字幕表 動画を再生する
-Another amazing episode of "What the Fit".
「What the Fit」の エピソードをもうひとつ
And as usual, we love to cap it off
それといつものように エクササイズをお届けする
by giving you guys some things
いつでも どこでも どんな方法でもできるんだ
that you can do whenever,
でも まずはプロの知識が必要だ
wherever, and however.
ロナルド・ボス・エバーラインと タッグを組んだぜ
But we can't do these things without the knowledge
of a professional.
So, I'm also teamed up with my guy,
実を言うと 俺もバレエをやってた
Ronald "Boss" Everline
who's about to walk us through some unique moves.
女の子と出会いたくてね でも 体づくりに最適って気が付いた
-We're gonna do a few exercises and have a little bit of fun.
ボス 言わせてくれ
But a fun fact for you is you know I used to take ballet.
君のすべてなんて 知る必要はないんだ
Not like that. I didn't wear that
なぜだ? 毎日一緒にいるのに
but I took ballet in college. I did it because, uh,
そうだが 俺には関係ない話だ
I wanted to go see the girls but then I really learned
君にものを教えようと してるだけさ
that it was good for you.
-Kevin: Here's the thing, boss.
- バランスだ - そんなの聞いてない
I don't need to know everything about you.
バランスが学べる 生活のバランスだ
-Why? We're together every day. -Kevin: We are,
we are but that's your business.
過去の話を 教えただけさ
-I'm just trying to teach you something.
でも 変態かと思ったぞ
-What are you trying to teach me?
アメフト選手としても 成長できた
-Balance. -You didn't say that you--
エクササイズを いくつか始めよう
-Just like ballet is balance. ---didn't say you took it
最初の種目は「スキーヤー」 20回やってもらうぞ
for balance. -Lifestyle balance.
変質者の格好で 運動するのはどうだ?
No, lifestyle balance. -You said you took
the class for the women. -That was back then.
- 20回だけだぞ - ああ 始めるぞ
I'm just telling you about my past.
俺の話がわかったか? バランスだ
-You just--you just made yourself look like a pervert.
3...2…1… [スキーヤー 20回]
-And it helped me a better football player.
1… 2… 反対へ
All right. So now we're about to go into a few exercises.
君にはバランスがないね 尻を見るのに忙しいんだ
The first exercise are skiers.
-7… 8… - 変質者め
You're gonna do 20 skiers.
間違った動きだ 同じ側の手足を動かしてる
-Why don't we do a batch of pervert looks?
You wanna do that? -Boss: No, we right here.
- 20回やった - 反対だよ
Just--let's just do 20.
- そうか? - オバケみたいだ
-Okay, are you ready? -You understand what I said?
- 何のことだ? - それだよ
Balance. -Ready?
- ちゃんとやったぞ - ビデオを巻き戻して
-Okay. Three-- -Kevin: One.
---two, one.
One, two, opposite,
次は「バックランジ」からの 前にキック
three, four... -You don't have any balance
because you're busy looking at ass.
ああ よく見ろ 違うだろ
-Boss: --seven, eight. -Pervert.
-That's not right. You got the same hand--
できたな 片方の足で5回ずつだ
-What are you talking about? ---up with the same leg, kid.
それでいい 上手いぞ
-Oh. -The opposite.
下半身の体幹を鍛える [ランジキック 20回]
-I did my 20. -It's opposite.
両足を強化して バランス感覚も鍛える
-Did I do that? -Boss: You Frankenstein.
-What are you talking about? -There you go.
準備はいいか 3… 2…
-That's what I was doing. -Rewind the video.
待った 手の動きがわからない
- そうだな - 手はここか?
-One... -Three, two, one.
-( classical music )
-Boss: Thank you.
わかった 行くぞ?
( laughter ) -Kevin: All right.
下がってくれ 俺まで混乱する
-So we're gonna do a back lunge--
-Ooh. ---to a front kick.
まだ 間違ってる! 手の動作が違うよ!
-So you say a back lunge here. -Yes.
Uh, look at this.
耳に手を当てろって 言ってないぞ
This is not right! -Here?
電話の動作じゃない 毎回 手を耳に当てるな
And front kick, pow.
-Boss: There you go. Give me five each leg.
There you go. You look good, too.
