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  • Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Joanna Pietrulewicz

    翻訳: Kazumi Kettery 校正: Yuko Yoshida

  • So you probably have the sense, as most people do,

    皆さんは きっと こう感じられていることでしょう

  • that polarization is getting worse in our country,


  • that the divide between the left and the right


  • is as bad as it's been in really any of our lifetimes.

    誰もが経験したことのないくらい 悪化していると

  • But you might also reasonably wonder if research backs up your intuition.

    でも そんな直観を裏付ける研究があるのか と思われているかもしれません

  • And in a nutshell, the answer is sadly yes.

    一言で言うと 残念ながら あります

  • In study after study, we find


  • that liberals and conservatives have grown further apart.

    リベラル派と保守派間の隔たりが 大きくなっていると示されています

  • They increasingly wall themselves off in these ideological silos,

    それぞれが 自分たちの 政治的イデオロギーの殻に閉じこもり

  • consuming different news, talking only to like-minded others

    違うニュースを聞き 似た考えを持つ人とだけ付き合い

  • and more and more choosing to live in different parts of the country.

    ますます 異なる場所で暮らすことを 選ぶようになっています

  • And I think that most alarming of all of it


  • is seeing this rising animosity on both sides.

    両サイドからの敵対心が 高まっていることです

  • Liberals and conservatives,


  • Democrats and Republicans,


  • more and more they just don't like one another.

    ますますお互いが 嫌いになってきている

  • You see it in many different ways.

    いろんな形で 目にされているでしょう

  • They don't want to befriend one another. They don't want to date one another.

    お互いに 友達やデートの相手に したくないとか

  • If they do, if they find out, they find each other less attractive,

    知り合っても 相手が向こうの人と分かったら 魅力を感じなくなるとか

  • and they more and more don't want their children to marry someone


  • who supports the other party,


  • a particularly shocking statistic.


  • You know, in my lab, the students that I work with,


  • we're talking about some sort of social pattern --

    ある種の社会的行動パターンについて 話しているのですが

  • I'm a movie buff, and so I'm often like,

    私が映画ファンなこともあって よくこう聞きます

  • what kind of movie are we in here with this pattern?

    このパターンを表しているのは どんな映画だろう

  • So what kind of movie are we in with political polarization?

    政治的二極化のこの社会は どんな映画がピッタリくるでしょう?

  • Well, it could be a disaster movie.


  • It certainly seems like a disaster.


  • Could be a war movie.


  • Also fits.


  • But what I keep thinking is that we're in a zombie apocalypse movie.

    でも 私の考えでは ゾンビによる世界の終末ものですね

  • (Laughter)


  • Right? You know the kind.


  • There's people wandering around in packs,

    映画には群れをなして うろうろする人々が出てきます

  • not thinking for themselves,


  • seized by this mob mentality


  • trying to spread their disease and destroy society.

    ゾンビの感染を広めて 社会を壊そうとしている人々です

  • And you probably think, as I do,


  • that you're the good guy in the zombie apocalypse movie,

    私も含めて誰もが 思っていることでしょう

  • and all this hate and polarization, it's being propagated by the other people,

    そして全ての憎しみや分断は 向こうの人々が広めたとお思いでしょう?

  • because we're Brad Pitt, right?


  • Free-thinking, righteous,

    自由に考え 正義の味方で

  • just trying to hold on to what we hold dear,

    大切なものを守ろう としているだけであって

  • you know, not foot soldiers in the army of the undead.

    死にきれないゾンビの一軍の 歩兵ではありません

  • Not that.


  • Never that.


  • But here's the thing:


  • what movie do you suppose they think they're in?

    相手は 自分がどんな役回りだと 考えているでしょう?

  • Right?


  • Well, they absolutely think that they're the good guys

    向こうも ゾンビ映画の中の 正義の味方だと

  • in the zombie apocalypse movie. Right?


  • And you'd better believe that they think that they're Brad Pitt


  • and that we, we are the zombies.


  • And who's to say that they're wrong?

    彼らが間違っていると 誰が言えますか?

  • I think that the truth is that we're all a part of this.

    ただ確かなのは 皆が この一部になっている ということです

  • And the good side of that is that we can be a part of the solution.

