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  • - Aww! Aww, that's so nice!

  • - It was number one?!

  • You are kidding me!

  • ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪

  • - (FBE) So today, we're gonna be showing you clips of 10 videos.

  • And these are the top 10 trending videos of the year

  • according to YouTube.

  • - I like top 10s.

  • I know a little something about top 10s.

  • - (FBE) And we're gonna see if you can guess the correct order.

  • - Okay, okay - I know how YouTube works.

  • I know the YouTube mindset, so I think I should be good.

  • - Oh! No, not one of these! - Not again!

  • Why do you guys keep making us do these? (laughs)

  • We stink at these!

  • - I've done rom-coms with my girlfriend,

  • and then I did top 10 YouTube videos.

  • I did well on those. For these, I'm not confident at all,

  • 'cause I don't give a flying eff about the trending section.

  • - ♪ I'm in love with the shape of you

  • - Yes! Oh my god, Kyle! Okay. Okay, okay.

  • - ♪ I'm in love with your body ♪ - Ah, I love dancers.

  • - Get it, boy! Oh, shoot.

  • - I haven't seen this video, but I know my girlfriend has,

  • 'cause she loves dance videos so much.

  • - That was a cool dance. I cannot do any of those moves.

  • I'm gonna put that as a six.

  • - Seven for now. - Number four.

  • I just remember it did so well. - Let's give it a seven.

  • Ed Sheeran had one of the biggest years with that song.

  • - Let's just put that at seven.

  • - These dancing videos are very viral,

  • especially on Instagram.

  • - (James) Oh!

  • - Oh! Again?! Ed Sheeran! - Oh my gosh.

  • - Wow, Ed Sheeran's killing it.

  • Okay.

  • - Oh my god! Yes!

  • - (James and Ed) ♪ Now my bed sheets smell like you

  • - That's gotta be huge, 'cause Ed Sheeran is the biggest

  • if not close to the biggest person in the world right now.

  • - I like Ed Sheeran. I wanna be friends with him,

  • just a side note. Ed, if you're watching, just hit me up.

  • - I'm gonna put him at three.

  • - Yeah, that's definitely number three.

  • - I'm gonna give this a five. - A five?! Okay.

  • - What do you wanna do? Hold on. - I'm gonna listen to you,

  • because I trust you.

  • - That's very viral. I'd say four just to be safe.

  • Play it safe for now. - I think three.

  • - Okay, put three. - That is viral.

  • - I'm gonna give that a three.

  • That's gotta be a big one, I think. James Corden is homepage king.

  • ♪ (thrilling music) ♪ - Oh my god! I love this video.

  • - Oh, that's right! I remember this!

  • - I don't even think I've ever seen this video.

  • - Aww.

  • - I loved this one!

  • - Aw, this is cute.

  • - This has gotta be up there.

  • - (gasps) - Oh! (laughs)

  • - In a Heartbeat, yes! That was really good.

  • - I'm gonna give that one a seven.

  • - I'm gonna say six. - Okay.

  • - I'll put it for five. Oh my god. But I feel like it did so good.

  • - I think that should be a two.

  • - I'm gonna go seven with that one.

  • It definitely trended when it came out,

  • but then I don't know if it's a trend

  • that continued or if it had its moment.

  • - (Lady Gaga) ♪ Can't read my... ♪

  • - Oh, Lady Gaga! - Oh! Oh my god!

  • - Hmm, okay. Super Bowl.

  • - This is that viral?

  • - This is a viral video? - Roni! This was

  • the Super Bowl performance. - Oh, yeah. That's right.

  • - I would say it's gonna be up there,

  • because the part after where she jumps off

  • the top of the stadium whatever was a massive meme for a good month.

  • - 10. Nothing special about that.

  • - I'm gonna put her for number one.

  • - I don't think-- - It's gonna go four.

  • - Super Bowl halftime shows are always pretty big.

  • I'm gonna put it as an eight.

  • - I would put that as a one. - You gonna put that as--

  • That's not a one, come on. Let's give it a six.

  • - (sighs) All right, fine. - It's just a Super Bowl performance.

  • - Number four. The music video was poppin' but that one performance,

  • I don't think it outdid James Corden, "Shape of You"

  • with Ed Sheeran. - (voiceover) Let's review.

  • There's people on the planet.

  • - (gasps) Oh! This video is mwah!

  • - "The history of the world", right?

  • - I've definitely not seen this.

  • - (voiceover) Now everyone will want to be my friend

  • and live near me. Let's all build houses.

  • Except mine is bigger, because I own the food.

  • This is great. - (chuckling)

  • - (voiceover) I wonder If anyone else is doing this.

  • - Wow! This is one of the top 10? Good for him.

  • That's gonna be number six.

  • - I'm gonna put that last, because I literally

  • have never seen that video ever.

  • - Put it at five.

