字幕表 動画を再生する
So I've been "futuring," which is a term I made up --
翻訳: Hiroshi Uchiyama 校正: Yuko Yoshida
「未来する」のが私の仕事です 私がでっち上げた言葉ですけど―
about three seconds ago.
I've been futuring for about 20 years,
and when I first started, I would sit down with people,
もう20年くらい 未来しています
and say, "Hey, let's talk 10, 20 years out."
私が始めた頃は みんなと一緒になって座って
And they'd say, "Great."
「10年、20年先のことを話そうよ」 と言ったら
And I've been seeing that time horizon
get shorter and shorter
でも それから 私たちの語る「先」は
and shorter,
近く 近く
so much so that I met with a CEO two months ago
and I said -- we started our initial conversation.
2か月前に あるCEO(最高経営責任者)に 会ったときなどは
He goes, "I love what you do. I want to talk about the next six months."
初めての会話で 相手はこう言ったものです
「長期で考える君の方法は素晴らしい 今後6か月について話そう」
We have a lot of problems that we are facing.
These are civilizational-scale problems.
The issue though is,
we can't solve them
ただ ここで厄介なのは
using the mental models that we use right now
to try and solve these problems.
今 私たちが問題解決に 当たっている考え方では
Yes, a lot of great technical work is being done,
but there is a problem that we need to solve for a priori, before,
沢山の素晴らしい技術的な取組みが 行われつつありますが
if we want to really move the needle on those big problems.
それらの大きな問題で 本当に前進しようと思うなら
前提として解決しておくべき 問題があります
Right? There's no marches. There's no bracelets.
There's no petitions that you can sign to be against short-termism.
反短期主義のための 抗議デモも
I tried to put one up, and no one signed.
抗議のリストバンドも 署名活動もありません
It was weird.
一度 募ったことがあるんですが 誰も署名しませんでした
But it prevents us from doing so much.
Short-termism, for many reasons,
短期主義のせいで できなくなっていることが たくさんあります
has pervaded every nook and cranny of our reality.
I just want you to take a second
私たちの現実社会の隅々にまで 蔓延しています
and just think about an issue that you're thinking, working on.
It could be personal, it could be at work
自分が考え 取り組んでいる課題について 考えてみてください
or it could be move-the-needle world stuff,
個人の課題 仕事での課題
and think about how far out you tend to think
世界を変えるような課題 なんであっても
about the solution set for that.
その解決策について どれくらい先まで
Because short-termism prevents the CEO
from buying really expensive safety equipment.
短期主義のもとでは 会社の責任者は
It'll hurt the bottom line.
非常に高額な安全設備の購入は しなくなります
So we get the Deepwater Horizon.
Short-termism prevents teachers
だからメキシコ湾原油流出事故の ようなことが起こるのです
from spending quality one-on-one time with their students.
短期主義のもとでは 教師は
So right now in America,
1対1でじっくり生徒を指導 できなくなります
a high school student drops out every 26 seconds.
だから 今 アメリカでは
Short-termism prevents Congress --
26秒に1人の高校生が 中退しています
sorry if there's anyone in here from Congress --
短期主義のもとでは 連邦議会は―
ここに議員の方がいたら 悪いんですが―
or not really that sorry --
本当はそんなに 悪く思ってませんが—
from putting money into a real infrastructure bill.
So what we get is the I-35W bridge collapse
over the Mississippi a few years ago,
だから 数年前に ミシシッピ川に架かる
13 killed.
It wasn't always like this. We did the Panama Canal.
We pretty much have eradicated global polio.
いつも こうだったわけではありません パナマ運河が作られ
We did the transcontinental railroad, the Marshall Plan.
And it's not just big, physical infrastructure problems and issues.
大陸横断鉄道建設や 欧州復興計画が行われました
Women's suffrage, the right to vote.
巨大な物的インフラに 関わることだけではありません
But in our short-termist time,
where everything seems to happen right now
でも 今の短期主義の時代
and we can only think out past the next tweet or timeline post,
あらゆることが 今起きているように見え
we get hyper-reactionary.
次のツイートや タイムラインの投稿より 先について熟考できなくなっており
So what do we do?
We take people who are fleeing their war-torn country,
and we go after them.
戦火で引き裂かれた祖国から 逃げてきた人々を
We take low-level drug offenders, and we put them away for life.
And then we build McMansions without even thinking
軽度の麻薬犯罪者を 一生 刑務所に入れようとし
about how people are going to get between them and their job.
そして そこに住む人の通勤など 考えもせず
It's a quick buck.
張りぼての豪邸「マックマンション」を 建てるのです
Now, the reality is, for a lot of these problems,
there are some technical fixes,
さて 現実には そのような問題の多くには
a lot of them.
