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  • OK, let's go over our exit strategy one more time.

  • C2A is going to need help with her bags.

  • She has twig arms.

  • So if she blocks us, I play the pregnancy card.

  • And remember, leave our luggage, and--

  • Roll the dice with lost and found.

  • I know, I've been studying this map you drew on the barf bag

  • for 40 minutes.

  • Sorry.

  • Working is the only thing keeping

  • me from worrying about the squad and completely spiraling.

  • Hot towels?

  • For the billionth time, no, we don't want your boiled rags!

  • I don't know if it's keeping you from spiraling.

  • Look, why don't we just take our mind off everything?

  • We're in first class.

  • We get free movies. -What?

  • No.

  • We can't enjoy ourselves while the squad is in danger.

  • That's not fair.

  • Amy, we're trapped there for three hours.

  • There's nothing else we can do.

  • Fine.

  • I'll watch a movie.

  • But nothing we'll like too much.

  • No new releases.

  • Of course not.

  • We'll just put on whatever's first, alpahbetically.

  • [gasp] 27 Dresses.

OK, let's go over our exit strategy one more time.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

スパイラル・アウト・オブ・コントロール|シーズン3 Ep.23|ブルックリン・ナイン・ナイン (Spiraling Out Of Control | Season 3 Ep. 23 | BROOKLYN NINE-NINE)

  • 47 2
    neophyte に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日