    つまり 幸いにも私達は 問題解決の役割の一部を担えるのです

  • So what are we going to do?

    では どうすれば良いのでしょう?

  • What can we do to chip away at polarization in everyday life?

    日常の中でこの二極化を どうすれば崩していけるのでしょう?

  • What could we do to connect with and communicate with

    政治的に対立している相手と どのように繋がり

  • our political counterparts?


  • Well, these were exactly the questions that I and my colleague, Matt Feinberg,

    この疑問こそ私と 同僚のマット・フェインバーグが

  • became fascinated with a few years ago,

    そして これについて 研究を始めました

  • and we started doing research on this topic.

    二極化を理解するのに役立つ 最初の発見は

  • And one of the first things that we discovered


  • that I think is really helpful for understanding polarization

    根深い道徳的価値観の隔たりに 裏付けられている ということです

  • is to understand

    政治心理学史上 最も確固たる発見の一つに

  • that the political divide in our country is undergirded by a deeper moral divide.

    ジョナサン・ハイトとジェシー・グラハム という心理学者が発見した―

  • So one of the most robust findings in the history of political psychology


  • is this pattern identified by Jon Haidt and Jesse Graham,

    それはリベラル派と保守派は さまざまな価値観を支持する度合いが

  • psychologists,


  • that liberals and conservatives tend to endorse different values

    例えばリベラル派なら 平等や公平

  • to different degrees.

    弱者へのケアや 危害からの保護といった価値観を

  • So for example, we find that liberals tend to endorse values like equality


  • and fairness and care and protection from harm


  • more than conservatives do.

    権威の尊重、道徳的純潔さ といった価値観を

  • And conservatives tend to endorse values like loyalty, patriotism,


  • respect for authority and moral purity


  • more than liberals do.

    キーとして読み解けるのではと 考えたのです

  • And Matt and I were thinking that maybe this moral divide


  • might be helpful for understanding how it is


  • that liberals and conservatives talk to one another


  • and why they so often seem to talk past one another


  • when they do.


  • So we conducted a study


  • where we recruited liberals to a study


  • where they were supposed to write a persuasive essay

    結果 リベラル派は 平等、公平といった―

  • that would be compelling to a conservative in support of same-sex marriage.

    リベラル派の道徳観を訴えて 議論する傾向があることが分かりました

  • And what we found was that liberals tended to make arguments


  • in terms of the liberal moral values of equality and fairness.

    「皆は自分の選んだ人を 愛することができる権利を持つ」とか

  • So they said things like,


  • "Everyone should have the right to love whoever they choose,"

    他の米国民と同じ権利を享受すべきだ」 と書いてありました

  • and, "They" -- they being gay Americans --


  • "deserve the same equal rights as other Americans."


  • Overall, we found that 69 percent of liberals

    保守派の道徳観に訴える 論文を書いたのはたったの9%でした

  • invoked one of the more liberal moral values in constructing their essay,

    保守派を説得するのが目的だったにも かかわらずです

  • and only nine percent invoked one of the more conservative moral values,


  • even though they were supposed to be trying to persuade conservatives.


  • And when we studied conservatives and had them make persuasive arguments


  • in support of making English the official language of the US,

    結果 彼らも同じように

  • a classically conservative political position,


  • we found that they weren't much better at this.


  • 59 percent of them made arguments

    8%がリベラル派の道徳観に 訴えるエッセイでした

  • in terms of one of the more conservative moral values,

    リベラル派を説得する狙いだったにも かかわらずです

  • and just eight percent invoked a liberal moral value,

    さあ 困りました

  • even though they were supposed to be targeting liberals for persuasion.

    道徳観は 心に深く根付いている信念で

  • Now, you can see right away why we're in trouble here. Right?

    人はこれを守るためなら 戦って死んでもいいとさえ思うものです

  • People's moral values, they're their most deeply held beliefs.

    たいして賛同したいとも 思わないようなことのために

  • People are willing to fight and die for their values.

    この道徳観を投げ出そうなんて 誰が思うでしょう

  • Why are they going to give that up just to agree with you

    あなたが保守派の叔父さんを 説得しようとする時

  • on something that they don't particularly want to agree with you on anyway?

