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-Jimmy, tonight we are going to --
-How did you know my name is Jimmy?
-Tonight, we're going to attempt to find order in chaos.
-Order in chaos. -Love it.
-This deck of cards represents chaos, okay?
These cue cards represent order.
Quest, what I need you to do, if you wouldn't mind,
just hold on to those cue cards, and whenever I point to you,
I just want you to return to the next card.
-Okay. -That's all you got to.
And, Jimmy, all you got to do is just read whatever
the cue card says, okay? -I'm good with that, yep.
-So, like I mentioned, this deck of cards represents chaos,
and we're going to make it chaotic by...
shuffling the cards.
-That's talent. -Shuffling the cards. Yeah.
Those cards have been shuffled,
and I want you to see how they've been shuffled.
And I'm gonna spread them out so you can see
that they indeed have been shuffled together.
-Beautiful. -I'm gonna push these together.
And, Jimmy, if you wouldn't mind,
push them together with me, push them together.
Very good. Perfect. -Is that good?
-Perfect. Nice. Very good.
Now, whenever you shuffle a deck of cards,
it creates a unique sequence that has never --
probably never happened before in the history of mankind.
Seriously. The amount of combinations is 52 factorial,
which is -- Quest, turn over the next one.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That number actually equals -- Turn it over.
[ Laughter ]
Okay. There we go.
8 with 67 digits, but we're going to make
an even bigger number than that tonight here together, okay?
And the way we're gonna do that
is by shuffling the deck in a really kind of unique way.
I'm gonna split it into three piles.
Now, again, remember, the next thing we have to do is...?
-Shuffle. -Exactly. Okay.
Shuffle the cards. -These cards are great.
-We've got three piles here, Jimmy.
I want you to point to two piles.
Whatever two piles you point to,
we're going to shuffle together, okay?
-Uhh, that, that!
-Those two? Those two. -Yes! Those are the ones.
-Jimmy. Watch this. -The secret ones.
The ones you didn't want me to do.
-We're going to mix these together.
Jimmy, I want you to do this with me.
Do this with me. Very nice and gently.
Push those together. Very good. Those have been shuffled.
That's fair, okay? But we're gonna take it further.
Again, we need to make a bigger number.
So, to do that, we're going to change the order a little bit.
And to change the order, we're going to turn
some cards faceup and some cards facedown.
Jimmy, which packet do you want to turn faceup?
Your choice. -That one. I don't really care.
-These? -Yeah, just for fun.
-Okay, we're gonna turn this. It's your choice.
This is your choice. -I'm very happy.
-Again, we're gonna mix these cards.
Faceup into facedown.
Mixing them. -There we go.
-Do you want to do that? Do you feel comfortable with that?
-No, I like you're doing it. I think it's good.
-These cards are mixed faceup into facedown,
creating a really random, really...
-Chaotic, chaotic order. -...chaotic mess.
But we're gonna make it a little bit more chaotic.
So, here's what I need you to do.
I want you to, with both hands, lift off about half the pack.
Lift off about half the -- Yeah, perfect.
Lift off about half. -Mm-hmm.
-Great. About half. You got all of them?
You got all of them there? -Is that more than half?
-No, that's about half. Make sure you got them.
I want you to put them right there. Perfect.
Okay, so, you've actually got more than half, but that's okay.
That's okay. Put them down. Put them down.
It's okay. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.
-Nitpicker, nitpicking. Yeah.
-To make it a little bit more even, though,
I want you to lift off some cards from your packet
just like this, just like you did before.
-Yep. -With both hands. Good.
Now I want you to turn them over.
-Mm-hmm. -Good.
Now I want you to put those on top of mine.
-And I'm gonna put mine on top of yours. Okay?
So, we're actually gonna mix these two piles together.
But before we do that, one more choice --
which one do you want to turn faceup?
Which one do you want to turn facedown?
It's your choice. Think about it.
-Uh, lucky number 9. I think flip that upside down.
-Flip this packet. -Right.
And then mix that that way. -Okay, I'm gonna mix those
into each other, faceup into facedown,
creating, again, a really, really random, nasty mix.
Now, it would be fair to say through all those shuffles,
through all of your choices that what you did there
was you created a bit of chaos, right?
