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Hey girls and boys itís Jesse charger here coming to you from lovely Florida.
In this video I want to talk more about how watching pornography scrambles your brain
in a negative way that really decimates your inner game and motivation in terms of meeting
real women.
You see after watching porn over a long period of time your brain associates having pleasure
with watching porn, and it doesnít associate anything with real women any longer.
Over time your brain associates having sex with watching porn, it doesnít associate
having sex with real women.
Over time your brain associates your own reproductive success with watching porn, and doesnít associate
reproductive success with real women.
Over time your brain associates sexiness and femininity with watching porn, and begins
to associate of boredom with real women.
With time, real women in the real world quit being a sexual turn on, and you only become
turned on by porn.
Porn, in effect, tricks your brain into thinking itís having all this great sex, and all this
reproductive success, watching the computer screen. So much so, that the very idea of
all the effort and time you need to put into meeting real women starts to feel like a chore
or a waste of time.
Because when you associate reproductive success with watching computer videos, the effort
put into pursuing real women feels like time taken away from the easy gratification you
can get just by watching a screen.
Or even if you like the idea of having sex with real women, or you like the idea of getting
a real girlfriend, wishing for something is not enough to get it.
You wish for it, but you donít feel motivated enough to take the actual steps necessary
to have sex with real women or get yourself a quality girlfriend. Because your brain already
perceives as having all this reproductive success and sexual pleasure ALREADYÖ as much
as it wants in fact, whenever it wants, with whoever it wants.
Your brain already perceives itself to be getting sexual rewards, getting reproductive
success, and getting big payoffs of pleasure with very little risk taking ñ in fact no
risk taken at all.
So why go through the time, all the effort, the risk of meeting real girls? You donít!
Itís just easier to stay at home and you donít take action. You lose your motivation
to take real action in the real world on real girls.
And your brain wiring and circuitry becomes changed. So that you no longer associate reproductive
success with you putting your own penis into a real live girl. Instead, you associate reproductive
success and sexual pleasure watching other people have sex in a video.
Your brain circuitry changes to thinking that sex is purely visual. That great sex is something
that you see, is a face that you see, or is a hot body that you see, or the hot outfit
that you see, or is a physical position that you see.
When in fact real sex is more about feeling and touch primarily, and is about the five
senses together; touch, taste, smell, sound and also visual as just one small part.
So real women cease to be seen as sexual creatures in your mind, and instead become asexual beings
that are ultimately too much time and too much energy to really bother with. Why? because
theyíre not dressed sexy or naked as in porn, they donít give you instant gratification
on command as in porn, they donít have the exact body type that interests you in that
particular moment as in pornÖ so your mind just starts to see regular girls as other
asexual people that happen to be there. And in effect, you become neutered and asexual
to real girls.
So instead, you want to get to the point where youíre only interested in having sex and
getting sexual pleasure with real women. You want to get to the point where videos and
pictures of light and pixels bore you.
Where watching other people have sex BORES you.
Where youíre only interested in you yourself having real sexÖ where you yourself have
real reproductive successÖ where you yourself have real pleasure with real girls. So that
when you look at a video or a picture you think to yourself, ìwell Iím not there having
sex watching this, itís not me there having sex, so Iím not interested.î
And even if you have a fantasy, driven by watching porn, like youíre really into watching
a guy have three girls at once, or youíre into watching two guys on a girl, or youíre
really interested in interracial sex, or you like cheating wives, or whatever it is, whatever
fetish really gets you off, understand that that fetish typically comes from a lack of
going out, from a lack of social interaction, and from a lack of real sex with real women.
Once you start going out and meeting real girls, once you start getting a lot of social
interaction with real girls, once you start having sex with real girls, a lot of those
porn driven fetishes fall away to the sidelines.
And you become much more satisfied and much more interested in having one-on-one sex with
the real girls you meet, where itís about feeling the sex through touch, where itís
about experiencing the sex with another person in her personal reactions and her own personal
And those old fetishes that were driven from social isolation and watching porn, cease
to interest you.
The solution is youíve got to retrain your brain to stop associating sexual pleasure
and reproductive success with pixels and light and videos, and retrain your brain to start
associating sexual pleasure and reproductive success with real women.
To do that, you have to stop having orgasms watching other people have sex on video. You
have to retrain your brain to associate sexual pleasure and reproductive success by FEELING
real women through touch instead of visually watching others have sex on video.
You have to retrain your brain to find looking at real women, clothed women, as arousing
and titillating.
You have to retrain your brain to find porn boring, because youíre not the one having
sex in the porn.
You need to retrain your brain to stop seeing women as boring and asexual, and start seeing
women as arousing sex objects.
So hereís the solution to get un-addicted to porn in four quick steps.
First, you have to get pissed off.
Pissed off that you wasted so much time masturbating to photos that have tricked your brain.
Pissed off that porn has kept you unmotivated and sexless.
