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I remember when I first found out
翻訳: Hiroko Kawano 校正: Chieko Tamakawa
I was going to speak at a TED conference.
I ran across the hall to one of my classrooms
to inform my students.
私はホールを走って 教室へ行き
"Guess what, guys?
I've been asked to give a TED Talk."
「みんな 聞いて
The reaction wasn't one I quite expected.
The whole room went silent.
"A TED Talk? You mean, like the one you made us watch on grit?
Or the one with the scientist that did this really awesome thing with robots?"
「TEDって コーチがいつも見せるやつ?
Muhammad asked.
科学者が ロボットで 本当にすごいことをやるやつ?」
"Yes, just like that."
"But Coach, those people are really important and smart."
「そう そんな感じ」
「でもコーチ スピーカーは すごい偉くて賢い人だよね」
"I know that."
"But Coach, why are you speaking? You hate public speaking."
"I do," I admitted,
「でも コーチは 人前で話すのは嫌いでしょう?」
"But it's important that I speak about us, that I speak about your journeys,
about my journey.
「でも 私たちのこと — みんなや 私の旅について
People need to know."
The students at the all-refugee school that I founded
decided to end with some words of encouragement.
私が創立した 学校は 全生徒が難民で
"Cool! It better be good, Coach."
最後にはみんなで 励ましてくれました
「カッコいいね 頑張って」
There are 65.3 million people who have been forcibly displaced
from their homes because of war or persecution.
戦争や迫害のせいで 6530万人が
The largest number, 11 million, are from Syria.
33,952 people flee their homes daily.
そのうち 最多数の1100万人が シリア出身です
The vast majority remain in refugee camps,
一日当たり3万3952人が 故郷から逃れます
whose conditions cannot be defined as humane under anyone's definition.
その大部分が 難民キャンプに残り
We are participating in the degradation of humans.
どう考えても人道的とは 言えない状況下に置かれています
Never have we had numbers this high.
人間性を貶める行為に 私たちも加担しています
This is the highest number of refugees since World War II.
Now, let me tell you why this issue is so important to me.
第二次世界大戦以来 最多です
I am an Arab. I am an immigrant.
なぜ この問題が 私にとって重要か お話しします
I am a Muslim.
私は アラブ人で 移民で
I've also spent the last 12 years of my life working with refugees.
Oh -- and I'm also gay.
この12年間 私は 難民たちと働いてきました
It makes me really popular these days.
しかも 私はゲイです
なので近頃は 人気者です
But I am the daughter of a refugee.
My grandmother fled Syria in 1964 during the first Assad regime.
でも 私は難民の娘です
She was three months pregnant when she packed up a suitcase,
祖母は アサド政権の1964年に シリアから逃れました
piled in her five children and drove to neighboring Jordan,
祖母は妊娠3ヶ月で スーツケースに荷物を詰めて
not knowing what the future held for her and her family.
5人の子供を車に乗せて 隣国のヨルダンへ行きました
My grandfather decided to stay, not believing it was that bad.
自分と家族を何が待ち受けるか わからないままにです
He followed her a month later, after his brothers were tortured
状況はそれほど悪くはないと信じて 祖父は国に残りました
and his factory was taken over by the government.
1ヶ月後 兄弟が拷問を受け 工場が政府に奪われ
They rebuilt their lives starting from scratch
祖父は 祖母の後を追いました
and eventually became independently wealthy Jordanian citizens.
2人は ゼロから生活を立て直し
I was born in Jordan 11 years later.
やっとのことで 裕福なヨルダン市民として自立しました
It was really important to my grandmother for us to know our history
11年後に 私が生まれました
and our journey.
祖母にとって 私たちの 歴史や旅を 教えることはとても重要でした
I was eight years old when she took me to visit my first refugee camp.
祖母にとって 私たちの 歴史や旅を 教えることはとても重要でした
I didn't understand why.
8歳のとき 初めて祖母に 難民キャンプに連れて行かれて
I didn't know why it was so important to her
for us to go.
