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How, do you control rumors and gossip within an organization
That's pretty easy you just you just talked
About being you know getting out there with, the truth and your propaganda arm to outside your company it's, no different inside your company
You've got to make sure that people
Eat it's an interesting that when you work
We work with leaders sometimes you see people that i why i don't, want to share this with
My, people you know cuz, i don't know, what they might think like, there are they're thinking
Yeah, something that may be totally not true they're, not just sitting there not thinking anything because you're not sharing it with
Them they're coming up to their, own conclusions, which may be completely false or opposite but like
We say in the in the navy all the time you know perception is reality that becomes reality so you've got a
You got a you can defeat the gossip and rumors. By actually just sharing the truth be open, with. People and
And and and be in first out there with a, message so people get an understanding and even when horrible
Bad things go wrong extreme ownership right if if you take
Ownership for that and say hey listen this happened here's what we're doing to fix it here's what we're doing to turn things around
it's kind of the
People people are not gonna lose respect. For you in the organization, they're actually gonna, gain respect for you as a result something
We talk, about all the time so don't be afraid to do that
Again, just get the message out there and and be transparent and talk to folks
If you, don't tell people what's going on they're, gonna make up their, own
ideas of what's going on and the thing that i have to i
Have to, we have to, we have to take this just a little bit further right just a little bit further because
We talked, about transparency right, and that war gets thrown. Around all the time and
of the idea that you're just gonna you that the idea that, you're just gonna tell everyone exactly, what's going on and
That sounds great and it's like, hey i'm a fully transparent leader and i'm gonna, tell you what's going on but there's times
Where you actually, don't want to
Do that there's times where you have to maneuver and you have to be tactful and some of the things that you might tell someone
Actually is not the right thing to do now, and i i'm not saying
We're, gonna be dishonest with our people i'm not saying that
And i'm saying that transparency is a great thing but i mean just on a personal level
If leif's leaves up working for me and
Not doing he's doing something horrible is the best way to go, about that to fully, true full transparency is hey life
You're, doing horrible at this
Is that the best way to do it in front of out the entire in front of thing right is that
Is that it's full transparency right hey i'm fully transparent, okay everyone welcome to the meeting today
By the way i just wanted to point out that life to missus numbers again, and he's a loser?
That might, be what i'm thinking that's fully transparent hey?
Guys, just beat and and you love this too right just being transparent leif's an
Laysa, loser he missed his numbers again, and you know, what i'm actually thinking, about firing him just in case anyone was wondering
So that's that's, my getaway to close the business friday did i do a
Good, job right so so let's not get carried
Away, right you know, what is the smart, way this smart ways to maneuver the smart, way is to say, okay?
Lace not doing what, he what he, no, wants to what he should be doing if i go and accuse him of failing?
What's his reaction, gonna be how is it so?
What i do instead instead i go i want to take ownership of it and so instead i said hey lafe you know. Hey
He comes and come to come come i laughs i want to talk to you bout a couple things so he comes to my
office or not in a public place and
Now it's hey, lafe, hey man i noticed that you you know
You, you missed your numbers and i'm thinking that maybe i'm not giving
You the kind of support that you need to get where you need to be is there anything else that you need
from me so that you can win
Again inside sure i'm thinking life, you pathetic loser you missed your numbers again
Right but i'm not gonna, do that so the full transparency thing i get it and?
it makes sense
but we do have to consider
The tertiary and the secondary and tertiary effects of the things that, we say especially as a leader you
What you say has a lot of impact as a leader and sometimes i see leaders they make a
Little off-the-cuff remark, about something you know. Oh that won't matter, oh?
Oh, okay, so it doesn't matter or so so this little thing you know
Hey, hey, boss we wanted to get this this task, done by this date is it still important
Ah doesn't matter, okay?
So it doesn't matter so what i was working on for last month and a half doesn't matter okay cool great
If i was fully transparent
So just be careful use tact
Use your, brain, yeah that's that's 100% correct i think you know
What i was trying to explain in the first situation is i mean i was having a conversation with a leader that
We work with, who was you know telling, me that there was a key leader in his team that didn't, want to share with
Any of his key leaders that
They, you know
They, they're, the!
He didn't, want to share with the key leaders that they were they were haven't having, some issues and having
Some dire straits wonder you know. Getting to a point, where they're wondering hey, i don't know. If we're gonna make payroll
You know a few months from now if we don't turn?
These things around but i don't, want to share that with
Them because i don't want him to panic mmm and when i when i heard that i was like?
What kind of panic are they, gonna have, when they find out?
Yeah, they can't make payroll but, no one told him of that and they thought everything
Was great so the pen is gonna be a hundred times worse yeah then
And that's that's the kind of transparency i'm talking, about we're like listen you need to go
And have a direct conversation to say guys here's, where we're at
Yeah, and that should be something to help get them in year be like listen, we have got to we've got to hit
These numbers we've got to get things, going, again, we gotta turn performance around or this is where we're?
Gonna be next quarter if we don't do that and i think those?
That's the kind of thing i'm talking about where you're not keeping the secrets is it not helping you out because
By, the way everyone knows the numbers right so they know. They already probably know
You're, in dire straits and they're thinking, well i better find a
Backup job and they're gonna leave and now you're an even worse straight so yeah absolutely
You, don't need, to hide information from from the team