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  • Mia Birdsong: Why is Black Lives Matter important for the US right now

    翻訳: Yuko Masubuchi 校正: Chieko Tamakawa

  • and in the world?

    「Black Lives Matter」は なぜ アメリカや世界中で

  • Patrisse Cullors: Black Lives Matter is our call to action.


  • It is a tool to reimagine a world

    Black Lives Matterは 行動を起こすきっかけです

  • where black people are free to exist,

    この運動は 黒人が自由に暮らし

  • free to live.

    自由に生きる世界を 改めて思い描くための

  • It is a tool for our allies to show up differently for us.


  • I grew up in a neighborhood that was heavily policed.

    私たち一人ひとりの存在を 明確に示す手段です

  • I witnessed my brothers and my siblings

    私は重点的に警戒される地域で 育ちました

  • continuously stopped and frisked by law enforcement.


  • I remember my home being raided.

    身体検査を受けるのを よく目にしました

  • And one of my questions as a child was, why?

    我が家が家宅捜索されたことを 覚えています

  • Why us?


  • Black Lives Matter offers answers to the why.


  • It offers a new vision for young black girls around the world

    Black Lives Matterは この問いに答えを与えます

  • that we deserve to be fought for,

    世界中の黒人の少女たちに 自分たちのために闘うのは当然のことであり

  • that we deserve to call on local governments to show up for us.

    自分たちのために 自治体に働きかけても構わないのだと

  • Opal Tometi: And antiblack racism --


  • (Applause)


  • And antiblack racism is not only happening in the United States.


  • It's actually happening all across the globe.

    反黒人主義の問題は アメリカだけではありません

  • And what we need now more than ever is a human rights movement


  • that challenges systemic racism in every single context.

    そしてこれまで以上に必要なのは 人権運動で―

  • (Applause)

    どのような状況下で起きているものであっても 制度的人種差別と戦うことです

  • We need this because the global reality


  • is that black people are subject to all sorts of disparities


  • in most of our most challenging issues of our day.

    黒人があらゆる困難な状況下で 格差に苦しんでいることが

  • I think about issues like climate change,

    私たちの直面している 最大の課題だからです

  • and how six of the 10 worst impacted nations by climate change


  • are actually on the continent of Africa.

    気候変動で最も大きな被害を受ける国 10か国中6か国は

  • People are reeling from all sorts of unnatural disasters,

    実のところ アフリカ大陸にあります

  • displacing them from their ancestral homes

    人々は次々に起こる異常な災害に 見舞われ

  • and leaving them without a chance at making a decent living.


  • We also see disasters like Hurricane Matthew,

    人並みに暮らす機会すら 与えられずにいるのです

  • which recently wreaked havoc in many different nations,

    他にも最近では ハリケーンマシューが

  • but caused the most damage to Haiti.

    多くの国々に 大惨事をもたらしましたが

  • Haiti is the poorest country in this hemisphere,


  • and its inhabitants are black people.


  • And what we're seeing in Haiti


  • is that they were actually facing a number of challenges


  • that even preceded this hurricane.

    ハイチの人々が このハリケーン以前から

  • They were reeling from the earthquake,


  • they were reeling from cholera that was brought in by UN peacekeepers


  • and still hasn't been eradicated.

    PKO部隊が持ち込んだ コレラに怯え

  • This is unconscionable.

    その病は 未だに根絶されずにいます

  • And this would not happen if this nation didn't have a population that was black,


  • and we have to be real about that.

    ハイチが黒人の国でなければ この惨事は起こらなかったと思います

  • But what's most heartening right now

    この現実と 向き合う必要があります

  • is that despite these challenges,


  • what we're seeing is that there's a network of Africans


  • all across the continent


  • who are rising up and fighting back and demanding climate justice.


  • (Applause)

    立ち上がり 公平な温暖化対策を 求めているということです

  • MB: So Alicia,


  • you've said that when black people are free,


  • everyone is free.


  • Can you talk about what that means?


  • Alicia Garza: Sure.


  • So I think race and racism is probably the most studied


  • social, economic and political phenomenon in this country,

    私が思うに この国では 人種や人種差別について

  • but it's also the least understood.

    社会 経済そして政治的に よく研究されていますが

  • The reality is that race in the United States


  • operates on a spectrum from black to white.

