字幕表 動画を再生する
So the other morning I went to the grocery store
翻訳: Saho Shimizu 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
and an employee greeted me
ある朝 食料店に行くと
with a "Good morning, sir, can I help you with anything?"
I said, "No, thanks, I'm good."
「おはようございます ご主人 何かお探しですか?」
The person smiled and we went our separate ways.
「いいえ 大丈夫です」と答えると
I grabbed Cheerios and I left the grocery store.
彼は微笑み 去っていきました
And I went through the drive-through of a local coffee shop.
私はシリアルを買い 店を出ました
After I placed my order, the voice on the other end said,
その後 地元のカフェのドライブスルーで
"Thank you, ma'am. Drive right around."
注文した後 店員がこう言いました
Now, in the span of less than an hour,
「どうも奥様 すぐに曲がってください」
I was understood both as a "sir" and as a "ma'am."
この時 たった一時間足らずで
But for me, neither of these people are wrong,
but they're also not completely right.
私にとってどちらの呼び方も 間違いではないけれど
This cute little human is my almost-two-year-old Elliot.
Yeah, alright.
このかわいい子は もうすぐ2歳のエリオットです
And over the past two years,
ええ そう
this kid has forced me to rethink the world
この2年間 この子は
and how I participate in it.
I identify as transgender and as a parent, that makes me a transparent.
トランスジェンダーの 親(ペアレント)ですから
As you can see, I took this year's theme super literal.
私の今年のテーマを 真正面からとらえました
Like any good dad joke should.
More specifically, I identify as genderqueer.
父親ジョークがすべて そうであるべきように
And there are lots of ways to experience being genderqueer,
正確に言うと私はジェンダークィア (どちらの性としてもふるまわない)です
but for me that means I don't really identify as a man or a woman.
I feel in between and sometimes outside of this gender binary.
私にとっては 男性とも 女性とも思わないってだけのことです
And being outside of this gender binary
時に 自分を中間 あるいは 性別二分にあてはまらないと感じます
means that sometimes I get "sired" and "ma'amed"
in the span of less than an hour when I'm out doing everyday things
like getting Cheerios.
But this in between lane is where I'm most comfortable.
This space where I can be both a sir and a ma'am
でも私にとっては この中間状態が最も快適です
feels the most right and the most authentic.
But it doesn't mean that these interactions aren't uncomfortable.
最も正しく 自分らしいと感じられます
Trust me, the discomfort can range from minor annoyance
だからってこういった呼び方が 不快じゃないわけではないですけどね
to feeling physically unsafe.
この不快感は 小さなわずらわしさから
Like the time at a bar in college
when a bouncer physically removed me by the back of the neck
大学の時 バーで
and threw me out of a woman's restroom.
警備員に 首の後ろをひっつかまれ
But for me, authenticity doesn't mean "comfortable."
It means managing and negotiating the discomfort of everyday life,
私にとって 自分自身であるとは 「快適」という意味ではなく
even at times when it's unsafe.
「日常的な不快感を管理し 乗り切る」という意味です
And it wasn't until my experience as a trans person
collided with my new identity as a parent
私のトランスジェンダーとしての 今までの経験と
that I understood the depth of my vulnerabilities
親という新しいアイデンティティが 衝突するまで
and how they are preventing me from being my most authentic self.
Now, for most people, what their child will call them
それが 最も自分らしくあることを 妨げていることに気づきませんでした
is not something that they give much thought to
ほとんどの人の場合 子供になんと呼ばれるかは
outside of culturally specific words
or variations on a gendered theme like "mama," "mommy," or "daddy," "papa."
性別のある「お母さん」「ママ」 「お父さん」「パパ」 であろうが
But for me, the possibility is what this child,
who will grow to be a teenager and then a real-life adult,
しかし私の場合 この子供が
will call me for the rest of our lives,
10代になり 大人になり
was both extremely scary and exciting.
And I spent nine months wrestling with the reality that being called "mama"
非常に恐ろしかったし 楽しみでもありました
or something like it didn't feel like me at all.
9か月間「ママ」などと呼ばれる自分を 何度も想像したけれど
And no matter how many times or versions of "mom" I tried,
it always felt forced and deeply uncomfortable.
I knew being called "mom" or "mommy" would be easier to digest for most people.
その呼び方は強制的で とても不快に感じられました
The idea of having two moms is not super novel,
ほとんどの人にとっては これは 自然なことでしょう
especially where we live.
