字幕表 動画を再生する
R: Hey guys!
Soooo um
We've had this cage outside for our cats for like
How long?
A year?
J: Like I gotta say about a year. R: Two years? More than two years?
J: Oh yeah-- R: I don't know, we made a video
when we first got this so you guys can see exactly how long
It's not bad for being outside
Plu-- (startled giggle)
Look at his little paws
Look at his little paws down there.
And also these are plastic
When we first got these we were a little worried
that they might eventually BREAK because of our fat-ass cats.
P: (indignant meow) R: (scoff)
He's on a diet.
We've had him on a diet for a little while now cuz he's getting a little chubby...
and just yesterday when we came home
This drawer was open:
It's a drawer he's never opened by himself before
And he managed to dig through *everything* and get into the **bottom** and open the closed bAG OF FOOD
You little butthead
So we gotta get some more child locks
But most importantly we can't use these anymore
Because our cats are too heavy and they broke one
We've had this for a couple days without
A third (ledge) one of these in it
Understandably the cats are very distressed about having to jump from here
all the way down to the bottom if they wanna come back in
So uh
we decided we're gonna DIY
And try to build some new shelves
So, we're gonna go to the store now
and pick up some new STUFF
R: We'll see you there! J: Let's get to it!
R: Sorry for the crappy iPhone quality here!
It was also too loud in there, so I'm just gonna voice over what happened
but we found some shelves that were coincidentally like the exact size we needed 8)
So we ended up just buying those.
And in some home centers
they have a work section
where after you buy something you can use their tools for free!
To cut it or drill holes if you don't have any power tools where you live
Or you can't use power tools where you live because they'd be too noisy. :(
So after we bought the shelves we just went right over to their little work section.
And Jun drilled some holes into the shelves
which we're gonna use some wire to attach to our cage.
So I just thought that was pretty neat!
That they have a section there that you can use for free.
(if you need to)
We also did this on a different day actually so if we're wearing different clothes
*scoffs* IT'S FINE JUST--
So yeah! See you back at our house!
Okay, so wuh back!
We got our new shelves
With the little holes in it
I don't think I mentioned this while we were there,
so I'll go ahead and explain it.
These are supposed to be indoor shelves, ~but~ it was basically the exact same size.
So it kind of worked out perfectly plus this has a waterproof coating on it.
But even THOUGH we got a waterproof coating:
We got a tarp to put over our cage anyway.
Just to keep these safe for the rain because
This is too--
I figured this would probably be too slippery for our cats.
Maybe especially when they're trying to jump
I don't want them to slip while they're jumping and get hurt falling.
we got--
We got some
"step sticky pasty carpet"
that you stick on stairs.
And actually we went to another home center after we bought this too
And they literally had this exact same thing in their pet section.
That said it was like for ~dogs and stuff~ walking up steps, and it was--
twice as expensive as this? >:(
Really, so I'm glad we got this one even though this was quite expensive the way it was.
But because it's carpet we don't want it to get wet--
so we got thuh-the TARP!! ⊙ᗜ⊙
our shelves
(oh my gah)
For our shelves, we got wire
to wrap it around the edges.
J: Can I... R: Yup.
J: Show you the...
This is the limit of how heavy they can support.
This says twenty-one kilograms.
R: (laughter) H-Haku...
J: Haku is about five, close to six kilograms:
Nagi is about four,
and Poki... is... close to six. --_--
So even if three of our kitties get on it, should be fine.
R: With just one of these!
But we've drilled a whole bunch of holes so now it's gonna have a bunch of wire all the way around.
The only thing I need to be careful about now is...
making these flat enough,
And out of the way so that the cats can't accidentally get their claws stuck on it or something.
If it seems like it's gonna be an issue when we're done,
then maybe...
I don't know
we can get some glue??
Or something to go over the edges
so that the cats can't accidentally get their claws stuck under this.
J: I think that'll be fine, but let's see!
R: I really-- (stutters)
You just never know! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(plastic rustling in the background) Well maybe this--
maybe this can cover...
Actually, I think this can cover them.
J: ん.
R: PERFECT!!! 8)
R: So...
R: We brought our cage inside to do it all in here.
We're gonna have to clean the bottom before we send it back out.
R: I don't know if you guys can see...
There's leaves and junk all in the edges of the bottom...
J: I think those are my Momiji leaves from my Bonsai ;; R: (giggles)
(R: His grandma's Bonsai. ^^)
J: Not the uh--
J: Drug. >:(
J: Drug leaf...?
R: OHHHHAH J: It's a Japanese maple leaf. :(
R: He used a Momiji leaf in one of his cooking videos.
R: Uhh...
R: With the sharpening of--?
Polishing a Rusty Knife video?
J: ん
R: Was it?
J: ん
R: And some people thought--
R: I told him!
