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Twenty-eight years ago, I was a broken man.
翻訳: Yurie Yamane 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
And you probably wouldn't be able to tell that if you met me.
28年前 私の心は病んでいました
I had a good job at a well-respected academic institution.
おそらく 私と会っても そうとは気づかなかったでしょう
I dressed well, of course.
私は権威ある 教育機関に勤めていました
But my insides were rotting away.
もちろん きちんとした服装で
You see, I grew up in a family riddled with addiction,
しかし 内面は腐りきっていました
and as a kid, I also struggled
お察しのように 私は依存症の巣食う家庭で育ち
with coming to terms with my own sexuality.
子どもながらに 自分の性を受け入れるのに
And even though I couldn't name it then,
growing up as a gay kid
当時は自分でも何と呼んだらいいか 分からないまま―
just compounded my issues of isolation and insecurities.
But drinking took all of that away.
それはただ孤独と不安の問題を 悪化させるだけでした
Like many, I drank at an early age.
I continued to drink my way through college.
多くの人と同様 私も若い頃に飲みはじめ
And when I finally did come out in the early 1980s,
about the only places to meet other gay people,
そして 1980年代前半にやっと カムアウトしたのです
to socialize,
他の同性愛者の人々と会い 知り合い
to be yourself, were gay bars.
And what do you do in gay bars?
You drink.
And I did --
a lot.
My story is not unique.
Like millions of Americans, my disease progressed undiagnosed.
It took me to people and places and things
多くのアメリカ人同様 私の病気は診断されずに進行しました
that I never would have chosen.
流されるままに いろんな人々や場所 事柄へと
It wasn't until an intersection with the law
gave me an "opportunity" to get care,
that I began my journey of recovery.
My journey of recovery has been filled with love and with joy,
私の回復への旅は 始まりませんでした
but it hasn't been without pain.
回復への旅は 愛と喜びにあふれていましたが
Like many of you, I've lost too many friends and family to this disease.
I've heard too many heartbreaking stories
皆さんのように 私は数多くの友人 家族を この病気で失いました
of people who've lost loved ones to addiction.
And I've also lost countless friends to HIV and AIDS.
Our current opioid epidemic and the AIDS epidemic
そして 数えきれないほどの友人を HIV/AIDSで失いました
tragically have much in common.
Right now, we are in the midst of one of the greatest health crises of our time.
During 2014 alone, 28,000 people
今 われわれはこの時代最大の 公衆衛生の危機の真っただ中にいます
died of drug overdoses associated with prescription drugs and heroin.
2014年の1年だけで 2万8千人が
During the 1980s, scores of people were dying from HIV and AIDS.
処方薬やヘロインの過剰摂取により 亡くなっています
Public officials ignored it.
1980年代には 多くの人々が HIV/AIDSで死んでいきました
Some wouldn't even utter the words.
They didn't want treatment.
And tragically, there are many parallels with our current epidemic.
Some called it the gay plague.
そして悲しいことに現在の流行には 多くの類似点があります
They called for quarantines.
They wanted to separate the innocent victims from the rest of us.
I was afraid we were losing this battle
私たちから罪のない犠牲者を 隔離したいのです
because people were blaming us for being sick.
人々は私たちを 病気であると非難するので
Public policy was being held hostage by stigma and fear,
私はこの戦いに敗れるのではないかと 心配していました
and also held hostage
公共政策は汚名や恐怖で 人質に取られました
were compassion, care, research, recovery and treatment.
そしてまた 同情、医療ケア
But we changed all that.
Because out of the pain of those deaths,
we saw a social and political movement.
AIDS galvanized us into action;
社会的で政治的な運動の始まりが 見出されたからです
to stand up, to speak up and to act out.
And it also galvanized the LGBT movement.
We knew we were in a battle for our lives
because silence equaled death,
沈黙は死と等しいのだから 自分の命のために
but we changed, and we made things happen.
And right now, we have the potential
そして 私たちは変化をもたらし 多くのことを成功させました
to see the end of HIV/AIDS in our lifetime.