I call these technical fixes sandbag strategies.
それも たくさんです
So you know there's a storm coming,
私はそのような技術的な解決策を 「土のう戦略」と呼んでいます
the levee is broken, no one's put any money into it,
you surround your home with sandbags.
堤防が壊れているのに 誰も直すお金を出さないので
And guess what? It works.
Storm goes away, the water level goes down,
それでどうなるかというと 機能するんです
you get rid of the sandbags,
嵐が過ぎ去り 水位が戻ると
and you do this storm after storm after storm.
And here's the insidious thing.
嵐が来るたびに 同じことを繰り返します
A sandbag strategy
can get you reelected.
A sandbag strategy
can help you make your quarterly numbers.
Now, if we want to move forward
四半期決算の数字を良くできる ということです
into a different future than the one we have right now,
ここで 今とは違う未来へと
because I don't think we've hit --
2016 is not peak civilization.
私たちは まだ行き詰まってはいません
There's some more we can do.
But my argument is that unless we shift our mental models and our mental maps
できることは もっとあります
on how we think about the short,
でも私の考えでは 短期をどう捉えるかについて
it's not going to happen.
思考プロセスや思い描くあるべき姿を 変えない限り
So what I've developed is something called "longpath,"
and it's a practice.
そこで私は「ロング・パス」という考え方を 生み出しました
And longpath isn't a kind of one-and-done exercise.
I'm sure everyone here at some point has done an off-site
ロング・パスは1回やって終わりの 演習ではありません
with a lot of Post-It notes and whiteboards,
付箋紙とホワイトボードを やたら使った
and you do --
no offense to the consultants in here who do that --
そして そこではー
and you do a long-term plan,
その研修をされる方を悪く言う つもりはありませんが―
and then two weeks later, everyone forgets about it.
Right? Or a week later. If you're lucky, three months.
みんな2週間後には 忘れてしまうのです
It's a practice because it's not necessarily a thing that you do.
そうでしょう? 1週間後かもしれません 3か月覚えていたら幸運です
It's a process where you have to revisit different ways of thinking
わざわざ実践するのは 普段なかなかやらないことだからです
for every major decision that you're working on.
取り組んでいる課題で 大きな判断をするときには必ずー
So I want to go through those three ways of thinking.
複数の異なる考え方で 再考する というプロセスなんです
So the first: transgenerational thinking.
ここでは 3つの考え方を 見てゆきましょう
I love the philosophers:
まず1つ目が 世代縦断型思考です
Plato, Socrates, Habermas, Heidegger.
私は哲学者のプラトン、ソクラテス ハーバーマス
I was raised on them.
ハイデッガーを こよなく愛しています
But they all did one thing
that didn't actually seem like a big deal
until I really started kind of looking into this.
これに着目するまでは それほど すごいとは
And they all took,
as a unit of measure for their entire reality
of what it meant to be virtuous and good,
the single lifespan,
from birth to death.
But here's a problem with these issues:
they stack up on top of us,
しかし 一つ問題があります
because the only way we know how to do something good in the world
is if we do it between our birth and our death.
世界で何か良いことを行う 私たちに分かる方法は
That's what we're programmed to do.
誕生から死までの間に できるものだけです
If you go to the self-help section in any bookstore,
it's all about you.
どこの書店でも 自己啓発コーナーにある本は全て
Which is great,
もっぱら自分について 書かれています
unless you're dealing with some of these major issues.
And so with transgenerational thinking,
こういった大きな問題に 取り組んでいたら話は別です
which is really kind of transgenerational ethics,
you're able to expand how you think about these problems,
世代を越えて共有される 倫理観のようなもので
what is your role in helping to solve them.
その思考を使えば こういった問題に対する考え方や
Now, this isn't something that just has to be done at the Security Council chamber.
その問題解決に当たる自らの役割を 広げられます
It's something that you can do in a very kind of personal way.
でも それは国連安全保障理事会で しなければならないようなことではありません
So every once in a while, if I'm lucky, my wife and I like to go out to dinner,
皆さんが自分なりのやり方で できることなのです
and we have three children under the age of seven.
時々 いいことがあると 妻と共にディナーに出かけますが
So you can imagine it's a very peaceful, quiet meal.
どれほど静かで平和な食事風景か 想像できるでしょう
So we sit down and literally all I want to do is just eat and chill,
and my kids have a completely and totally different idea
食卓を囲み ただ食事を取り くつろぎたいだけなのですが
of what we're going to be doing.
これから何をするのか 子供たちの期待は 私たちとは
And so my first idea
is my sandbag strategy, right?