You need to get pissed off that youíre not getting the girls you want, that youíre not
getting the girls you deserve, because porn has sabotaged your life up to now.
You need to get pissed off realizing that life is short, that you have a limited amount
of time on this earth, and with that precious time you need to make the most of things.
And that porn has stolen your time, that porn has stolen your relationships, that porn has
stolen your motivation, and as a man who moves toward success, you donít have time for that
You need to get pissed off enough that you want things to change and youíre willing
and ready, right now, to take immediate action to do whatever is necessary to eradicate porn
out of your way.
Second step. You have to throw out your porn collection. You have to delete it forever.
Maybe you have a list of links or your favorite videos. Maybe you have a database of videos
youíve collected.
You need to completely wipe those out.
As long as you have links or a database of any sort, that collection represents an investment.
And if you hold onto that investment by keeping it stored away someplace, it means that you
have not yet let go of porn.
Whether you have a collection of 10 videos, or 100 videos, or one thousand videos, whether
those videos are categorized or not, the whole collection needs to be irrevocably eradicated
and erased for good.
You must start with a clean slate, with no sense of previous investment, and with no
avenues for temptation.
As long as you have a collection that represents an investment, youíll feel a temptation to
continue collecting or to go back into your archives. So it must be deleted completely.
Step 3- After your collection or archives have been completely eradicated from all computers
and all sources, the next step is to stop masturbating to porn.
No porn whatsoever.
No masturbation to pornography or videos.
Itís fine to masturbate to real girls that youíve met in real life or seen in real life
using your imagination. That can be part of the process of retraining your brain to find
real women arousing, to find real women titillating again.
But no masturbation to light and pixels.
And because the Internet offers such an easy temptation to an easy payoff of sexual gratification
without risk, it can be very difficult to rely solely on willpower alone to stop.
Thatís why itís so important to get good distraction blocking software.
For Windows I recommend a software program called focus me, which you can download at
focusme.co. The program will shut down any window with the keywords you choose. So you
can put in a list of keywords like sex, teens, mature, tube, XXX, and your browser will automatically
shut down if any of those keywords appear.
You can also set an ìunlock levelî where you must type in a long string of characters
to unlock the distraction protectionÖ
Having software like focus me is like taking the cookies out of the kitchen. Because when
the cookies are in the kitchen, at arms grasp away, itís just too easy to give into temptation,
as your natural willpower will not be that strong.
So even when you get that desperate urge to watch some video porn, the software will simply
prevent you from doing it.
The fourth and final part of the solution is to start practicing seeing real women as
sex objects again.
If youíve watched a lot of porn, real women will seem like unsexy, asexual beings that
donít really turn you on much anymore.
You need to start watching real girls walking, clothed girls.
Look at her as you imagine bending her over and mounting her. You need to look at that
girl sitting down and study her legs and study her lips and study her breasts.
You need to start imagining what her hair would feel like. You need to start imagining
what kissing her lips would feel like.
You need to start imagining her looking at you, with her big eyes, with her mouth wrapped
around your you-know-what.
You need to start practicing imagining undressing real girls with your eyes. You need to start
imagining how they react in bed. You need to start imagining how they pleasure you in
You need to start seeing real women as sex objects again, as the source of your motivation
to get up and take real action in the real world.
(And for more tips on doing that, check out my Nonverbal Sexual Mind Control program by
clicking here!)
So thatís my four-part solution for getting porn out of your life, for eradicating it,
and getting that sexual motivation and sexual drive for real women again.
Number one, get pissed off to the point where you will take whatever action is necessary
to obliterate porn once and for all, even if that means reframing porn to be an evil
influence that is stealing away your life and your time and the women in your life.
Number two, need to burn, destroy, and obliterate whatever porn collection you have so that
it is irrevocably erased forever.
Number three you need to stop masturbating to porn completely, understanding that your
willpower will probably not be strong enough, and you may very well need the help of a good
distraction blocking software or porn blocking software.
And number four, you need to start seeing real women as titillating sex objects again,
by engaging your imagination and actively strengthening your sexual imagination with
Now if you enjoyed this video, there are two things you can do.
First leave me a comment below. I read all comments and even if I donít answer them
all, I do read them, as Iím quite interested in your thoughts.
Second, youíll want to get my free course!
In the free course youíre going to learn how to break other bad habits, that hold you
back from women- even habits youíre not aware youíre doing but ARE holding you back.
If youíre watching this video on Youtube, youíll see a link in the video description
that leads to the sign up box for the free course. And if youíre watching this video
on Seduction Science.com, youíll see the sign up box right below the video.
Just punch in your email and youíll get my free course.
So leave a comment below the video, let me know what you think, subscribe to my YouTube
channel, and punch in your email to get the free courseÖ and of course, follow the steps
I laid out just now to get porn out of your life.
Thanks for listening, thanks for your time, I had great fun recording this, my name is
Jesse Charger, see guys later.