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  • I have a confession.

    翻訳: Naoko Fujii 校正: Masaki Yanagishita

  • I have been in an affair


  • since I was 17 years old.

    私 「お付き合い」してるんです

  • I wish I could talk about butterflies in my stomach


  • or maps I drew on the ground

    「彼」とのことを考えると ドキドキするとか

  • when I think about this affair,

    モジモジして 地面に足で落書きしちゃうとか

  • but I cannot.

    そんなお話を できれば良かったんですが

  • I wish I could talk about sweet words spoken


  • or gifts that I received

    「彼」からもらった 甘い言葉や贈り物のことを

  • from this affair,


  • but I cannot.


  • All I can tell you about is the aftermath,

    私がお話しできるのは 付き合い始めてどうなったかだけです

  • about days I spent constantly asking:

    それは 私が始終こんなことを 尋ねていた日々の話です

  • Why, why, why me?

    「一体なぜ どうして私が?」

  • I remember how it all began.

    事の始まりがどんなふうだったか 覚えています

  • I was in my final year of high school,


  • and my class had just won in sports,


  • so we were singing and dancing and hugging each other.

    他の子たちと歌って 踊って ハグしあいました

  • I went and took a shower.


  • Then I went for dinner.


  • And when I sat down to eat,


  • my teeth started chattering,

    歯が ガチガチいい始めて

  • and so I couldn't put the spoon in my mouth.

    スプーンを口に 入れられませんでした

  • I rushed to the nurse's office,


  • and because I couldn't talk, I just pointed at my mouth.

    話せなかったので 自分の口を指さしました

  • She didn't know what was happening,

    看護師さんは 状況がつかめず

  • so she told me to lie down,

    横になるよう 言いました

  • and it worked --


  • after a few minutes, the chattering stopped.

    数分すると 歯のガチガチが 治まったんです

  • I was about to dash out, and she told me --

    部屋を飛び出そうとしたら 看護師さんは言いました

  • no, she insisted -- that I go up to the dormitories to sleep.

    「駄目よ! 寮に戻って睡眠をとりなさい」と

  • Here I was in my final year of high school,

    当時 私は高校の最終学年で

  • just a few months from doing my end of high school exams

    高校最後の試験まで ほんの数か月

  • and a few days from doing a set of exams we call here in Kenya "mocks,"

    そしてここケニアで「mocks」と呼ぶ 試験の数日前でした

  • which are somehow meant to gauge how prepared one is for the final exams.

    mocksとは 最終試験への準備が 整っているかを見るものです

  • There is no way I was going to sleep


  • and let a set of exams mock me.

    試験に「努力を台無しに (mock) 」 される訳にはいきません

  • I went to class, sat down,

    教室に行き 席に着いて

  • took my Kenyan history notes,


  • and there I was, down Kenyan coastal town,

    ケニアの沿岸部の街へと 私の心は飛んでいき

  • with the great Mekatilili wa Menza,

    偉人メカティリリ・ワ・メンザと 一緒にいました

  • the Giriama woman who led her people against British colonial rule.

    人民を導き 英国の植民地支配に抵抗した ギリアマ人の女性です

  • Then, without any notice,

    すると 全く知らないうちに

  • my left hand started jerking,


  • and it was as if I was marking imaginary papers.

    まるで 目に見えない答案の 丸付けをしているみたいにです

  • In and out it went,

    くるり くるりと

  • and with every stroke, one by one,

    1回1回 腕が動くたび

  • my classmates stopped concentrating on their reading


  • and started looking at me.


  • And I tried really hard to stop it,

    一生懸命 止めようとしましたが

  • but I couldn't,


  • because it had a life of its own.

    腕が自分のものではない 感じだったんです

  • And then, when it was sure everybody was looking at us,

    そして 全員が間違いなく 私とその腕を見ている状況で

  • in its final show and official introduction,

    最後の見せ場 そして皆へのお披露目のように

  • I had my first full-blown seizure,

    初めての 本格的な けいれん発作が起きました

  • which was the beginning of what has been a 15-year-long affair.

    これが15年に及ぶ 私たちの 「お付き合い」の始まりでした

  • Seizures are the trademark characteristic for most types of epilepsy,

    けいれん発作は 大抵のタイプの てんかんに見られる 代表的な特徴で

  • and every first-ever seizure needs to be assessed by a doctor

    初めてけいれん発作が起きたら 必ず医師に診察してもらい

  • to determine if one has epilepsy


  • or if it's a symptom of something else.

    他の病気の症状なのかを 診断してもらうことが必要です

  • In my case, it was confirmed that I had epilepsy.

    私の場合は てんかんだと 確定されました

  • I spent a large chunk of my time in hospital and at home,


  • and only went back to do my final exams.

    最終試験の前にようやく 学校に戻りました

  • I had seizures in between papers,

    試験の合間に 発作は起きましたが

  • but managed to get good enough grades

    なんとか 一定の成績は取り

  • to be admitted for an actuarial science degree


  • at the University of Nairobi.