    実は アメリカ人の人種には

  • Doesn't mean that people who are in between don't experience racism,

    黒人から白人まで グラデーションがあります

  • but it means that the closer you are to white on that spectrum,

    その中間の人種なら 差別を受けないというのではなく

  • the better off you are.

    より白人に近い人種ならば 少しは良い生活を送れる

  • And the closer to black that you are on that spectrum


  • the worse off your are.


  • When we think about how we address problems in this country,


  • we often start from a place of trickle-down justice.

    この国における 様々な問題の取り組み方は

  • So using white folks as the control we say,

    トリクルダウン理論を用いて 始めることがよくあります

  • well, if we make things better for white folks

    つまり白人が 私たちの言葉を代弁するのです

  • then everybody else is going to get free.


  • But actually it doesn't work that way.

    他の人種にもその恩恵が及ぶ という理論です

  • We have to address problems at the root,


  • and when you deal with what's happening in black communities,

    私たちはこの問題に 根底から取り組むべきであり

  • it creates an effervescence, right?


  • So a bubble up rather than a trickle down.


  • Let me give an example.

    滴り落ちる(トリクルダウン)よりも 沸き立たせましょう

  • When we talk about the wage gap,


  • we often say women make 78 cents to every dollar that a man makes.


  • You all have heard that before.

    この話が出ます「男性が1ドル稼ぐときに 女性は78セントしか稼げない」

  • But those are the statistics for white women and white men.


  • The reality is that black women make something like 64 cents

    しかしこれは 白人の男女間の統計値です

  • to every 78 cents that white women make.


  • When we talk about latinas, it goes down to about 58 cents.

    黒人女性は 64セントほどしか稼げません

  • If we were to talk about indigenous women,

    ラテンアメリカ系女性の場合は 58セントに下がります

  • if we were to talk about trans women,


  • it would even go further down.


  • So again,


  • if you deal with those who are the most impacted,


  • everybody has an opportunity to benefit from that,

    もし 一番の被害者たちに対処すれば

  • rather than dealing with the folks who are not as impacted,

    誰もが恩恵を受ける 可能性が広がります

  • and expecting it to trickle down.

    悪影響がそれほどでもない人たちを 助けて その恩恵が―

  • MB: So I love the effervescence,

    さらに下に届くのを 期待するよりましです

  • bubbling up.

    だからこそ 沸き立つ活気が大好きです

  • AG: Effervescence -- like champagne.


  • (Laughter)


  • MB: Who doesn't love a glass of champagne, right?

    シャンパンは 皆さん好きですよね?

  • Champagne and freedom, right?

    シャンパンも自由も 好きですよね?

  • (Laughter)


  • What more could we want, y'all?


  • So you all have been doing this for a minute,

    つまり皆さんが行ってきた この運動が

  • and the last few years have been --


  • well, I can't even imagine,


  • but I'm sure very transformative.

    かなりの影響力があるのは 確かです

  • And I know that you all have learned a lot about leadership.

    皆さんはリーダーシップについて 多くを知っています

  • What do you want to share with these people


  • about what you've learned about leadership?


  • Patrisse, let's start with you.

    パトリス どうぞ

  • PC: Yeah, we have to invest in black leadership.

    黒人のリーダーシップに 力を入れるべきだと

  • That's what I've learned the most in the last few years.


  • (Applause)


  • What we've seen is thousands of black people showing up for our lives

    私たちは 何千人もの黒人が インフラ整備や生活支援が―

  • with very little infrastructure and very little support.

    全くない状況を訴えているのを 目にしました

  • I think our work as movement leaders isn't just about our own visibility

    社会的運動のリーダーという仕事は 自分たちが前に立つだけでなく

  • but rather how do we make the whole visible.

    どうやって全体が見えるようにするか という問題です

  • How do we not just fight for our individual selves

    どの様に戦えば 個々のためだけではなく

  • but fight for everybody?


  • And I also think


  • leadership looks like everybody in this audience

    Black Livesで見られる リーダーシップは

  • showing up for black lives.


  • It's not just about coming and watching people on a stage, right?

    皆さんはここへ来て 話を聞くだけはありませんよね?

