from that for a second, and take you to a different example I think

  • will help flesh out that definition. Let me write something down here that has absolutely

  • nothing to do with accounting, and tell me if anybody knows what I'm doing? I'll give

  • you a clue it has to do with sports. I'm sure you're all like what is he doing? Right, any

  • idea what that is? Anybody want to make a guess? It has to do with basketball. Anybody

  • here play basketball? You've watched basketball right? You know what a free throw is right?

  • It's when a player gets fouled they go to the line, and they shoot free throws, right?

  • Well, one of the things I did in high school (I love basketball still do), but I couldn't

  • make the basketball team at my high school. So, what I did and this sounds like a geeky

  • future accounting professor thing to do - I kept stats for the basketball team. Traveled

  • around with them, and kept stats. So, let's go back to this do you see how this applies

  • to free-throws. What this meant is player twelve got fouled, and he went to the line

  • for two free-throws he missed the first one, so I didn't color in that bubble, and he made

  • the second so I colored that in, you with me? Okay then player seventeen got fouled

  • for two shots he made both of them so I colored in the bubbles. Number nine player got fouled,

  • and that looks a little different doesn't it? Anybody want to venture a guess what that

  • is? Not a technical - do you know what a one and one is? Certain types if you get fouled

  • you don't get two free-throws, but if you make the first one you get a second attempt.

  • Does that make sense? So I would draw that kind-of like a little cherry. So, this guy

  • got fouled and he made the first one, so he got a second attempt, right? If he wouldn't

  • have made the first one it would have just looked like that. This one has just one bubble,

  • what does that mean? Anybody want to guess? He made the shot, but he got a free-throw

  • so, if you get fouled while making a shot you make the basket, you get one free-throw.

  • Now, why do I show you this, because this has nothing to do with accounting? Well this

  • is one of the things as a basketball statistician that I kept track of for the coaches. Now,

  • the next day when I would come to school do you think the coach wanted me to hand him

  • this report, with the bubbles? Go back to the screen do you think that this is what

  • they wanted? What did they want? They wanted a condensed report, and I made out just a

  • sample report ok, this is kind-of what they wanted. This is a free-throw report for Northwest

  • vs. Southeast on October 20, 2011. This is the player Jones. This is the free-throws

  • attempted eight, and he made 4 free-throws, so he shot fifty percent. Smith went to the

  • line, and attempted ten free-throws only made eight, and shot eighty percent, do you see

  • what I'm saying? This was the report I gave the coach. Now, why would the coach care about

  • having this information? To know who the best free-throw shooters are may be there's a technical

  • during the game, and who would you want to put to the line, probably your best free-throw

  • shooter, right. You'd want to know who needs to work on free-throws, who's getting better,

  • who's getting worse, right. Do you agree if you were a basketball coach a report like

  • this would help you make better decisions, is that correct? Let's go back to the PowerPoint

  • definition, and let's apply this to the basketball example I just gave. That was a system that

  • identified, recorded, and communicated, wasn't it? For instance I would hear the whistle

  • blow, and it would identify that I need to record something, correct? It identified that

  • somebody was going to go to the line, and I needed to record it with that little bubble

  • method, and there's nothing magical about that little bubble method. I didn't make it

  • up as a common way to keep track of free-throws. Eventually I would need to communicate that

  • to my coach, right. Now, I would communicate it so it would help him make better decisions.

  • However, for it to be able to help him to make a better decision, it had to be relevant,

  • reliable, and comparable, what does that mean? Let's talk about that, what does it mean to

  • be relevant? To be relevant means it needs to be in regards, to the game that he's concerned

  • about, right? What if I were to give him the free-throw statistics for the 1972 Olympic

  • Games between Russia and U.S.A., is that relevant? Is that going to help him make a better decision?

  • No. So, it has to be relevant, it has to be related to what he's concerned about. It has

  • to be reliable. What if I don't know what I'm doing as a statistician - is it going

  • to help him make better decisions? No. What if I told him "hey coach, here's your report

  • for last night, but I'm going to be honest with you I was pretty drunk when I did it,

  • there's a lot of mistakes, I fell asleep during the third quarter... don't know how reliable

  • it is. Is it going to help him at all? No, and I did not drink as a high school student.

