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  • Hello, everyone and welcome! As you can see I am here with Charles from HubbleMechanic (Hello) .com (.com)

  • And we're going to be talking about 5 ways to prepare your car for turbocharging, because Charles

  • what are you doing to your car?

  • So I have a '98 GTI with VR6 2.8 Liter

  • and we are going to be bolting up a turbocharger to it. Super pumped, should see about a hundred horsepower to the wheel increase

  • With the turbocharger yeah, so I have a question for you charles

  • We're going to we're about five different things in order to you know get your car properly turbocharged, right?

  • What's probably the first thing you need if you want to turbo charge your car, so after you [have] your car, okay?

  • You got a car the next thing you need of course is....a turbocharger

  • [you] would need a turbocharger or it is really hard to boost your car with a

  • Turbocharger if you don't have a turbocharger, and so you've got this as a kit. Yeah, right this came all [as] a kit

  • This is a Garrett t3 T4 turbocharger which means it's a hybrid so the compressor inside is different than the exhaust side

  • okay, cool, [and] this would be quite a bit bigger than

  • Most most oem gas small engine turbocharged cars

  • And how much pressure are you looking to put in your 2.8 will probably be running?

  • About 10 PSI of boost so it's going to be low boost levels. I want this to be

  • Incredibly reliable

  • I'm not trying to push it to the max of this or the max of the engine

  • That's what [Volkswagen] is known for pushing it to the max.

  • I was going to say reliability

  • and honesty and integrity

  • glad we got all those out. pew pew pew pew

  • It's the gangster wheel what about [when] I'm not that gangster you can work out. Maybe this one

  • The Charles what's next on the list so next up on the list is going [to] be upgrading fuel components in most cases?

  • The stock fuel components meaning fuel pump and tank

  • [high] pressure pump if it has one and fuel injectors are probably not enough to deliver the extra

  • Quantity of fuel that your engine's going to need we're pushing more air into the cylinder

  • And we need to back that up with fuel. Right, more power you need more fuel.

  • the oem are probably going to have something capable for you know maximum power obviously and then a

  • Rich Air fuel mixture if needed, but not much more than that

  • so you need to be able to have more flow and that's what these will do for you as well as the

  • [inline] fuel pump now the other thing worth mentioning about fuel is if you're going to be turbo charging your car clearly you know you're

  • Putting some money into it you might as well

  • use the best fuel out there you can buy the highest octane you can buy and reason being is because

  • That reduces your chance of having knock

  • It's just one less thing to worry about

  • So get good fuel in it get a higher octane fuel so you don't have to worry so much about pre-ignition or knock occurring

  • in using those low Octane Fuels

  • Which are more more

  • Common to have in these kind of situations--- right and some of this may be a little bit overkill for me and the amount of boost that I'm running

  • But I'd rather as this build goes on

  • Do a little bit more than I absolutely need you know you might be able to run on stock injector stock fuel pump

  • But the last point you want to run out of fuel

  • Delivery is at the highest boost level right and then your lean and then all of a sudden you're getting pre-ignition

  • And then you have bigger problems

  • way big way bigger problems. They are problems like holes in pistons

  • Because of pew pew. Because of actually not bew bew more like beeeeww...bewwwww

  • The third thing we're going to need when we're adding a turbocharger [on] to our car is proper engine management

  • So the Ecm [and] monitoring, and we need a way [to] monitor will talk about the monitoring in a second

  • We're going to need to

  • have a computer that can compensate for this increase in air and this fuel demand simply putting new injectors in it is not going to

  • Get it done in fact it'll probably in some ways make your car run worse on an old car [like] mine

  • It is actually a chip that gets installed. So you've heard people talk about chipping their car

  • That one literally is a chip if the car's more modern usually it just comes in the form of an Ecm tuned

  • Some ecms do need to be opened up to

  • do this like adding a ground wire is a really common [thing] or simply plugging into the [obd] and

  • Changing the mapping and letting the computer know that you are now going [to] be

  • Increasing [airflow] of course then [that] needs to increase fuel change timing perhaps it really depends on how much boost you're going to be

  • asking [for] from the turbocharger and in certain situations

  • You're potentially electrically controlling boost as well

  • So we need to have a computer that can compensate for all that stuff. Okay and so on the monitoring end

  • you're going to be looking at exhaust gas temperatures and

  • Wideband O2 sensor for your Air fuel ratio right right depending on how you're doing it

  • You know a lot of these things a lot of these

  • Turbocharger setups come as kit so it's going to come [with] a tune or may come with a whole new engine computer

  • That does make it quite a bit easier, but even though the Ecm is going to be tuned for it

  • we still want to keep an eye and make sure that we're not running too lean or our timings not way off or

  • When we haven't developed some kind of problem like a boost leak like a failing injector

  • So that we don't run the risk of doing damage to the engine the great thing about cars that come

  • Turbocharged [is] all those safety measures [are] [built-in] yup and good kits will have those safety measures, too

  • But monitoring exhaust gas temperature and really more importantly monitoring air fuel with a wideband o2 that's the key is a wideband

  • Is vital to make sure that you don't do catastrophic engine damage now charles [a] tool

  • I have found helpful over the years in explaining on how stuff works. [I] didn't know this was coming

  • Is this white board and so what I wanted to mention?

