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  • About 40 million adults aged 18 and older

  • suffer from anxiety in the US,

  • making it the most common mental disorder in the region.

  • It develops from a complex set of factors that include genetics,

  • brain chemistry, personality,

  • and life events.

  • It's more than just feeling nervous to speak at a public event.

  • It's a mental disorder characterized by excessive worry

  • or fear strong enough to interfere with daily life.

  • With that, many don't realize things a person does because of their anxiety.

  • This is a list of 13 of those things.

  • Number 1: You disappear without notice.

  • Anxiety can hit you anywhere, whether it's at the grocery store,

  • a party or at work.

  • You just need 15 minutes alone to recollect yourself.

  • People who don't understand anxiety may see this as rude or weird,

  • but it's something that you really need.

  • Number 2: You freak out over the time it takes someone to respond to your text.

  • Anxiety blows a lot of things out of proportion

  • whether you send a text to your mom or that special someone

  • when they take a while to respond

  • you begin to wonder if what you said was a little too weird,

  • too rude or if you're annoying them.

  • Why are they taking forever?

  • Was it something I said?

  • Number 3: You over check things.

  • Teachers have always told you to double check your homework before turning it in

  • but what if you check it too much,

  • too much to the point of never turning it in.

  • Your anxiety makes you a perfectionist.

  • Whether it's homework or checking to see if the door is locked

  • you check and recheck things multiple times.

  • Sometimes you know something is perfect

  • but your anxiety won't let you relax

  • unless it's checked one more timeor two.

  • Number 4: You don't go to parties.

  • It's not that you're antisocial,

  • you actually do want to go to the party.

  • Whether it's worrying about the big crowd or loud music

  • all you want to do is have a good time like everyone else

  • but you know your anxiety won't let you

  • because of that you skip the party all together.

  • Number 5: You let opportunities pass you by.

  • As a perfectionist you often think you're not good enough for opportunities presented to you.

  • You become afraid of failing and making a fool of yourself

  • because of this you convince yourself to not take the opportunity, at all.

  • But, before we continue with the list we'd like to thank our sponsor, “Intention Inspired".

  • This brand is doing a really cool challenge called “30 Days of Brave.”

  • If you have anxiety or just need a little encouragement to do something you've always wanted,

  • this challenge is perfect for you.

  • So, how it works is that when you sign up you'll get an e-mail every morning at 5 a.m. designed to help you achieve your goals.

  • It will include an intention of the day,

  • exciting challenges that help you set up your day for success,

  • powerful yet simple exercises,

  • inspiring quotes, meditations and affirmations.

  • And, most importantly you'll be able to connect with a community of like minded people who just like you

  • want to stretch their minds and push towards braver action.

  • Very cool stuff designed for you to exercise that brave muscle and achieve your goals.

  • What could you do in just 30 days with 5 minutes per day?

  • So if that's something you're interested in make sure you sign up.

  • All right, back to the list.

  • Number 6: Certain dates give you anxiety.

  • People with anxiety tend to remember the exact date of traumatic events.

  • When the date arrives those emotions once again surface making it very difficult to get on with your day to day routine.

  • Number 7: You hold on to your phone too much.

  • Sometimes it's hard for you to just sit and wait.

  • It makes you uneasy to see people busy with something while you're just sitting there

  • as a result you need to have your phone or something to fidget with.

  • Number 8: You don't make new friends.

  • It may seem like you don't want to make new friends

  • but you actually worry too much about the kind of impression you're making on people.

  • Afraid, you convince yourself that making no impression is better than making a bad one.

  • As a result, you end up keeping to yourself even though you really want to meet new people.

  • Number 9: You dread going to school/work even though you've done it a million times before.

  • Unfortunately anxiety doesn't care about how many times you've done your day to day routine

  • It hits when it wants to hit.

  • Before going to work you may feel your heart race, have sweaty palms and feel jittery.

  • Number 10: You're clingy in relationships.

  • You really care about your partner and due to that you may ask too many questions or send too many texts

  • because you want to know how they are.

  • This may come off as clingy but your intentions aren't bad. You're just a little over protective because of your anxiety.

  • Number 11: You cancel plans.

  • Making plans is tough because in the moment of making a plan you're confident and ready to take on the world.

  • When the date finally rolls around anxiety can all of a sudden hit and you have to cancel.

  • Sometimes you even have to cancel the plans you made in the first place.

  • Number 12: You rehearse what you're going to say before making a phone call.

  • You prep and rehearse everything you're going to say before making a phone call because

  • you're afraid of making a mistake or forgetting what you had to say.

  • Now this is great for phone interviews but it's exhausting when all you want to do is ask customer service a question or talk to a friend.

  • Number 13: When you ask someone to be alone you're not asking them to leave forever.

  • Sometimes you need a break from people in order to calm yourself down.

  • When you take that break people who don't understand anxiety tend to think you're either upset with them or that you don't like them.

  • It's hard for you to keep friends because of this.

  • You do need your alone time but you're not asking to be left alone forever.

  • That's the end of the video. If you have anxiety we at Psych2Go would like to know your thoughts on the list and if we missed anything.

  • Leave that in the comments below and hit that like button.

  • Don't forget to check out #30daysofbrave to help you beat your anxiety.

  • We'll see you guys next time.

About 40 million adults aged 18 and older


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B1 中級

あなたの不安のために人々があなたがしていることに気づかない13のこと (13 Things People Don't Realize You Do Because of Your Anxiety)

  • 1304 67
    eason に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日