  • Note that if my mom is watching. The third one - it has to be comparable, what does that

  • mean? What that means is there has to be a consistent method that we are using to keep

  • track of this stuff, there has to be rules. For instance we always count a free-throw

  • made if it goes through the hoop, right? What if I said "I changed the rules I started to

  • count the free-throws even if it just hit the rim and even if it didn't go through,

  • well I changed the rules." Is that the way we've been doing it? No. Ok so it's no longer

  • comparable to previous games. Is it going to help him make a better decision? No. Go

  • back to that one more time this was a system that identified, recorded, and communicated,

  • and if it was relevant, reliable, and comparable it would help him make better decisions. Accounting

  • is the same way; now let's stay on this for a second. We identified things that needed

  • to be recorded these will be transactions that need to be recorded such as, buying office

  • supplies, or selling services to a customer, or paying our employees, or getting a loan

  • from the bank. We record that information, and eventually we're going to communicate

  • it through a report, through a summation like you were saying. And if that information is

  • relevant, and if it is reliable, and if it is comparable we're following the rules, it

  • will help our users make better decisions. What sort of decisions would you see in the

  • business world that would be aided by financial information presented to them in a report?

  • Do I want to invest in this company? Maybe, Do I want to extend credit, or make a loan

  • to this company? How's the business doing? Are we going to have enough cash to pay salaries

  • next month? Right, if you have a business you want to have accurate financial information,

  • financial reports - that's what accounting is about. Does that flesh that out a little

  • bit for you? Let's move on a little bit, I like to have our lectures be a mixture of

  • me talking, and then maybe taking a break and doing some exercises and then going over

  • those. I don't like it just to be me talking, but like I always have to say this first lecture

  • is a lot of me talking, because we really haven't done anything yet. So please don't

  • be concerned if you're going "gosh... are we just going to have to listen to this guy

  • every fifty minutes every time?" No, we'll be doing stuff that's why I want you to bring

  • your textbooks and your calculator to class. There will be a lot of times where we take

  • breaks, and you'll work on it for a while, but this lecture is kind of me jumping around

  • and giving a lot of basic business concepts, so we can start to build our foundation. Alright

  • let's go on, there are two sets of users of accounting information. There are external

  • users, and there are internal users. External users are those that do not work at the company.

  • They work outside of the company such as, lenders, or banks, or credit unions, or share

  • holders, or stock holders, or potential share holders and stock holders, the government,

  • consumer groups, customers, external auditors. Do you know what an audit is? An audit is

  • when you go in and you look at the records of a company, and you verify it. Sometimes

  • people think of an IRS audit. All of those individuals are external to the company, correct?

  • They don't work there, they're just they're outside the company. Now, external user's

  • financial accounting is the accounting that serves external users primarily, and that's

  • this class. Now, there are also internal users, these are the people that work at the company

  • such as, managers, or the sales staff, or the internal auditors. Some companies are

  • so big for instance; Sprint, they have their own internal audit department they're internal

  • within the company. There's also the controller, do you know what a controller is? The controller

  • is the chief accounting individual. He or she is in charge of all the accounting - they're

  • called the accounting controller, but all of those individuals are internal to the company.

  • Now, the type of accounting that is mainly concerned with internal users is managerial

  • accounting. Have you heard of managerial accounting? Does anybody already know they're going to

  • have to take managerial accounting? A lot of people will take financial accounting which

  • is mainly concerned of the external users, and then they eventually take managerial accounting

  • which is the internal users. Alright, let's go to the next slide just like there are rules

  • of basketball that must be followed there are rules of accounting that must be followed,

  • and this will help insure that the information remains relevant, reliable, and comparable,

  • and we know it has to be those three things for it to be useful. So, there are what's

  • called generally accepted accounting principles sometimes we abbreviate that GAAP (G double

  • A P) these are the rules that have been put into place that we have to follow for accounting.

  • We'll start learning some of those. Now, who sets those rules? Those are set by what is

  • called the Financial Accounting Standard Board, and we abbreviate that sometimes the FASB.