R: People were gonna say that :/
R: Right?? Cus like they look kinda similar...
J: It's only you guys, AMERICANS.
J: It's a Japanese maple leaf. :(
R: Uhh, so question Jun.
We've got these wires. Do you have a wire cutter?
J: Uhh...
R: Cuz that's not something I thought about until literalLY RIGHT NOW
J: I thought that we had one of the tools...
J: I thought we had a (nib?)
R: Do we??
J: Let's look. ;;
R: DO WE??? (laughs)
J: Can I drop this camera on the counter--
R: Yeah I gotta-- J: and look?
R: I gotta figure a way to--
R: I gotta get them scissors to open these anyway so...
R: All right, this is not what this tool is for...
J: I think we got this from the dollar store.
R: This is not what this is for.
J: It is! This part is!
R: No.
J: It is! (more bickering)
R: No, I got this at a home center, that was not a dollar store tool :/
J: Really? R: Oh, god don't let it--
R: Wait...
R: Angle, it's gonna-- yeah J: Cool?
J: See!! (it cuts!!)
R: Okay.
R: Uhhh now can you find that before the cats eat it?
J: I don't kno-- oh here it is. ^^ R: (laughs)
R: Okay good
R: All right, all right. J: See??? It works!
R: It's okay. (phew)
R: GOOD!! GOOD JOB!!! J: We can do this!
J: *inaudible*
J: Hakuuu~
J: Are you going to help us?
J: By...
J: Messing things around here?
J: Hm?
J: *Jun cat chuckle*
R: Uh...
R: I don't want to get the saw dust all over the ground. :(
J: We will vac--
J: We'll have to vacuum anyway so.
R: Now it'll get stuck to my socks :((
J: ...You have your slippers! ^^
R: (roar of frustration)
J: Sniffin' around?
R: UM...
R: I would like to vacuum before we move on to the next stage:
R: so the cats can't get all this sawdust stuck to their paws.
J: You just dropped the sawdust on him
R: I know, he's in the way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
J: (cracking up)
J: You need to vacuum him now.
J: Vacuuming time~! Vacuuming!
R: Boi! BOII
J: That's not how you do it
R: He's so slippery--
R: (shouts) He's too long!
R: Hang on...
J: You're just picking a fight with him!
R: I know!
(so much laughter in this household, so pure)
R: He thinks we're fighting now!
J: He's like "scuse me MA'AM, WHAT DID I DO???"
R: I'm sorry I got you dirty through no fault of your own ಥ_ಥ
R: All right, good job!
R: Wuh!
R: All right, I'm gonna get the vacuum.
*cleaning montage*
R: Hakuuu~
R: *cracking up*
R: Poki~!
R: What happened to Nagi?
R: Did he run away cuz of the vacuum cleaner?
J: He's probably hiding.
R: Oh there he is!
R: Nagi~!!!
R: (giggles)
R: Come here, baby
R: Come here!
R: Nice. Thanks!
J: Look-- it's so much better, it's cleaner now.
R: Nice!
J: Ye
R: I gotta put these on now...
R: (grunts)
R: (laughs) Oh god.
R: I should have locked the door!
R: Well, that worked.
R: All right
R: Soo next step...
J: OH! This is another DIY I did:
J: Cat Scratch Board for Corners!
R: Okay, let's do the twist ties...
R: The twist ties are intense
R: My delicate little fingers T⌓T
J: Need my help?
R: No!
That's a lot of wire!
J: Do you wanna untie that one too?
R: I have to, how else am I gonna get the wire out?
R: There we go!
J: Nagi, can you jump from there to here? R: (laughs)
J: NAGI!!! *cat whisperer Jun at work*
You smell this?
Yeah, it's a cat food. (❁´◡`❁)
J: あ
J: (laughs) Hey, it's here!
J: Uh...
R: (cooing)
R: Oh my god, he's so cute
J: Nagi! It's here!
J: Can you jump?
R: Haku's gonna get in there.
J: OH YOU???
Poor Nagi :( I'll feed you later.
All right. Let's get back to work. (laughter)
R: All right--
R: I'm gonna go ahead and cut a couple wires--
I think like, this is long enough
J: ん
If it's too long you can cut it later.
R: It's like a slinky~ 8)
R: Whoo?
R: All right!
Where did we have it before?
Did we have it here?
J: Yeah, somewhere like that. We can adjust. No?
R: Or do I put it lower?
J: Whichever.
R: Down here?
J: How bout lower?
R: (roars)
J: Sorry, I need these. ;;
I need these!! ;;;;
R: Hoo boii
R: They're really-- (clatter)
R: Come on, come on, you're gonna get hurt! J: (laughing)
J: No, he's trying to play with this!
R: Can you just hold this so I can do the wire? J: Is here okay?
R: Mm-hm
J: Kay
R: This wire is very...