  • We're going to get the reflections out there we go

  • We go to the things basically you want to keep it safe and in order to keep it safe

  • You want to start with a really rich mixture because that reduces the chance of knock so you start rich and then you start leaning

  • Out that mixture while you're tuning it and eventually you know your power is going to keep increasing and then eventually that power is going

  • To start to drop and once it starts to drop you go back to where it wasn't dropping

  • You can get peak power or you can stay a little bit safe and go left of that

  • Same thing with timing so you're going to start with heavily retarded timing. That's safer

  • You're not going to run into knock issues or pre-ignition issues

  • And then you slightly advance that time you keep advancing it you'll start to get to a point. Where you reach peak power

  • You don't want to get into a point where you start to get knock

  • But basically you would you advance it as much as you can based on the fuel that you have

  • The other parameters of your engine that allow [for] that and then you can reach a peak power

  • [two] ways of tuning it

  • But basically if you want to be as safe as possible

  • You keep it really rich you keep the timing retarded and then you play with that in order [to] you know have a car

  • That's more fun

  • But still reliable and I think it's really important to mention that this kind of tuning is

  • Usually best done on a Dyno to eliminate all of [the] other variables that would happen and not only it's a thousand times safer

  • But to eliminate all that stuff that could [potentially] happen if you did it in the back Street

  • Moving on to number four we're going to talk about cooling. So we've got three [different] things

  • We're going to talk [about] here our air. Yeah, oil. Yes, and water-ish right

  • We'll call it coolant. We'll call it water ethylene glycol. We'll call it coolant. Coolant G 13++ in this case

  • Yeah, so we are going to be putting more air

  • We want to you know one really common thing on most factory turbocharged cars. Is they have a charge cooler whether

  • That's air to air like this one or air to water like some other ones

  • Adding you know adding an intercooler or charge Cooler is not

  • Mandatory you don't have to do it, but it's more efficient

  • It's way more

  • Efficient and boy if you're going to go to all the trouble to bolt one of these babies on you might as well put in

  • a little extra work and

  • Cool that air coming into the engine. I would agree with you. Just don't paint it black. So when you compress air heap up

  • you don't want that heat going in your engine you want cool air lots of oxygen and

  • So you get one of these and you cool that you bring that intake air temperature down you make more power

  • and you do it more efficiently so great thing to do one thing on this you want to make sure you're using an

  • Appropriately sized one you don't necessarily need one

  • That's you know three feet tall right, and you also want to make sure you're not blocking too much of the radiator

  • By installing one of these because that coolant cooling down the coolant is also vital in this situation right absolutely

  • And you [know] as you mentioned if you get super big with this

  • You lose the effectiveness of it, so it's not necessary in the first place

  • and then also you're going to increase turbo lag because you're needing to fill this [entire] thing up with air before it gets into the

  • Engine right so not the smartest thing you want it appropriately-sized

  • moving on to the turbocharger itself you could have a liquid coolant in this this one is just oil cooled and

  • Also, you know allows for what does oil do right, so this is friction

  • So when it comes to cooling and lubricating [the] turbocharger this one is actually

  • just oil cooled and lubricated there are other setups that would have coolant lines coming to and leaving the

  • Turbocharger as well, so we need to make sure we're pumping cooled oil

  • Into this turbocharger, and then having a way for it to drain back into the oil pan so typically you'll get an oil pan

  • With a bung welded onto it so [you] can have a return

  • You know the feed source for the oil it really depends on the setup on my setup

  • It's going to be coming right out of the oil filter housing and then as far as coolant

  • It would be just the [same] you would need cool coolant to it and then a way for it to drain out

  • You know back to the radiator or whatever the setup?

  • Really best suits for for the vehicle, but you do on every single turbocharger

  • I've ever seen have a spot for oil feed and oil return. And so then finally of course

  • You're making more power more power means more energy

  • And more [energy] means more heat ultimately because internal combustion engines are not perfectly efficient

  • They're like not that efficient at all

  • That's like [30%] or so we can tell

  • So anyways you've got a lot of heat that heat needs to go somewhere you may need to upgrade your radiator as a result

  • So you can compensate with that that could also mean getting higher flow fans

  • And then you know

  • Some of these radiators if you get into higher temperatures if you're tracking your car things like that you may want to go with like

  • All aluminum Tanks rather than just plastic end tanks

  • And really it really sorry to cut you off it really depends on the setup for that. You know it [from] my set up radiators fine

  • I will be switching to two electric fans. The car from the Factory had one electric fan and then one

  • Auxilary Fan driven by a belt off the main fan which is [a] little bit

  • inefficient as far as

  • The overall efficiency of the cooling system goes so I am going to upgrade to two electric fans which will flow more air

  • But as far as do you need a radiator. Do you need to upgrade fans it really depends on the setup

  • Yeah, often you know it depends [on] where you live - so radiators are always designed for the worst-Case [scenario]

  • So they're assuming you're in Phoenix, Arizona, and it's extraordinarily hot and your flooring it, and you're not really doing that all the time

  • But if you are and if you want to - then you know you need to think about that and size your radiator

  • Appropriately that is a pretty cool story

  • Bro, so number five the last thing we're going to talk about and it's a bunch of different things

  • But basically what you'll learn if you turbocharged your car and do nothing else

  • Is that there are probably a bunch of weak points that you weren't thinking about that?