  • It's about how do you become that leader --

    職場であろうと 家であろうと

  • whether it's in your workplace, whether it's in your home --


  • and believe that the movement for black lives isn't just for us,

    この運動は 自分たちだけのためではなく

  • but it's for everybody.


  • (Applause)


  • MB: What about you, Opal?

    オパール あなたはどう?

  • OT: So I've been learning a great deal about interdependence.

    私は互いに任せあうことを 大いに学んだところです

  • I've been learning about how to trust your team.

    そしてチームを信じることを 学んだところです

  • I've come up with this new mantra


  • after coming back from a three-month sabbatical,

    私は 新たなスローガンを見出しました

  • which is rare for black women to take who are in leadership,

    黒人女性リーダーのサバティカルは まれなことですが

  • but I felt it was really important for my leadership and for my team

    でも私のリーダーシップと チームの皆にとって

  • to also practice stepping back


  • as well as also sometimes stepping in.

    ときには打って出ることも 大事なのはもちろんですが

  • And what I learned in this process was that we need to acknowledge


  • that different people contribute different strengths,

    個々人が持つ 様々な能力を活かすことが

  • and that in order for our entire team to flourish,

    チーム全体のためになることを 認識して

  • we have to allow them to share and allow them to shine.

    お互いに意見を交わし 輝けるようにするべきです

  • And so during my sabbatical


  • with the organization that I also work with,

    チームが 私が関わっているある組織と

  • I saw our team rise up in my absence.

    私がいなくても協働プロジェクトを 開始したと知りました

  • They were able to launch new programs,

    彼らは 新たなプログラムの立ち上げと

  • fundraise.


  • And when I came back,


  • I had to give them a lot of gratitude and praise

    たっぷりの感謝の気持ちと賛辞を 送らねばなりませんでした

  • because they showed me that they truly had my back

    というのも 彼らは 見事に私の穴を埋め

  • and that they truly had their own backs.

    お互いに協力しあって これを達成してくれたからです

  • You know, in this process of my sabbatical,


  • I was really reminded


  • of this Southern African philosophy of Ubuntu.

    正にアフリカ南部のUbuntu (思いやり)の哲学でした

  • I am because you are;


  • you are because I am.


  • And I realized that my own leadership,

    そこでリーダーシップを 明確に理解しました

  • and the contributions that I'm able to make,


  • is in large part due to the contributions that they make, right?

    私は成果が出せるのだと そうですよね?

  • And I have to acknowledge that, and I have to see that,

    私はその事実を認め 目を向けるべきです

  • and so my new mantra is, "Keep calm and trust the team."

    そこから導き出したスローガンは 「穏やかな気持ちでチームを信頼すること」

  • And also,


  • "Keep calm and thank the team."


  • MB: You know, one of the things I feel like I've heard

    Black Lives Matterの活動において

  • in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement more than anywhere else


  • is about being a leaderful movement,


  • and that's such a beautiful concept,


  • and I think that something


  • that women often bring to the conversation about leadership

    女性がリーダーシップを 度々話題に挙げられるのは

  • is really the collective piece.


  • What about you, Alicia?

    アリシア あなたは?

  • AG: Yeah ...


  • How many of you heard that saying that leadership is lonely?

    リーダーは孤独だと 聞いた人は何人いますか?

  • I think that there is an element where leadership is lonely,

    リーダーシップには 孤独の要素があると思います

  • but I also believe that it doesn't have to be like that.

    しかし必ずしもそうとは 限らないとも思います

  • And in order for us to get to that point,

    私たちがそのスタンスに 至るまでには

  • I think there's a few things that we need to be doing.

    いくつか やるべきことがあります

  • So one is we have to stop treating leaders like superheroes.

    一つは リーダーを 英雄扱いするのを止めることです

  • We are ordinary people attempting to do extraordinary things,

    私たちは皆 特別な事に挑む普通の人間です

  • and so we need to be supported in that way.

    だからこそ 今話したような 支援が必要なのです

  • The other thing that I've learned about leadership

    その他 リーダーシップについて 学んだことは

  • is that there's a difference between leadership and celebrities, right?

    リーダーと有名人は 違うということです

  • And there's a way in which we've been kind of transformed into celebrities

    問題の解決に挑む人間が いつの間にか

  • rather than people who are trying to solve a problem.