特に私たちが住んでいる世界では ママが2人いることは
So I tried other words.
And when I played around with "daddy," it felt better.
Better, but not perfect.
「パパ」を試したとき ママより心地よく感じましたが
It felt like a pair of shoes that you really liked
but you needed to wear and break in.
まるで 気に入っているけど
And I knew the idea of being a female-born person being called "daddy"
was going to be a harder road with a lot more uncomfortable moments.
女に生まれて 「パパ」と呼ばれるようになることは
But, before I knew it, the time had come
困難な道ですし 気まずい瞬間の連続でもあります
and Elliot came screaming into the world, like most babies do,
and my new identity as a parent began.
エリオットが赤ん坊らしく 泣きながらこの世界にやって来て
I decided on becoming a daddy, and our new family faced the world.
私の親としての新しいアイデンティティが 始まったのです
Now one of the most common things that happens when people meet us
私はパパになることにし そうして家族は世界に向き合いました
is for people to "mom" me.
And when I get "momed", there are several ways the interaction can go,
and I've drawn this map to help illustrate my options.
そのとき その後会話がどうなるのか
So, option one is to ignore the assumption
and allow folks to continue to refer to me as "mom,"
1つ目の選択肢は その呼称が 思い込みであることを無視して
which is not awkward for the other party,
そのまま「ママ」として 会話を続けることです
but is typically really awkward for us.
これは 相手には 何の気まずさもありませんが
And it usually causes me to restrict my interaction with those people.
私たちには いつも大きな違和感が残ります
Option one.
私の場合 そういう人とは話もしなくなります
Option two is to stop and correct them
and say something like,
2つ目の選択肢は 会話を止め 訂正することです
"Actually, I'm Elliot's dad" or "Elliot calls me 'daddy.'"
「実は私 エリオットのパパです」
And when I do this, one or two of the following things happen.
「エリオットは私をパパと呼ぶので」 などと言います
Folks take it in stride and say something like, "Oh, OK."
すると こうなります
And move on.
相手はすんなり理解し 「あ そう」と言って
Or they respond by apologizing profusely
because they feel bad or awkward or guilty or weird.
とても悪いことをしてしまったと思い やたらと謝ります
But more often, what happens is folks get really confused
でも一番多いのは すっかりまごついて
and look up with an intense look and say something like,
"Does this mean you want to transition?
Do you want to be a man?"
Or say things like,
「どうして女性がパパになれるのよ パパになれるのは男性だけ」
"How can she be a father?
Only men can be dads."
1つ目の選択肢のほうが 大抵は楽です
Well, option one is oftentimes the easier route.
2つ目の選択肢のほうが 常に 事実に近いです
Option two is always the more authentic one.
And all of these scenarios involve a level of discomfort,
一番良い場合でも 多少の不快感が伴います
even in the best case.
時を経て 私にとって この複雑な道筋の探り方は
And I'll say that over time, my ability to navigate this complicated map
has gotten easier.
But the discomfort is still there.
トランスパパとしての処世術を 会得したふりはしません
Now, I won't stand here and pretend
like I've mastered this, it's pretty far from it.
And there are days when I still allow option one to take place
2つ目は あまりにも難しく 危険に感じられるからです
because option two is just too hard or too risky.
There's no way to be sure of anyone's reaction,
私は 人々は善であり 善意で動いていることを
and I want to be sure that folks have good intentions,
that people are good.
でも私たちの社会では 私に対する他者の意見が
But we live in a world where someone's opinion of my existence
私や家族の 感情的、身体的な安全にとって
can be met with serious threats to me
or even my family's emotional or physical safety.
ですから 私はコストと リスクを天秤にかけて
So I weigh the costs against the risks
時に 自分らしくいることよりも 家族の安全を優先します
and sometimes the safety of my family comes before my own authenticity.
しかし こんなリスクがあるにもかかわらず
But despite this risk,
エリオットは成長するにつれ 物心がついて 言語能力もつき
I know as Elliot gets older and grows into her consciousness and language skills,
私がしなくても 自分で人々を訂正するでしょう
if I don't correct people, she will.
私は自分の恐怖や不安が 娘の重荷になったり
I don't want my fears and insecurities to be placed on her,
娘の心をくじいたり 娘が自身の意見を疑う原因になるのは嫌です
to dampen her spirit or make her question her own voice.
