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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Two months ago, my kids and I huddled around a cell phone

    翻訳: Yuji O. 校正: Hiroko Kawano

  • watching the live stream of the Game Awards,

    2か月前 私は子供達と 1台の携帯電話を囲んで

  • one of the video game industry's biggest nights.

    『the Game Awards』の ライブ中継を観ていました

  • They announced the nominees for the Game for Impact,

    ゲーム業界で最大の イベントの1つが行われる夜です

  • an award that's given to a thought-provoking video game


  • with a profound prosocial message or meaning.

    社会の役に立つ 深いメッセージ性や意味があり

  • They opened the envelope

    考えさせるビデオゲームに 与えられる賞です

  • and they read the title of our video game.


  • An award ...

    私達のビデオゲームの タイトルが読み上げられました

  • for impact.


  • It was almost funny, actually,


  • because I always thought that winning an award like that


  • would have this huge impact on my life,

    こんな賞をとったら 人生に大きな変化が生じるだろうと

  • but I found that the opposite is true.


  • The big nights,


  • the accomplishments --


  • they fade.


  • But the hardest nights of my life have stuck with me,


  • impacting who I am

    でも人生で最も辛い夜の記憶は いつまでも私につきまとい

  • and what I do.


  • In 2010, my third son, Joel, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive brain tumor.


  • And before that year was finished,

    2010年 第三子のジョエルが 進行の速い希少な脳腫瘍と診断されました

  • doctors sat my husband and I down


  • and let us know that his tumor had returned


  • despite the most aggressive chemotherapy and radiation that they could offer him.


  • On that terrible night,

    可能な限り積極的な 化学療法と放射線治療を 行なったにもかかわらずです

  • after learning that Joel had perhaps four months to live,


  • I cuddled up with my two older sons in bed --

    ジョエルの余命が おそらくあと4か月と知った私は

  • they were five and three at the time --


  • and I never really knew how much they understood,


  • so I started telling them a bedtime story.

    どの程度 理解してくれるか 分からなかったので

  • I told them about this very brave knight named Joel

    私は子供達が寝る前に あるお話をすることにしました

  • and his adventure fighting a terrible dragon called cancer.

    ジョエルという名の とても勇敢な騎士のこと —

  • Every night, I told them more of the story,

    そして癌という 恐ろしいドラゴン相手に戦う 彼の冒険物語を話したのです

  • but I never let the story end.

    毎晩 私は物語の続きを 語って聞かせました

  • I was just building up a context that they could understand


  • and hoping that our prayers would be answered

    私は 子供達に理解できる背景を 設定したかっただけで

  • and I would never have to tell them that that knight,

    私達の祈りが天に届くよう 願っていました

  • who had fought so bravely,

    私は 「その騎士は勇敢な戦いを終えて

  • was done fighting


  • and could rest now, forever.


  • Fortunately, I never did have to finish that bedtime story.

    息子達にしなくても済むようにと 願っていました

  • My children outgrew it.

    幸いなことに その物語で 結末を語る必要はありませんでした

  • Joel responded better than anyone expected to palliative treatment,

    子供達が 寝る前のお話を求める 年齢を超えたのです

  • and so instead of months,


  • we spent years learning how to love our dying child with all of our hearts.

    数か月ではなく 数年かけて

  • Learning to recognize that shameful feeling

    私達は死に至る病の息子をどうすれば 全身全霊で愛せるかを学びました

  • of holding back just a little love

    ありったけの愛を注ぐのを ためらってしまうという

  • to try to spare ourselves just a little pain

    恥ずべき感情に 気づくようになりました

  • somewhere further down the road.

    これは 苦痛から 少しでも逃れようとして

  • We pushed past that self-preservation


  • because Joel was worth loving even if that love could crush us.


  • And that lesson of intense vulnerability has changed me ...

    愛することが私達を打ち砕くとしても ジョエルは愛すべき存在だったからです

  • more than any award ever could.

    自分達の脆さを痛切に学ぶことで ―

  • We started living like Joel could live,

    どんな賞を貰うよりも 私は変わったのです

  • and we began developing a video game called "That Dragon, Cancer."

    ジョエルが生きてくれることを願って 私達は日々を過ごしました

  • It was the story of Joel.

    そして 『That Dragon, Cancer』 というビデオゲームの開発を始めました

  • It was the story of hope in the shadow of death.


  • It was the story of faith


  • and doubt,

    それは 信念と

  • and the realization that a wrestle with doubt is a part of faith --


  • maybe the biggest part of it.

    そして疑念との戦いは信念の一部か むしろ 信念の最大部分を占めるということを

  • It was a story that began as a miracle


  • and ended as a memorial.