  • And the way that we treat celebrities is very fickle, right?

    有名人は 気まぐれに振り回されますよね

  • We like them one day,


  • we don't like what they're wearing the next day,

    翌日には 服のセンスが悪いと言われ

  • and all of a sudden we have issues, right?


  • So we need to stop deifying leaders

    つまり より多くの人が リーダーになるよう

  • so that more people will step into leadership.

    リーダーを祭り上げるのを 止めるべきです

  • Lots of people are terrified to step into leadership

    多くの人は リーダーになることを恐れています

  • because of how much scrutiny they receive

    それは リーダーに対する注目度や

  • and how brutal we are with leaders.


  • And then the last thing that I've learned about leadership

    リーダーシップについての学びの 最後の点はこうです

  • is that it's really easy to be a leader when everybody likes you.

    皆に気に入られているときなら リーダーを務めるのは簡単です

  • But it's hard to be a leader when you have to make hard choices

    しかし 厳しい選択をせまられたときや

  • and when you have to do what's right,


  • even though people are not going to like you for it.

    気に入られない行動が求められるときに リーダーを務めるのは大変です

  • And so in that way,


  • I think another way that we can support leaders

    私たちは別の方法で リーダーたちを支えられます

  • is to struggle with us,


  • but struggle with us politically,

    個人的にではなく 政治的に闘うということです

  • not personally.

    対立することなく 議論を重ねるのも良いですが

  • We can have disagreements without being disagreeable,


  • but it's important for us to sharpen each other,


  • so that we all can rise.


  • MB: That's beautiful, thank you.


  • (Applause)


  • So you all are doing work

    冷酷で痛ましい現実に 毎日のように直面する

  • that forces you to face some brutal, painful realities


  • on a daily basis.


  • What gives you hope

    皆さんの 希望と励みになっていますか?

  • and inspires you in that context?


  • PC: I am hopeful for black futures.

    というのもこの社会では 黒人というと―

  • And I say that because we live in a society

    死のイメージが 深く根付いています

  • that's so obsessed with black death.


  • We have images of our death on the TV screen,


  • on our Twitter timelines,


  • on our Facebook timelines,

    それより生きている黒人を 想像してはどうでしょう?

  • but what if instead we imagine black life?

    黒人が生きて活躍する姿を 想像するのです

  • We imagine black people living and thriving.


  • And that --


  • that inspires me.


  • OT: What inspires me these days are immigrants.


  • Immigrants all over the world who are doing the best that they can

    自立して逆境を糧にしようと 最善を尽くしています

  • to make a living, to survive and also to thrive.

    現在 2億4400万人以上の人々が

  • Right now there are over 244 million people


  • who aren't living in their country of origin.

    これは2000年以来 40パーセント増えています

  • This is a 40 percent increase since the year 2000.


  • So what this tells me

    世界の格差が より悪化しているということです

  • is that the disparities across the globe are only getting worse.

    けれどもその中には 決意して渡航する手段を見出し

  • Yet there are people who are finding the strength and wherewithal to travel,


  • to move,


  • to eke out a better living for themselves

    慎ましく生きようと 努力している人もいます

  • and to provide for their families and their loved ones.


  • And some of these people who are immigrants


  • are also undocumented.


  • They're unauthorized.

    彼らは私のやる気を さらに高めました

  • And they inspire me even more

    その理由は 社会から邪魔者扱いされ

  • because although our society is telling them, you're not wanted,


  • you're not needed here,

    そして彼らの存在は実に脆く 虐待や給与泥棒に遭い

  • and they're highly vulnerable and subject to abuse, to wage theft,

    搾取され 外国人嫌いの攻撃に遭っても

  • to exploitation and xenophobic attacks,

    その多くがコミュニティを 作り始めています

  • many of them are also beginning to organize in their communities.

    また 私が見たところでは 体制側に立ち向かう

  • And what I'm seeing is that there's also an emerging network

    黒人の不法滞在者たちの ネットワークも台頭し

  • of black, undocumented people who are resisting the framework,

    不法滞在の犯罪化に 抵抗しています

  • and resisting the criminalization of their existence.


  • And that to me is incredibly powerful


  • and inspires me every singe day.


  • MB: Thank you.


  • Alicia?

