字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント It's BOSHY time. ( BOSHYタイムだぜぇー! ) Felix: It's Boshy time. Hell yea everybody, This is the moment you've all been waiting for ( ゚∀゚)<ボッシータイムダゼェ~~!!☆ Oh PewDiePie's playing I Wanna Be the Guy but I Wanna Be the Boshy is way harder 行くぜ お前ら! Oh Pewdiepie didn't even finish I Wanna Be the Guy- %^$%^$^% お前ら コレを待ってたんだろォ?! I lost the save file, and I can't be fucked okay, but let's play I wanna be Boshy 「PewDiePieは “I Wanna Be A Guy”やってるけど “I Wanna Be the Boshy”のほうが難しいよな~」 Oh, it's so hard. Oh, it's so hard 「てかコイツ アイワナも クリアしてないじゃん!」 Ayeee *stfu* (#゚皿゚)<ダマリヤガレッッ!!!!! All right, here's the tutorial like I haven't figured that out. セーブファイルが壊れたんだよ [Kirby music playin'] いいか? What the- だから“I Wanna Be Boshy”やろう [Kirby music continuing] 「このゲーム超ムズいよォ~」 Shut- I know how to play a game. 「エ~~ン」 Oh no. Oh no, I can't do the tutorial... Oh no. ダマレ [Moaning] チュートリアルか Oh, this is bad. 操作方法くらい分かるわ Ohhh look at that, easy. Shooting. Use the X-Key to shoot a bullet wi- WHAT? ちょっ… What the 黙… *[Fuck yeah... Fuck yeah] in the background* 分かってるってば! Save jump it can be done by.... Oh shoot a save point. アカン… Stfu チュートリアルができん… [Here we go] It's Boshy time ウソだろ It's- It's- It- It's Bo- It's B- アァァァ… It's Bosh- It's Boshy time... (;´Д`)<オォ… It's Bo- It's Bo- It's Bosh- It's Bo- これアカン… *Fuck yeah* こりゃ簡単だろ It's Boshy time! 「撃つ」 Hey, I did it! God damn, I'm a genius. I see I don't need those... Go away from me 「Xキーを押して撃つ…」 Okay, here we go everybody. Hey good. OOohheehhhh は? Ohh great... Noooo I go back here. Are you kidding me? な…!? Alright alright so that wasn't actually a save. That's so annoying... Oh my god 「“セーブジャンプ”をするには…」 Where do I go? Oh my god? セーブポイントを撃つのか! Okay... Alright ( Bothyタイムだぜェ! ) What if I go over it... Oh, okay? うるせぇな Are you kidding me ( Bothyタイムだぜェ! ) Alright you can't- you can't do anything. Where do I go? Where do I go? Oh my god! ( B… Bo… B… Both… ) So annoying ( Boshy… ) HAAAA ( Bothyタイムだぜェ! ) HAAAAAA ( Bothy- ) Stop being so annoying. Alright, don't jump ( Bo- ) I'm just gonna- Okay, okay, where am I? ( Bosh- ) What ( Bo- ) Okay all right. Where am I... What killed me here last time. I have no idea ( FUCK YEAH☆ ) Okay, I- ( Bothyタイムだぜェ! ) Oh God are you kidding me? That looks super difficult! I don't even see how! (; ゚∀゚)<キタ───!! Great... Good job [x2] Oh my god. Of course. Why don't I just shoot it there? 俺ちゃん 天才!! Did the save just shoot me back? チュートリアルなんて要らねぇ Lemme try this.... HA 失せろ What are you gonna do now huh? whatchu gon do now HUH? よっしゃ 行くでぇ umm.. くらえっ… Why did I do this... Oh the game is- the game is slowing down (; ´・Д・)<エェェェ… Ahhh... Game, can you- You can stop... You can stop now game? Oh God? Oh? Oh, it's- スバラシイ not Boshy time こっからかよ!? I don't want boshy time... I don't want it. I don't want it anymore. Wait, F3 changes my character? ふざけんな! [intense music] よし… Oh look at dat! よし [More intense music] あれセーブじゃねぇじゃん Hey look at... 腹立つな What!? I can play as Pedobear, that's like my favorite character ああもう… What the hell I'm way too slow... Who even is Boshy, and why is he so mean どこ行きゃいいんだ? Come on. This is easy 何だよ!? this bit is easy bit おっけ… I forgot that I needed to go to the place- you ******* **** You frickin Frick, I mean. Sorry Youtube あっそう Com'on Pedobear you can totally do it ここ 超えたらどうなる? This is ez お…なるほど? This is super- マジかよ? EZ 何もできねーじゃん It's fine [x2] どこ行くんだ?? It's fine... All right don't worry about me どこ行きゃいい?? Worry about yourself, HUH, have you ever worried about yourself before, HUH maybe that's why you're a slob sitting at home... (#´Д`)<ああもおォォオオ!! Watching