R: THICC (ノ・д・)ノ
R: C'mon! (´Д`)
R: It's not exactly easy to bend with your fingers! (・`ヘ´・)
J: Do you want a glove?
R: No...
R: It's not gloves I need, I mean PHYSICALLY
R: this is very thicc wire
(clatter) R: Okay, I need to use the tool--
R: That's literally what this is for!
R: Okay
R: Here's another one.
Forrr, over here:
R: I know this doesn't look very professional (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ
BUT! Just one of these can hold more than all the weight of our cats combined.
Sooo, with as many holes as we have
It's gonna be more than... fine
It's also quite difficult to bend with your fingers
So this is not gonna come out by itself.
R: This already feels really stable
This is A LOT sturdier than the previous ones were.
I can't lift it--
Or move it
Even though it's only got four wires on it
instead of the total (one two three four five...
six, seven) eight that we're gonna put on it.
So next:
I'm gonna put a CAT on it ( =^● ⋏ ●^= )
Even though it's kinda slippery now--
And I'm gonna have them make the jump
and then once they make the jump,
and that's fine
I'll put theeeee
CARPET on it,
because once I put the carpet on it, it's gonna cover these holes.
R: Aaand we won't be able to get it back off without, I don't know--
J: Yes kitties! R: messing up--
J: I have, yes, kitty R: (stuttering)
J: And there's a Poki (=ↀωↀ=)
P: (distressed meow)
R: Aww, Jun he's not happy! (;´Д`)
R: Bring him here! (;´Д`)(;´Д`)(;´Д`)
R: Come here, buddy!
R: C'mere!
R: Here, can you hold the camera? Poki!
R: Poki! (cat whisperer Rachel at work)
P: (food trill)
R: Oh no nooo he's--
J: It's low enough for him〔´∇`〕
R: Poki!
Jun: They jump from the counter over here--
R: Getchur-- Get your whiskers out!
R: Poki, come here!
R: Kay go IN the cage!
R: All right ALL OF YOU IN!!! (`Д´)
At some point, one of them is gonna jump.
I'll just put all of them in!
R: SOMEONE'S gonna do it.
J: Cat Sasuke?
J: Nagi went up! 〔´∇`〕 R: Nagi~
R: Nagi!
P: (distressed meow)
J: It looks perfectly fine.
R: Yeah? It does seem quite low for them to jump up here.
R: Poki!!
R: (laughter) Oh no he can reach it
J: Oh my god
(cat owners giggling)
R: Poki!
R: Look! See?
R: Ah, there you go
R: Poki!
(Rachel giggling)
R: Well, okay J: These are not replaced yet!
R: He ca--
He can make the jump. :)
J: If Poki can do it, then any of our cats can do.
R: Nagi!
R: Cat dammit, cats
R: Come on!
R: Haku!
R: There you go!
J: The cage seems to be doing well.
R: Nagi~
R: C'mere!
R: Pokiii
J: We'll replace the other two? R: Put it down with some wire--
J: And we still need to do the cover too.
R: Yeah.
R: We'll do the rest-- Okay (Ò ‸ Ó)
R: Well, we'll get these guys out--
R: And I guess we'll stop the camera for now,
R: Or should we do a time lapse?
R: Doo doo doo! ♪
R: These are all done.
They're SUPER (bang bang) stable,
I mean,
Literally they don't even bend--
Like the plastic ones were--
I think this is very very stable.
The only thing we're going to have to watch out for is rusting wires.
So I'm gonna go get some-- maybe duct tape or something to put over these
To just kinda protect the wires in the long run.
R: I don't know if that's necessary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
R: But it gets really humid here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
R: Better than nothing maybe! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(plastic rustling) R: Uhh,
R: So now I gotta put these on! (more plastic rustling)
R: Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo~♪
R: ♪It's the Moment of Truth™♪
R: All right--
(grunts) (๑・`▱´・๑)
R: We have a bunch of extras!
R: For the future~
R: In case we ever need to redo this.
R: It's just a sticker~
R: It's like basically,
Perfect size.
R: Where should I--
R: Should I have it more along the edge?
So they have more of a grip?
J: ん.
R: So away from here?
Jun: ん.
Jun: Yeah.
R: ... kay.
R: Then I guess I can just go over this with tape.
R: ... later
R: Hey buddy~
R: Yup, do you think there's like, white duct tape?
R: To match the cage?
J: Maybe.
J: I have-- I've seen black ones.
R: Oh, it's not sticky at all--
R: (huff) 눈_눈
R: I thought it'd be... sticky.
R: I guess it's for reusability?
J: It says it can wash, so...
R: Oh!
R: Cool.
R: We ca-- Wait we can wash it??
R: Neat!
R: NOW it makes sense why they're so expensive.
R: (chuckle) J: Those are for stairs.
R: These are like, twenty dollars.
