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So you want to sound more British. Let's turn your tomatoes into tomatoes and your potatoes
into potatoes. Potatoes.
Welcome to Eat Sleep Dream English, if you haven't met me before my name is Tom and teach
Eat Sleep Dream Englishへようこそ。
fresh modern British English so that you can take your English to the next level and achieve
your life goals. Now today we are looking at the five ways to avoid sounding American.
あなたの人生の目標を考えてみましょう。今日はアメリカ人に聞こえるのを 避けるための5つの方法を 見ていきましょう
That is I'm guessing if you want to sound more British. Let's get to our first sound.
Alright here we go, there it is. In American English Tuesday. Now in British English it's
not /tu:/ it's /tjuːTuesday. So we use the tj sound for the Tu. Take this platform, YouTube
ではなく /tu:/ it's /tjuːTuesday です。なので Tu には tj の音を使いますこのプラットフォーム、YouTubeを見てみましょう。
in American English, YouTube. In British English YouTube so the tju: sound. Take the fish in
American English Tuna, in British English Tuna. So you can see there, those two different
アメリカン・イングリッシュ・マグロと ブリティッシュ・イングリッシュ・マグロですだから、そこには、これらの2つの異なる
sounds. Now as a YouTuber myself, I always find it quite funny when someone is like 'I'm
a YouTuber', I'm like oh 'I'm a YouTuber' anyway yeah a little difference. Guys before
we go any further make sure you subscribe to Eat Sleep Dream English and hit the notification
bell. Alright subscribe button and notification bell. Also guys I've done several other videos
looking at the difference between British and American English. I'll link them right
above. Right next sound. Take the /æ/ and /a:/ Take the famous painter Picasso. In
上の方です。右隣の音。と/æ/と/a:/を取ります 有名な画家ピカソを取ります。で
British English that A is /æ/ so Picasso. In American English Picasso, so it's the /a:/
sound there Picasso. What about pasta? Pasta in British English pasta in American English.
そこのピカソの音。パスタはどうでしょうか?イギリス英語でパスタ アメリカ英語でパスタ
What about the country? Sri Lanka in British English, Sri Lanka. What about the city Milan
in British English, Milan in American English. Take the food, kebab and kebab in American
English so you can see the difference there. Alright how are you doing? Is this making
sense? Cool, aright let's get to number three. Number three I've always thought is a really
distinct difference between the two different Englishes. It's the Du combination so for
2つの異なる英語の間には明確な違いがあります。それは Du の組み合わせなので
example the word during. Now in British English that du is /dʒ/ during but in American English
it's during so it's a /d/ sound. British English /dʒ/ sound. What about the word produce,
it's duringなので/d/音です。イギリス英語の/dʒ/音。produceという単語はどうでしょう。
ok the verb produce. So in British English produce, in American English produce so the
OK 動詞のproduceです。だからイギリス英語ではproduce、アメリカ英語ではproduceなので
/d/ sound there. Reduce ok, reduce British English, reduce in American English. So you've
そこに/d/音。イギリス英語を減らして アメリカ英語で減らすつまり、あなたは
got that /dʒ/ and /d/ very distinctive sounds. Remember as we go, you guys should be practising.
Ok so stop the video and practise whichever one you want to learn. If it's American English
or British English practise that sound. Maybe even practise the contrast between the two
so that you can say it and hear it yourself. In British English it's really common for
us to use the /ə/ sound, the schwa sound. In American English it's not as common. So
in these set of words British English uses the schwa the /ə/ and American English uses
/a:n/. So the huge river in Brazil and the world famous website Amazon. Amazon in British
English, Amazon. In American English Amazon the /a:n/ there. The snake python in British
English, in American English python. So the /a:n/ there again. The place where all the
big tech giants are based in British English Silicon valley, the -on is with the schwa
sound. In American English it's Silicon valley so the /a:n/ there again. Python, Silicon,
のような音を出すことができます。アメリカ英語ではSilicon valleyなので、/a:n/がまた出てきます。パイソン、シリコン。
Amazon you've got the /a:n/ sound in American English. Have you ever tried to do a marathon?
In British English marathon with the schwa sound there. In American English marathon.
So as you can see the -on changes from the schwa to /a:/. if you like MMA you'll hear
ご覧のように、-on はシュワから /a:/ に変化します。
the commentator going 'Welcome to the Octagon' In British English . It doesn't sound
イギリス英語で「Welcome to the Octagon」と解説者が言っています。それは聞こえません
quite so exciting 'welcome to the octagon'.
Ok and the last one. In British English vitamin, in American English vitamin so the vi sound
OK そして最後の1つ。イギリス英語のビタミンでは、アメリカ英語のビタミンでは、viの音で
there. So /i/ in British English /aɪ/ in American English. Simultaneous in British
English, simultaneous. In American English simultaneous. So the si there. So this I sound
changes from /i/ to /aɪ/. Privacy in British English, in American English privacy. Actually
that one I've heard privacy said in British English as well. What about the country Iraq
that one I've heard privacy said in British English also.イラクという国はどうなのでしょうか?
in British English /i/ Iraq. In American English Iraq. So as you can see there the I sound
can change between the two Englishes. Alright guys there are so many other examples that
I could teach you. Obviously this video isn't really about avoiding speaking in an American
教えてあげようかなこのビデオはアメリカ語で話すことを 避けるためのものではありません
English accent, you can speak in the accent you want. There's no right, there's no wrong
there's just the accent that you want to speak. I personally love American English, I think
it's incredible. There's some amazing variety, interesting vocabulary so yeah you choose
the English you want to speak and then go with that, ok? Obviously on this channel I
teach British English because that's what I speak, I speak British English. I hope you
イギリス英語を教えてください それは私が話すことだからです イギリス英語を話します私はあなたが
enjoyed that one guys. If you can think of any other differences between the two different
Englishes let me know in the comments below. Alright guys thank you so much. Remember I've
got new videos every Tuesday and every Friday helping you take your English to the next
level. Check me out on Instagram, check me out on Facebook where I put daily English
content but until next time guys this is Tom, the Chief Dreamer, saying goodbye.