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I remember one morning when I was in the third grade,
翻訳: Yumika Amemiya 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
my mom sent me to school with a Ghanaian staple dish called "fufu."
ある朝 私が小学校三年生だった時
母が「フフ」というガーナの伝統料理 とともに学校に送り出してくれました
Fufu is this white ball of starch made of cassava,
and it's served with light soup, which is a dark orange color,
フフはキャッサバでできた デンプンの白い玉で
and contains chicken and/or beef.
濃いオレンジ色の 薄味スープと一緒に食べます
It's a savory, flavorful dish
そして このスープには鶏肉 牛肉 もしくは両方が入っています
that my mom thought would keep me warm on a cold day.
美味しい 風味豊かな一品で
When I got to lunch and I opened my thermos,
母は 寒い日に私を温めてくれる と思ったのです
releasing these new smells into the air,
昼食で 魔法ビンを開け
my friends did not react favorably.
"What's that?" one of them asked.
"It's fufu," I responded.
"Ew, that smells funny. What's a fufu?" they asked.
Their reaction made me lose my appetite.
「うわ 変な匂いがする フフって何?」 と聞かれました
I begged my mother to never send me to school with fufu again.
I asked her to make me sandwiches or chicken noodle soup
母には二度と弁当にフフを入れないでくれ と頼みました
or any of the other foods that my friends were eating.
And this is one of the first times
またはなんでもいいから 友達が食べるものを頼みました
I began to notice the distinction between what was unique to my family
and what was common for everyone else,
what was Ghanaian and what was African
and what was American.
何がガーナのもので 何がアフリカのもので
I'm a first-generation American.
何がアメリカのものかの違いに 気付いた時でした
Both of my parents are immigrants.
In fact, my father, Gabriel, came to the US almost 50 years ago.
He arrived in New York
実際 私の父 ガブリエルは50年ほど前に アメリカに来ました
from a city called Kumasi in a northern region of Ghana,
西アフリカにあるガーナの 北部地域のクマシと言う都市から
in West Africa.
西アフリカにあるガーナの 北部地域のクマシと言う都市から
He came for school, earning his bachelor's degree in accounting
and eventually became an accountant.
勉学のために来て 会計学の学士号を取得し
My mother, Georgina, joined him years later.
She had a love of fashion
私の母 ジョージーナは 数年後に彼の元へ渡米しました
and worked in a sewing factory in lower Manhattan,
until she saved up enough to open her own women's clothing store.
自分で女性用の衣料品店を開けられるほど 貯金が貯まるまで
I consider myself an American
マンハッタン南部の 縫製工場で働きました
and an African
and a Ghanaian.
And there's millions of people around the world
who are juggling these different classifications.
They might be Jamaican-Canadians or Korean-Americans or Nigerian-Brits.
But what makes our stories and experiences different
ジャマイカ系カナダ人 韓国系アメリカ人 またはナイジェリア系イギリス人かもません
is that we were born and raised in a country different than our parents,
しかし 私たちの物語や経験の違いは
and this can cause us to be misunderstood
親が生まれ育った国とは違う国で 生まれ育ったことから来ていて
when being viewed through a narrow lens.
I grew up in New York, which is home to the largest number of immigrants
anywhere in the United States.
私はニューヨークという アメリカの中で
And you would think growing up in a place like New York,
it would be easy for a first-generation person to find their place.
But all throughout my childhood,
移民第一世代が馴染むのは 簡単だと思うかもしれません
there were these moments that formed my understanding
しかし 私の子供時代を通じて
of the different worlds I belonged to.
私が属している様々な世界の 理解を決定づける瞬間が
When I was in the fifth grade, a student asked me
if my family was refugees.
私が5年生の時 ある生徒が
I didn't know what that word meant.
He explained to me that his parents told him
that refugees are people from Africa who come to the US
彼は自分の両親に言われたことを 説明してくれました
to escape death, starvation and disease.
難民とは 死 餓死 病から逃れるために
So I asked my parents, and they laughed a bit,
not because it was funny but because it was a generalization.
私は自分の両親に聞いてみました すると少し笑われました
And they assured me that they had enough to eat in Ghana
面白いからではなく 短絡思考だったからでした
and came to the US willingly.
そしてガーナには十分食料があり アメリカには
自分の意志で移住して来たと 安心させてくれました
These questions became more complex as I got older.
Junior high school was the first time
これらの問いは 歳をとるにつれて もっと複雑になって行きました
I went to school with a large number of black American students,
and many of them couldn't understand why I sounded differently than they did
大人数のアメリカ人の黒人学生と 一緒の学校に通いました
or why my parents seemed different than theirs.
そしてその多くが なぜ私が彼らとは違う喋り方をするのか
"Are you even black?" a student asked.