自主性、自分らしさ、弱さの 手本を見せなければなりません
I need to model agency, authenticity and vulnerability,
それは 自分が不本意にも 「ママさん」と呼ばれる度に
and that means leaning into those uncomfortable moments of being "momed"
立ち上がり こう言うことです
and standing up and saying, "No, I'm a dad.
「私は父親です 父親らしい冗談だって言えるんだから」
And I even have the dad jokes to prove it."
さて 今まで不快な瞬間は十分ありました
Now, there have already been plenty of uncomfortable moments
and even some painful ones.
でも一方で たった2年の間に
But there's also been, in just two short years,
父親としての道を歩いていく中で 自分のあり方を確認することや
validating and at times transformative moments on my journey as a dad
and my path towards authenticity.
When we got our first sonogram,
we decided we wanted to know the sex of the baby.
画面で女性器を確認できた検査士は 「女の子だ」と言い
The technician saw a vulva and slapped the words "It's a girl"
帰りがけに コピーをくれました
on the screen and gave us a copy and sent us on our way.
誰でもそうすると思いますが その写真をシェアすると
We shared the photo with our families like everyone does
すぐに母が来て 袋いっぱいの—
and soon after, my mom showed up at our house with a bag filled --
I'm not exaggerating,
このくらい大きい袋で ピンクの服とおもちゃで溢れていました
it was like this high and it was filled, overflowing with pink clothes and toys.
私はピンクのものを突きつけられ 多少苛立ちました
Now I was a little annoyed to be confronted with a lot of pink things,
and having studied gender
人にも教えるのに 数えきれないほどの 時間を費やしてきた身として
and spent countless hours teaching about it in workshops and classrooms,
自分はジェンダーの社会的構築に 精通しており
I thought I was pretty well versed on the social construction of gender
性差別とは男尊女卑のことで それが時にはっきりと
and how sexism is a devaluing of the feminine
時に 暗に現れることを 知っていると思っていました
and how it manifests both explicitly and implicitly.
でもピンクでいっぱいの袋に 嫌悪感を隠せない この状況では
But this situation, this aversion to a bag full of pink stuff,
女性度の高いモノに対して 自分が感じる拒絶感について
forced me to explore my rejection of highly feminized things
in my child's world.
人には問題だと教えている 性差別や文化的通念を
I realized that I was reinforcing sexism
自ら助長してしまっていることに 気づきました
and the cultural norms I teach as problematic.
頭ではどんなに ジェンダーの中立性を分かっていても
No matter how much I believed in gender neutrality in theory,
実際は 女らしくないというのは 中性的ではなく 男らしいことです
in practice, the absence of femininity is not neutrality, it's masculinity.
子供に青や緑やグレーの服だけ 着せたとしても
If I only dress my baby in greens and blues and grays,
周りは「かわいいジェンダーニュートラルな 赤ちゃんね」とは思いません
the outside world doesn't think, "Oh, that's a cute gender-neutral baby."
「まあ なんてかわいい男の子」と思うのです
They think, "Oh, what a cute boy."
ジェンダーの理論上の理解と 育児の世界が激しく衝突しました
So my theoretical understanding of gender and my parenting world collided hard.
もちろん 子供には様々な色の 様々なおもちゃで遊んでほしい
Yes, I want a diversity of colors and toys for my child to experience.
I want a balanced environment for her to explore
and make sense of in her own way.
そのために中性的な名前を 選びさえしました
We even picked a gender-neutral name for our female-born child.
But gender neutrality is much easier as a theoretical endeavor
than it is as a practice.
And in my attempts to create gender neutrality,
無意識に男らしさを 優位に置いていたのでした
I was inadvertently privileging masculinity over femininity.
そこで 生活の中で女らしさを 排除したり 減らしたりするのではなく
So, rather than toning down or eliminating femininity in our lives,
讃えるよう 二人して努めています
we make a concerted effort to celebrate it.
We have pinks among the variety of colors,
we balance out the cutes with handsomes
強さと 賢さのバランスをとり
and the prettys with strongs and smarts
どんな言葉もジェンダーに関連付けぬよう 努めています
and work really hard not to associate any words with gender.
女性らしさ 男性らしさに 鋭い批判を持ちながら
We value femininity and masculinity
while also being highly critical of it.