反対側の手で 足を触るんだ
-Ping! -Working your core,
working your legs-- -And pow!
完璧だ 次は「シングルレッグRDL」だ
---working your balance. Good job.
ここで後ろに蹴るが バランスが必要だ
Let's do the left leg together.
俺にぴったりの運動だ 両腕を上げればいいからな
Ready, three, two. -One second.
Wait a minute. I get confused with my hands.
混乱しないね よし やるぞ
-Yeah, obviously. -So this hand is here?
-No! It's not!
-Okay. Ready?
彼は柔軟性ゼロだが これから鍛えるのさ
-Step back. You got me confused.
[シングルレッグRDL] [20回]
-( laughter )
今の出来は気にするな どれくらい上達するかだ
Damn! -Go.
上手いぞ 蹴り上げて
Ooh. -You're still doing
the leg, the hand thing wrong!
Gee, there you go. -Pow.
- 見世物じゃないぞ! - やめろ
And pap. Pow. -Ey, brother,
よし 次が最後だ チャレンジしてくれ
when did you put your hand by your ear?
「片手でインバーテッドロウ」だ いいか?
We're not on the phone.
位置はここで 10回やってくれ
Stop doing this every time.
Uh, what, what are you doing?
じゃあ 10回やってくれ
( phone rings ) -And pow, hello?
Pow. -It's the opposite hand
バレエ用のバーくらい 持ってるよな?
that touch the foot.
公園へ行って手すりを見つければ できるじゃないか
And now touch. -I'm gonna call you back.
プリエをしていないときは バランスバーになる
I'll call you back. Pap.
上半身を見てくれ 俺の上半身は...
-Perfect. Single-leg RDL right here.
これで3回だ 4… [インバーテッドロウ 20回]
Right there. Just kick back,
- 無駄口が多いな - セクシーだ
a little balance. -This is gonna be good--
-One. ---for me because I can put
プリエだ いい感じさ
both arms up. -There you go.
You ain't no confusion.
やり方がわかったら ストレッチもできるぜ
-I'm not gonna get confused.
Okay. Ready?
今日はここまで 参考にしてくれよ
-Let's go. -How many?
簡単ですぐできる エクササイズだ
Oh, God. -See? Guys at home,
you wanna work on flexibility of the hips.
体をきちんと動かせば 鍛えられるのさ
He has very bad flexibility,
but you can work on it. -Ow!
それが俺のやり方さ なあ お嬢さんたち...
-Don't worry about where you're at.
It's where you're trying to go. You understand what I'm saying?
必要ないね やらないよ
Good job. Kick up.
やあ ケビン・ハートだ
-Stop looking at my ass! -( laughter )
ビデオをクリックすれば 他のエピソードが見られるよ
Come on, y'all. Shit.
「Laugh Out Loud」の チャンネル登録もよろしく
Objectifying me. -Boss: Come on, man.
Stop playing.
-Okay. One more. -All right. So we're gonna do
this last thing. This is your challenge.
I'mma challenge you to a single-arm inverted row,
all right?
So you're here.
-Good. -Ten of them.
That's good. -Let's go.
I need to see my 10. -And I know everybody at home
has this bar.
So, the good thing about this
is that you can use this whenever you want.
-You can go to the park. -Yeah. So...
-And you can find a bar-- -Yeah.
---and you could do this anywhere.
-Yeah, when you're not plie-ing,
you could be balance bar.
All right? -Come on.
-Ooh. See, upper body, you lose.
Everybody know my upper body's-- -That's three.
---amazing. -Four.
-Amazing. -That's a whole lot of talking.
-( laughter )
Nice. -What's sexy about this?
-Ooh, plie.
That's our workout today.
So if you know what I know,
if you know how to stretch? -Get your...
-Get... -Get your foot off of that.
-That's our workout for today, guys.
Take those tips, use them when you want,
those are quick and easy exercises.
I know we're having fun,
but at the end of the day, it's still work.
As long as you're moving, you're being active,
you're doing what you're supposed to.
-He said it all. -Of course, boss.
That's what I do. Let's go. That's it, ladies...
-We got to finish the whole workout.
-Kevin: We don't. -Boss: We do have to finish
the whole workout. -Kevin: No, we don't.
Hi, I'm Kevin Hart.
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