    特定のことに対する 意見だけではなく

  • If that persuasive appeal that you're making to your Republican uncle

    道徳観まで変えさせるような 言い方をしたら

  • means that he doesn't just have to change his view,


  • he's got to change his underlying values, too,


  • that's not going to go very far.

    「モラル・リフレーミング」という 手法が使えると考えています

  • So what would work better?

    私たちは一連の実験を通して この手法を研究しました

  • Well, we believe it's a technique that we call moral reframing,


  • and we've studied it in a series of experiments.


  • In one of these experiments,

    3つのうち1つの論文を 読んでもらいました

  • we recruited liberals and conservatives to a study

    その後 環境問題に対する姿勢について 調査してみました

  • where they read one of three essays


  • before having their environmental attitudes surveyed.

    わりと昔からある 環境保護重視の考え方で

  • And the first of these essays

    危害から弱者を守り ケアするといった リベラル派の価値観に訴えるものでした

  • was a relatively conventional pro-environmental essay


  • that invoked the liberal values of care and protection from harm.

    私たちが住まう土地に 自ら危害をもたらしている」とか

  • It said things like, "In many important ways

    「これ以上 地球が破壊されないよう 守るためには

  • we are causing real harm to the places we live in,"

    今 対策を講じることが不可欠だ」

  • and, "It is essential that we take steps now


  • to prevent further destruction from being done to our Earth."


  • Another group of participants

    道徳的純潔という保守派の価値観に はまるように書かれた論文で

  • were assigned to read a really different essay

    同時に環境保護を 訴えるものでもありました

  • that was designed to tap into the conservative value of moral purity.


  • It was a pro-environmental essay as well,

    「森林や飲み水、空を純粋な形で 維持することは とても重要なことです」

  • and it said things like,


  • "Keeping our forests, drinking water, and skies pure is of vital importance."


  • "We should regard the pollution


  • of the places we live in to be disgusting."

    ここにある純粋で美しい物を 守ることができるのだ」など

  • And, "Reducing pollution can help us preserve


  • what is pure and beautiful about the places we live."


  • And then we had a third group

    このグループを基準として データを比較するためです

  • that were assigned to read just a nonpolitical essay.


  • It was just a comparison group so we could get a baseline.


  • And what we found when we surveyed people

    リベラル派の場合 どの論文を読んでも あまり影響はなく

  • about their environmental attitudes afterwards,


  • we found that liberals, it didn't matter what essay they read.

    リベラル派は皆 環境保護を推進する立場なのです

  • They tended to have highly pro-environmental attitudes regardless.


  • Liberals are on board for environmental protection.

    急進的な環境政策や環境保護を 支持する姿勢を

  • Conservatives, however,


  • were significantly more supportive of progressive environmental policies


  • and environmental protection

    他の2つの論文を読んだ時よりも 顕著でした

  • if they had read the moral purity essay

    また 道徳的純潔の論文を読んだ保守派に

  • than if they read one of the other two essays.


  • We even found that conservatives who read the moral purity essay


  • were significantly more likely to say that they believed in global warming

    その論文は地球温暖化のことには 触れておらず

  • and were concerned about global warming,


  • even though this essay didn't even mention global warming.

    モラル・リフレーミングが 強く影響を及ぼしていました

  • That's just a related environmental issue.

    私たちは 様々な政治的問題につき 同じ調査研究を行いました

  • But that's how robust this moral reframing effect was.

    もし 同性婚や国民皆保険など リベラルな問題について

  • And we've studied this on a whole slew of different political issues.


  • So if you want to move conservatives

    彼らの価値観と絡めて話すと うまくいくでしょう

  • on issues like same-sex marriage or national health insurance,

    たとえば愛国心とか道徳的純潔さ といった価値観です

  • it helps to tie these liberal political issues to conservative values


  • like patriotism and moral purity.

    もしリベラル派の人に 保守派の政策問題

  • And we studied it the other way, too.