R: (grunts)
J: Good that these plates are coated with--
J: Special coating so that it doesn't slip much.
R: This is totally good!
Now that I know it's not sticky I can just easily peel it up again.
J: Hmm. R: And place it back down later.
R: Soo, if I get tape I can go over the edges first,
R: and tape.
J: They look nice.
R: NAIIICE. (✿´ ꒳ ` )
J: Haku~
(Rachel bumbling in the background)
R: You guys!
R: Oof!
R: Goddammit that's the second time I've hit my head. J: It's almost ready, Haku~
R: Keep hitting my head on the board :(
J: You understand my pain that I get every now and then? R: Noo, because
R: This is moving, I've set it here:
R: and then it slowly goes like this without me noticing
R: and then I stand up and I hit my HEAD >:(
J: I was telling you about hitting your head on things, every now and then ...
J: You're still smart enough to do it! :)
J: You're so smart. :)
R: ♪I'm so smart~♪
J: That song sounds like R: (cracks up)
J: ... you aren't very smart.
P: (meows)
R: Oh, meow.
R: How's it feel? :D
R: Sniffy sniff!
R: Look at it, smell it, experie--
R: Oooh, Haku's tired.
J: Yeah...
R: A bit too much excitement for him for one day >
R: Nagiii you precious babeh
R: So light and smol
R: How's it?!
J: It's not bending.
R: He's smelling it!
R: Ohhh you like it buddy! [●´︶`●]
R: (giggle)
R: "Sniff sniff sniff"
R: (coos) Aww, sleepy~
R: Aww, sleepy baby?
R: Juuun he's so sleepy.
R: (giggles) J: Maybe you should just leave him there?
R: Hakuu~
R: I need you to test something from me~
J: Oh?
J: Nagi, are you going to get off?
J: Ooh!
R: OooH~
R: (giggles)
J: (laughing) Rachel, we should definitely need one more here.
R: Yeah?
J: So that our cats can be on the same level.
J: Like the cat tower we saw at the home centre?
J: The wider one?
R: Yeah.
R: (giggles)
R: Poki's good.
J: If Poki's good, everything's good. (。◝‿◜。)
R: If we get another one, we'll put it here?
R: So they'll have to jump from down there?
R: Have a very narrow jumping...
J: Maybe. R: ... range?
R: I'm not sure that will work well. --_-- ;
J: Mm, we can have it this way. (in an L shape)
R: Oh yeah!
R: Maybe we could do that.
J: Mm.
R: They all seem content.
R: You like how it feels?
J: Can you hold this?
J: Look at the camera.
R: Compared to THIS?
J: You can lift it up a little bit.
J: I-- you're covering Haku.
J: (laughing at his wife)
J: I don't know.
J: God--
J: Rachel-- (laughing)
J: Uhh--
J: I don't know
J: I can't get a good shot. :(
J: (more pure laughter)
J: Maybe we should use that as a thumbnail.
J: Oh? Nagi's getting off.
J: Ye--
J: Whoo!
J: Looks perfectly fine!
J: But yeah, I think it'd be better to have one over here.
J: Maybe.
J: Anyway,
J; It worked out! :)
R: Yeah, it worked well.
R: Maybe we can put the other one up here?
R: Because they all like the top.
J: Mm, that sounds about right.
J: We can get two more!
J: Yeah! R: That'd be good!
J: Yeah?
R: So we can get an extra one there, and an extra one there?
J: Mm.
J: Maybe even THERE too, but lower.
R: But I can put this over on this side--
R: And I can put another step over here so it's not as hard for them.
R: To jump from there to there.
J: ん.
J: Yay (*´︶`*)
R: These were like ten dollars each :/
J: Seven, I think.
R: Seven-- it was really expensive. :(
R: Compared to what you would expect
J: (laugh) Good. Yay. (*`ー´)
R: (laughs) J: Good job.
R: Yeaaaaah high five it worked
R: They can finally go back outside again. :')
R: Freely!
R: Uh where's-- did you put the
R: ... here it is.
R: So this is forty-five centimetres,
R: this way!
R: Oh!
R: It's exactly forty-five centimetres this way!
R: Jun!
J: I hope it'll fit!
R: So it'll fit exactly!
R: So there'll be no space in between them!
R: Actually, that is perfect :)
R: Now I really want to do it.
J: (watching his beloved kitties)
R: Um,
R: So there miGHT be A paRT TWO tah this vIdEo!
J: All right.
R: Nice!
J: All right.
R: Thanks for watching gaiz! :D
J: See ya~
R: We'll see you later, COME WATCH US ON TWITCH 8D
J: Look at Haku's tail
J: He's happy ^^
J: Nagi and Haku can be on the same plate just fine ^^
J: We need to get more plates though
R: Ya I think I'm gonna get more now
J: Yup!
J: Let's go!