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Solitaire is one of the most popular computer games of all time, and we went to find the guy who created it.
- [ナレーター] ソリティアはいつも変わらず、人気のコンピューターゲームの一つです。 そして、私たちは、そのクリエイターに会いに行ってきました。 (タイヤの音) (ドアベル)
Yes, may I help you?
- はい、なんでしょうか?
Are you the person that wrote solitaire for Microsoft?
- [ナレーター] あなたがマイクロソフトのソリティアのクリエイターですか?
Yes, but that was a long time ago.
- はい、でも昔のことですよ。
We gotta talk. Can we come in?
- [ナレーター] ぜひお話を。お邪魔してもいいですか?
Great, thank you.
ありがとうございます。(軽快な音楽) (80年代のポップ)
Alright, this is Wes.
- [ナレーター] みなさん、こちらがウェス
I'm Wes Cherry, and I wrote Windows Solitaire.
- 私はウェス・チェリーです。Windowsのソリティアのクリエイターです。
I wrote the game in 1988 as an intern.
Internships at Microsoft were really an all-encompassing thing, but I squoze it in there in the few little hours of my free time.
マイクロソフトでのインターンシップは広範囲のものでした。ですが、なんとか 少ない空き時間を使って働いていました。
For those who need a refresher, Solitaire was played on the computer using a mouse.
- [ナレーター] ご存じない方のために紹介しましょう、ソリティアとはコンピューターのマウスを使ってできるゲームで、
Cards are pulled from the deck in an effort to stack cards in order by suit.
And if you won, you got an awesome display of cards cascading towards you.
I came up with the idea to write Solitaire for Windows out of boredom, really.
- [ナレーター] 私が Windowsのソリティアを思いついたのは退屈からでした、本当に。
There wasn't many games right at the time so we had to make them.
In the mid to late '90's was just when people started really getting computers in their home.
Microsoft officially said that Solitaire was there to teach people how to use the mouse.
But, in reality, it was just really just something to have fun with.
Before they ever released Windows, of course Bill Gates got a shot at it.
His biggest complaint was that Solitaire was too hard to win.
And once people figured out the mouse it became a favorite past time.
- [ナレーター] そして、民衆がマウスを使えるようになると、ソリティアは時間をつぶす人気のゲームになったのです。
The number of hours wasted on Solitaire is really countless.
- ソリティアに費やされた時間は数え切れないほどです。
I can say that right after Solitaire was released in 1990, there was a world recession.
So many people were playing it in the workplace that Wes came up with what he called "the boss key."
- [ナレーター] 多くの人が職場でソリティアで遊んでいたため、ウェスは「ボス・キー」を開発。
Press the special key and a spreadsheet was come up, so it made it look like you were doing real work.
- キーを押すと瞬時に表計算が出てき、仕事をしているように見せることができるというもの。
But, Microsoft made me take it out.
Considering this game has been around for decades, you must have made a ton of money.
- [ナレーター] このゲームが何10年もプレイされていることを考えると、 かなりの大金を稼げたのではないですか?
I was not paid, not a single cent.
- 1セントももらっていません。
At one time, I said if I only got a penny per copy, I would be very rich.
So far, only 14 people have made good on that.
I'm still waiting for the rest of you.
Well, you heard the man.
- [ナレーター] 聞きましたか?
Do you still work with computers?
I work with Apple now.
- 今は「Apple : りんご」を扱っています。
Apples, actually.
And I own a cidery.
Ah, Wes, there's something behind you.
- [ナレーター] ウェス後ろに何かありますよ。
Wes, run!