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  • I want to talk to you about how to build and rebuild trust,

    翻訳: Yumika Amemiya 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki

  • because it's my belief that trust

    信頼を構築し再構築する方法 について話します

  • is the foundation for everything we do,


  • and that if we can learn to trust one another more,

    全ての行動の基本となっていると 信じているからです

  • we can have unprecedented human progress.

    そして もっとお互いに 信頼し合えるようになれば

  • But what if trust is broken?

    人類は前例の無い 進歩を遂げることができます

  • What if your CEO is caught on video, disparaging an employee?

    しかし もし信頼が壊れてしまったら?

  • What if your employees experience a culture of bias, exclusion and worse?

    もし社長が従業員を侮辱している ところをビデオに撮られたら?

  • What if there's a data breach,

    もし従業員が偏見 排除や もっとひどいことで苦しんでいるなら?

  • and it feels an awful lot like a cover-up than seriously addressing it?


  • And most tragically,

    真剣に対処しているというより 隠蔽しているように感じられたら?

  • what if a technological fail leads to the loss of human life?

    そして 極めて悲劇的なことですが

  • If I was giving this talk six months ago,

    技術的な欠陥で 人命が失われるとしたら?

  • I would have been wearing an Uber T-shirt.

    もし私がこのトークを 6ヶ月前にしていたら

  • I'm a Harvard Business School professor,

    UberのTシャツを 着続けていたことでしょう

  • but I was super attracted to going to an organization

    私はハーバード・ビジネススクール の教授ですが

  • that was metaphorically and perhaps quite literally on fire.

    比喩的に そしておそらく 文字通り炎上中だった組織に

  • I had read everything that was written in the newspaper,


  • and that was precisely what drew me to the organization.

    新聞に書かれていたことは つぶさに読んでいて

  • This was an organization that had lost trust

    そこに書かれていたことこそ 私がこの組織に惹きつけられた理由です

  • with every constituent that mattered.

    この組織は あらゆる関係者の

  • But there's a word about me that I should share.


  • My favorite trait is redemption.

    まずは 私が大切に思う ある言葉についてお話しします

  • I believe that there is a better version of us around every corner,

    私がとても大切にしている 行動のあり方は「救済」です

  • and I have seen firsthand

    人々が成長する可能性が いたる所にあると私は思っていて

  • how organizations and communities


  • and individuals change at breathtaking speed.


  • I went to Uber with the hope of a turn around there


  • could give license to the rest of us

    私は Uberに入ったのは 方向転換しさえすれば

  • who might have narrower versions of their challenges.

    小さなことにしか 挑戦しない他の人たちを

  • But when I got to Uber, I made a really big mistake.

    進歩させられるだろうという 期待があったからです

  • I publicly committed to wearing an Uber T-shirt every day

    しかし Uberに入るなり 実に大きなミスを犯しました

  • until every other employee was wearing an Uber T-shirt.

    全ての従業員が UberのTシャツを着るまで

  • I had clearly not thought that through.

    私は UberのTシャツを 毎日着続けると宣言したのです

  • (Laughter)


  • It was 250 days of wearing an Uber T-shirt.


  • Now I am liberated from that commitment,


  • as I am back at HBS,


  • and what I'd like to do is share with you

    ハーバード・ビジネススクールに 戻ってきました

  • how far I have taken that liberty,


  • which, it's baby steps,


  • (Laughter)

    赤ちゃんみたいに ゆっくりとした足取りですけど

  • but I would just say I'm on my way.


  • (Laughter)


  • Now, trust, if we're going to rebuild it,


  • we have to understand its component parts.

    さて 信頼を再構築しようとするなら

  • The component parts of trust are super well understood.


  • There's three things about trust.

    信頼の要素については 非常によく理解されています

  • If you sense that I am being authentic,


  • you are much more likely to trust me.


  • If you sense that I have real rigor in my logic,


  • you are far more likely to trust me.


  • And if you believe that my empathy is directed towards you,


  • you are far more likely to trust me.

    そして 私が相手に 共感していると思われれば

  • When all three of these things are working,


  • we have great trust.


  • But if any one of these three gets shaky,


  • if any one of these three wobbles,

    しかし どれか1つでも 不安定になり

  • trust is threatened.


  • Now here's what I'd like to do.