  • You should [have] considered when turbo charging it

  • So you know some of the more obvious ones if you add power?

  • You need to have brakes that can handle that power

  • You need to have tires that can handle that power you might want to size your exhaust

  • Appropriately because you have additional

  • Flow you know these are some [of] the more [obvious] ones clutch is another one that [you] probably really want to yeah clutch as well

  • So it's not slipping but [Charles] here has some different spark plugs. [yeah], [we] why do you have different spark plugs

  • I'm actually going to be dropping a one level of heat range down on spark plugs so that in that higher boost

  • Situation we're pushing the heat away from the spark plug a little bit more efficiently

  • [that'll] lead to less heat at the spark plug in a more even combustion

  • So the way that you're changing that heat rating is by changing how much of that?

  • Insulator is exposed and so if you expose more of it and has a higher heat rating it

  • Retains more heat if you expose less of it

  • It's putting more of its heat back into the cylinder rather than in the combustion [chamber]

  • Or the cylinder head, I should say cylinder head

  • You know remember [that] if you are adding this stuff to your car

  • Things like the spark plugs were not necessarily designed for that application

  • So you want to make sure that you're really paying attention to things like spark plugs like our cooling so like all the stuff

  • We talked about today to make sure that you're getting it right

  • And then one other thing we're going to talk about is compression ratios. So what do we have here Charles right, so

  • Dropping the compression ratio is another way to play it a little bit on the safe side

  • With this setup. [I] could have easily bolted all of this up and

  • Been on my way and had a really fun time with it

  • but adding something like a head gasket spacer or

  • Lower compression pistons will drop the compression

  • And it'll really in this situation the reason I did it is for if I ever want to upgrade the turbo

  • I'm not having to pull the head off

  • Yeah, you know put new pistons and then or put a spacer

  • And then I can simply add [more] power with a bigger

  • Turbocharger you might also find that you have other weak points in the engine a really common one on the this generation

  • Vr. Is connecting Rod bolts, so I'm going to be upgrading bolts

  • I'm also going to be putting head studs instead of bolts, and then if I saw if I do have a problem

  • I can just pull that off they also have a better strength higher strength, so they'll be less prone to failure

  • But basically what we're doing here is you're choosing. You know how much risk

  • do you want to have you can choose to do less of these things and as a result have more risk of

  • Something going wrong, or you can choose to play it very safe

  • Like Charles is doing and you know putting in these extra measures to make sure that the car is more reliable, right?

  • So that's kind of you know

  • That's the balance you need to make and it would be my personal suggestion that you do all of them

  • And [you] [don't] [turbocharge] your car, and you leave it stuck

  • And you just change it at the dealership you let them do it then you take all responsibility out of your own hands [I] I?

  • Definitely agree with you. It's all about risk mitigation

  • You know I'm going way more deep than I really needed to

  • but I wanted A

  • Reliable car that built good power that I didn't have to worry every single time I put [the] key in to start it for every

  • Time I mash the throttle that something [was] going to go kaboom

  • Honestly if you blew kablooey if you can't if you don't have the funds to do it the right way

  • it's probably best that you wait until you do you could easily by [Ebay] turbo kit for

  • $700 [bolt] that baby on and if you're looking to blow your engine up that night be an awesome lady

  • It could be fun great

  • [I] feel like we've talked about a lot of different [ways] that you want to improve your car

  • And it turns out that there's going to be kind of expensive Charles there's a few things you're changing yeah, yeah

  • it's not you know a

  • Hundred and fifty dollar air intake or a $700 tune. This is big bucks in fact. I will have spent considerably more

  • turbocharging this car than I did for the entire car I

  • Think I'm going to be doing this thing [with] my five thousand if I ever start doing it

  • But [finally] the good news Charles actually works on cars rather than just pretending like he will in the future

  • So if you're interested in watching his vr6 turbo build you should subscribe to his channel

  • I'll put a circle over your face

  • Not to cover it up. That's a little bit rude, but I don't want to click his face click my face

  • And that's all we have in this video. Thanks for watching guys questions, or comments leave below hello everyone and welcome

  • It gets me every time it was so good - it was glad I've said it 800 times at this point if not more

Hello, everyone and welcome! As you can see I am here with Charles from HubbleMechanic (Hello) .com (.com)


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ターボチャージのためにあなたの車を準備する5つの方法 (5 Ways To Prepare Your Car For Turbocharging)

  • 41 0
    許小龍 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日