It's to go into my pocket and take out the iPhone
私なりの 土のう戦略です
and give them "Frozen"
ポケットに手を入れ iPhoneを取り出します
or some other bestselling game thing.
そして子供たちに 「アナ雪」か
And then I stop
and I have to kind of put on this transgenerational thinking cap.
でも そこで立ち止まり
I don't do this in the restaurant, because it would be bizarre,
この世代縦断型思考の帽子を かぶらないといけません
but I have to --
レストランではしませんよ 変ですからね
I did it once, and that's how I learned it was bizarre.
実は 一度やってみて それが変だということを学びました
And you have to kind of think, "OK, I can do this."
But what is this teaching them?
その上で「よし これならできる」と 思えなければなりません
So what does it mean if I actually bring some paper
これで子供は 何を学べるでしょう?
or engage with them in conversation?
もし画用紙を取り出したり 子供たちと会話をしたりすれば
It's hard. It's not easy, and I'm making this very personal.
It's actually more traumatic
難しくて簡単ではありません すごく個人的な話になっていますが
than some of the big issues that I work on in the world --
entertaining my kids at dinner.
世界の大きな問題に取り組むよりも 苦難の道だったりします
But what it does is it connects them here in the present with me,
その行動がもたらすのは 今現在の子供たちと私を繋ぐことですが
but it also --
and this is the crux of transgenerational thinking ethics --
これが世代縦断型思考の倫理観の 核心となりますが―
it sets them up to how they're going to interact with their kids
子供たちが どのように 自分の子供たちと接するかを決め
and their kids and their kids.
Second, futures thinking.
When we think about the future,
10, 15 years out,
give me a vision of what the future is.
You don't have to give it to me, but think in your head.
口に出さなくていいので 頭の中で考えてください
And what you're probably going to see
is the dominant cultural lens
that dominates our thinking about the future right now:
今 私たちの未来への思考を 支配しているものでしょう
So when we think about the problems,
we always put it through a technological lens,
a tech-centric, a techno-utopia, and there's nothing wrong with that,
技術中心、技術的理想で見てしまいます 間違ってはいないのですが
but it's something that we have to really think deeply about
大きな課題に取り組み 前進させたいのなら
if we're going to move on these major issues,
because it wasn't always like this. Right?
The ancients had their way of thinking
about what the future was.
The Church definitely had their idea of what the future could be,
教会も 未来がどうなるか 当然 自らの考えを持っていました
and you could actually pay your way into that future. Right?
皆さんも自分の未来像に つぎ込んでいるかもしれません
And luckily for humanity,
we got the scientific revolution.
From there, we got the technology,
but what has happened --
でも それから起こったのは―
And by the way, this is not a critique.
ところで 批判している訳ではありませんよ
I love technology.
Everything in my house talks back to me,
家にあるものは全て 私に言い返してきます
from my children to my speakers to everything.
子供たちでも スピーカーでも 何でも
But we've abdicated the future from the high priests in Rome
それで 私たちは ローマの偉い司祭たちが説いた未来を放棄して
to the high priests of Silicon Valley.
シリコンバレーの宣教師たちに 乗り換えました
So when we think, well, how are we going to deal with climate
ですから 気候や貧困 ホームレスといった問題に
or with poverty or homelessness,
our first reaction is to think about it through a technology lens.
まず最初は テクノロジーのレンズを 通して考えてしまいます
And look, I'm not advocating that we go to this guy.
いいですか 私はこの伝道師に従おうと 言っている訳ではありません
I love Joel, don't get me wrong,
悪く取らないで ジョエルは好きですよ
but I'm not saying we go to Joel.
でもジョエルに従おうと 言うのではなく
What I'm saying is we have to rethink
our base assumption about only looking at the future in one way,
未来を一方向からしか見ない 支配的なレンズを通してしか見ないという
only looking at it through the dominant lens.
根本的な考えを改める必要が あるということです
Because our problems are so big and so vast
なぜなら 私たちの問題は とても大きくとても広大で
that we need to open ourselves up.
自らを さらけ出さないといけないのです
So that's why I do everything in my power not to talk about the future.
だから 私はできるだけ 1つの未来ではなく
I talk about futures.
It opens the conversation again.
So when you're sitting and thinking
about how do we move forward on this major issue --
どの様な方向に進むべきかを 腰を据えて考えるとき
it could be at home,
it could be at work,
it could be again on the global stage --
don't cut yourself off from thinking about something beyond technology as a fix
テクノロジーで応急処置をする以上のことを 考えるようにして下さい
because we're more concerned about technological evolution right now
今はモラルの進化よりも テクノロジーの進化の方に
than we are about moral evolution.