fucking YouTube videos ウゼェェエエ!! You loser ハ────(#´Д`)────!!! I'm a winner, OK? I'm a winner look at this ハ────(((#´Д`)))────!!! [Swearing in Swedish]: But you fucking cunt's fucking cunt-cake (no, not a typo lol) イライラさせんな! I think... I think this game might be a little difficult. I don't know. I don't know what- wada wada wanted to say about ジャンプはしない… The game... It might be- It might- 無視して… I can't even **** suck my own **** I can't even do the first thing 行けた I can't even d-do the first thing よし 90 times?? どこにいる? No, go up on it mannn は????? It sucka **** time よし 大丈夫だ Com'on Boshy you can do it mann... I believe in you 俺 どこだ Look at the- look at these ma- なんでさっき死んだのかサッパリだ This is great. This is great. This is great. This is great. This is great. This is just what I want おけ… This is what I wanted and you wanted a challenge え… It's just not even that difficult 何だよ これ…!? You're on the first jump Poodz... You're on the first マジかよ? God Damn... Ju- fine クッソムズそうじゃん! What the hell were you thinking? Come on, come on どうすりゃいいんだよ!? Focus なるほど イイネ Focus 最高 You got this, come on [x3] うっわ… Come on. Come on. そうか!ここでセーブ撃てばいいじゃん! [Swedish]: come on, you fucking- セーブが俺を撃ち返した [whisper] Are you retarded [x3] やってみよう [mumbling] I ain't givin' up ( ゚∀゚)<ハッ!! I really should give up- I realy shou- I- I should give up... Neva. Neva quit. I ain't a *Kweder* 届かねーだろォ!? Imma Quada ( ^Д^)<攻撃してみろよ!! I'm a Quack あ~… I'm a *hoarse sound* どうすんだコレ… I'm a Kezzo ヤバイ ゲームが… I'm a Kess- 処理落ちし始めた I'm a Kettzz- Are you ffff- ちょ…そろそろ止まれよ How am I getting worse?! もういいってば Com'on man うわっ… Felix... Seriously, you just have to focus on yourself オ────(´・д・`)────ゥ… Stop doin' the stupid voices and focus for once オ───(;´・д・`)───ゥ Good job, you- [laughter] これじゃ… [Swedish]: it was really close that time! (; ´・д・`)<Bothyタイムできないよォ… [Swedish]: it was super close, like! Boshyタイムしたくないよォ… [Swedish]: You laugh? もうイヤだ もうムリ… [Swedish]: Ey, man? Ey man, you want some c*ck? え?F3キーでキャラ変更? Huh? Huh!? おお すげぇ [Swedish]: Answer then! You'll get-! すげぇじゃん… [Swedish]: Yes but of course... [x2]: クマーになれんの!? [Swedish]: (?) -if you outsmart them you'll get some cock, huh? Huh? 俺のお気に入りの… [Swedish]: Do you want a little something in your ass, or? Huh? You- キャラクターなのォォ!!! Jävlar! なんでこんなに遅いんだよ! Damnit! もはやBothyでもねーし I can do it. I know I can. I just need to do it once and then I know I can do, okay. That's how it works なんでこんな意地悪なんだ Get up on it!!!! こんなん簡単だろ Am I even recording? Where did it go? 簡単に越せるはずだ [Swedish]: Come ooonnnn! あそこにジャンプするの 忘れてた Okay, go here, jump down there, wait- ク◯の◯ソ野郎が This is where evolution has taken us... God damn it, come on 間違えた…ダメのダメ野郎 かな I can't even do the first jump. I can't do the first jump. I just can't- I can't do it. I just can't do it ゴメン Youtube! I just cannot- ガンバレ クマー! 君ならできる! DO IT こんなの簡単だ! COM'ON COM'ON... Are you KIDDING me? こんなの… How are you this bad?! Be quiet, be quiet, all right? (#゚Д゚)<◯◯◯! I don't need you talking to me like that, come on, give me some encouragement... Damn it 簡単! Yeah, you can do it! Yes, I can do it, look at me go 大丈夫 Easy [x2] 大丈夫だ Easy... Look at that shit, look at it 心配してんじゃねぇ And now he does th- テメェの心配でもしてろよ [Sobbing] (#´Д`)<エェ? AGAINNNNNN テメェの心配をしたことがあるか? [Panting] (#´Д`)<エェ?! [Crazy laugher] どうせテメェなんか家でだらけて… [plus demon laughter] ずーっとYouTube見てんだろうがよ [Heavy breathing] 負け組が! [Typing] 俺は勝ち組なんだよッ! [click] 勝ち組だ! "I am dead inside" 見てろ!
A2 初級 日本語 米 PewDiePie スウェーデン セーブ じゃん ジャンプ タイム HARDER THAN GETTING OVER IT - IWBTB (HARDER THAN GETTING OVER IT - IWBTB) 212 4 :P に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語