娘が性別ごとの役割にとらわれないよう 最善を尽くしています
And do our best to not make her feel limited by gender roles.
And we do all this in hopes
ジェンダーとの 健全で自立した関係の 手本を子供に見せるためです
that we model a healthy and empowered relationship with gender for our kid.
さて エリオットのために始めた この取り組みは
Now this work to develop a healthy relationship with gender for Elliot
自身のジェンダーアイデンティティに 性差別がどう現れるか
made me rethink and evaluate how I allowed sexism to manifest
in my own gender identity.
健全ではない「男らしさ」を 体現しようとするため
I began to reevaluate how I was rejecting femininity
子供に引き継ぎたい何かのため 女らしさを拒絶していた自分を
in order to live up to a masculinity that was not healthy
or something I wanted to pass on.
これは選択肢1を 消去せざるを得ないということでした
Doing this self-work meant I had to reject option one.
I couldn't ignore and move on.
I had to choose option two.
本当の私になるために 自分の最も嫌な部分と
I had to engage with some of my most uncomfortable parts
to move towards my most authentic self.
それは自分の体に対する違和感と 対峙するということでした
And that meant I had to get real about the discomfort I have with my body.
トランスジェンダーの人が 体に違和感を覚えることはよくあり
It's pretty common for trans people to feel uncomfortable in their body,
イラつく程度から ひどく消耗してしまう程まで
and this discomfort can range from debilitating to annoying
and everywhere in between.
自分の体を知り トランスジェンダーとして どう折り合いをつけるか
And learning my body and how to be comfortable in it as a trans person
has been a lifelong journey.
I've always struggled with the parts of my body
that can be defined as more feminine --
my chest, my hips, my voice.
場合によって困難でもあり 容易でもある決断をしました
And I've made the sometimes hard, sometimes easy decision
社会が決める男らしさを 手に入れるための
to not take hormones or have any surgeries to change it
ホルモン服用や手術をしたりは しないという決断です
to make myself more masculine by society's standards.
不満の感情を すっかり克服してはいませんが
And while I certainly haven't overcome all the feelings of dissatisfaction,
I realized that by not engaging with that discomfort
and coming to a positive and affirming place with my body,
人の体をけなす行為の見本を示すことに なってしまうと気づきました
I was reinforcing sexism, transphobia and modeling body shaming.
If I hate my body,
そして特に社会的に女らしいとされる 部分を嫌ってしまったら
in particular, the parts society deems feminine or female,
子供自身の 自分の体や 女性的な部分についての考え方まで
I potentially damage how my kid can see the possibilities of her body
狭めたり 悪影響を与えるかもしない
and her feminine and female parts.
親の私が自分の体に違和感を持ち 嫌ってしまったら どうして
If I hate or am uncomfortable with my body,
how can I expect my kid to love hers?
Now it would be easier for me to choose option one:
子供に自分の体について尋ねられたら無視する 体を子供に見せない などです
to ignore my kid when she asks me about my body or to hide it from her.
でも私は毎日 選択肢2を 選ばなければいけないのです
But I have to choose option two every day.
「父親らしい体とは何か」という自分の 思い込みに向き合わなければなりません
I have to confront my own assumptions about what a dad's body can and should be.
自分の体や女らしさの表現に 違和感がないよう
So I work every day to try and be more comfortable in this body
and in the ways I express femininity.
So I talk about it more,
I explore the depths of this discomfort
and find language that I feel comfortable with.
日々の不快感は 自分の体や ジェンダーに現れる行動や自分らしさを
And this daily discomfort helps me build both agency and authenticity
in how I show up in my body and in my gender.
また 自分を制限しないようにも 努めています
I'm working against limiting myself.
パパに大きなお尻や 膨らんだ胸があっても
I want to show her that a dad can have hips,
a dad doesn't have to have a perfectly flat chest
or even be able to grow facial hair.
そして 年頃になったら
And when she's developmentally able to,
自分が体とどう向き合ったか 話してあげたい
I want to talk to her about my journey with my body.
I want her to see my journey towards authenticity
私がどんな経緯で自分らしさに辿り着いたか 知ってほしい
even when it means showing her the messier parts.
We have a wonderful pediatrician
and have established a good relationship with our kid's doctor.
ご存知の通り 担当医はずっと同じでも
And as you all know, while your doctor stays the same,
your nurses and nurse practitioners change in and out.