  • (Applause)


  • Unfortunately, I had to drop out in my second year.

    残念ながら 2年目で 退学せざるを得ませんでした

  • I didn't have good enough coping skills


  • and a support community around me.

    周りから適切な支援も 受けられなかったのです

  • I was lucky enough to get a job,

    それでも運良く 仕事は得られました

  • but I was fired from that job when I had a seizure in the workplace.

    でも 職場で発作が起きたら 解雇されてしまいました

  • So I found myself in a space

    それで私は いつの間にか

  • where I was constantly asking myself

    なぜ私の身に こんなことが 起こらねばならないのかと

  • why this had to happen to me.


  • I lived in denial for a long time,

    長い間私は 病気を否認して 生きていました

  • and the denial was maybe because of the things that had happened,

    否認していたのはたぶん 自分が味わった出来事のせいです

  • dropping out of school and being fired from my job.

    私は学校を退学し 仕事を解雇されました

  • Or maybe it was because of the things I had heard about epilepsy

    あるいは てんかんについてや

  • and about people living with epilepsy:

    てんかんの人の人生について 耳にしたからかもしれません

  • that they would never live on their own;


  • that they would never travel on their own


  • or even get work;


  • that they were outcasts,


  • with a spirit in them that they needed to be delivered from.

    悪霊に憑りつかれていて それから解放されねばならないと

  • And so the more I thought about these things,


  • the more my seizures became,


  • and I spent days with my legs locked,


  • my speech became blurred


  • and on days on end, this is how I'd be.

    来る日も来る日もです こんなふうだったんです

  • Two or three days after a seizure,


  • my head and my hand would still be twitching.

    頭と手が ピクピク動いていました

  • I felt lost,


  • like I'd lost everything,


  • and sometimes,


  • even the will to live.


  • (Sigh)


  • I had so much frustration in me.


  • And so I started writing,


  • because the people around me didn't have answers


  • to the questions that I had.


  • And so I wrote my fears

    それで私は 自分の恐怖や

  • and my doubts.


  • I wrote about my good days and my bad days and my really ugly days,

    好調な日のこと 不調な日のこと 最悪だった日のことも

  • and I shared them on a blog.


  • And before long,


  • I began to be seen and heard by people who had epilepsy


  • and their families,

    その家族の方 そして

  • and even those who did not have the diagnosis.

    てんかんでない方からまで メッセージが届き始めました

  • And I moved from that girl who constantly asked why me

    終始「なぜ私が」と 問いかけていた あの私が

  • to one who not only self-advocates,


  • but does it for those who are yet to find their voices.

    思いをまだ語れない人たちのためにも 主張できる私に 変わったのです

  • (Applause)


  • My seizures are greatly reduced, from two to three times a day,

    発作は大幅に減少し 1日に2、3回あったのが

  • to sometimes two to three times in one year.


  • I went on --


  • (Applause)


  • I went on to employ five people,

    私は活動を続け 5人を雇用して

  • when I began what was Kenya's first


  • free mental health and epilepsy support line.

    メンタルヘルスと てんかんの 無料電話相談を開設しました

  • And I travel --


  • (Applause)


  • And I travel to speak about my affair,


  • all these things that I had been told

    私みたいに てんかんと生きる人たちには

  • people like me living with epilepsy could never be able to do.

    無理だと言われてきた いろいろなことを お話しする旅をしています

  • Every year, a population as big as 80 percent of Nairobi

    毎年 地球全体では

  • gets diagnosed with epilepsy

    ナイロビの人口の 80%に相当する数の人たちが

  • across the globe.


  • And they, like me,

    そして彼らは 私のように

  • go through the emotions of stigma and exclusion.

    社会からの烙印や排除を 経験しています

  • And so I have made it my life journey


  • to keep these conversations going,


  • and I keep confessing about my affair

    そして私の「お付き合い」を 告白し続けています

  • so that those people who do not have the diagnosis

    それによって てんかんではない人たちに

  • might know and might have a constant reminder

    知ってもらい 常に 忘れないでいてもらうためです

  • that it is alright to engage with people like us,

    私のような人たちと ぜひ関わってほしいことや

  • that as long as they pull down the walls of stigma and exclusion,

    社会からの烙印や排除の壁を 皆さんが取り除けば

  • that we, just like them,

    皆さんと同じく 私たちは

  • can be able to take anything life throws at us.

    人生が投げかける どんな困難にも 立ち向かえるということをです

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


I have a confession.

翻訳: Naoko Fujii 校正: Masaki Yanagishita


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 発作 試験 付き合い ケニア ナイロビ

TED】Sitawa Wafula.私がてんかんとともに生きることを語る理由 (てんかんとともに生きることを語る理由|シタワ・ワフラ) (【TED】Sitawa Wafula: Why I speak up about living with epilepsy (Why I speak up about living with epilepsy | Sitawa Wafula))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日