そこへ行くのが なぜ それ程重要か
I remember walking into the camp holding her hand,
and her saying, "Go play with the kids,"
祖母に手を繋がれて キャンプに入ると
while she visited with the women in the camp.
祖母は「子供たちと遊びなさい」 と言って
I didn't want to.
These kids weren't like me.
私は 嫌でした
They were poor. They lived in a camp.
そこの子供達は 私と違い
I refused.
貧乏で キャンプ暮らしでした
She knelt down beside me and firmly said, "Go.
私が 嫌だと言うと
And don't come back until you've played.
祖母は私の傍らに膝をついて 毅然と言いました「行って
Don't ever think people are beneath you
or that you have nothing to learn from others."
I reluctantly went.
他人から何も学べないと 考えてはいけませんよ」と
I never wanted to disappoint my grandmother.
私は嫌々 行きました
I returned a few hours later,
祖母をがっかり させたくなかったからです
having spent some time playing soccer with the kids in the camp.
We walked out of the camp,
サッカーをして 2、3時間後に戻りました
and I was excitedly telling her what a great time I had
and how fantastic the kids were.
どんなに楽しかったか どんなに素晴らしい子供達だったか
"Haram!" I said in Arabic. "Poor them."
"Haram on us," she said, using the word's different meaning,
私がアラビア語で「許せない あの子達が可哀想」と言うと
that we were sinning.
祖母は「罪深いのは私たちだよ」と ハラムの別の意味を
"Don't feel sorry for them; believe in them."
It wasn't until I left my country of origin for the United States
「あの子達を憐れまないで 人として信じましょう」とも
that I realized the impact of her words.
私は 生まれた祖国を離れて 合衆国にきて初めて
After my college graduation, I applied for and was granted political asylum,
based on being a member of a social group.
大学卒業後 私は 政治的亡命を申請し承認されました
Some people may not realize this,
but you can still get the death penalty in some countries for being gay.
I had to give up my Jordanian citizenship.
今でも 同性愛者だという理由で 死刑宣告を下す国があるのです
That was the hardest decision I've ever had to make,
but I had no other choice.
The point is,
when you find yourself choosing between home and survival,
the question "Where are you from?" becomes very loaded.
A Syrian woman who I recently met at a refugee camp in Greece
「故郷はどちら?」の質問に 心張り裂ける思いがするのです
articulated it best,
最近 ギリシャの難民キャンプで会った 女性がそれをみごとに
when she recalled the exact moment she realized she had to flee Aleppo.
"I looked out the window and there was nothing.
彼女が アレッポから逃げなければと 悟った時の話です
It was all rubble.
「窓の外を見ても 何もありません
There were no stores, no streets, no schools. Everything was gone.
I had been in my apartment for months,
店もなく 道もなく 学校もなく 全てがなくなってしまっていました
listening to bombs drop and watching people die.
私は アパートで何ヶ月も
But I always thought it would get better,
爆弾投下の音を聞き 人々が死ぬのを見ていました
that no one could force me to leave,
でも 私はいつか状況が良くなり
no one could take my home away from me.
家を追い出されたり 家を奪われたりすることも
And I don't know why it was that morning, but when I looked outside,
I realized if I didn't leave, my three young children would die.
私は なぜかその日の朝 外を見て
And so we left.
そこを去らなければ 幼い3人の子が死ぬと気づいたのです
We left because we had to, not because we wanted to.
There was no choice," she said.
やむを得ず去ったのであって 望んでそうしたのではありません
It's kind of hard to believe that you belong
選択肢はなかった」と 彼女は言いました
when you don't have a home,
故郷がなくて 恐怖や迫害のために
when your country of origin rejects you because of fear or persecution,
or the city that you grew up in is completely destroyed.
あるいは 自分が育った町が 完全に破壊されたとき
I didn't feel like I had a home.
自分に居場所があると思うことは 難しいものです
I was no longer a Jordanian citizen,
but I wasn't American, either.
I felt a kind of loneliness
that is still hard to put into words today.
After college, I desperately needed to find a place to call home.