なぜ私の親は彼らの親とは違うのかを 理解できませんでした
I mean, I thought I was black.
「それでも黒人なの?」と ある生徒が聞きました
I thought my skin complexion settled that.
I asked my father about it, and he shared his own confusion
over the significance of that when he first came to the US.
父に聞くと 自分も初めてアメリカに来た時
He explained to me that, when he was in Ghana, everyone was black,
その意味について混乱していたことを 話してくれました
so he never thought about it.
彼がガーナにいた時 全員黒人だったため そのことについて
But in the US, it's a thing.
しかし アメリカでは 考えるのです
But he would say, "But you're African.
Remember that."
それでも父は 「お前はアフリカ人だ
And he would emphasize this,
even though many Africans in the continent would only consider me to be
just an American.
These misconceptions and complex cultural issues
are not just the inquiries of children.
これらの誤解 そして複雑な文化問題は
Adults don't know who immigrants are.
If we look at current trends,
if I asked you: What's the fastest-growing
immigrant demographic in the United States,
who would you think it was?
Nine out of 10 people tell me it's Latinos,
but it's actually African immigrants.
10人中9人は ラティーノと答えますが
How about in academics?
What's the most educated immigrant demographic?
では 教育界では?
A lot of people presume it to be Asians, but it's actually African immigrants.
Even in matters of policy,
多くの人はアジア人だと思いますが 実はアフリカからの移民なのです
did you know that three out of the eight countries
in the so-called "travel ban"
旅行が禁止されている 8カ国中3カ国が
are African countries?
A lot of people assume those targeted Muslims only live in the Middle East,
but a lot of those banned people are Africans.
多くの人は 敵視されるイスラム教徒は 中東にしか住んでいないと思いがちですが
So on these issues of education and policy and religion,
その禁止されている人の多くが アフリカ人なのです
a lot of things we presume about immigrants are incorrect.
そのため このような教育 政策や宗教の問題に関する
Even if we look at something like workplace diversity and inclusion,
私たちの移民に対する先入観は 間違っているのです
if I asked you what gender-ethnicity combination
is least likely to be promoted to senior managerial positions,
who would you think it was?
上級管理職に昇進する可能性が最も低いか と聞いたら
The answer is not Africans this time.
今回の答えは アフリカ人ではありません
And it's not black women or men,
and it's not Latin women or men.
It's Asian women who are least likely to be promoted.
Capturing these stories and issues is part of my work
アジア人女性の昇進の可能性が 一番低いのです
as a digital storyteller
that uses tech to make it easier for people to find these stories.
This year, I launched an online gallery of portraits and firsthand accounts
デジタル・ストーリーテラーとしての 私の仕事の一部です
for a project called Enodi.
今年 肖像画や自伝の オンラインギャラリーを
The goal of Enodi is to highlight first-generation immigrants just like me
エノディというプロジェクトのために 開始しました
who carry this kinship for the countries we grew up in,
エノディの目的は 私のような
for the countries of origin
育った国との繋がり 生まれた国との繋がり
and for this concept called "blackness."
I created this space to be a cyberhome for many of us who are misunderstood
in our different home countries.
このデジタル空間は 様々な母国で誤解されている私たちの
There are millions of Enodis
サイバーホームになるように 作りました
who use hyphens to connect their countries of origin
with their various homes in the US
or Canada or Britain or Germany.
アメリカ カナダ イギリス もしくはドイツにある
In fact, many people you might know are Enodi.
我が家をつなげる人たちが 何百万人もいます
Actors Issa Rae and Idris Elba are Enodi.
実際に あなたたちが知っている 多くの人がエノディです
Colin Powell,
役者のイッサ・レエと イドリス・エルバもエノディです
former Attorney General Eric Holder,
former President of the United States, Barack Obama,
are all the children of African or Caribbean immigrants.
But how much do you know about us?
皆 アフリカ移民か カリブ海移民の子供達です
This complicated navigation
しかし 皆さんはどれだけ 私たちのことを知っているでしょう
is not just the experience of first-generation folks.
We're so intertwined
第一世代だけが経験すること ではありません
in the lives and culture of people in North America and Europe,
that you might be surprised how critical we are
北アメリカやヨーロッパの人々の 生活や文化に関わっています
to your histories and future.
どれだけ私たちが皆さんの 歴史と未来に重要かに
So, engage us in conversation;
discover who immigrants actually are,
だから 私たちを会話に引き込んでください
and see us apart from characterizations
or limited media narratives
私たちを 特徴づけや
or even who we might appear to be.
We're walking melting pots of culture,
and if something in that pot smells new or different to you --
そして もしそのるつぼの中が 新しい または違う匂いがしても
don't turn up your nose.
Ask us to share.
Thank you.
一緒に食べよう と言ってください