今では 私たちが生きている間に
These changes came in no small part
HIV/AIDSの終焉がやってくる 兆しが見えてきました
by the courageous, yet simple decision
for people to come out
to their neighbors, to their friends, to their families
and to their coworkers.
もたらされました 近所の人々や友人 家族 同僚に対しての
Years ago, I was a volunteer for the Names Project.
This was an effort started by Cleve Jones in San Francisco
何年も前 私はNamesプロジェクトで ボランティアをしていました
to show that people who died of AIDS
クリーブ・ジョーンズが サンフランシスコで始めた取り組みで
had names
and faces and families
顔があり 家族はもちろん
and people who loved them.
I still recall unfolding the AIDS memorial quilt
on the National Mall on a brilliant day in October, 1988.
1988年10月の快晴の日に ナショナル・モールで行われた
So fast forward to 2015.
AIDS記念キルト披露式は 記憶に新しいものです
The Supreme Court's decision to strike down the ban on same-sex marriage.
My husband, Dave, and I walk over to the steps of the Supreme Court
最高裁判所の結審は 同性婚の禁止を無効としました
to celebrate that decision with so many other people,
and I couldn't help but think how far we came around LGBT rights
and yet how far we needed to go around issues of addiction.
LGBTの権利が認められるまで 長い道のりだった一方で
When I was nominated by President Obama
依存症問題については どれほど長い道のりが 必要なのかを考えずにいられませんでした
to be his Director of Drug Policy,
I was very open about my recovery and about the fact that I was a gay man.
And at no point during my confirmation process --
自分の回復や自分がゲイである事実について とてもオープンでした
at least that I know of --
did the fact that I was a gay man come to bear on my candidacy
or my fitness to do this job.
私の局長職への候補資格や適正に関わって ゲイであることは
But my addiction did.
At one point, a congressional staffer said that there was no way
that I was going to be confirmed by the United States Senate
ある時点で 議会職員からは その過去を理由に
because of my past,
despite the fact that I had been in recovery for over 20 years,
and despite the fact
私が依存症から立ち直って 20年以上も経ているにもかかわらず
that this job takes a little bit of knowledge around addiction.
So, you know, this is the stigma
that people with substance use disorders
face every single day,
薬物依存症の人々が 日々 直面しているー
and you know, I have to tell you
it's still why I'm more comfortable coming out as a gay man
それでも なぜ私は
than I am as a person with a history of addiction.
依存症の過去を持つ人間であるというより ゲイであると告白する方が
Nearly every family in America is affected by addiction.
苦にならないのかを 話しておきましょう
Yet, unfortunately, too often, it's not talked about openly and honestly.
アメリカでは ほぼすべての家庭が 依存症に悩まされています
It's whispered about.
残念ながら 往々にして それが 率直に正直に語られることはありません
It's met with derision and scorn.
We hear these stories, time and time again, on TV, online,
軽蔑をもって扱われ 冷笑されるのです
we hear it from public officials, and we hear it from family and friends.
そんなことが繰り返し テレビやネットから聞こえてきます
And those of us with an addiction, we hear those voices,
役人からも家族や友人からも 聞こえてきます
and somehow we believe that we are less deserving of care and treatment.
依存症を持つ私たちは それらの声を聞いて
Today in the United States, only one in nine people
何となく医療ケアや治療を受ける 資格はないと思ってしまうのです
get care and treatment for their disorder.
現在 アメリカでは 9人に1人しか
One in nine.
Think about that.
Generally, people with other diseases get care and treatment.
If you have cancer, you get treatment,
一般的に その他の病気の人々は 医療ケアや治療を受けています
if you have diabetes, you get treatment.
がんが見つかれば 治療を受けます
If you have a heart attack,
you get emergency services, and you get referred to care.
But somehow people with addiction have to wait for treatment
or often can't get when they need it.
しかし どういうわけか 依存症の人々は治療を待たされ
And left untreated, addiction has significant, dire consequences.
And for many people that means death or incarceration.
治療されず放置されると 依存症は重症になり 悲惨な結果に至ります
We've been down that road before.
