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Does Roman J. Israel, Esq amp up the legal thrills?
"I'm quite certain I can get this organization right back in line with his core beliefs."
The short answer: Not really.
Denzel Washington stars in this legal drama about an idealistic lawyer whose life is uprooted
when his mentor dies.
"The doctors have concluded that William is in a permanent vegetative state."
Deep issues like activism and civil rights are part of this underdog story.
And while there's not too much violence, look out for some intense scenes, including a brutal
mugging, as well as some heated arguments.
"Roman, I'd hope to reward you for that."
"Hope don't get the job done."
F-bombs and other strong language are also thrown into the mix, but they're infrequent.
"It's a good deal."
"It's an enema of sunshine."
In the end, this is a story about a man fighting for a good cause who falters and ultimately
takes responsibility for his actions.
"You're inspiring."
Common Sense says Roman J. Israel, Esq. is OK for kids 13 and up.
For more age-appropriate media picks, visit us at commonsense.org.