  • This is the private group that sets the rules of accounting. Now, they take input from a

  • lot of different groups such as the SEC the Security and Exchange Commission, have you

  • heard of that group? They're the government body that has the reporting rules for companies

  • that trade stock, and issue stock to the public they certainly have input to the FASB on what

  • GAAP is. There's also something called the International Accounting Standards Board,

  • and they deal with international standards ok, so they certainly have input to the FASB

  • as well. Now, one thing about international standards is that we're becoming a much smaller

  • world in some ways, aren't we? Have any of you going to these classes, have any of you

  • ever Skyped, do you know what Skyping is? Have you ever Skyped to somebody overseas?

  • Have you ever purchased something over the internet overseas? If I were to ask this in

  • an accounting class twenty years ago I probably would get responses like this - first of all

  • you would say: what is Skype, second thing you wouldn't think about buying something

  • from somebody in Germany for example, because it's just not possible. But with technology,

  • with communications we're becoming a smaller world aren't we? It's always interesting with

  • these accounting lectures being on YouTube I'll get emails from people in Poland, Saudi

  • Arabia, London, all over the world that somehow they stumble upon these lectures, and for

  • some reason they watch them. Maybe they're taking an accounting class and it kind of

  • helps them, but it's kind of fun to hear from those if somebody out there is watching it

  • shoot me an email I'd love to hear from those people, but it's a small world isn't it? Well,

  • because of that we have to start having some international standards, because companies

  • are becoming global with operations not in just the United States, but other countries

  • as well. So, you might hear of something called IFRS that stands for International Financial

  • Reporting Standards, and they identify the preferred accounting for companies ok. We

  • won't get too much in this, but I want you to be aware of it that IFRS is more and more

  • concerned each year with how are we going to make the accounting operations in London

  • comparable with the ones in Georgia ok. How are we going to do that, we want to try to

  • find a common set of rules, and that's what IFRS is. Ok, I want you to read about next

  • now were into a different subject, and I want you to read about this in your books. The

  • Business Entity Forms and this is on page eleven and twelve in your textbook. Now, I'm

  • not going to go through every aspect of this, but I want to hit some high points, it's on

  • page eleven and twelve in your textbook. And what I want to do is, and I going to double-check

  • that make sure I gave you the right pages. Yes I did ok eleven and twelve in your textbook.

  • Now, if you start a business one of the first things that you have to decide is, how do

  • I want to set up my business? And there's three main ways you can set up that business.

  • You can set it up as a sole proprietorship, as a partnership, or as a corporation ok those

  • are the three main ways. Now there is kind-of different sub-ways under each one of those,

  • but for the purposes of this class we're going to kind-of concentrate just on those three

  • ways. Now, there is a nice chart in your book I'm not going to talk about every little row

  • and column on here, but I want you to read about this and to know this. Let's highlight

  • a few of those ok proprietorship versus a partnership versus a corporation ok. Now let's

  • come off the slides for a second, and it's Jake right? Let's say you started a landscaping

  • business Jake you can set it up as a sole proprietorship where you are the only owner,

  • and you don't incorporate anything you're just a sole proprietorship, right? Or what

  • you can do is let's say there are two owners, and it's Jake and Matt let's say there were

  • going to be two owners, and you're not going to incorporate but you're going to be a partnership

  • you can set it up that way, or the other thing you can do is incorporate now going back to

  • the previous slide looking back at it real quick. You might think sole proprietorship

  • means one owner, partnership just a few, and corporation means a lot of owners that slide

  • kind-of indicates that, but that's not totally true, because going back to you Jake even

  • if you were the only owner you could incorporate what it means to incorporate is you set your

  • business up as a separate legal entity, a separate legal entity if you're a corporation.

  • Not so much a contractor, but like Sprint is a separate legal entity but even your landscaping

  • business you can be a separate legal entity and set that up completely separate from you

  • as a human you as a person. As a matter of fact if you die the corporation is still alive,

  • right? Or if you're a partnership you can incorporate so I don't want you to think corporation

  • always mean hundreds of hundreds of owners, because there's actually a lot of corporations

  • with just one or two owners. A corporation means you have gone through the paperwork,

  • and fees, and procedures to set it up as a separate legal entity, does that make sense?