エリオットが生まれ 小児科に連れていき
And when Elliot was first born, we took her to the pediatrician
ある看護師に出会いました 仮に「サラ」とします
and we met our first nurse -- we'll call her Sarah.
Very early in in our time with Sarah,
自分が「父親」で パートナーが「母親」だと
we told her how I was going to be called "dad"
and my partner is "mama."
サラはそれを聞いても 動じないタイプで
Sarah was one of those folks that took it in stride,
その後の受診は かなりスムーズにいきました
and our subsequent visits went pretty smoothly.
約1年後 サラの勤務時間が変わり
And about a year later, Sarah switched shifts
新しい看護師に変わりました 「ベッキー」としましょう
and we started working with a new nurse -- we'll call her Becky.
直接「父親」の話には なりませんでしたが
We didn't get in front of the dad conversations
and it didn't actually come up until Sarah, our original nurse,
元気に明るく 私たちに挨拶してから
walked in to say hi.
Sarah's warm and bubbly and said hi to Elliot and me and my wife
and when talking to Elliot said something like,
"Is your daddy holding your toy?"
Now out of the corner of my eye,
I could see Becky swing around in her chair
and make daggers at Sarah.
サラとベッキーのやりとりは こんなふうに続きました
And as the conversation shifted to our pediatrician,
ベッキーは頭を振りながら (口パクで)「ママでしょ!」
I saw Sarah and Becky's interaction continue, and it went something like this.
サラは頭を振りながら (口パクで)「パパよ!」
Becky, shaking her head "no" and mouthing the word "mom."
Sarah, shaking her head "no" and mouthing the word "no, dad."
私たちが部屋を出るまで この無言のやりとりが
Awkward, right?
So this went back and forth in total silence a few more times
さて この出来事が頭から離れません
until we walked away.
Now, this interaction has stuck with me.
ベッキーが「ママ」と言うのを 無視出来たはずです
Sarah could have chosen option one,
ignored Becky, and let her refer to me as mom.
責任を私に押し付けて 黙っていることもできたのに
It would have been easier for Sarah.
あの瞬間 2つ目の選択肢を選びました
She could have put the responsibility back on me or not said anything at all.
人の思い込みに向き合い 私の存在を明言したのです
But in that moment, she chose option two.
私のような外見や声の持ち主が パパだという場合もありえるのだと
She chose to confront the assumptions and affirm my existence.
She insisted that a person who looks and sounds like me
can in fact be a dad.
私らしさと私の家族を 擁護してくれたのです
And in a small but meaningful way,
残念ながら 私たちの社会には トランスジェンダーの人の存在も
advocated for me, my authenticity and my family.
そしてその多様性も 認めない人々がいます
Unfortunately, we live in a world that refuses to acknowledge trans people
誰かのために立ち上がる機会が 巡ってきたら
and the diversity of trans people in general.
And my hope is that when confronted with an opportunity
誰もがサラのように行動する世界で あってほしい
to stand up for someone else,
ジェンダークィアの父親であることが 時に 耐え難く感じる時もあります
we all take action like Sarah, even when there's risk involved.
父親になるという決断は 本当に大変でした
So some days, the risk of being a genderqueer dad feels too much.
これは 人生で最も困難でありながら
And deciding to be a dad has been really hard.
達成感のある経験であり続けるに 違いありません
And I'm sure it will continue to be the hardest,
このような困難にもかかわらず 毎日に100%の価値を感じています
yet the most rewarding experience of my life.
だから私は毎日 エリオットと私自身への
But despite this challenge, every day has felt 100 percent worth it.
So each day I affirm my promise to Elliot
それは 許しや思いやりをもって
and that same promise to myself.
To love her and myself hard
娘も私自身も両方 心の底から愛すること
with forgiveness and compassion,
より意味のある生活を 送れるようになるという希望の下
with tough love and with generosity.
成長の余地を残し 快適さの枠をはみ出して前進すること
To give room for growth, to push beyond comfort
私は 頭と心でわかっています
in hopes of attaining and living a more meaningful life.
この先 辛く 苦痛に満ちた 不快な日々がやって来ること
I know in my head and in my heart
そして その日々が
that there are hard and painful and uncomfortable days ahead.
My head and my heart also know
より豊かで自分らしい人生に つながることを
that all of it will lead to a more rich, authentic life
that I can look back on without regrets.
Thank you.