I bounced around from state to state
大学卒業後 私は無性に 故郷と呼べる場所が欲しくなりました
and eventually ended up in North Carolina.
Kindhearted people who felt sorry for me
最後に ノース・カロライナに たどり着きました
offered to pay rent
親切な人たちが 私に同情してくれて
or buy me a meal or a suit for my new interview.
It just made me feel more isolated and incapable.
食事や 就職の面接のスーツを 提供してくれました
It wasn't until I met Miss Sarah,
でもそうされても 私は 孤独と無力感を覚えるだけでした
a Southern Baptist who took me in at my lowest and gave me a job,
ミス・サラに出会って —
that I started to believe in myself.
どん底の私を受け入れ 仕事をくれた 南部バプテスト派の女性でした —
Miss Sarah owned a diner in the mountains of North Carolina.
やっと 自分を信じられたのです
I assumed, because of my privileged upbringing
ミス・サラは ノース・カロライナ州の 山あいで食堂を営んでいました
and my Seven Sister education,
that she would ask me to manage the restaurant.
I was wrong.
レストランのマネージャーとして 雇われたと思いました
I started off washing dishes,
cleaning toilets and working the grill.
仕事は 皿洗いから始まり
I was humbled; I was shown the value of hard work.
トイレ掃除や 厨房の仕事もしました
But most importantly, I felt valued and embraced.
私は謙虚になり 一生懸命に働くことの 価値を知ったのです
I celebrated Christmas with her family,
何よりも大事なのは 尊重され 受け入れられたと感じたことです
and she attempted to observe Ramadan with me.
I remember being very nervous about coming out to her --
サラは私とラマダンを 経験しました
after all, she was a Southern Baptist.
とても緊張しながら 彼女にカミングアウトしました
I sat on the couch next to her
サラは 南部のバプテスト派です
and I said, "Miss Sarah, you know that I'm gay."
ソファで サラの隣に座って
Her response is one that I will never forget.
「私がゲイだと知ってますよね」 と言いました
"That's fine, honey. Just don't be a slut."
サラの 返事は 忘れがたいものでした
「それは構わないわ でも尻軽にはならないで」
I eventually moved to Atlanta, still trying to find my home.
My journey took a strange turn three years later,
最終的にアトランタに移ったんですが まだ故郷探しは続いていました
after I met a group of refugee kids playing soccer outside.
3年後 私の人生に 不思議な展開が起きました
I'd made a wrong turn into this apartment complex,
外でサッカーをする 難民の子供達に会った後のことです
and I saw these kids outside playing soccer.
私は曲がり角を間違え アパートの建物に迷い込み
They were playing barefoot with a raggedy soccer ball
子供達が外で サッカーをするのを見ました
and rocks set up as goals.
裸足で ボロボロのサッカーボールで
I watched them for about an hour,
and after that I was smiling.
1時間ほど 子供達を見た後
The boys reminded me of home.
They reminded me of the way I grew up playing soccer
in the streets of Jordan, with my brothers and cousins.
サッカーをして育った 過去を思い出しました
I eventually joined their game.
ヨルダンの ストリートで 兄弟や従兄弟が一緒でした
They were a little skeptical about letting me join it,
私は やがて子供達の試合に 参加しました
because according to them, girls don't know how to play.
子供達は ちょっと怪訝な顔で 私を入れてくれました
But obviously I did.
彼らはこう思ったそうです 女子はルールを知らない
I asked them if they had ever played on a team.
でも 私は知っていそうだと
They said they hadn't, but that they would love to.
子供達にチームでサッカーを したことはあるかと聞くと
I gradually won them over, and we formed our first team.
ないけど やりたいと言います
This group of kids would give me a crash course in refugees, poverty
彼らを口説き落として 初めてのチームを結成しました
and humanity.
子供達とのやり取りは 私にとって 難民になること 貧困と そして人間性の
Three brothers from Afghanistan -- Roohullah, Noorullah and Zabiullah --
played a major role in that.
アフガニスタンから来た3兄弟の ルーラーとヌーラーとザビラーは
I showed up late to practice one day to find the field completely deserted.