  • Ok going back to this slide no matter how you set up your business you're going to be

  • a separate business entity which means you're going to keep your business books separate

  • from your personal books. You don't want to comingle those records ok. Jake you don't

  • want to keep track of your landscaping business in the same check book and records as you

  • do in your personal life, or if you have more than one business you want to keep those separate

  • as far as record keeping. But only a corporation is a separate legal entity ok. Now the nice

  • thing about a corporation is that a corporation has what is called limited liability. A proprietorship

  • and a partnership have unlimited liability. Unlimited liability is a bummer it's a bad

  • thing for example, let's say Jake that you have a landscaping business, and you are set

  • up as a sole proprietorship and let's say that you have a lawn mowing incident and you

  • run over somebody and they die, tragic, lawn mowing incident well since you have unlimited

  • liability proprietorship they can come and sue you, and take your personal assets your

  • home, your savings that grandma left you all that sort of stuff. If you're a partnership,

  • and you're not incorporated and let's say Jake has a tragic lawn mowing incident right?

  • Well let's say Jake didn't have any money, but Matts loaded they could actually come

  • and take your assets you have unlimited liability that's a bummer isn't it? He did it and they're

  • taking my assets, right? Unlimited Liability is a bummer. You want to have limited liability

  • that's why you might incorporate what that would mean is this is if you incorporate,

  • and that situation happens they can come try to take the assets of the business, but they

  • can't take your personal assets. It's kind of a shield sometimes we call it a corporate

  • shield, does that make sense? That's why one person might incorporate or two people might

  • incorporate ok, so, unlimited liability bad thing, limited liability good thing. The process

  • of getting to be a corporation? Well to be in this framework to be if you want limited

  • liability you have to incorporate in some way which means that there's certain policies

  • that you have to follow, paperwork that you have to fill out, fees you have to pay to

  • the government, maybe records you have to provide to the government. Sole proprietorship

  • is easy you really don't have to do much you know you'll just be a sole proprietorship

  • ok. Ok unlimited life a proprietorship a partnership they have a limited life that means if you

  • die the business is over, but a corporation has a unlimited life. If you are an owner,

  • or a shareholder of Sprint for example think about that if you die is Sprint going to be

  • going on they probably won't send you a card or flowers or anything, will they? They keep

  • going a corporation has a unlimited life, is the business taxed? Well that's a bummer

  • about being a corporation a great about a corporation is that it has limited liability

  • the bummer is that a corporation is taxed. Now, let's explain this real quick let's say

  • you are a sole proprietorship does that mean you get to enjoy a tax free life, No. That

  • just means that you get to fill out an informational tax return and you pay your taxes at the personal

  • level. Same thing with a partnership the partnership is not taxed, but a corporation is taxed.

  • Let me explain that in real elementary terms, Sprint has a pile of money, then they have

  • to pay taxes, and that pile of money is now less right? Then they pay dividends to their

  • owners, or their shareholders do the individual shareholders and owners have to pay taxes

  • again on those dividends. Yes they do. That's called double taxation that's a bummer isn't

  • it? It doesn't seem fair does it? Corporation pays taxes, and then they distribute money

  • to their owners, and the owners have to pay taxes again that's the big bummer about being

  • a corporation. Do they have to pay like payroll taxes? Yes that's a great comment I'm not

  • talking about payroll tax or sales tax I'm talking about income tax ok? Good question.

  • Is one owner allowed like I said yes you can have a one owner corporation, proprietorship

  • is just one owner, if you are a partnership you can't have one owner you have to have

  • two or more. Now, there is something called a Limited Liability Corporation an LLC, have

  • you ever heard of that? That's a great way to start a business, because let's say the

  • two of you start as a LLC you would have the advantages of limited liability that's good,

  • and you also would not pay taxes at the business level only at the personal level. The question

  • might be "why doesn't everybody be an LLC, why doesn't Sprint be an LLC?" Sprint would

  • love to be an LLC, but there are rules that you can only be such a certain size or less

  • to be an LLC once you have a certain amount of owners you have to incorporate basically.

  • But if you were going to start a business I would bet you that your lawyer would advise

  • it to be an LLC, but you'd have to talk to him or her. I had a business I was an LLC,

  • because I wanted the limited liability, and I did not want to pay taxes at the business

  • level cool. Alright, we're going to talk about a few more things that's really important.