  • I want each of us to be able to engender more trust tomorrow,

    さて 私がやろうとしていることは

  • literally tomorrow, than we do today.

    一人ひとりが 明日は今日よりも より多くの信頼を

  • And the way to do that is to understand where trust wobbles for ourselves


  • and have a ready-made prescription to overcome it.

    そしてその方法とは 何が原因で信頼が揺らぐのかを理解し

  • So that's what I would like to do together.

    それを克服する処方箋を 作っておくことなのです

  • Would you give me some sense of whether or not you're here voluntarily?

    では 皆さんと一緒にやってみましょう

  • (Laughter)

    皆さんは自分の意思でここに来たのか ちょっと教えて頂けませんか?

  • Yeah. OK. Alright. Awesome.


  • OK. So --

    はい OKです ありがとう

  • (Laughter)


  • it's just super helpful feedback.


  • (Laughter)

    リアクションから 事情がよく理解できます

  • So the most common wobble is empathy.


  • The most common wobble


  • is that people just don't believe that we're mostly in it for them,


  • and they believe that we're too self-distracted.

    相手が自分のために 何かしてくれると思えないこと

  • And it's no wonder.

    他のことにばかり気をとられていると 思っていることです

  • We are all so busy with so many demands on our time,


  • it's easy to crowd out the time and space

    私たちは皆やることが多く 忙しすぎます

  • that empathy requires.

    そのため 共感に必要な 時間と場所を

  • For Dylan to be Dylan, that takes real time.


  • And for us, if we have too much to do, we may not have that time.

    ディランが自分らしくあるためには 時間が必要なのです

  • But that puts us into a vicious cycle,

    私たちも やることが多過ぎれば 共感のための時間がもてないかもしれません

  • because without revealing empathy,


  • it makes everything harder.


  • Without the benefit of the doubt of trust, it makes everything harder,

    あらゆることが もっと難しくなるからです

  • and then we have less and less time for empathy, and so it goes.

    信頼することの価値が認められなければ あらゆることが もっと難しくなり

  • So here's the prescription:

    共感のための時間が減り続け 悪循環が続きます

  • identify where, when and to whom


  • you are likely to offer your distraction.

    どこで いつ そして誰といる時に

  • That should trace pretty perfectly

    自分の気が散りやすいかを 突き止めることです

  • to when, where and to whom you are likely to withhold your empathy.

    そうすれば かなり的確に

  • And if in those instances,

    いつ どこで そして誰に対して 共感しにくいかが突き止められます

  • we can come up with a trigger that gets us to look up,

    そして そうしているうちに

  • look at the people right in front of us,

    あるきっかけが生じて 自分の目の前にいる人達の方を向いて

  • listen to them,


  • deeply immerse ourselves in their perspectives,


  • then we have a chance of having a sturdy leg of empathy.


  • And if you do nothing else,

    共感というものに 堅固な軸足を置く チャンスが生れるのです

  • please put away your cell phone.

    そして 特に必要がないのなら

  • It is the largest distraction magnet yet to be made,


  • and it is super difficult to create empathy and trust in its presence.

    それは気を散らせてしまう 最大の原因となり

  • That takes care of the empathy wobblers.

    共感と信頼がそこに生まれることを とても難しくします

  • Logic wobbles can come in two forms.


  • It's either the quality of your logic

    論理の揺らぎは 2つの形で現れます

  • or it's your ability to communicate the logic.


  • Now if the quality of your logic is at risk,


  • I can't really help you with that.

    さて 論理の質が危ういようであれば

  • (Laughter)


  • It's like, not in this much time.


  • (Laughter)


  • But fortunately, it's often the case that our logic is sound,


  • but it's our ability to communicate the logic that is in jeopardy.

    ですが 幸いに 多くの場合 論理そのものは健全です

  • Super fortunately, there's a very easy fix to this.

    危ういのは 論理を伝える力です

  • If we consider that there are two ways to communicate in the world,

    とても幸いなことに これは簡単に直せます

  • and Harvard Business School professors are known for two-by-twos --

    この世の中に伝達方法は 2種類あるとされていて

  • nonsense, it's the triangle that rocks.