-That's correct.
-Put your hand on top of that deck.
And it would also be fair to say that there's no way
I could know the order of those cards
or which cards are faceup, which card -- Right?
That would be fair to say? You did all of that.
-Yeah, this is why I love magic.
Yeah, of course, not. Of course not.
Of course, there would be no way you would know the order
to what I just did and switched it all around,
and they were flip-flopped.
There was no way that you did in something is under my hand.
And gosh darn it. I'm gonna freak out.
[ Laughter ]
Freak out right now. I'm gonna freak out.
-But what if I told you that actually Quest
had all of the answers here?
[ Laughter ]
-What's up, man? -Quest, turn over the next card.
Turn over the next card.
"17 cards will be facedown."
Jimmy, lift up your hand.
We're gonna spread these cards out.
And I want you to count with me. Count with me.
-Okay? Here we go. -Yep.
-1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...
12, 13, 14...
15, 16, 17.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-[ Laughs ]
See? This is me.
I would be happy with that,
and I would leave and go, "You're the best magician."
But yet, there's something else. Something else is gonna happen.
You're holding more cards.
-Quest still has some more answers.
Next one, please. -I do?
[ Laughter ]
-"...of the facedown cards will be black."
-12 of the facedown cards. Count with me, Jimmy.
Every time you see a black card, I want you to count it. Ready?
-1, 2, 3...
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...
-12 black cards.
[ Cheers and applause ]
But there's more, Jimmy. There's more.
Quest, turn over the next card. Turn over the next card.
"6 of those black cards will be spades."
6 of them spades. Again, count with me. Ready?
-1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
-6. 6 spades. -6 spades.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-But there's more. There's more.
Again, remember, you shuffled those cards.
You mixed them up. You made all of the choices.
If you had chosen to do one thing differently, it would
have changed all of this. -I know! I know!
-One more card.
-"All of the red cards will be hearts."
-Jimmy, spread them out. -Oh, no!
I just looked at them now. I didn't realize this.
Look at this. They're all -- No. Oh. Sorry, Dan.
[ Laughter ]
I mean, that's still pretty impressive, right?
I mean, that's --
-It's fairly impressive. Yeah.
-I got a whole deck! -The whole deck, yeah.
-But wait, wait, wait. There's one card left.
We got everything right except for the 3 of diamonds.
[ Laughter ]
-It's not going to explode or anything, right?
-Instagram. Instagram.
Uh, Jimmy, you got your phone on you.
-Yes. -Can you go to Instagram
to my page, @DanWhiteMagic?
You can do this at home. If you're at home, check it out.
My Instagram, @DanWhiteMagic, pull it up.
Again, Quest, you know, a few weeks ago,
you and I were together.
We were actually at the Eleven Madison Park party,
and we took a picture together at like 4:00 a.m.
-No, man! No, man! -This was weeks ago!
-No! -This was weeks ago!
-No! No! No!
-It was June 12th, to be exact.
[ Laughter ]
-No, I know you were at the Eleven Madison Park party.
-Jimmy, go a few lines down, a few lines down.
It's me and Quest. -I see you and Questlove, yeah.
I see the photo of you. -We got everything right
except for the 3 of diamonds on my T-shirt.
-Oh, yo! -Show that to the camera.
His T-shirt says "Except the 3 of diamonds."
[ Cheers and applause ]
-No! Wait! Wait, wait, guys! Come back over here!
Come back over here! -What?!
-Come back over here! Come back!
-Wait! Wait! -We posted that. We posted that.
-Is that why y'all were laughing at me?
-No, I wasn't laughing at you ever.
-You guys were laughing like...
-We didn't set that up, though, right?
-No! -No. Exactly. So, look.
On that day -- I posted this on June 12th.
Let's pull the date up there. June 12th.
I posted that on June 12th.
Remember, we did all these things.
This all seemed really random, but nothing is really random
because through this whole thing,
we got a 6 spades, right? -Yes.
-And 12 black. -Uh-huh.
-And 17 facedown.
June 12th, 2017.
The exact date that we posted that together.
Altogether. Completely random.
-[ Laughs ]
Dan White, everybody!
How the heck do you do this, man?
For tickets to "The Magician," visit NoMadUpstairs.com.