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Lake Titicaca is home to moveable floating islands that were created by humans and where over 500 people still reside today.
チチカカ湖には複数の移動可能な浮島が存在しています 浮島は人間の手で作られたもので、今でも500人以上の居住者がいます
Living on not so solid ground isn't for everyone, but a small South American tribe in Peru, known as Uros, have created and maintained this unique way of life.
足場が不安定なところで暮らすことは万人向けとは言えません でも、ペルーで暮らす南米の小部族、ウル族として知られる彼らは、このユニークな生活様式を生み出し、維持してきました
The community is made up of roughly 70 human-made islands and one large central island, which is the hub for the tribe.
ウル族のコミュニティは 約 70 ほどの人口の島と 1 つの大きな本島から成っています 本島がウル族の中心地です
They use dried reeds that grow along the banks of the lake and shape them into floating platforms and boats.
彼らは 湖の岸に自生する乾燥させた葦 (あし) を使って 浮き波止場や小舟を作ります
These platforms can be moved from the mainland if required, which was originally a defense strategy to escape danger.
浮き波止場は 必要に応じて本島から移動させることが可能です もともとは危険から逃れるための防衛戦略でした
The reeds are interwoven densely to be about 80 inches thick.
葦はきつく編み込まれ、およそ 80 インチ (約 2 m) の厚さになります
Large logs are attached through the reeds and anchored to the river floor.
Over time the reeds tend to rot, and so they are replaced four times each year.
葦は時間の経過とともに腐りやすくなるため 1 年に 4 度、作り替えられます
The community is home to the new and old world.
The reeds are used as medicine and the flowers drunk as tea.
However, the solar panels are used to help run some electrical appliances, and the central island is home to a radio station.
Until the mid-'80s, the islands were located further out in the lake and were inaccessible by visitors.
1980 年代中頃まで チチカカ湖の島々は湖のはるか向こうにあり、よそからの訪問者は立ち入ることはできませんでした
However, after a devastating storm, the tribe as moved closer to land and started welcoming tourists to experience their way of life.
でも、激しい嵐に襲われてから ウル族は陸地に近いところに移動し、ウル族の生活を体験しにやって来る観光客を歓迎するようになりました