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People all over the world dream of being pop stars, but perhaps nowhere else more than South Korea.
But you know what they say: be careful what you wish for because being a K-Pop star is actually a dangerous, degrading, and downright scary job.
ただ、よく言われるように、よく考えてから行動に移しなさいという感じです。というのも、K-Pop スターになるには危険と苦難が付き物の恐ろしい仕事であることを覚悟しなくてはいけないからです。
Here's a look at the disturbing truth behind K-Pop music.
今回は、K-Pop 音楽業界の裏側に潜む恐ろしい真実を見ていきたいと思います。
There's a reason that people refer to K-Pop contracts as "slave contracts."
K-Pop の契約が、「奴隷契約」とも言われるには理由があります。
According to star Prince Mak, K-Pop artists typically have to sign a contract where they essentially sign over all their rights for a period of 7to 15 years.
スターの1人、Prince Mak によると、K-Pop アーティストは通常7年から15年単位で契約を結びます。
The countdown doesn't even begin until they've debuted, though, after up to a full decade of training and grooming.
And during it all, K-Pop artists have to do everything the record studio tells them, while the studio pockets almost all the profits.
そしてこの間、K-Pop アーティストはレコード会社に言われるまま何でも行いますが、その利益のほぼ全てがレコード会社に入ります。
How bad is it?
Members of girl band Stellar told No Cut News about their rise to fame.
ガールズバンド Stellar のメンバーは、No Cut News で下積み時代の話をして
The four girls said they regularly split one meal because they were so broke.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the K-Pop machine is the fact that many aspiring singers are exploited and abused by their management teams.
K-Pop の最も醜い側面として、アーティストの卵たちは運営サイドによって枕営業を余儀なくされているという事実があります。
Often referred to with euphemisms like "sponsorship" or "transactions," many women are forced to act as escorts for powerful businessmen in the industry.
For example, according to Seoul Beats, in 2017 the CEO of a talent agency was sentenced to 20 months in prison after a second arrest for prostitution charges involving his clients.
例としては、Seoul Beatsによると2017年にタレント・エージェンシーの CEO がクライエントを巻き込んだ枕営業の罪で2度目の逮捕、そして20カ月の禁固刑に処せられました。
Plastic surgery.
Stars getting plastic surgery isn't exactly a breaking news headline, but K-Pop stars take it to another level.
スターが整形手術をするというのは特に目新しい事ではありませんが、K-Pop スターの場合はレベルが違います。
According to The Atlantic, one in five Korean women have had plastic surgery, with many K-Pop stars undergoing extensive surgery in order to look more like anime characters.
The Atlantic によると、韓国人女性の5人に1人が整形手術をしており、K-Pop のスターはさらに徹底した手術を受けてアニメのキャラクターのような見た目を手に入れようとします。
The extreme procedures even sometimes require the jaw to be broken and shaved down into a V-shape, as round faces are considered less desirable.
Perhaps worst of all, this plastic surgery may not even be voluntary, thanks to the extreme power held by talent managers and recording studios.
Crazy fans.
Fans in America may seem crazy, but they have nothing on the extremes that K-Pop fans go to.
アメリカのファンも熱狂的に思えるかも知れませんが、K-Pop のファンに比べたら足元にも及びません。
According to Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the group TVXQ had fans tapping their phone lines so they could hear the calls of their idols, and some even broke into their apartments so they could "kiss them in their sleep."
Australian Broadcasting Corporation によると、東方神起 (TVXQ) のファンは電話を盗聴して会話を盗み聞きしたり、家に侵入して「寝顔にキス」をしようとしたケースもあります。
Then there are the really extreme fans known as Sasaeng.
そして、私生(サセン:Sasaeng) として知られる超熱狂的ファンの存在もあります。
These people go as far as installing cameras in their idols' homes and sending them love letters written in blood, and in one case, stole urine from a band's toilet and then tried to sell it to the highest bidder.
About the only thing worse than fans are anti-fans, who loathe a particular star or group so much they obsessively try to sabotage or even kill them.
In one incident, a group of anti-fans sabotaged a concert by cutting power to the venue, while another incident involved an online petition that generated over 3,000 signatures begging a star to take his own life.
And there have been multiple attempts to poison K-Pop stars.
One boy band member's mother ended up in the hospital after drinking a beverage meant for her son while another star had his drink spiked with glue, causing him to start vomiting blood.
Health concerns.
If you want to become a K-Pop star, you need to be ready to literally work until you drop.
K-Pop スターになるには、文字通り倒れるまで働く必要があります。
According to SBS Pop Asia, an average workday lasts 20 hours, which is probably why being hospitalized for exhaustion is just par for the course when you're a K-Pop star.
SBS Pop Asia によると、平均労働時間は1日20時間ということで、K-Pop スターになるには過労で病院送りになるのは避けて通れないというのは、半ば当然のことのようになっています。
Krystal, of f(x), has fainted so many times it's almost become a kind of trademark.
f(x)のメンバー、Krystal は何回も失神しており、これがある種のトレードマークにすらなっているほどです。
At one point she was doing a gig and passed out with the mic still in her hand because that is professionalism.
And then there are the extreme weight requirements.
Being fat is such a huge no-no that record labels CEOs personally hold weigh-ins for their stars to make sure nobody goes over the prescribed limit.
As a result, many stars almost literally starve themselves in order to maintain those super-slim figures.
Unfortunately, racism is rampant both inside and outside of K-Pop.
残念ながら、人種差別は K-Pop 業界内外において頻繁に見られます。
For example, Fei from Miss A said during an interview that during her early days on the pop scene she was tormented by people who thought she only showered once a week because she was Chinese.
例えば、Miss A の Fei はインタビューの中で、デビュー初期段階に自分が中国人であるため1週間に1回しかシャワーを浴びていないと決めつけられたことがあった、と話しています。
And the singer Shannon is one of many stars who has been repeatedly called a foreigner and had negative comments written about her because she's half British.
さらに歌手の Shannon に代表されるように、イギリス人のハーフであるため外人扱いされ、否定的なコメントを書かれたりもしてきました。
There's no creative freedom.
If you joined a K-Pop group not just to get famous but to express all the music and creativity you have in your soul, good luck.
K-Pop グループの一員となったからには、ただ有名になるだけではなくて自身が持つクリエイティブな側面も表現したいと思うかもしれませんが、それは考えるだけ無駄です。
That's because the music performed by K-Pop stars is as carefully managed as every other aspect of their lives.
というのも、K-Pop スターが歌う音楽は、彼らの毎日の過ごし方と同じように緻密に計算されているからです。
With songs generated by the same British, Swedish, and American songwriters that craft hits for the likes of Nicki Minaj and Britney Spears, which just goes to show that you can manufacture everything… except for originality.
Nicki MinajやBritney Spearsといったスターに楽曲を提供してきたイギリス、スウェーデン、アメリカの作曲家たちが彼らにも提供するので、オリジナリティを排除した作り物の音楽が準備されるというわけです。
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