  • This is your new buddy the accounting equation, What is the accounting equation? The accounting

  • equation is assets equal liabilities plus owners' equity ok. Now I want you to remember

  • something here come off the slides real quick. When you first learn something you're going

  • to have somebody like me who's going to teach you something, and you're going to have to

  • trust me a little bit right, like when I taught my son to play baseball when he was just a

  • real little kid I told him how to hold a baseball bat right. Now he doesn't know he's just got

  • to trust me that that's the way you hold a baseball bat if I want to be mean I could

  • show him so weird way now, he wouldn't know would he? Now I'm not going to do that to

  • you ok there are some things I'm going to teach you in chapter one, and throughout this

  • whole course that you're not going to understand the full implications of it, but I want you

  • to memorize it. Are you with me? Trust me. And the implications will come into play as

  • the semester progresses, but going back to the accounting equation for now I want you

  • to memorize that the accounting equation is assets equals liabilities plus equity. Are

  • you with me? Now, let's flesh that out a little bit what are assets we've heard the term assets

  • these are the resources you own or control, aren't they? Such as, cash that's an asset

  • that's a resource if you have vehicles, or supplies, land, or equipment, or buildings,

  • supplies those are assets right? Those are assets that you own. A couple of these require

  • a little more explanation such as accounts receivable. Jake let's go back to your business

  • let's say you mow my lawn and you charge fifty dollars for a lawn mowing, and I just I'm

  • going to pay you later I'll pay you next week ok and you say that's fine I trust you, you

  • would have a accountant receivable from me the customer, because you're going to receive

  • cash in the future. Does that make sense? That is an account receivable on your books

  • ok. Anybody here work at a bank by chance? No ok. Well I have a car loan at Bank of America

  • they have a note receivable from Dave Krug a note is similar to a account receivable,

  • but a note is little bit more formal. It's usually written down "hint notes receivable",

  • and there usually interest involved, but an account receivable or a notes receivable is

  • an asset. You're going to receive cash in the future, does that make sense? It's usually

  • dated have you ever had a loan, student loan, car loan, good for you keep living that way

  • ok. When I did my car loan though for those of you who have car loans, or student loans

  • did you have to sign, and date a bunch of stuff did they say an interest rate it was

  • more formal Than me just saying "hey you can just pay me next week" you see what I'm saying

  • we're not signing there's no interest that's an account receivable with a bank it's a note

  • receivable, good question. Alright what about liabilities, well unfortunately most of us

  • know about liabilities, this debt this is things we're going to have to pay in the future

  • ok. Going back to Jake you have an account receivable for fifty dollars in your books

  • from me well on my books I have an account payable to you right? That's a liability on

  • my books. Bank of America has a notes receivable from Dave Krug for the car loan, I have a

  • note payable to Bank of America ok. There's also things like taxes payable going back

  • to the slide. Taxes payable are taxes that I owe I'm going to have to payout cash for.

  • Wages payable or salaries payable anything ending in payable is I owe this person, company,

  • or whatever I'm going to have to pay them in the future that's debt right. Some of you

  • have student loans payable. Anybody here own a house, ok you have a mortgage payable right?

  • So, those are liabilities ok. Now, let's talk about equity, what is equity? Now most people

  • understand what assets are, and most people understand what liabilities are generally

  • speaking, but then they get to this equity thing and they go "oh what's equity" we've

  • heard about it before, but it's not quite, it's hard to get your arms around what equity

  • is. I think the best way to learn about what equity is, is to talk about equity increases,

  • and equity decreases but this is the owner's investment in the company. So I want you to

  • know this so as a matter of fact for you face to facers we are going to have a quiz at the

  • very beginning of the next period, and it's going to be right at nine-o-clock so if you're

  • late you'll miss it, but the quiz is going to be number one what is the accounting equation,

  • and that is assets equals liabilities plus owner's equity. The next question I'm going

  • to ask you is how does owner's equity increase, and how does owner's equity decrease? So you

  • folks at home even though you cannot take this quiz I want you to act like it's a quiz,

  • because I have found through teaching this class many times that this is a fundamental

  • principle that I want to get into everyone's head and I want to make everything easier

  • ok. So, know the accounting equation don't just abbreviate either assets equals liabilities

  • plus owner's equity, and now let's talk about how owners' equity Changes. How does owner's

  • equity increase will there's two ways. The first way is investments of assets by the

  • owner into the business, investments of assets by the owner into the business. Going back

  • to Jake and your business let's say that grandma died and left you ten-thousand dollars in

  • her will she gave it to you personally. And you decide to take that ten-thousand dollars

  • and you start your business with it well you are investing personal assets into the business

  • that increase your owner's equity. Let's say you own a truck and you decide to put into

  • the business that's putting a different type of asset into the business, and that increases

  • owner's equity. You with me so, putting assets into the business increases owner's equity.

