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  • Hello and welcome to the interview dialogues of The Trumpet of Truth.

  • I'm your host Li Cheng.

  • And today, we're talking about the visual artworks

  • produced by The Church of Almighty God

  • with Professor Massimo Introvigne, Italian scholar of new religious movements,

  • founder and managing director of Center for Studies on New Religions.

  • Good afternoon, Professor Introvigne.

  • Thank you for being here.

  • Good afternoon!

  • You're an expert in the study of new religions,

  • and religious visual art is one of your fields of study.

  • I've heard that you are interested in The Church of Almighty God's artworks.

  • Last December,

  • you published an article on WRSP online encyclopedia about these artworks.

  • I'd like to find out a bit more about why this is;

  • what do you find so fascinating out of these works?

  • I believe there is a prehistory in it

  • that in 1970s, very few historians of art started noticing

  • that a very significant art was produced by the new religions.

  • Actually, in a disproportionate amount,

  • meaning new religions are minority religions,

  • but they contribute to the arts in proportion

  • in a much bigger way than the old religions,

  • that was even a discovery which was resisted by art critics,

  • because there was the general idea that the modern artist is very often an atheist.

  • It came out that this is not true if we have a look at history of art,

  • but even of modern art we see that the real atheists are very few.

  • It is true that many art complexes, artworks

  • are no longer perhaps produced in the traditional churches and religions,

  • but the new religions started in the 20th century or the 19th century

  • and really contributed very significantly to the world of art with their productions.

  • So what happened to The Church of Almighty God?

  • Because this model will predict that,

  • being such a large fast-growing church,

  • The Church of Almighty God will produce its own art,

  • but that didn't happen for many years,

  • for a very simple reason, because of the persecution.

  • Because of the persecution in China,

  • you cannot have buildings and you had other things to do,

  • trying to survive the cruel persecution of the CCP (the Chinese Communist Party),

  • and didn't leave much time and leisure to produce art.

  • As soon as you started having significant communities abroad in certain countries,

  • where you may have had some problems as refugees, but you were not persecuted,

  • the model worked in the sense

  • that being a growing and large new religion,

  • The Church of Almighty God started producing works of art.

  • That perhaps is an unintended consequence of

  • the persecution of the CCP that generates a diaspora abroad,

  • and in the diaspora abroad the art started flourishing.

  • Of course, a second unintended consequence had nothing to do with art,

  • and was that non-Chinese started returning to Almighty God as well,

  • that's also because of this significant presence of diaspora communities.

  • I will say that your artistic production really started in 2013 or 2014.

  • In few years, there is an astonishing growth of this production

  • in terms of number of movies and in terms of number of paintings.

  • I know that paintings are mostly used for the movies,

  • some of them decorate your churches and offices,

  • but nonetheless we are speaking of thousands of paintings,

  • many of them are of very good art quality.

  • So, I will say that a distinctive body of art is being created very rapidly,

  • and has also been acknowledged

  • in the sense that some of your movies won awards in Christian film festivals,

  • which is very significant

  • because they recognized the good quality of your movies and gave these awards.

  • Normally,

  • it is an important step in the maturity and globalization

  • and mainstreaming of many religions

  • when they start having their own distinctive body works of art.

  • Yes, just like you said,

  • the visual arts of The Church of Almighty God progress rapidly.

  • New artworks keep being produced.

  • But I have to say,

  • without the blessing of God, without the work of the Holy Spirit,

  • no one could have done this.

  • So let's first talk about the paintings of the Church.

  • I'm sure if you would exhibit them

  • or create websites mostly devoted to your paintings

  • that many people would admire the quality of these paintings.

  • As I say,

  • there are two main bodies perhaps three of paintings I've been exposed to,

  • some are landscape paintings with a traditional-modern quality,

  • and you use in a significant way computer-assisted drawing.

  • That reminds me of an important exhibition of David Hockney, the British artist, in New York.

  • I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art

  • and he is now old

  • but he's using a lot the iPad for creating works of art.

  • You really see that there is a tendency in Modern Art

  • in the use of computer-assisted technology.

  • Particularly for producing landscapes, it's quite significant

  • and I'm not suggesting that

  • your artists are inspired by any particular Western artist,

  • but it's something which is in the air

  • to take advantage of the computer-assisted technology

  • to produce landscape or scenarios with very bright warm colors.

  • So in a way your artists are part of this trend.

  • Then second, there is the biblical scenery,

  • and here your images are much more traditional.

  • Particularly, if you want to use this expression

  • "Christ Knocking at the Door,"

  • which is very much reminiscent of

  • British pre-Raphaelite productions of the late 19th century,

  • William Holman Hunt, etc.