I was really worried.
ある日 遅れて練習に行くと コートには誰もいませんでした
My team loved to practice.
It wasn't like them to miss practice.
I got out of my car, and two kids ran out from behind a dumpster,
練習をすっぽかすなんて チームらしくありません
waving their hands frantically.
車を降りると 2人の子が ゴミのコンテナの後ろから走り出て
"Coach, Rooh got beat up. He got jumped.
There was blood everywhere."
「コーチ 大変だ ルーが突き飛ばされた
"What do you mean? What do you mean he got beat up?"
"These bad kids came and beat him up, Coach.
Everybody left. They were all scared."
「悪い子達が ルーを殴った
We hopped into my car and drove over to Rooh's apartment.
みんな怖がって 逃げてしまったんだ」
I knocked on the door, and Noor opened it.
私たちは ルーのアパートへ 車を走らせました
"Where's Rooh? I need to talk to him, see if he's OK."
ドアをノックすると ヌーアがドアを開けました
"He's in his room, Coach. He's refusing to come out."
「ルーはどこ? 無事を確かめたいんだけど」
I knocked on the door.
「部屋にいるよ 出てくるのを嫌がってる」
"Rooh, come on out. I need to talk to you.
I need to see if you're OK or if we need to go to the hospital."
「ルー 出て来なさい 話があるの
He came out.
病院に行かなきゃならないか 確かめなくちゃ」
He had a big gash on his head, a split lip,
and he was physically shaken.
頭に大きな擦り傷があり 唇が切れていて
I was looking at him,
and I asked the boys to call for their mom,
because I needed to go to the hospital with him.
They called for their mom.
彼を病院に連れて行く必要が あったからです
She came out.
I had my back turned to her, and she started screaming in Farsi.
The boys fell to the ground laughing.
私が 背を向けていたので お母さんはペルシア語で叫び始めました
I was very confused,
子供達は 地面で笑い転げていました
because there was nothing funny about this.
They explained to me that she said,
笑えるようなことは 何もなかったからです
"You told me your coach was a Muslim and a woman."
子供達によると お母さんが言ったのは
From behind, I didn't appear to be either to her.
「コーチはイスラム教徒の 女の人じゃないの?」
後ろ姿は ムスリムにも女性にも 見えなかったのです
"I am Muslim," I said, turning to her.
"Ašhadu ʾan lā ʾilāha ʾilla (A)llāh,"
私は振り返り 「イスラム教徒です」と言い
reciting the Muslim declaration of faith.
と イスラム教の 信仰告白の言葉を唱えました
and perhaps maybe a little bit reassured,
she realized that yes,
そして多分 幾分かは確かに
I, this American-acting, shorts-wearing, non-veiled woman,
was indeed a Muslim.
アメリカ人の物腰の 短パン姿で ベールを被っていない私は
Their family had fled the Taliban.
Hundreds of people in their village
この一家は タリバンから逃れて来ました
were murdered.
Their father was taken in by the Taliban,
only to return a few months later, a shell of the man he once was.
父親は タリバンに連れて行かれて
The family escaped to Pakistan,
数ヶ月後に戻った時は 抜け殻のようになっていました
and the two older boys, age eight and 10 at the time,
wove rugs for 10 hours a day to provide for their family.
当時 8歳と10歳だった 上の男の子達は
They were so excited when they found out that they had been approved
毎日10時間 絨毯を織って 家計を支えました
to resettle in the United States,
合衆国への移住が承認されたと 分かった時には
making them the lucky 0.1 percent who get to do that.
They had hit the jackpot.
Their story is not unique.
Every refugee family I have worked with has had some version of this.
I work with kids
私が関わった 難民の家族はみな これと似たような過去があります
who have seen their mothers raped, their fathers' fingers sliced off.
One kid saw a bullet put in his grandmother's head,
母親がレイプされ 父親が指を 切り落とされるのを目の当たりにしました
because she refused to let the rebels take him to be a child soldier.
ある子は 自分の祖母の頭に 弾丸が撃ち込まれるのを見ました
Their journeys are haunting.