  • The second thing that increases owner's equity is revenue, what is revenue? You kind of know

  • what revenue is right? When you said you were going to mow my lawn, and I'm going to give

  • you fifty dollars later. That fifty dollars is revenue, and you really don't have to wait

  • until I pay you that's revenue as soon as you're done mowing the lawn and will talk

  • here in another lecture. If you go buy a twenty dollar DVD at best buy after class today that's

  • twenty dollars of revenue for best buy. If you pay fifteen dollars to get a haircut that's

  • fifteen dollars of revenue to the barber correct, right? We'll talk about that we're going to

  • kind-of ignore taxes for now, because the taxes that really aren't that something you

  • have to give the government, but ignoring taxes if you pay fifteen dollars for a haircut

  • that's fifteen dollars of revenue for the barber right? Makes sense if you go buy a

  • five dollar meal at McDonalds that's five dollars of revenue for McDonalds. So, these

  • are the two things that cause owner's equity to increase: investments of assets by the

  • owner into the business, and revenue. Now, I'm telling you right now face to facers this

  • is the quiz this is the question these are the answers. Sometimes people will give me

  • the answers that sound right, but there not such as they'll say "cash", well no cash doesn't

  • always cause owner's equity to increase. If I go get a fifty-thousand dollar loan in cash,

  • but does that cause owner's equity increase? No. The questions and the answers to the quiz

  • are on this slide here the two things that cause owner's equity increase investments

  • of assets by the owner into the business, and revenue. It's just that simple I know

  • you don't understand the full implications of this, but trust me and just memorize this

  • for now. Now, let's talk about two things about how owners' equity decrease, and this

  • is going to be the flip side of what we just discussed. If putting assets increasing taking

  • assets out of the business decreases equity that makes sense doesn't it? Why might you

  • take assets out of the business Jake? Well let's say you need some money to pay your

  • apartment rent or to buy groceries that's why you have a business right? So you can

  • take money every now and support yourself. Well that's fine that's expected when you

  • take those assets out of the business that decreases your owner's equity. Make sense?

  • That's expected that's normal assets increases, assets out decreases. Marlin? How would that

  • work for like a corporation like somebody taking assets out. What that would be is how

  • do assets leave a corporation and go to the owners through dividends primarily ok. So

  • it's a little different when you think Jakes landscaping business versus Sprint. but the

  • principals still apply good question. Alright now if revenues cause owners' equity to increase

  • what do you think causes owner's equity to decrease? Expenses you're exactly right you

  • have salary expense you have advertising expense you have gasoline expense expenses cause owner's

  • equity to decrease. So I told what's on the quiz didn't I? If you like find a chair for

  • your salon would that be an expense but once it's in your salon it would be a revenue.

  • No great question, and the there's a lot of different concepts wrapped in that question

  • and it's a great question and I'm not going to be able to fully answer it today, because

  • it's going to involve some principles I'll talk about the next couple lectures. First

  • of all if you buy a huge asset we don't expense it's an asset and that's not an expense now

  • we'll depreciate over time we'll expense it slowly and that's when it causes owner's equity

  • to decrease. And then there was second part of that question if forgot already oh does

  • it become revenue? No. No revenue is when you provide product or services to customers

  • and you can book that as revenue and you will eventually receive payment ok. The chair's

  • never going to pay you for anything it's not a customer does that make sense? Great questions.