    ハーバード・ビジネススクールの教授達は 2x2法で名が通っていますが

  • (Laughter)

    ダメです 三角形が最高なんです

  • If we consider that there are two ways to communicate in the world,


  • and the first one is when you take us on a journey,

    この世の中に伝達方法が 2種類あるとすれば

  • a magnificent journey that has twists and turns

    1つ目の方法とは 誰かが我々を旅に―

  • and mystery and drama,

    紆余曲折や 神秘やドラマのある

  • until you ultimately get to the point,


  • and some of the best communicators in the world

    最終的に目的地に 到達させるというものです

  • communicate just like this.


  • But if you have a logic wobble,

    この伝達方法を 使う人もいるでしょう

  • this can be super dangerous.

    しかし 論理が揺らいでいるのならば

  • So instead, I implore you,


  • start with your point in a crisp half-sentence,

    よって 代わりに

  • and then give your supporting evidence.

    まず 短い文で要点を伝え

  • This means that people will be able to get access

    その後 裏付けとなる証拠を 示して欲しいのです

  • to our awesome ideas,

    これによって 素晴らしいアイデアを

  • and just as importantly,


  • if you get cut off before you're done ...


  • ladies --

    もし 途中で邪魔されたとしても

  • (Laughter)


  • (Applause)


  • If you get cut off before you're done,


  • you still get credit for the idea,

    もし 途中で邪魔されたとしても

  • as opposed to someone else coming in and snatching it from you.


  • (Applause)

    他人が割って入り 帰属を主張することはできません

  • You just gave me goosebumps.


  • (Laughter)


  • The third wobble is authenticity, and I find it to be the most vexing.


  • We as a human species can sniff out in a moment,

    3つ目の要素は誠実さで 一番厄介に感じます

  • literally in a moment,

    私たち人間は 一瞬で

  • whether or not someone is being their authentic true self.

    文字通り 一瞬で

  • So in many ways, the prescription is clear.

    誰かが猫をかぶっているかどうか 見分けることができます

  • You don't want to have an authenticity wobble? Be you.

    よって 多くの点で これに対する処方箋は明確です

  • Great.

    誠実さが揺らぐのは避けたいですか? では ありのままの自分でいましょう

  • And that is super easy to do


  • when you're around people who are like you.


  • But if you represent any sort of difference,

    あなたと似通っていれば 非常に簡単なことです

  • the prescription to "be you" can be super challenging.

    しかし あなたのタイプが 異なるならば

  • I have been tempted at every step of my career,


  • tempted personally and tempted by coaching of others,


  • to mute who I am in the world.

    個人的な衝動や 他人から受けた助言により

  • I'm a woman of super strong opinions,

    自分本来の姿を 隠したくなる時がありました

  • with really deep convictions,

    私は とても強く意見を述べる女性です

  • direct speech.


  • I have a magnificent wife,


  • and together, we have such crazy ambition.


  • I prefer men's clothes

    彼女と一緒に クレイジーな野心を抱いています

  • and comfortable shoes.

    私は 男性の服装と

  • Thank you, Allbirds.


  • (Laughter)


  • In some contexts, this makes me different.


  • I hope that each person here

    見方によっては 私は変わり者です

  • has the beautiful luxury of representing difference

    ここにいる皆さんも それぞれに

  • in some context in your life.

    人生の場面に応じて 異なる自分を表現する

  • But with that privilege


  • comes a very sincere temptation to hold back who we are,

    しかし これには

  • and if we hold back who we are,

    ありのままの自分を隠す誘惑が 付いて回ります

  • we're less likely to be trusted.

    そして ありのままの自分を隠せば

  • And if we're less likely to be trusted,


  • we're less likely to be given stretch assignments.


  • And without those stretch assignments, we're less likely to get promoted,

    まとまった仕事を 任されにくくなります

  • and so on and so on until we are super depressed

    仕事を任されなければ 昇格するチャンスも減り

  • by the demographic tendencies of our senior leadership.

    そうこうするうちに 最高幹部になれるのは

  • (Laughter)

    わずかだと気づいて 落胆することになります

  • And it all comes back to our being our authentic selves.


  • So here's my advice.

    だから ありのままの自分でいることに 議論は戻ってきます

  • Wear whatever makes you feel fabulous.


  • Pay less attention to what you think people want to hear from you

    自分の気持ちを向上させる 服を着てください

  • and far more attention to what your authentic, awesome self needs to say.