  • In this painting,

  • it's really a new take at an old iconographic tradition.

  • In some other paintings,

  • of course we see the distinctive theology of The Church of Almighty God,

  • and we see very clearly a distinct relationship

  • between the creation of the artist and the word of Almighty God.

  • One painting, for instance, shows Adam and Eve clothed.

  • They discover they are naked and they receive clothes.

  • The clothes are made by God's own hands.

  • This, particular in the theology of The Church of Almighty God,

  • is very important,

  • because it shows that God takes care of human beings,

  • even if God can chastise human beings in some occasions,

  • but He takes care of human beings

  • and even God's care of humans is so delicate

  • that He makes the clothing with His own hands.

  • Another similar image is "Noah's Ark After the Flood."

  • And here I believe for interpreting the paintings,

  • some knowledge of the theology of The Church Almighty God is needed.

  • Because the real center of the painting is not Noah,

  • it's not the animals as colorful as they may be,

  • but what is in the center of the painting is the rainbow.

  • Many art critics studied Christian paintings in general,

  • and I am reminded of the Christian art critic from Austria, Hans Sedlmayr,

  • he said in the Christian paintings, there is always a center.

  • Sometime in the modern art there is no center,

  • but in the Christian paintings, look for the center.

  • In this painting of Noah after the flood, the center is the rainbow.

  • The rainbow was sent by God to announce that the world will not be destroyed,

  • which is an important part of the theology of The Church of Almighty God,

  • and it's different from what other churches believe.

  • The Church of Almighty God doesn't believe that this world (will) be destroyed.

  • Yes, there would be catastrophes,

  • but this world would be transformed and not be destroyed.

  • So, the rainbow in a way is a symbol, which is still true today.

  • So, an understanding of the theology of The Church of Almighty God

  • will really help us to understand the painting

  • and to understand where the center is in the painting of Noah after the flood.

  • Because as I say

  • art historians have really characterized that the Christian art has a center.

  • Sometimes the modern art refused to have a center, which is also a choice.

  • They try to produce something completely different.

  • But in Christian art,

  • normally paintings call your attention to a center,

  • which may not be the physical center, may be a theological center.

  • In this painting of Noah, the center is really the rainbow,

  • like in the painting of Adam and Eve the clothing is the important part,

  • because it's true that

  • with the clothing God manifests His delicate love for humanity.

  • Yes, indeed.

  • The majority of the paintings are produced

  • based on the Bible and Almighty God's words.

  • Just like the image "The Rainbow Covenant."

  • It reminds me of God's words

  • "In this covenant we see God's heart

  • we see that God's heart was in pain when He destroyed this humanity. …

  • From that point,

  • God placed all of His expectations of humanity on Noah's family,

  • hoping they could live under His blessings and not His curse,

  • hoping that they would never see God destroy the world with a flood again,

  • and also hoping that they would not be destroyed" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

  • From the rainbow covenant, we can see the Creator's love for mankind.

  • Well, the punishment of God and the sadness of God

  • is something the audience should infer from the symbols,

  • because you respect and honor a tradition,

  • which is in Jewish art and also in most Protestant art.

  • Catholics are sometimes a little bit different,

  • particular in the Renaissance with Michelangelo.

  • But Jews and Protestant Christians

  • normally do not represent the God of the Old Testament.

  • You never see the face,

  • of course you see the face of Jesus, but that's in the New Testament,

  • what you call the Age of Law and the Age of Grace,

  • as opposed to the Age of Law.

  • When dealing with what you call the Age of Law,

  • most Protestant artists would never represent God,

  • and Jews of course would never represent God.

  • I believe you respect this tradition,

  • you still maintain this tradition of

  • not representing the God of the Old Testament or Jehovah,

  • you represent of course the Christ.

  • And so if we want to understand God in the Age of Law,

  • we have to look for the symbols.

  • There are symbols that the flood happened

  • and there are symbols that Adam and Eve had been kicked out of the Garden of Eden,

  • but we don't see God doing this,

  • so we should be able to read the symbols in your painting,

  • and to understand the reasons for God's punishments and the sadness of God

  • in administering these punishments from reading of the symbol.

  • Professor, as we've already mentioned,

  • the paintings created by The Church of Almighty God

  • are primarily used in its movies, videos, and musicals,

  • which have been uploaded to the Internet.

  • They are used to proclaim and testify God's work of the last days,

  • and have attracted the interest of more and more people around the world

  • who wish to find out more about Almighty God's work.

  • Well, your movies are enjoyed also by many

  • who are not members of The Church of Almighty God,

  • because they've been presented in international festivals.

  • I also believe the number of downloads of these movies on the Internet

  • indicates that they are seen by many who are not members of The Church of Almighty God.