反乱軍に 孫が 少年兵として 連れて行かれるのを拒んだからです
But what I get to see every day is hope, resilience, determination,
a love of life
でも 私が毎日出会うのは 希望であり 打たれ強さであり 決意であり
and appreciation for being able to rebuild their lives.
I was at the boys' apartment one night,
人生を立て直すことができることへの 感謝の気持ちです
when the mom came home after cleaning 18 hotel rooms in one day.
ある晩 少年たちのアパートにいたとき
She sat down, and Noor rubbed her feet,
ホテルの部屋18室の清掃を終えて 母親が 帰宅しました
saying that he was going to take care of her once he graduated.
彼女が座ると ヌアーが足をさすって
She smiled from exhaustion.
卒業したら お母さんの面倒を 見るからね と言いました
"God is good. Life is good. We are lucky to be here."
彼女は 疲れた笑みを浮かべました
In the last two years, we have seen an escalating anti-refugee sentiment.
「神は善なり 人生は善なり 幸いなるかな 我らはここにあり」
It's global.
この2年の間に 難民に対する反感が 激しくなるのを見てきました
The numbers continue to grow because we do nothing to prevent it
and nothing to stop it.
難民が 増え続けるのは 私たちが それを防ぎ止めるために
The issue shouldn't be stopping refugees from coming into our countries.
The issue should be not forcing them to leave their own.
難民が この国に移住するのを 止めるべきではありません
難民を強制的に祖国から 追い出すべきではありません
How much more suffering,
how much more suffering must we take?
How many more people need to be forced out of their homes
どれだけの苦痛を受ければ —
before we say, "Enough!"?
どれだけの人が 母国を追われれば
A hundred million?
Not only do we shame, blame and reject them
for atrocities that they had absolutely nothing to do with,
難民たちは 残虐行為とは全く無関係です
we re-traumatize them,
なのに 難民を 侮辱、非難、拒否するだけでなく
when we're supposed to be welcoming them into our countries.
We strip them of their dignity and treat them like criminals.
I had a student in my office a couple of weeks ago.
私たちは 難民から尊厳を奪い 難民を犯罪者のように扱います
She's originally from Iraq.
私は 数週間前 ある生徒を職員室に呼びました
She broke down crying.
"Why do they hate us?"
"Who hates you?"
「なぜ 憎まれるの?」
"Everyone; everyone hates us because we are refugees,
because we are Muslim."
「皆に憎まれるのです 私たちが難民で
In the past, I was able to reassure my students
that the majority of the world does not hate refugees.
以前の私は 「大多数の人は難民を嫌っていない」と
But this time I couldn't.
I couldn't explain to her why someone tried to rip off her mother's hijab
when they were grocery shopping,
私には説明できませんでした なぜ その子の母親が買い物中に
or why a player on an opposing team called her a terrorist
and told her to go back where she came from.
難民に反対するグループに テロリスト呼ばわりされ
I couldn't reassure her
that her father's ultimate life sacrifice
私には その子にこう言って 安心させることができませんでした
by serving in the United States military as an interpreter
「あなたのお父さんは 人生を捧げて
would make her more valued as an American citizen.
We take in so few refugees worldwide.
だから あなたは価値ある アメリカ市民ですよ」
We resettle less than 0.1 percent.
That 0.1 percent benefits us more than them.
It dumbfounds me how the word "refugee" is considered something to be dirty,
その0.1%がもたらす価値の方が 与えている価値よりも大きいのです
something to be ashamed of.
「難民」という言葉が 汚れた 恥ずべきものとして扱われると
They have nothing to be ashamed of.
私は 唖然とします
We have seen advances in every aspect of our lives --
彼らに 恥ずべきことは何もないのです
except our humanity.
私たちの生活は あらゆる側面で 進歩が見られますが
There are 65.3 million people who have been forced out of their homes
because of war --
6530万人もの人々が これまでに祖国を追われました
the largest number in history.
We are the ones who should be ashamed.
歴史上 最多数です
Thank you.