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  • Adidas and Puma are two of the biggest rivals in shoes.


  • - But did you know that their founders were two halves of a once happy family business. - Hi there. - Hello.

    でも、それぞれの創業者はその昔1つの家族経営に一緒に携わっていたって知っていましたか? -よう。-おっす。

  • That turned into a level of brother rage so intense, it will get the sneaker heads' tongues waggin'?


  • See what I did there?


  • In the 1930's, the Dassler brothers' sport shoe company in Bavaria made the most kick-ass athletic shoes in all the land.

    1930 年代、ダスラー兄弟の経営するバイエルンにあるスポーツシューズ会社は、世界で他に見ないほどのカッコいいアスレチックシューズを開発しました。

  • The company even gave Jesse Owens a pair of shoes to compete in the 36th Olympics.

    同社は、第 36 回オリンピックに出場したジェシー・オーエンスにシューズを提供したほどです。

  • When Jesse won, the brothers' shoes blew up.


  • But all of that success was not good for their relationship.

    しかし、この成功は 2 人の人間関係上望ましいものではなかったのです。

  • Tensions flared.


  • Some say there was stealing, affairs, resentment,


  • and after World War II the brothers were so out of step they eventually ended the company.


  • In 1949, Adolf, or Adi Dassler, formed Adidas a play on his nickname.

    1949 年、アドルフ、またの名をアディ・ダスラーは、自分のあだ名をもじってアディダスを設立しました。

  • Rudolf Dassler started Puma because, well, that name is awesome.


  • The brothers sued each other many, many times over the years over all sorts of design and trademark issues, costing each other a fortune in lawyers and suits.


  • Their two factories built in the same Bavarian village of Herzogenaurach, polarized the community with local people picking sides by picking shoes.


  • The brothers died two years apart.

    2 人の兄弟が亡くなった時期は2年しか離れていませんが、

  • They were buried at opposite ends of the village graveyard.


  • Proof that even in death there remained a great bitter divide between them.

    死してなお、2 人の間には深い溝が残ったままだったのです。

  • And so it was for decades until 2009.

    その状況は 2009 年まで何十年も続きましたが、

  • Employees of Adidas and Puma in the village where the two companies still have their headquarters came together and played a friendly soccer match.


  • And started the process of healing decades of enmity.


  • And began a new era of love and shoes.


Adidas and Puma are two of the biggest rivals in shoes.


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