字幕表 動画を再生する
(dramatic music)
(soft music)
- There cannot be peace without first a great suffering.
The greater the suffering, the greater the peace.
The end you've always feared is coming.
It's coming, and the blood will be on your hands.
(dramatic music)
- I pray to God that it wasn't true.
- それが事実ではないことを神様に祈る
- Solomon Lane escaped in Paris.
- ソロモン・レーンはパリに逃亡した
- And now the world is at risk.
- 世界は危険にさらされている
- This is the CIA's mission.
- これはCIAの任務だ
- You use a scalpel.
- あなたはメスを使うかもしれないけど
I prefer a hammer.
- 私が使うのはハンマーよ
(punching and grunting)
- This is a bad idea.
- このアイデア良くないきがする
- Is it ever a good one, honestly?
- 今までいいアイデアなんてあったか?
- He's not just some observer.
- あいつはただの監視役じゃない
He's an assassin.
- 殺し屋だ
- Do not trust anybody outside of this room.
- この部屋にいるメンバー以外は誰も信用するな
- You go rogue, he's been authorized
- 消えてた間に、やつは
to hunt you down and kill you.
- That's the job.
- それが仕事だ
No hard feelings.
(guns firing)
- Which way, Benji?
- どっちなんだ、ベンジー
- Turn left!
- 左で
- Go go go go!
- 行け、行け、行け!
- What are you waiting for?
- 何を待ってるんだ
- I'm jumping out a window.
- 窓から飛び降りるんだ
- Oh, sorry, good luck.
- 悪いな、グッドラック
- When the clock stops, Ethan Hunt will lose
- タイマーが止まったら、イーサン・ハントは
everyone he ever cared about.
- You don't understand what you're involved in.
- あなたは自分が何に巻き込まれているのかもわかってないわ
- You need to walk away.
- お前は関わるな
- Please, don't make me go through you.
- お願い、私を追い詰めないで
(gun firing)
- Ethan, that's not who we are.
- イーサン、俺たちはそんな人間じゃない
- Maybe we need to reconsider that.
- 考え直す必要があるかもしれない
- Accept it, Ethan, you've lost this one.
- イーサン、今回は負けを認めろ
What's done is done.
- What's done is done when we say it's done.
- 決めるのはこっちだ
- Showtime!
- ショウタイム!
- Oh, my God!
- どうしましょ
(helicopter blades)
(guns firing)