  • - Really?! It's that viral? - Yeah. It went really viral.

  • - I'm gonna put that at five, 'cause I feel like that's one

  • that people keep coming back to.

  • - I've seen it, and I kind of remember

  • that probably has 30 million views.

  • Okay, I'm just gonna put it at eight,

  • just 'cause I don't know where else to put it.

  • - I love this guy's channel. - Yeah?

  • - I think it should be an eight.

  • - I think it's a nine. - Okay.

  • - I'm gonna go five. It's just so well done

  • And from an editing standpoint, If you watch that,

  • you know how long it took.

  • - (Tyler) Any time you're doing ping pong trick shots,

  • you've gotta have the hairdryer. - Oh, trick shots?

  • - DudePerfect, yup.

  • - (Tyler) Oh, that's beautiful. - Oh my goodness.

  • - (Tyler) This is the floating ball bow and arrow blaster.

  • - Yo! - OH MY GOD!

  • - Oh my gosh. - Oh my.

  • - Oh, that's so cool.

  • - That was actually really impressive.

  • - I'm putting that at eight. - Yeah, put that at eight.

  • - Put that at a nine.

  • - We're gonna go with nine 'cause, again, I haven't seen that one.

  • - Let's give that a 10. - That's an eight.

  • I mean, it's no Ed Sheeran.

  • - 10, because they have so many videos that get up there.

  • - That's a quick 40 million views. That's number six.

  • I'm pretty confident, to be honest.

  • - ("Trump") Now, I pretend I like you.

  • - Oh, boy. Oh. (laughs)

  • - Oh my god.

  • - ("Trump") We will build a bar in rural Connecticut.

  • And we will make it... - (both giggling)

  • - ("Trump") ...a bar with a nanny,

  • and we will make it a bar called Brown Lady.

  • And we will make it a bar that has stuff in it

  • and extra good leather.

  • - Bad Lip Reading has been killing it for so many years!

  • So good! - I'm putting that at four.

  • - Seven?

  • - It's an eight.

  • - Man, this is getting hard now.

  • (imitates Trump) I'm gonna say that one gets a nine.

  • - A nine. I feel like I screwed up this order.

  • Those get really good views.

  • - (Petunia) ♪ Summertime ♪ - Oh my god, I've seen this.

  • - Oh, shoot! - ♪ ...the livin' is easy

  • - (Tyra) Wow! - That's cool.

  • - (Darci) ♪ One of these-- ♪ - (Petunia) ♪ Mornings

  • - I haven't seen it. That's incredible.

  • - I'm amazed every time I see this.

  • - (Mel) ...trying to describe how amazing it was.

  • You know what? - (gasps loudly)

  • - (gasps) Boom. Wow!

  • - Aww! Aww, that's so nice!

  • - I'm impressed. I've never seen that before.

  • - That one's gonna be number three.

  • - I'ma put this for eight.

  • - Okay, I'll put it at number two.

  • - (sighs) That's five. I just can't give anything one and two.

  • And it's gonna suck when I see these one and two videos

  • and they're not that viral.

  • - ♪(man singing in Thai) ♪

  • - This is a talent competition too, isn't it?

  • - It's the masked singer! I know this show!

  • - I've never seen this.

  • - What is this?

  • This is not viral.

  • - ♪ (man singing in Thai) ♪

  • - What the hell was that?!

  • How have I never seen that before? Number six.

  • - Well, we only have two spots, so we've got to put that at 10.

  • - I'm gonna put that as a one. - I'm gonna not let you do that.

  • - Mask. I have a feeling about this. Trust me. Just trust me, okay?

  • - 10. I'm really interested in seeing what this number one--

  • I think is gonna be number one. Hit me with it!

  • - (Robert) Scandals happen all the time.

  • The question is... - Oh! Yes.

  • - (both laugh)

  • - I imitate...

  • - (chuckles) It's so cute.

  • - Oh my god. Oh my god, it's so awkward!

  • - (laughs)

  • - Here she comes, here she comes, here she comes!

  • - Ohh! Oh my god! - (laughs)

  • The slide in gets me every time.

  • - Oh! (laughs) She runs in grabs them.

  • I remember this.

  • - Man. I just want more, just like it just constantly--

  • I want another kid, I want a bear on a unicycle.

  • I want everyone to just start showing up.

  • - Number one for now. I'm gonna change it.

  • - BBC number one. I'm keeping that.

  • - That one's going number two.

  • I just remember so many people were talking about it for so long,

  • and I saw it everywhere. Facebook, Twitter, everywhere.

  • - (both) Okay. - Gotta put that as one for now.

  • - We are 100% re-evaluating our list.

  • - (FBE) So now we'll give you a little chance

  • if you'd like to rearrange your answers.

  • - I think I'm gonna move a few of these around.

  • Masked Singer to six and the dancing kids,

  • the unity and diversity, I'm moving 'em down to 10.

