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  • My name is Mike Jones, and I'm a barista at Third Rail Coffee right by Washington Square

  • Park in New York City. I'm going to teach you some basic coffee-making skills.

  • Alright, I'm going to talk to you about latte art. Latte art is kind of the exciting part

  • of making espresso drink. It's what gets a lot of people really pumped about making coffee.

  • It's not necessarily a representation of a quality beverage, but it definitely shows

  • that the person who made it caredit's the mark of a professional, similar to plating

  • with food. Now, the first thing you need is a good shot of espresso. You need the milk

  • steamed properly with good micro foam, and then you have to pour, keeping a few things

  • in mind. This is velocity, so basically how fast you're pouring. And then where the milk

  • is going in the cup, and where it's flowing outwards. It's kind of something you have

  • to feel out and you really have to practice it many many times to get down. So we're going

  • to start off by doing the heart. This is sort of the basic latte art design and then the

  • other one would be a rosetta which is a fern, and then a tulip. So heart, rosetta, tulip

  • are the three basic designs you can do with latte art. So I'm going to start off making

  • the heart, pulling a shot, steaming the milk and then pouring. Alright, so when you're

  • starting to pour latte art, the first thing you want to do is pour from a greater distance

  • up, or from a greater height so that way the milk is actually going to go underneath the

  • espresso and then as you get closer and start pouring faster, the foam rises to the top

  • and this is when you start controlling it. So to make the heart, you're basically just

  • going to be pouring into the center until you see it's about three-quarters full. So

  • I'm pouring into the center there. Then as I get closer, the foam will rise to the top

  • and you just kind of shake it, and then you lift it up at the end to suck it in and cut

  • through. So again, pouring to the center, getting close when it's three-quarters full,

  • pulling up to suck in and then cutting through. That's a heart.

My name is Mike Jones, and I'm a barista at Third Rail Coffee right by Washington Square


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ラテアートハートの作り方|パーフェクトコーヒー (How to Make a Latte Art Heart | Perfect Coffee)

  • 185 12
    Samuel に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日