  • So, much more than the paintings,

  • the movies communicate to an external audience.

  • I believe there are two things to say about this:

  • First is clearly these movies are from The Church of Almighty God,

  • I mean if you know The Church of Almighty God,

  • you can understand that

  • the message being conveyed is the message of Almighty God.

  • But second, the movies also communicate through their artistic quality.

  • Very often they speak of universal values

  • that such as goodness, the kindness, the love, the family,

  • the relationship between the children and the parents,

  • the relation between serious life and modern life,

  • which sometimes is mostly about having fun and losing your time,

  • so these values are universal

  • not only in The Church of Almighty God

  • and can be recognized also by non-members.

  • For people who go to Christian film festivals,

  • they don't know the theology of The Church of Almighty God,

  • but they recognize there is a good message in these movies.

  • There are other movies you did

  • about internet addictions or problems of families after divorce.

  • Of course, there is always a distinctive reference to Almighty God ('s words),

  • but these are problems

  • millions of people, perhaps the majority of the population in the Western encounter.

  • So, it's not surprising for people

  • who knows precious nothing about The Church of Almighty God,

  • when they see this movie and say,

  • "It should have been done by people of good spirit,

  • we want to learn more about that."

  • Yes, Professor.

  • Good artworks have a positive effect and a positive influence.

  • This is the result of God's guidance and His blessing.

  • These movies are beneficial to each of us.

  • Well, I believe your movies fall into distinct categories,

  • and in general, as you say,

  • I have devoted considerable time to studying the sociology of the art

  • and the art in connection with religious movements.

  • There is always a delicate balance between the message and technique,

  • because, of course, for religious people the message is more important,

  • but the message you can print without any illustration and music,

  • that's the pure message.

  • Now some people would just like this as it is.

  • But particularly in the modern world,

  • many people will find (that it's) very difficult

  • to focus the attention on a mere sheet of paper with words,

  • and they will need, at least in the beginning, to be reached

  • by the message with sounds, with music, with dances, with images.

  • So there is the message in religious art,

  • but there is also a technique for communicating the messages.

  • In the Catholic Church,

  • we had Pope in the 1960s-1970s, called Paul VI.

  • He was very much interested in the arts,

  • but he also said that we live in the "civilization of the images,"

  • meaning if you give people an important text, they will not read,

  • but if they see bright images, they will start being interested.

  • So you have the same problem as everybody else in religious art,

  • how to keep the message at the center of the production,

  • and how to use techniques that will be attractive to people,

  • and clothe the message with quality images and the quality music

  • to attract the audience.

  • As I say, there are different categories of your productions,

  • though some productions are very simple.

  • There is a minimum of technique and a lot of messages,

  • in some cases for instance,

  • the words of Almighty God are just read by some person with a good voice,

  • and read it in an expressive way,

  • and that is a lot of messages and not a lot of technique.

  • In other cases, like Xiaozhen ('s Story),

  • you have a lot of technique,

  • and of course also you have the message,

  • but the message is conveyed by a very rich technique.

  • In the middle, there are documentaries

  • like Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China,

  • all these things really happened,

  • so we normally in the West,

  • we would call it docudrama or dramatization of something which really happened.

  • So I believe that's a very valuable work,

  • but the value of a docudrama film

  • is in its capacity of telling the truth and telling the true story,

  • and that's precisely what happened.

  • I also believe

  • Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China did deserve the awards it won,

  • because it's technically very well realized.

  • I mean the audience is really involved in what is happening,

  • but also it maintains the main rule of the docudrama,

  • which is to tell stories that can be verified as actually true

  • and really happened outside of the screen.

  • Yes.

  • Professor Introvigne,

  • I've heard you are a big fan of musicals.

  • Of our musicals that you've seen,

  • which one impresses you the most?

  • Would you like to share with us?

  • Take Xiaozhen

  • Xiaozhen's Story.

  • Xiaozhen's Story musical,

  • it's not surprising because it has been very successful

  • also among people who do not belong to The Church of Almighty God,

  • because it has a very high technical quality.

  • The persons who participated in it may be professionals or amateurs,

  • but the quality is very high,

  • and also of course there are references to Almighty God ('s words),

  • but the general plot, the general outline of the story,

  • it resounds to universal values that many people can share,

  • and also to the problems young people encounter today.

  • I believe, everybody can understand.

  • New Heaven and New Earth (God Will Restore the Former State of Creation)

  • is really about the future of humanity,

  • and this eternal struggle between God and Satan.

  • In the end,

  • we are offered a glimpse of what will happen next

  • with the coming in the flesh of God, that's Almighty God,

  • and the possibility for humans to be purified

  • and to enter in the future everlasting kingdom.