  • - I would say this one's the last.

  • - James Corden. This guy's gotta be first, 'cause Ed Sheeran.

  • Donald (sighs)-- okay, baby, too cute.

  • I wanna say that's two. May God have mercy on my soul.

  • - It's 10 out of 10.

  • Every single one of these is accurate.

  • - (FBE) Number 10 is "Children interrupt BBC news interview."

  • - Shut up. Really? - Oh my gosh! Really?!

  • (buzzer) - All right. That's one wrong.

  • (buzzer) - No! I put that as two.

  • - Oh my gosh! We put that as three.

  • So our list-- we're screwed! - Gosh dang it!

  • - (FBE) Nine is In a Heartbeat.

  • (buzzer) - (gasps) Really?!

  • (ding) - Thank god. One.

  • Yes! One! - No! I put that at four.

  • Everything is going to-- okay.

  • - Okay. - We're doing great.

  • - (FBE) Number eight is "The history of the entire world."

  • (buzzer) - Mm, I was kinda close on that one.

  • (ding) - Yay! (laughs)

  • Got one! We got one!!

  • (buzzer) - (quietly) I said number six. Yeah.

  • - I gave that seven. - Oh my gosh.

  • Hey, we had that at seven.

  • We were close. - We were close!

  • - All right, cool. - I'm blaming you for all of these.

  • - No, shut up! - Okay.

  • - (FBE) Number seven is the inauguration bad lip reading.

  • (buzzer) - Oh. Whoa.

  • (buzzer) - I put that as three! (cries)

  • - Oh. - We had it as five.

  • - We didn't get the point. (laughs) - That's okay.

  • - (FBE) Number six, Lady Gaga's Super Bowl halftime show.

  • (buzzer) - No! Oh my god. Okay.

  • Wow, I really messed that one up.

  • - No! I was gonna swap her with the singer!

  • (buzzer) - Really?! (gasps)

  • I thought that would've been more viral. Oh my gosh.

  • - Yo! I did-- That was all me. - That was all you.

  • That was all him. That was all him. That was all me. You see?

  • - (FBE) Number five is Ed Sheeran's Carpool Karaoke.

  • (buzzer) - Oh, c'mon! I was one off.

  • - No! I thought that would be number one!

  • (buzzer) - Really?

  • Oh, I'm really excited to see what number one is now.

  • (buzzer) - He's not one? What is one?!

  • (ding) - Oh!

  • - That was me? - That was...

  • - That was me once again. - Okay, whatever.

  • - I'll take that. - "I'll take it."

  • Take it, dude. Take it.

  • - (FBE) Number four is Darci Lynne,

  • the ventriloquist from America's Got Talent.

  • (buzzer) - I put that at nine.

  • - Oh, I gave that to "Ping Pong Trick Shots."

  • (buzzer) - Ooh, I am way off.

  • - I was one off! This is outrageous. I quit.

  • (ding) - (gasps) Oh my gosh!

  • We got one! - Oh my gosh! One right!

  • We got one! - We got it right!

  • We won!

  • - (FBE) Number three is "Ping Pong Trick Shots"

  • by DudePerfect. - Really? That was number three?

  • - Wow. - My goodness.

  • - Oh my god. I should've put that way higher.

  • - Nice! Okay, that was a lot higher than I was expecting.

  • - They just have so many videos that do well!

  • - (FBE) Number two is Ed Sheeran, "Shape of You" dance.

  • (buzzer) - Wow. I gave that a five.

  • (buzzer) - Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!

  • I knew it! Dang it! Trust your instincts, Meadows!

  • - Don't tell me the Masked Singer is number one. (chuckles)

  • - (FBE) And finally, number one is "Until We Become Dust"

  • from a competition show in Thailand called "King of Mask."

  • (buzzer) - No.

  • Shut up. - How is that one?

  • Oh my god.

  • (buzzer) - I knew that was gonna be

  • the most viewed one. - Dang it, man!

  • I had it open! I had the slot open for it!

  • (buzzer) - That show is so popular on--

  • not in America, but in the world.

  • (buzzer) - It was number one?!

  • You are kidding me!

  • - I'm just happy I got one. And then I was close on a few,

  • so I'll still take the win.

  • - Because we got one, I think we did great. (laughs)

  • It's not about comparing yourself to others.

  • It's about what you can do. We met our goal.

  • - We did. - We achieved one. (chuckles)

  • - We got one. - I'm so excited!

  • - Thanks for watching this episode of YouTubers React.

  • - Subscribe to all these amazing YouTubers.

  • Links are in the description. - Bye, guys!

  • - Hey, guys. Vartuhi here from FBE. Thank you to all the YouTubers

  • that came and joined us in this episode.

  • Also, a big thank you to Tiny Vista, Mattdot,

  • and Karla Hernandez. Bye, guys.

- Aww! Aww, that's so nice!


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