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  • Okay, so I left her cage open like this

  • so she could get into the, um,

  • litterbox and it looks like she

  • scratched it up a bit, so she may have peed here.

  • um. And then she went (laughs) and hid

  • hid under the corner over there (light laugh)

  • She's been there. All this morning.

  • But what Jun found when he got up, which I didn't see,

  • Um, (laughs) ...was this. So, it looks like she had to poo, last night, and um.

  • Because we didn't have any litter, she came over and dug up one of Jun's potted plants,

  • and the pot here.

  • Um. I'm actually- I'm actually glad. (laughs)

  • Um, I'll clean it up later. It's not- it didn't damage the tree or anything. It's no- no big deal.

  • Um, but. I'm glad that she was able to have a bowel movement, because it means she's

  • at least got a healthy digestive system.

  • We fed her quite a bit yesterday and I was quite worried that...

  • if she had any problems, especially with blockages, that could've, um.

  • That could've caused her some problems, but. She seems to be doing okay, so.

  • [Poki hisses and Rachel laughs.]

  • (sweetly) ♫ We're going to the vet ♫ [Poki growls]

  • Aw, poor kitty...

  • All right, I'm gonna get her out now so we can...head over to the vet.

  • [car rumbling]

  • We're on the way to vet.

  • KittyMeow

  • Oh... do we have any tissues?

  • Yiss...

  • (soothingly) Hi- [Poki gives a displeased meow] Yeah,

  • [Poki meows again in protest] Yeah,,

  • Yeah, it's okay,

  • All right,

  • We'll be there soon

  • Okay, so we just dropped kitty off with out vet,

  • I reeally, really like our vet, he's a really nice guy.

  • He's the one who figured out what disease

  • Hina had, even though he said he'd Never seen that in a cat before.

  • Um, but he still managed to figure it out even before we got the test results back.

  • Um, he's - Jun: He was also our private consultant Rachel: Yeah, he's (laughing) been our

  • Haku is such a troublemaker.

  • Like he , oh he gets into so much trouble.

  • We've had to call the vet a few times before to be like,

  • "Haku ate this, what should we do???" and

  • he always gives us lots of advice on the phone and tells us to do...

  • Jun: (speaking as doctor) What did he exactly eat, what did he chew, what was the material of the toy, (can you tell me?) how big it was,

  • and then you should do this, and that, and wait for this month and see what comes out when... Yeah. He's great. Rachel: Yeah.

  • The vet said he's going to examine her today, and like, try to figure out what all is, um.

  • going on with her, um.

  • Obviously he could see the tail...needs to be amputated,

  • Um. I told him that her leg, I think, her rear left leg is broken too.

  • so he's gonna check all of that. um.

  • He didn't want to move her too much while we were there, so we...

  • He didn't check to see if it was a boy or a girl right now, but he'll let us know, later.

  • We'll check up on her tomorrow, and they said that they can

  • keep her until we get back from America, if we need to.

  • Um, he said that he's...never had to keep a cat that long before (laughs)

  • We're a first, for him, for a lot of things.

  • He seemed quite surprised that we also brought in this cat that we found on the expressway in this condition.

  • But, um. He was happy that we brought her in though.

  • Um. But yeah, he said they can keep her until we get back from America if we need to and they'll give us a discount too because it's gonna be such a long stay

  • Anyway, we'll know more tomorrow so I'll update you guys then.

  • So we're on our way to the vet to check up on the kitty

  • Um this is Jun's family vet so it's kind of far away from us but we really like this vet and we really trust him, so

  • I wanted to go to him above anyone else

  • Um, so I'll give you an update in a minute!

  • So the vet let us take videos of everything so we could show you guys

  • First of all, he told us that the kitty is actually a boy

  • And he's only about six to seven months old, so he's still really young

  • Um... poor thing

  • Here are his x-rays

  • He....the vet said the whole front of his body is perfectly fine

  • Um, obviously his tail is broken and his rear left leg is broken - like I thought

  • It''s pretty broken in two different spots here

  • He also did a blood test and he said those results were pretty normal as well

  • And he also did the FIV test and our kitty was negative so he's perfectly fine there

  • He does have a stomach worm

  • He said that worm can be really difficult to remove with traditional medicine that you eat

  • so he said he's going to give the cat a shot which should get rid of it in one go

  • Um, but he'll have to check again.... in a couple weeks to make sure that there are no more eggs in kitty's poop

  • To make sure that the worm is completely gone

  • But that shouldn't be a big problem.

  • As for the broken leg, the vet thinks that because kitty is still so young, he should actually be able to heal that pretty well himself

  • And he showed us x-rays of some other kitty cats that had fractures that actually healed over themselves pretty well

  • So he thinks surgery is unnecessary for the leg, which would, um, save us a lot of money

  • and it might be less stressful for the kitty as well

  • But he's gonna keep an eye on it and if it doesn't look like it's healing then we may need to do surgery later

  • But for now, we'll just try to let the leg heal naturally

  • But the tail of course does still need to be amputated

  • We also got to see kitty for a little bit

  • He wasn't very happy (chuckles). Poor thing

  • We also decided on a name, I think

  • If it was a girl, I wanted to call it Kiki, but, because it's a boy, and getting another look at him, we decided to go with Poki, I think. Poki

  • We picked Kanji. The first Kanji is the Kanji used in aruku for "walk," so the first Kanji is Po - walk.

  • And then ki. The Kanji there means "live."