  • And to the leaders in the room,

    ありのままの素晴らしい自分が 何を言いたいかに注意を払って下さい

  • it is your obligation

    そして ここにいる リーダー格の皆さん

  • to set the conditions that not only make it safe for us to be authentic


  • but make it welcome,

    皆がありのままでいられる 安心できる環境を整えるだけでなく

  • make it celebrated,


  • cherish it for exactly what it is,


  • which is the key for us achieving greater excellence

    ありのままでいることを 大切にすることです

  • than we have ever known is possible.


  • So let's go back to Uber. What happened at Uber?


  • When I got there, Uber was wobbling all over the place.

    では Uberに話を戻しましょう Uberで何が起きたのか?

  • Empathy, logic, authenticity were all wobbling like crazy.

    私が着任した時のUberは あらゆる面で揺らいでいました

  • But we were able to find super effective, super quick fixes for two of the wobbles.

    共感 論理 誠実さの全てが 狂ったように揺らいでいました

  • I'll give you an illustration of empathy.

    しかし 2つの揺らぎについては 非常に 効果的で即効性のある解決法がありました

  • In the meetings at Uber,


  • it was not uncommon for people to be texting one another ...


  • about the meeting.

    互いにテキストメッセージを 送り合っていることが よくありました…

  • (Laughter)


  • I had never seen anything like it.


  • (Laughter)

    このようなことは 見たことがありませんでした

  • It may have done many things,


  • but it did not create a safe, empathetic environment.


  • The solution though, super clear:

    これでは安全で共感性のある環境は 作られませんでした

  • technology, off and away.


  • And that forced people to look up,

    電源を切り 遠ざけておくことです

  • to look at the people in front of them,

    すると 皆は顔を上げ

  • to listen to them,


  • to immerse themselves in their perspectives


  • and to collaborate in unprecedented ways.


  • Logic was equally wobbly,

    今までにない方法で 協力するようになったのです

  • and this was because the hypergrowth of the organization


  • meant that people, managers were getting promoted


  • again and again and again.


  • Soon, they were put in positions that they had no business being in.


  • Their positions outstripped their capability,

    やがて 経験の及ばぬ役職に 置かれてしまったのです

  • and it was not their fault.

    それは彼らの能力を 超えてしまいました

  • The solution: a massive influx of executive education


  • that focused specifically on logic,

    解決法は 集中的に経営陣を教育し

  • on strategy and leadership.


  • It gave people the rigor of the quality of their logic,


  • and it turned a whole lot of triangles, right-side up,

    皆に論理の質の厳密さを 彼らに植え付け

  • so people were able to communicate effectively with one another.

    多くの三角形の向きを 正しくすることで

  • The last one, authenticity, I'll say it's still mighty wobbly,

    皆が効率的なコミュニケーションを とれるようになりました

  • but honestly, that doesn't make Uber very different

    最後の誠実さは まだかなり揺らいでいますが

  • from all of the other companies I've seen in Silicon Valley and beyond.

    正直言って それはUberに限ったことではなく

  • It is still much easier to coach people to fit in.

    私が目にした シリコンバレーや 他の会社とそれほど変わりません

  • It is still much easier to reward people

    それでも 他人に合わせろ と教える方が楽です

  • when they say something that you were going to say,


  • as opposed to rewarding people when they say something


  • entirely different than what you were going to say.

    自分が言おうとしたことと 全く違うことを

  • But when we figure out this,

    発言する人に報いを与えるよりも ずっと楽です

  • when we figure out how to celebrate difference

    しかし このこと ―

  • and how to let people bring the best version of themselves forward,

    つまり 異なる意見をほめたたえ

  • well holy cow, is that the world I want my sons to grow up in.

    その人の最大の力を 引き出す方法が見いだすことができれば

  • And with the collection of people here,

    なんと それこそが 我が息子たちが育って欲しい世界なんです

  • it would be a privilege to lock arms with you

    そして ここにいる皆さんと一緒に

  • and go ahead and rebuild trust in every corner of the globe.

    手を取り合い 世界のあらゆる場所で

  • Thank you very much.


  • (Applause)


I want to talk to you about how to build and rebuild trust,

翻訳: Yumika Amemiya 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 信頼 uber 共感 論理 ありのまま

TED】Frances Frei: How to build (and rebuild) trust (How to build (and rebuild) trust | フランシス・フライ) (【TED】Frances Frei: How to build (and rebuild) trust (How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei))

  • 5417 686
    小雨 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日