    それは 奇跡に始まり

  • (Music)


  • (Giggle)


  • (Clapping)


  • (Music)


  • (Video) Dad: Bouncing around, do you like that?


  • (Giggle)

    (動画)父親:そんなに飛び跳ねて 楽しいかい?

  • I love your giggle.


  • (Music)


  • (Giggle)


  • [A Journey of Hope In the Shadow of Death]


  • [That Dragon, Cancer]


  • (Music)

    [That Dragon, Cancer]

  • When you play "That Dragon, Cancer,"


  • you're transformed into a witness of Joel's life,

    『That Dragon, Cancer』では

  • exploring an emotional landscape,

    プレイヤーは ジョエルの人生の証人となって

  • clicking to discover more of what we as a family felt and experienced.


  • It feels a little bit like analyzing interactive poetry

    クリックする度に 私たち家族が感じ 経験したことを次々と発見します

  • because every game mechanic is a metaphor,

    どこか 対話的な詩を 読み解くような作業に思えるのは

  • and so the more the player asks themselves

    ゲーム設計が全て 何かの隠喩になっていて

  • what we as designers were trying to express and why,


  • the richer the experience becomes.

    制作者の意図やその理由を 探れば探るほど

  • We took that vulnerability that Joel taught us,


  • and we encoded the game with it.

    ジョエルが私達に教えてくれた 人間の脆さを

  • Players expect their video games to offer them branching narrative


  • so that every decision that they make feels important

    ビデオゲームでは 進行とともに 物語が枝分かれしていくものです

  • and can change the outcome of the game.

    だからプレイヤーは下す決断の ひとつひとつを重要だと感じられるし

  • We subverted that principle of game design,

    実際にゲームの結末を 変えることもできる訳です

  • collapsing the choices in on the player

    私達はこのゲーム設計の 基本原理を覆しました

  • so that they discover for themselves


  • that there is nothing that they can do that will change the outcome for Joel.


  • And they feel that discovery as deeply and desperately as we felt it

    ジョエルの運命を変えるすべが 何もないと悟るようにしたのです

  • on nights when we held Joel in our arms praying for hours,

    そしてプレイヤーはこの発見を 私達同様 重く痛切に受け止めます

  • stubbornly holding out hope for a grace that we could not create for ourselves.

    私達も同じ発見をしたのです 夜な夜な何時間もジョエルを腕に抱いて

  • We'd all prefer to win,

    人間業では成し得ないと知りながらも 一途に奇跡を祈っていた最中にです

  • but when you discover that you can't win,

    誰もが 勝利を望みます

  • what do you value instead?

    でも 勝てないと分かった時

  • I never planned to write video games,


  • but these moments that really change our lives,

    ゲームの制作は 私には予定外のことでしたが

  • they often come as the result of our hardship -- and not our glory.


  • When we thought that Joel could live,

    栄光の結果ではなく 苦難の結果として 訪れることが多いのです

  • I left the game designing to my husband.

    ジョエルがまだ生きられると 思われていた頃は

  • I chimed in here and there

    私は ゲームの制作を夫に任せていました

  • with a scene or two and some suggestions.


  • But after the night that Joel died,

    いくつかの場面に賛成したり 提案する程度でした

  • the passion,


  • the possibility of sharing Joel's life through our video game --


  • it was something that I couldn't resist.

    ゲームを通してジョエルの人生を 共有できるという可能性に —

  • I started writing more,


  • I sat in on our team's design meetings,


  • I added more ideas and I helped direct scenes.


  • And I discovered that creating a video game is telling a story,

    アイデアを出して 場面制作の監修に関わりました

  • but with an entirely new vocabulary.

    ビデオゲームを作ることは 物語を語ることですが

  • All the same elements of imagination and symbolism are there,

    それは全く新しい言葉を使った 語りなのだと 私は知りました

  • but they're just partnered with player agency

    想像力や象徴性といった要素は 全く同一ですが

  • and system responsiveness.

    ただ違うのは それらの要素が プレイヤーの動作と

  • It's challenging work.

    それに対するシステムの応答に 結びついていることです

  • I have to think in a totally new way to do it,

    難しいですが やりがいがあります

  • but I love it.


  • And I wouldn't have known that without Joel.


  • Maybe you're a little surprised

    ジョエルがいなかったら 私には知り得ないことでした

  • by our choice to share our story of terminal cancer through a video game.


  • Perhaps you're even thinking like so many people before you:

    末期癌の物語を公開する選択をしたことに 皆さんは少し驚かれるかもしれません

  • cancer is not a game.

    こう思われるかもしれません これまでも多くの人に言われたことですが

  • Well, tell that to any pediatric cancer parent


  • that's ever taken an exam glove and blown it up into a balloon,

    でも 小児癌の子供を 持ったことのある親なら

  • or transformed a syringe into a rocket ship,

    医療用手袋を 風船のように膨らませたり

  • or let their child ride their IV pole through the hospital halls


  • like it was a race car.

