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  • My name is Ellsworth Wareham.

  • I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon,

  • and practice that is my specialty all my professional life.

  • I'm 98 years of age, and I

  • practiced the cardiothoracic surgery until I was 95.

  • I have first try to be active by working around my yard,

  • doing my pruning of my bushes, and I mow my own lawn.

  • so I try to get a little exercise doing that.

  • As far as my dietary program is concerned.

  • I happen to be a vegan. I've been a vegan now for about half my life.

  • I think that's a healthy form of nutrition

  • I try to maintain the calm approach to the problems of life and

  • not worry and fret over problems that come along.

  • I get a good night's sleep,

  • and if I feel like it, I take a nap during the day

  • So I really try to be caught as careful as I can and

  • preserving what energy I have

  • I quit work when I was 95

  • And because of this of course I attracted some publicity from the national geographic

  • and incidentally the people I've worked with very much wanted me to continue

  • but I felt I should spend a little more time at home with my family

  • I could be working right now,

  • I could do anything that I did then and now 98,

  • but I picked 95 as an arbitrary time when I would quit.

  • I have always been inclined to be a vegetarian my folks were farmers and

  • we had quite a bit of meat available,

  • but it never appealed to me to eat animal products.

  • I never did drink milk by the glass

  • I would use it on my cereal and

  • Of course my mother and then later on my wife, would use it in cooking

  • So I was naturally inclined toward a vegetable type of diet

  • But I was concerned about the adequacy of the nutrition

  • when I found out that I could get taking a little vitamin B12,

  • of course I then became entirely vegan,

  • and I think that it has been a very fine form of nutrition.

  • It's a little extreme to tell a person who is

  • using flesh foods and that you're going to take everything entirely away from them

  • But I have... when I was in practice in medicine,

  • I would tell the patients that the

  • vegetable based diet was the healthy way to go

  • and as much as possible we keep away from the animal products.

  • It has to be something that the person wants to cooperate in and

  • people are very sensitive about what they eat

  • now you can talk to people about exercising,

  • and you can talk to people about relaxation

  • and good mental attitude and life things like that and

  • they will accept that.

  • But you talk to them about what they're eating and people are very sensitive about that

  • if... if an individual is willing to listen,

  • I will try to explain to them on a scientific basis of how I think it's better for them

  • I read a statement in the Wall Street Journal last year.

  • I think it was in January of last year that

  • I thought was quite significant, and it was this,

  • "That all tastes are acquired except for breast milk."

  • now this means you see that

  • if you as a parent

  • will start your child on a healthy nutrition,

  • they'll like it.

  • But an individual let us say, who is old even my age

  • can change their taste buds

  • there are a lot of people that take too much salt and

  • Their food they think is flat unless they have a lot of salt in it,

  • but if you will diminish the amount of salt gradually

  • after a while they won't know the difference

  • and in a matter of three months or so

  • you can do a great deal to change your taste habits

  • if you are willing to do it

  • if a person is willing to go through the change and give himself time

  • he will enjoy foods that are healthy for him

  • as you know

  • cholesterol is the chief problem you have to be concerned about

  • as far as development coronary occlusion and coronary disease is concerned

  • if your cholesterol is under a hundred and forty

  • very very seldom that anybody has a heart attack with a cholesterol of 140

  • now the factors that Influence your cholesterol are things that we should know about

  • and one of the factors is the amount of saturated fat

  • and most animal fat is saturated

  • Whereas the vegetable fat is unsaturated or mono saturated

  • so you have to avoid the animal fats.

  • Now there are those scientists

  • including Dr. Colin Campbell of Cornell University

  • that say that animal proteins will also affect your cholesterol,

  • not just the fat in other words you pour off the cream off your milk and

  • drink the skim milk even the casein of the milk will raise your cholesterol

  • and then people say also high intake of sugar will affect your cholesterol

  • so if you can keep your cholesterol under 140

  • Your chances of developed coronary disease are very small

  • exercise is beneficial in reducing cholesterol

  • But if you're taking in a considerable amount of saturated fat,

  • you can't exercise enough to lower it as much as it should be lowered

  • The easiest way to get your cholesterol down is to

  • watch what you eat

  • Now you can lower your cholesterol by exercise,

  • but now I'm talking about no 15 or 20 milligrams something like that,

  • but if you get on a vegan diet which is low fat

  • you can drop it much more

  • when we went abroad

  • We had an open heart surgery team that

  • this would be maybe a dozen to two dozen people that would go with team and

  • do open heart surgery in overseas countries,

  • but this was back 50 years ago

  • You see when open heart surgery is first starting out

  • now there's no no need to do anything like that

  • now most of the surgery we did when we went abroad

  • it was for congenital heart disease

  • that is defects of the heart with which a person is born

  • holes in the heart and malformations the valves fourth

  • and the other was valvular heart disease due to rheumatic fever.

  • We didn't do very many coronary cases when we were overseas

  • coronary disease is a disease of the

  • more developed countries.

  • That's being a little bit discriminatory I presume,

  • but America, undoubtedly, in my opinion

  • has been the leader in the development of coronary disease

  • I mean in development of treatment of heart disease

  • and I think has also led out in the research of cause disease

  • We have a lot of information in this country

  • which is not being applied,

  • which would greatly reduce the incidence we have of coronary disease.

  • I don't know whether you've been following the news,

  • but Mayor Bloomberg of New York as you know

  • made certain laws

  • establishing the size of the soft drinks which you can buy and so forth so on

  • and he has other areas in which he is also enforcing by law. Healthful habits

  • many people question whether you should have your individual freedom limited by laws,

  • but there's no question about it

  • that there are certain things that we could implement in this country

  • to greatly reduce heart disease

  • you know The Cleveland Clinic is the world's great center for coronary artery disease

  • Coronary angiography the study of the coronary arteries

  • was developed at Cleveland Clinic

  • and you can't diagnose where the stoppages in your coronary arteries

  • without coronary angiography

  • now we have some newer methods,

  • but that's still sort of the gold standard

  • and Dr. Esselstyn of The Cleveland Clinic

  • He says that coronary artery disease does not need to exist

  • and it doesn't need to progress

  • and he does it on a low-fat vegan diet.

  • There have been only two people in the world that I know of

  • they've demonstrated that they can arrest and reverse coronary artery disease

  • and they are Dr. Dean Ornish of San Francisco

  • and Dr. Esselstyn of the Cleveland clinic

  • and they both did it on a low-fat vegan diet

  • if you would go on a low fat vegan diet and you exercise,

  • the chances of developing coronary disease will be very low

  • get that cholesterol under a hundred and forty

  • and you can.

  • My cholesterol is a hundred and seventeen

  • if I have some pain in my chest, I know it is not the coronary disease,

  • maybe due to some something in my esophagus

  • Hiatus Hernia from my stomach or something else,

  • but it's not coronary disease

  • because of a hundred and seventeen I'm not going to develop it

  • Anybody can do those things,

  • very simple.

My name is Ellsworth Wareham.


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B1 中級

エルスワース・ウェアハム最年長のビーガン医師 (Ellsworth Wareham: The Oldest Vegan Doctor)

  • 301 24
    羊奶 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日