  • So it's kind of like he's our little wandering survivor kitty

  • I think it suits him well, and he looks like a Poki to me.

  • But, yeah, maybe I'm not good at naming cats. I don't know.

  • That's what I came up with

  • And we also got estimates for all of the costs for everything, so I'll go ahead and show you guys that now

  • Alright so, our vet is really amazing.

  • Um these are all of the prices for everything our kitty has to get done - which is really not as expensive as I was expecting

  • So, oh jeez (chuckles) Jun, I'm gonna need your help for translating these

  • The most expensive part is actually the pet hotel, because

  • with our Odigo trips and with, um, traveling to America

  • we are not gonna be home for the next 2 months, actually

  • So we have to find.... Someone else has to take care of the kitty for 2 months, and since the kitty has bones that need to heal

  • and treatments and, like, the, the vet has to keep an eye on his poop to make sure that he gets rid of all of the... um...

  • the worms and stuff. We feel much more comfortable leaving it with the vet

  • while we're gone. And, um, we've done that before with Hina and um

  • (Jun speaks in background)

  • Rachel: (Chuckles) The vet is actually cheaper than a pet hotel

  • and, um, like, there's no where else we could take him right now

  • and so I would rather just do it this way

  • And so, typically, it's $2,000 Yen a day

  • which is about $20 a day. Which is a lot cheaper than a pet hotel

  • And not super bad

  • But, um, he gave us a pretty big discount

  • So you can see the normal total would have been this for six months - $1, 200 basically

  • But our total that we have to pay is only one thousand one hundred and.... about $40

  • And that's everything. So the vet gave us a really big discount on everything

  • Um, which was super nice of him

  • And it's gonna help out a lot

  • The only other thing is if his leg isn't healing well, the vet's going to be checking on that while we're gone

  • And, um, if it looks like it's not going to heal well, then the vet may decide that it's better to do surgery later on

  • And obviously that would cost a little bit more

  • But, for now, he's going to try to let the kitty's leg heal on its own cause he thinks that'll be effective enough

  • This is a lot cheaper than I was expecting anyway

  • So I think it'll be really easy to get a little bit of help with this

  • Doing a small fundraiser

  • So we don't... we don't need to raise a lot. And even if we don't make all of this, I'm pretty sure we can manage the rest of it on our own

  • Because it's not as bad as I was expecting

  • I'm just glad the kitty is doing well

  • It seems like he's not really used to humans right now (chuckles)

  • He's really scared. I feel bad for him, but hopefully, he'll um

  • He'll get better with that now that he's getting lots of food and lots of love and care

  • The vet's going to wash him for us and, um

  • I think... I think he'll turn out okay

  • And, um. Yeah, there won't be any problems keeping him with Haku

  • I'm basically planning on keeping him

  • I know Jun wants another cat

  • He wants to... Jun really wanted to pick out his own cat too

  • (Jun in background) After I lost Hina

  • Rachel: And I still want to let him pick out a cat

  • Rachel: So it'd be kind of difficult for us to have 3 cats Jun in background: It's okay

  • Rachel: But I think we could do that (chuckles)

  • Jun: It's okay (chuckles)

  • But anyway, I don't have any plans of giving him up anytime soon

  • But, um

  • One of the biggest things to consider, I think, is after he's all healed up

  • How he's able to handle Haku

  • Because Haku's a bully

  • Haku's kind of a big bully. He's a really big kitty, and he's really powerful and has a lot of strength

  • And since he's still kind of young himself, he likes playing. But he plays a little too rough for a lot of cats

  • Like, we couldn't keep him together with Hina either

  • Like when we had both of them, we had to keep them separated at all times

  • Especially because Hina was sick

  • He seems like he could look out for himself after all he's been through

  • And how well he's doing now, but, we'll have to see how he gets along with Haku too

  • Because it wouldn't be fair

  • if Haku is just constantly bullying him, and like, picking on him

  • And if he can't watch out for himself. So we'll see how they get along together once we come back from our trips

  • And, um, we'll update you guys again then!

  • Hopefully he'll look a lot better then. He'll be all clean and healed up

  • Thank you guys for being so supportive and

  • If you wanna donate just like a dollar or something I... we don't... we don't need much for this because it was a lot cheaper than I was expecting

  • I'll put, um, I'm gonna put together a fundraiser before I upload this video

  • I'll put it down in the description box but...

  • If you wanna donate something, we don't need much

  • If not, it's okay because whatever....whatever else we need, I think we can... we can manage ourselves

  • So thank you so much, everyone. Um, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!

  • We came to visit Haku while we were in the area

  • Haku!

  • He doesn't care about us, he just wants the other kitties

  • (Chuckling) He's so fluffy

  • (Japanese in background)

  • (Chuckles)

  • (Cat meows) (Chuckling)

  • (Japanese in background) Jun: Oho! Hah

  • (Cat thumps against window)

  • (Chuckling)

  • (Laughs) The kitty

  • (Cat thumps against window)

  • (Thump)

  • (Chuckles)

  • (Jun says something in Japanese)

  • (Laughs)

  • (More Japanese)

  • (Chuckles)

  • I can hear her alien voice (chuckles)

  • (Chuckling)

  • (A woman speaks Japanese)

  • (All laugh)

  • (Woman speaking Japanese) (Rachel laughs)

  • (Jun growls)

  • (Jun speaks Japanese)

Okay, so I left her cage open like this


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A2 初級

猫の獣医結果はポキ!? (Poki the cat's vet results!)

  • 46 4
    all9411271 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日