  • So there's the whole quiz what's' the accounting equation assets equals liabilities plus owner's

  • equity what causes owners' equity to increase going back to that slide investment of assets

  • by the owner into the business and revenue. What causes owner's equity to decrease withdraws

  • of assets by the owner out of the business, and expenses. Would it still be a positive

  • thing for equity if it was a non profit company? Yes now I want you and it's a great question

  • you're asking about not for profits and you asked about a corporation Marlin. These are

  • excellent questions; however, I'm not going to fully be able to answer them it's kind

  • of like baseball its like if I was teaching my son how to play baseball and I would teach

  • him when you're on first base and they hit the ball you run. If he's four or five years

  • old I'm just trying to get the concepts that run this way around the bases run from first

  • base to second base not first to third not to mom in the stands, but from first to second

  • now for those of us who know baseball you know that there's a lot of other implications

  • right on a fly ball you go half way right there's a lot of different things but I'm

  • not going try to teach my four or five year old all those implications just yet. Corporations

  • not for profits they use these same principles, but in a slightly different way I don't want

  • to go down that road just yet it will kind of confuse us. As a matter of fact the majority

  • of our class financial accounting that you take this semester is going to be in regards

  • to a sole proprietorship we'll talk a little bit about corporations we'll talk a little

  • bit about not for profit trust me these concepts apply but it's a little different. So I think

  • it will be easier to try think about Jake and his landscaping business as you learn

  • these fundamental principle make sense? Walk before you run. What I want to do right now

  • is we have a few minutes and I want to do in your book and I'll do this often. Is we'll

  • work on something in class for a few minutes. For you folks at home there going to play

  • this snazzy jazzy JCCC music and I want you to do these problems as well and I want you

  • to come back and go over the answers, and if it takes you more time folks at home just

  • pause it, and play when we go over the answers when you're ready, but what I want to do is

  • go over quick study one-three in your book that's on page thirty one and exercise one-three

  • ok let's just do those right now quick study one-three on page thirty-one and exercise

  • one-three on the bottom of page thirty two. I'll give you some time to do that for you

  • folks here you can work together if you want you can share your answers, but I'll give

  • you about four minutes and then will go through the answers. So let's do that right now. (music

  • 44:20-48:15) ok I wanted to give you a little bit more time face to facers, but were running

  • out of time here so if you at home are not done just pause it start it when you are done.

  • But let's go through the answers real quick now first of all notice in your text book

  • there are quick studies, there are exercises, and further on there's problems. So when I

  • give you homework if I say to do quick study one point two don't do exercise one point

  • two don't do problem one point two do quick study so you can't just concentrate on the

  • numbers you have to know if it's a quick study an exercise or a problem. Quick study one-three

  • on the top of page thirty one external or internal a lender is what external, what about

  • the controller internal, shareholders are external, the sales staff is internal, the

  • FBI and the IRS are external, and so are consumer groups consumer groups are external, consumer

  • groups are external, brokers like stock brokers external, suppliers are external, customers

  • are external, the managers of a business internal, business press like the Kansas city star or

  • the Kansas city business journal are external, and the district attorney is external, any

  • questions there? Alright. Let's jump over real quick and go over exercise one-three

  • what type of accounting is most involved? Review of reports for SEC compliance is mainly

  • financial accounting, because it's for external users who might be considering in investing

  • in the company or something like that. So number one is B financial accounting on exercise

  • one-three on the bottom of page thirty-two. Planning transactions to minimize taxes would

  • be tax accounting ok we didn't talk about that but there's tax accounting as well so

  • number two is tax accounting. Number three investigating violations of tax laws is also

  • tax accounting C. Preparing external financial statements what's that? B, financial accounting.

  • What about budgeting? That's more of an internal thing right? So that would be managerial accounting

  • number five is A. Number six cost accounting that's more of an internal situation as well

  • that's also internal that's also managerial accounting so six is A. Number seven external

  • auditing is financial accounting like we discussed earlier so number seven is B. Number eight

  • is internal auditing that is managerial accounting so number eight is A, any questions on that?

  • ok I know we went through that a little quick sorry about that. Last thing I'm going to

  • do is give you your homework please do this for next period you who've taken accounting

  • know is the way you learn this stuff is by doing it. So the only homework I'm giving

  • you and once again keep track if this is a quick study or an exercise, and eventually

  • well have problems, but I want you to do quick study one point eight, quick study one point

  • seven, and exercise one point seven. I know this was a little bit of a longer lecture,

  • but I wanted to get some stuff in thanks a lot and we'll see you next time bye-bye.

Hello, I hope everybody's semester is starting out well. This is the first official lecture


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B1 中級

会計1:プログラム#2「会計の基本的な考え方 (Accounting 1: Program #2 - "Basic Accounting Concepts")

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    linda に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日