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- Oh no! - [Right woman] Whoa!
- Oh no! - [Right woman] No!
- People are gonna be dropping some
love you long times potentially.
- I'm sure it'll be super stereotypical.
- Any like coded language for an Asian person
I expect to find in porn.
- Just looking at these titles,
it already looks pretty terrible.
- Yeah.
- Let's just get this over with (laughing).
- [Left woman with long hair] Let's watch this.
- [Right woman with short hair] "The Asian Babysitter
Is Scared."
You know what's funny?
Is like I like don't like kids that much,
so every time I was an Asian babysitter,
I was really scared.
- This angle also, oh my god!
She's upside down!
- Like this woman's in her twenties.
She's dressed like a little girl.
And she's wearing like - [Left woman] She has like
- pigtails. - [Left woman] pigtails
- [Left woman] like up to here, with like a baby-doll
crop-top and like shorts.
- He's treating her like a child.
- Oh god. He just like--
- He just pushed - [Right woman] flung her down
- Yeah! He pushed her down. - [Right woman] and held her.
- And just put...
- She basically made a night stick innuendo.
- But she did it bad.
- Oh no! - [Right woman] Whoa!
- Oh no! - [Right woman] No!
(women screaming)
- Oh my god. He's like putting his night...(exclaiming)
- Like the actual night stick,
oh god. - [Right woman] Not his dick!
- [Left woman with long hair] "Sharon Lee -
Maid Who Knows How To Please."
- Okay, so now there's like this Asian maid.
She doesn't speak English.
And she just says, (laughing)
"Sex. I want sex."
- So intense right now.
- I'm like-- - [Left woman] Aright!
- everything's clenched.
(tapping the table)
- I haven't seen one Asian guy in this too.
I realized that.
It's only been like-- - [Left woman] Yeah.
- Asian women and white men.
- Is she speaking Japanese?
- She just like opened her legs like, "Don't go!"
- She was just speaking English earlier.
- [Woman with short hair] "Old Guy Gets A Happy Ending
By An Asian Massage Girl."
- Why, why are you giving us old men?
- Yeah, now the masseuse is naked.
But the client is not, which makes no sense.
- The mature and responsible old man
with the horny and uncontrollable and Asian woman
essentially is what's happening.
- Oh my!
Oh my god! - [Right woman] Oh my god!
- On the walls of this house, there's a lot of like
old Asian men with like buns and like warrior clothing.
- Oh my god.
- He sounds like an animal.
Also, she didn't finish.
That's not fair.
It wasn't enjoyable to watch really.
- I was expecting like we have Asian guy and Asian girls.
- Oh no. I completely expect the Asian girls only.
- Oh, really.
- if you don't grow up in like a diverse area,
and you're only exposed to Asian women,
like through your media, or through your porn,
like you're gonna have a super warped idea
of what it means to be an Asian woman.
And you're also probably gonna think that
Asian men just don't exist.
Fuck racist porn. (tapping on the table)
Only do nice porn.