  • In the meantime,

  • there will be catastrophes prophesied precisely in the Book of Revelation,

  • so this is of course a modern way of taking on a very old theme.

  • What is discussed in New Heaven and New Earth (God Will Restore the Former State of Creation)

  • in a way is the essence of Christianity,

  • it's (about) what is the meaning of this world,

  • and why in this world something goes wrong,

  • can we enter into a different world, where the works of Satan will be defeated,

  • so these are eternal themes in particularly Christianity.

  • But I am not aware of any other discussion of these themes in the form of a musical.

  • So you have a very modern way of interpreting these traditional themes.

  • I believe the musical is ultimately successful

  • in conveying the sense of urgency

  • and this sense of awareness that we are living in the last days,

  • even if we should always be careful when we say "last days,"

  • when this refers to The Church of Almighty God,

  • because many people including scholars, when they hear "last days,"

  • they immediately compare with religions

  • that predict that this world will be destroyed,

  • while you do not predict that the world would be destroyed,

  • it would be changed.

  • Yes, that's true.

  • You know, in The Church of Almighty God,

  • God has prepared talent from all kinds of industries.

  • Most of them didn't graduate from specialist institutions.

  • They're just doing what they love.

  • When they first started producing these works, they had no path,

  • but after praying to God and relying on God,

  • they were enlightened by the Holy Spirit,

  • and were able to produce a lot of great works in a short period of time.

  • When they produced these artworks,

  • they experienced God's work and saw the deeds of God.

  • Without the Holy Spirit's work and His blessing,

  • no one of them could have done this.

  • Because they don't rely on their abilities, but on God.

  • Well, for believers, inspiration comes from God,

  • but even non-believers will say

  • that artists, sometimes when they create, they become different.

  • Americans like to say that in art,

  • there is a percentage of inspiration and a percentage of perspiration.

  • Perspiration means sweating, means you should sweat a lot in training.

  • The dancing in your musical is a good example,

  • because I'm sure there is inspiration

  • that shows these people believe in God and do it for God,

  • but I'm sure there is also perspiration as the Americans would say,

  • because we can see how many times they trained and rehearsed,

  • so there is a lot of sweat and efforts going in this.

  • So surely, the amateurs can produce something very good,

  • but when I look at the production of Xiaozhen's Story,

  • perhaps some of them are more than amateurs,

  • because they were trained before or trained after leaving China,

  • but the quality is very much professional,

  • and that's also true in most of your musicals.

  • The musical appears to be very professional.

  • Professor, you just mentioned

  • that artworks of the Church convey to the audience the words and the way of Almighty God.

  • According to one of your articles,

  • you said "'Beauty' is, first, an inherent feature of the words of Almighty God,

  • described as uniformly 'beautiful and moving.'

  • The presence of Almighty God on Earth is not only momentous and decisive:

  • it also creates unprecedented beauty.

  • One of the distinctive characters of the new kingdom of God is 'beauty.'"

  • Professor, I totally agree with you on this point,

  • would you like to talk a bit more about it?

  • Yes.

  • From very early in the words of Almighty God,

  • we find the words about the beauty.

  • I believe we can read The Word Appears in the Flesh,

  • as also the announcement of a new beauty.

  • It's surely that Almighty God announces the truth,

  • but at the same time, when truth enters the world, carries with it the beauty,

  • that's a very old Christian theme that returns.

  • By the way,

  • that the beautiful, the good, and the true,

  • it's a very old theme in Christianity.

  • I believe it's clearly announced by Almighty God

  • in The Word Appears in the Flesh,

  • because we read that not only the words of God are beautiful in themselves,

  • they also make this world more beautiful.

  • I know there are no miracles in the Age of Kingdom,

  • but there is a miracle of sort in the fact that the beauty enters into the world.

  • In my article,

  • I quoted a very impressive passage in The Word Appears in the Flesh

  • where Almighty God says that when people return to God

  • and when this truth of God starts being spread into the world,

  • even the rivers and the forests and the sky become more beautiful.

  • It seems to me a very deep message

  • and perhaps something which needs to be studied

  • by the few people outside The Church of Almighty God

  • who study The Word Appears in the Flesh,

  • because the theme of the beauty perhaps is a little bit neglected,

  • but it's also important in the book.

  • Professor Introvigne,

  • thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  • We really appreciate your time.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • We'll see you next time.

Hello and welcome to the interview dialogues of The Trumpet of Truth.


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マッシモ・イントロヴィーニュ全能の神の教会の視覚的作品は、非常に深いメッセージを伝える (Massimo Introvigne: Visual Artworks of The Church of Almighty God Convey a Very Deep Message)

  • 91 3 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日