    現在そして未来を担うのは 若者たちです

  • AG: So we know that young people are the present and the future,

    しかし 私の励みとなるのは 年配者です

  • but what inspires me are older people

    彼らはこの運動に参加する中で 変化しています

  • who are becoming transformed in the service of this movement.


  • We all know that as you get older,

    自分の考えに 固執するようになります

  • you get a little more entrenched in your ways.


  • It's happening to me, I know that's right.

    しかしこんな人たちが私の励みになりました 自分の仕事の仕方や

  • But I'm so inspired when I see people who have a way that they do things,


  • have a way that they think about the world,

    私たちがどんな経験をして 正義のある社会に暮らしたい

  • and they're courageous enough to be open to listening to what the experiences are

    公正な世界に暮らしたいと 訴えているのかと

  • of so many of us who want to live in world that's just


  • and want to live in a world that's equitable.

    この運動に尽力する 年配の人たちの行動に

  • And I'm also inspired by the actions that I'm seeing older people taking


  • in service of this movement.

    権力と主導権を手にすると こう言うのです

  • I'm inspired by seeing older people step into their own power and leadership


  • and say, "I'm not passing a torch,


  • I'm helping you light the fire."


  • (Applause)


  • MB: I love that --


  • yes.


  • So in terms of action,

    ここに座って 皆さんのお話が聞けて光栄です

  • I think that it is awesome to sit here and be able to listen to you all,

    広い心で変化を受け入れる ということですが

  • and to have our minds open and shift,

    それだけでは 黒人の自由は得られませんね

  • but that's not going to get black people free.


  • So if you had one thing you would like this audience

    世界中の視聴者に 一つお願いするなら

  • and the folks who are watching around the world to actually do,


  • what would that be?


  • AG: OK, two quick ones.

    まずホワイトハウスに 電話してください

  • One, call the White House.

    水の保護者 (水源を守る先住民)たちが

  • The water protectors are being forcibly removed

    命の源泉を守るために設置した キャンプから強制排除されています

  • from the camp that they have set up to defend what keeps us alive.

    これは私たちの運動と 複雑に関連しています

  • And that is intricately related to black lives.

    直ちにこれを止めるよう ホワイトハウスに訴えてください

  • So definitely call the White House and demand that they stop doing that.


  • There are tanks

    抗議している人たちが 今も次々と逮捕されています

  • and police officers arresting every single person there as we speak.


  • (Applause)


  • The second thing that you can do


  • is to join something.


  • Be a part of something.

    グループでも 団体でも良いでしょう

  • There are groups, collectives --

    非営利の必要はありません 分かりますね?

  • doesn't have to be a non-profit, you know what I mean?

    しかし現在「黒人の命は大切 故に全ての命は大切」を

  • But there are groups that are doing work in our communities right now

    確立するために 取り組むグループもあります

  • to make sure that black lives matter so all lives matter.


  • Get involved;

    腰を上げて あなたの考えを伝えてください

  • don't sit on your couch and tell people what you think they should be doing.


  • Go do it with us.


  • MB: Do you guys want to add anything?


  • That's good? All right. So --


  • And I think that the joining something,

    参加する場所が無くても 始めることです

  • like if you feel like there's not something where you are, start it.


  • AG: Start it.


  • MB: These conversations that we're having,


  • have those conversations with somebody else.

    つまり 言いっぱなしにせずに

  • And then instead of just letting it be a talk that you had,


  • actually decide to start something.


  • OT: That's right.


  • MB: I mean, that's what you all did.

    何かを始めて 結果をしっかりと見て行くのです

  • You started something, and look what's happened.

    貴重なお話 ありがとうございました

  • Thank you all so much for being here with us today.


  • OT: Thank you.


  • (Applause)

Mia Birdsong: Why is Black Lives Matter important for the US right now

翻訳: Yuko Masubuchi 校正: Chieko Tamakawa


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 黒人 リーダー リーダーシップ 人種 運動

TED】アリシア・ガルザ、パトリッセ・カローズ、オパール・トメティ。ブラック・ライヴズ・マターの創設者たちとのインタビュー(ブラック・ライヴズ・マターの創設者たちとのインタビュー|アリシア・ガルザ、パトリッセ・カローズ、オパール・トメティ (【TED】Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi: An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter (An interview with the found

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日