多くが死んだり 収監されたりすることになります
For too long our country felt
like we could arrest our way out of this problem.
あまりにも長い間 国家は
But we know that we can't.
私たちが自力で依存症から 抜けだせるとみなしているようでした
Decades of scientific research has shown
that this is a medical issue --
that this is a chronic medical condition
that people inherit and that people develop.
So the Obama administration has taken a different tack on drug policy.
遺伝的に受け継ぐことも 生後 発症することがあることも分かりました
We've developed and implemented a comprehensive plan
そこで オバマ政権は薬物管理政策で 今までとは異なる方針を取りました
to expand prevention services, treatment services,
包括的な計画を立て 実行し
early intervention and recovery support.
予防サービスや治療サービス 早期治療介入や
We've pushed criminal justice reform.
We've knocked down barriers to give people second chances.
We see public health and public safety officials working hand in hand
第2のチャンスを与えるために 障壁を取り除きました
at the community level.
公衆衛生や市民の安全を担当する役人が 地域社会規模で手に手をとって
We see police chiefs across the country guiding people to treatment
instead of jail and incarceration.
全国の警察署長が 人々を刑務所や収監所でなはく
We see law enforcement and other first responders
reversing overdoses with naloxone to give people a second chance for care.
The Affordable Care Act is the biggest expansion
ナロキソン(麻薬拮抗薬)を投与して 中毒症状を除き再起のチャンスを与えました
of substance use disorder treatment in a generation,
医療費負担適正化法は 薬物使用障害の治療に関して
and it also calls for the integration of treatment services within primary care.
But fundamentally, all of this work is not enough.
かかりつけ医に薬物使用障害の治療の 役目を兼ねることを要請しました
Unless we change the way that we view people with addiction
しかし 根本的に 依存症の人々への見方を
in the United States.
ここアメリカで変えない限り この活動は十分とは言えません
Years ago when I finally understood that I had a problem
以前 私が問題を抱えていると やっと自覚し
and I knew that I needed help,
I was too afraid to ask for it.
I felt that people would think I was stupid, that I was weak-willed,
愚かで意志が弱く 道徳的に欠陥があると 思われることを恐れたのです
that I was morally flawed.
でも私は 変化を起こしたいので 自分の回復について話をします
But I talk about my recovery because I want to make change.
私たちの在り方やできることに オープンに そして率直になるべきだと
I want us to see that we need to be open and candid about who we are
and what we can do.
I am public about my own recovery
not to be self-congratulatory.
世論を変えるために 政策を変えるために
I am open about my own recovery to change public opinion,
to change public policy
彼らの在り方をオープンで 率直にしようと悩んでいる―
and to change the course of this epidemic and empower the millions of Americans
who struggle with this journey
to be open and candid about who they are.
人々は 彼らの持つ疾患以上の存在です
People are more than their disease.
私たちには 世論を変える機会
And all of us have the opportunity to change public opinion
and to change public policy.
皆 依存症の誰かを知っています
All of us know someone who has an addiction,
and all of us can do our part
変えるために それぞれに役割を果たすことができます
to change how we view people with addiction in the United States.
だから 依存症を持つ人に会ったら
So when you see someone with an addiction,
酔っぱらいや麻薬常習者 中毒者や薬物乱用者だと思わず
don't think of a drunk or a junkie or an addict or an abuser --
see a person;
offer them help;
give them kindness and compassion.
And together, we can be part
拡大している運動の一部に なりましょう
of a growing movement in the United States
依存症を持つ人々への 偏見を変えるのです
to change how we view people with addiction.
Together we can change public policy.
他の病気と同様 必要なときに治療を受けられることを
We can ensure that people get care when they need it,
just like any other disease.
私たちは成長し 止めることのできない 運動の一部になるのです
We can be part of a growing, unstoppable movement
何百万人ものアメリカ人を 回復へと導きましょう
to have millions of Americans enter recovery,
そして この「流行病」を終わらせるのです
and put an end to this epidemic.
Thank you very much.