And unless we fix for that,
we're not going to be able to get out of short-termism
and get to where we want to be.
The final, telos thinking. This comes from the Greek root.
そして最後にテロス思考です これはギリシャで生まれたもので
Ultimate aim and ultimate purpose.
And it's really asking one question:
それが投げかける ただ1つの問いは
to what end?
When was the last time you asked yourself: To what end?
何を目指すのか― 最後に そう自問したのはいつですか?
And when you asked yourself that, how far out did you go?
そう自問したとき 残りの道のりはどれくらいでしたか?
Because long isn't long enough anymore.
これまで長期とされてきた期間は もう十分ではないのです
Three, five years doesn't cut it.
It's 30, 40, 50, 100 years.
In Homer's epic, "The Odyssey,"
ホメーロスの叙事詩 『オデュッセイア』では
Odysseus had the answer to his "what end."
オデュッセウスは「何を目指すのか」への 答えを持っていました
It was Ithaca.
It was this bold vision of what he wanted --
それは彼が望んだ 大いなるビジョン—
to return to Penelope.
妻ペネロペの元に 戻るということでした
And I can tell you, because of the work that I'm doing,
but also you know it intuitively -- we have lost our Ithaca.
皆さんも直観的にご存知のとおり 私たちはイタケを失いました
We have lost our "to what end," so we stay on this hamster wheel.
私たちは 自らの「目的地」を失い ハムスターの回し車に乗っています
And yes, we're trying to solve these problems,
but what comes after we solve the problem?
And unless you define what comes after, people aren't going to move.
何が来るのか分からなければ 人々は行動しません
The businesses -- this isn't just about business --
事業活動で― 事業に限りませんが―
but the businesses that do consistently, who break out of short-termism
短期主義を打ち破り 一貫して事業を進めているのは
not surprisingly are family-run businesses.
驚くに値しませんが 家族経営の事業です
They're transgenerational. They're telos. They think about the futures.
世代縦断的で テロス的であり 未来を考えています
And this is an ad for Patek Philippe. They're 175 years old,
これはパテック・フィリップの広告です 創業175年です
and what's amazing is that they literally embody
驚くべきは こうしたロング・パスの感性を
this kind of longpathian sense in their brand,
彼らのブランドで 具現化していることです
because, by the way, you never actually own a Patek Philippe,
まあ 皆さんは パテック・フィリップを持つこともないし
and I definitely won't --
私も絶対 持たないでしょうけど
unless somebody wants to just throw 25,000 dollars on the stage.
誰か2万5千ドルをこのステージに 投げてくれたら別ですがね
You merely look after it for the next generation.
次世代のために 大切にするものだからです
So it's important that we remember,
the future, we treat it like a noun.
It's not. It's a verb.
It requires action.
It requires us to push into it.
It's not this thing that washes over us.
It's something that we actually have total control over.
未来は 実は私たちが 全てコントロールを握っているのです
But in a short-term society, we end up feeling like we don't.
しかし短期主義的社会では そうでないように感じてしまいます
We feel like we're trapped.
We can push through that.
Now I'm getting more comfortable
私自身は 避けることができない未来ー
in the fact that at some point
in the inevitable future,
I will die.
But because of these new ways of thinking and doing,
しかし このような 新しい考えと行動を
both in the outside world and also with my family at home,
外の世界でも 家族と一緒にいても行い
and what I'm leaving my kids, I get more comfortable in that fact.
子供に残すものがあるおかげで 死は受け入れやすくなります
And it's something that a lot of us are really uncomfortable with,
そのことに多くの人は 心をざわつかせますが
but I'm telling you,
think it through.
Apply this type of thinking and you can push yourself past
what's inevitably very, very uncomfortable.
不可避の とても不快なことを 越えられます
And it all begins really with yourself asking this question:
そして全ては 自らこの問いを 投げかけることから始まります
What is your longpath?
But I ask you, when you ask yourself that
皆さんが そう自問する時―
now or tonight or behind a steering wheel
or in the boardroom or the situation room:
もしくは役員室で あるいは危機対策室でか 分かりませんが
push past the longpath,
quick, oh, what's my longpath the next three years or five years?
Try and push past your own life if you can
できるなら自分の人生よりも先を 考えてください
because it makes you do things a little bit bigger
than you thought were possible.
ちょっと大きなことが できるようになります
Yes, we have huge, huge problems out there.
私たちは 巨大な 途轍もなく巨大な問題を抱えています
With this process, with this thinking,
このプロセス この思考法で
I think we can make a difference.
私たちは 変えらえると思っています
I think you can make a difference,
and I believe in you guys.
Thank you.