    例えば 軍事費支出や英語公用化などを

  • If you want to move liberals to the right on conservative policy issues


  • like military spending and making English the official language of the US,

    リベラル派の価値観 例えば

  • you're going to be more persuasive

    平等や公平を絡めると 伝わるでしょう

  • if you tie those conservative policy issues to liberal moral values

    これら全ての研究から得られた結論は 同じで明確でした

  • like equality and fairness.


  • All these studies have the same clear message:

    その人の心に深く根付く道徳観と 結びつけると上手くいくということです

  • if you want to persuade someone on some policy,


  • it's helpful to connect that policy to their underlying moral values.


  • And when you say it like that


  • it seems really obvious. Right?


  • Like, why did we come here tonight?


  • Why --


  • (Laughter)


  • It's incredibly intuitive.

    政治的な問題について 説得すると言いながら 結局は

  • And even though it is, it's something we really struggle to do.

    鏡の中にいる自分に向かって 話しかけているだけなのです

  • You know, it turns out that when we go to persuade somebody on a political issue,

    つまり 特定の政治的立場を取る 自分なりの理由を繰り返すだけで

  • we talk like we're speaking into a mirror.

    相手を説き伏せようとは いていないのです

  • We don't persuade so much as we rehearse our own reasons

    道徳観に訴える主張を考えるとき 私たちは繰り返し言っているのは

  • for why we believe some sort of political position.


  • We kept saying when we were designing these reframed moral arguments,


  • "Empathy and respect, empathy and respect."


  • If you can tap into that,

    そして この国の誰かの心を 変えることができるかもしれません

  • you can connect


  • and you might be able to persuade somebody in this country.

    私たちがいるのは どんな映画ですか?

  • So thinking again

    先ほどは 図に乗っていたかも

  • about what movie we're in,

    ゾンビ映画ではなく もしかしたら―

  • maybe I got carried away before.


  • Maybe it's not a zombie apocalypse movie.


  • Maybe instead it's a buddy cop movie.


  • (Laughter)


  • Just roll with it, just go with it please.

    ご存知でしょう? 白人と黒人の警官コンビで

  • (Laughter)

    一方がだらしなく もう一方がまめで

  • You know the kind: there's a white cop and a black cop,

    何であれ 仲が悪い

  • or maybe a messy cop and an organized cop.


  • Whatever it is, they don't get along

    でも最後には力を合わせて 協力するようになり

  • because of this difference.


  • But in the end, when they have to come together and they cooperate,

    何故なら彼らが越えなければならなかった溝は とても深かったから

  • the solidarity that they feel,


  • it's greater because of that gulf that they had to cross. Right?


  • And remember that in these movies,

    主役の二人が今まで以上に 離れていってしまいます

  • it's usually worst in the second act


  • when our leads are further apart than ever before.


  • And so maybe that's where we are in this country,


  • late in the second act of a buddy cop movie --

    二人は引き裂かれるけど また よりを戻すところまでいきます

  • (Laughter)


  • torn apart but about to come back together.


  • It sounds good,

    私たちから変えていかなければならない と思うのです

  • but if we want it to happen,


  • I think the responsibility is going to start with us.


  • So this is my call to you:


  • let's put this country back together.


  • Let's do it despite the politicians


  • and the media and Facebook and Twitter

    私たちが どんなに隔てられようとも

  • and Congressional redistricting

    やりましょう それは正しいことだから

  • and all of it, all the things that divide us.


  • Let's do it because it's right.

    毎日 私たちの心の中を荒らし

  • And let's do it because this hate and contempt


  • that flows through all of us every day

    そして その醜い心は 社会の土台までをも脅かすから

  • makes us ugly and it corrupts us,

    私たちはお互いに そしてこの国のために

  • and it threatens the very fabric of our society.

    手を差し伸べ 理解し合わなければなりません

  • We owe it to one another and our country


  • to reach out and try to connect.

    憎まれるままに しておくわけにはいきません

  • We can't afford to hate them any longer,


  • and we can't afford to let them hate us either.


  • Empathy and respect.

    仲間のために せめて これくらいは するべきではないでしょうか?

  • Empathy and respect.


  • If you think about it, it's the very least that we owe our fellow citizens.


  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Joanna Pietrulewicz

翻訳: Kazumi Kettery 校正: Yuko Yoshida


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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日