    子供が 点滴用スタンドを レーシングカーみたいに乗り回すのを

  • Because when you have children,


  • everything is a game.


  • And when your young child experiences something traumatic,


  • you work even harder to make sure that their life feels like a game

    幼い子供が傷つくような辛い体験を しなくてはならない時

  • because children naturally explore their worlds through play.

    子供の生活がゲーム感覚で臨めるように 親は腐心します

  • While cancer can steal many things from a family,

    何故なら子供は生まれつき 遊びを通じて 周囲の世界を体験するものだからです

  • it shouldn't steal play.


  • If you're listening to me and you're trying to imagine this family


  • that revolves entirely around a dying child,

    私の話を聞いて 皆さんが思い描くのが

  • and you can't imagine joy as part of that picture,

    もっぱら余命幾ばくもない子供を 中心にまわっている家庭で

  • then we were right to share our story with you,

    そこに 喜びのひとかけらも 思い描けないのだとしたら

  • because that season of our life was hard.

    私達の話を皆さんと共有したのは 正解でした

  • Unspeakably hard at times,

    確かに 当時の私達の日常は 辛いものでした

  • but it was also pure hope,


  • deep love

    同時にそれは 純粋な希望と

  • and joy like I have never experienced since.


  • Our video game was our attempt to share that world

    喜びでもあったからです それ以来 あんな経験はありません

  • with people who hadn't experienced it before,

    私達のビデオゲームは そのような世界を

  • because we never could imagine that world until it became ours.


  • We made a video game that's hard to play.

    何故なら私達も自ら体験するまでは 想像すらできなかった世界だからです

  • It will never be a blockbuster.

    私達が作ったのは プレイするのが辛いビデオゲームです

  • People have to prepare themselves to invest emotionally


  • in a story that they know will break their hearts.

    プレイヤーは 物語に 胸が張り裂けることを知った上で

  • But when our hearts break,


  • they heal a little differently.


  • My broken heart has been healing with a new and a deeper compassion --

    心は 少し違う意味で癒されるのです

  • a desire to sit with people in their pain,

    傷ついた私の心は 新たな深い 思いやりの心で回復してきています

  • to hear their stories and try to help tell them


  • so that they know that they're seen.

    話に耳を傾けて力になり 独りではないと気づいてもらいたいと

  • On the night when "That Dragon, Cancer" won the Game for Impact Award,


  • we cheered,

    『That Dragon, Cancer』が インパクト賞を受賞した夜

  • we smiled and we talked about Joel


  • and the impact he had on our life --

    笑顔でジョエルについて そして あの子が私達の人生に

  • on all of those hard and hopeful nights that we shared with him


  • when he changed our hearts

    一緒に過ごした 辛く 希望をつないで過ごした幾度とない夜に

  • and taught us so much more about life and love and faith and purpose.


  • That award will never mean as much to me as even a single photograph of my son,

    生き 愛し 信じ 目的を持つことについて 多くのことを学びました

  • but it does represent all of the people who his life has impacted,

    賞は 私には息子の写真1枚ほどの 価値もありませんが

  • people I'll never meet.

    息子の人生に影響を受けた 全ての人々の思いを表しています

  • They write me emails sometimes.


  • They tell me that they miss Joel, even though they never met him.


  • They describe the tears that they've shed for my son,

    会ったこともないジョエルのことを いなくなって寂しいと言ってくれます

  • and it makes my burden of grief just a little bit lighter

    息子のために涙を流してくれた 人もいることを知ると

  • knowing that it's shared with a 10-year-old

    深い悲しみという心の重荷が 少しだけ軽くなります

  • watching a YouTube playthrough,

    私の重荷を分かち合う人が いると分かるからです

  • or a doctor playing on his airplane with a smartphone,


  • or a professor introducing Joel to her first-year philosophy students.

    飛行機の中で スマホでプレイする医師や

  • We made a video game that's hard to play.

    哲学科の1年生にジョエルを紹介する 大学教授などです

  • But that feels just right to me,

    私達は プレイするのが辛い ビデオゲームを作りました

  • because the hardest moments of our lives

    でもそれでよかったのだと 私は感じています

  • change us more than any goal we could ever accomplish.

    何故なら 人生で最も辛い瞬間こそが

  • Tragedy has shifted my heart

    どんな目標達成の瞬間よりも 私達を変えてくれるものだからです

  • more than any dream I could ever see come true.


  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


Two months ago, my kids and I huddled around a cell phone

翻訳: Yuji O. 校正: Hiroko Kawano


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます