字幕表 動画を再生する
In ancient Greece,
翻訳: Hiroko Kawano 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
when anyone from slaves to soldiers, poets and politicians,
needed to make a big decision on life's most important questions,
like, "Should I get married?"
人生で最高に重要な問いに対して 大きな決断をしなければならない時 —
or "Should we embark on this voyage?"
例えば 「結婚すべきか?」
or "Should our army advance into this territory?"
あるいは 「この航海を始めるべきか?」
they all consulted the oracle.
あるいは 「自軍はこの地域に進出すべきか?」
So this is how it worked:
you would bring her a question and you would get on your knees,
and then she would go into this trance.
It would take a couple of days,
and then eventually she would come out of it,
giving you her predictions as your answer.
最後に 巫女が正気に戻って
From the oracle bones of ancient China
to ancient Greece to Mayan calendars,
古代中国の 「占い(オラクル)」の骨から
people have craved for prophecy
in order to find out what's going to happen next.
And that's because we all want to make the right decision.
次に何が起きるか 知るためでした
We don't want to miss something.
私たちは皆 正しい決断を 下したいと願うからです
The future is scary,
so it's much nicer knowing that we can make a decision
with some assurance of the outcome.
結果に対して なんらかの保証があって 決断できると分れば
Well, we have a new oracle,
and it's name is big data,
さて私たちには 新しい「オラクル」があります
or we call it "Watson" or "deep learning" or "neural net."
And these are the kinds of questions we ask of our oracle now,
「ワトソン」「ディープラーニング」 「ニューラルネット」呼び方は様々です
like, "What's the most efficient way to ship these phones
私たちが「オラクル」に 尋ねる問いは 例えば
from China to Sweden?"
「中国からスウェーデンに スマホを発送するための
Or, "What are the odds
of my child being born with a genetic disorder?"
Or, "What are the sales volume we can predict for this product?"
I have a dog. Her name is Elle, and she hates the rain.
あるいは 「この製品の 売り上げ予想は?」などです
And I have tried everything to untrain her.
私の犬は エルという名前で 雨が大嫌いです
But because I have failed at this,
雨嫌いをなくそうと あらゆることをしました
I also have to consult an oracle, called Dark Sky,
でも 失敗に終わったので
every time before we go on a walk,
私も「ダークスカイ」というアプリの 「予測(オラクル)」に頼らねばなりません
for very accurate weather predictions in the next 10 minutes.
She's so sweet.
今から10分間の正確な 天気予想を調べるのです
So because of all of this, our oracle is a $122 billion industry.
Now, despite the size of this industry,
このような用向きのため 私たちの予測は1220億ドルの産業です
the returns are surprisingly low.
Investing in big data is easy,
but using it is hard.
Over 73 percent of big data projects aren't even profitable,
and I have executives coming up to me saying,
ビッグデータを使ったプロジェクトの 73%以上は 赤字で
"We're experiencing the same thing.
重役が私の所にやってきて こう言います
We invested in some big data system,
and our employees aren't making better decisions.
And they're certainly not coming up with more breakthrough ideas."
So this is all really interesting to me,
さらにブレークスルーになるような アイデアも出てこない」と
because I'm a technology ethnographer.
I study and I advise companies
私は テクノロジー・エスノグラファー (IT民族誌学者)だからです
on the patterns of how people use technology,
私は人がテクノロジーを 利用するパターンについて
and one of my interest areas is data.
研究し 企業に助言していて
So why is having more data not helping us make better decisions,
私が関心をもつ分野の一つが データなのです
especially for companies who have all these resources
得られるデータが増えても より良い決定の助けにならないのはなぜか?
to invest in these big data systems?
こういったビッグデータの システムに投資するための
Why isn't it getting any easier for them?
あらゆるリソースを持つ 企業にとっては特にそうです
So, I've witnessed the struggle firsthand.
どうして彼らにとって 簡単にならないのか?
In 2009, I started a research position with Nokia.
さて 私はこのような葛藤を 直接見てきました
And at the time,
2009年に 私は ノキアで調査研究の仕事を始めました
Nokia was one of the largest cell phone companies in the world,
dominating emerging markets like China, Mexico and India --
ノキアは世界で最大手の 携帯電話会社であり
all places where I had done a lot of research
中国、メキシコ、インドなどの 新興市場を支配し —
on how low-income people use technology.
これら全ての国において 低所得層の人が
And I spent a lot of extra time in China
どのようにテクノロジーを利用するか 調査研究をしました
getting to know the informal economy.
So I did things like working as a street vendor
selling dumplings to construction workers.
そこで 私は 建設労働者に 点心を売る
Or I did fieldwork,
spending nights and days in internet cafés,
また フィールドワークで
hanging out with Chinese youth, so I could understand
何日も夜も昼もネットカフェで過ごし 中国の若者と出歩いたりして
how they were using games and mobile phones
若者が ゲームや携帯電話を どう利用しているか
and using it between moving from the rural areas to the cities.
田舎から都市部への移動時に 携帯をどう使うかを
Through all of this qualitative evidence that I was gathering,
I was starting to see so clearly
こういった 自分が集めた 質的証拠の全てを通して
that a big change was about to happen among low-income Chinese people.
Even though they were surrounded by advertisements for luxury products
中国の低所得者層に まさに 大きな変化が起ころうとしていることでした
like fancy toilets -- who wouldn't want one? --
彼らは様々な贅沢品の広告に 囲まれていましたが
and apartments and cars,
例えば 高機能トイレなどは 誰もが欲しいと思いますよね?
through my conversations with them,
I found out that the ads the actually enticed them the most
でも 彼らと会話して気づいたのですが
were the ones for iPhones,
promising them this entry into this high-tech life.
And even when I was living with them in urban slums like this one,
ハイテク生活へのデビューを 約束する広告でした
I saw people investing over half of their monthly income
そして私がこんな 都会のスラムに 暮らしていた時でさえ
into buying a phone,
人々が 月収の半分以上を投じて
and increasingly, they were "shanzhai,"
which are affordable knock-offs of iPhones and other brands.
They're very usable.
iPhoneやその他のブランドの 安い模倣品でした
Does the job.
And after years of living with migrants and working with them
and just really doing everything that they were doing,
数年間 移動労働者と生活や仕事を共にして
I started piecing all these data points together --
移動労働者がやることを ほぼ全てやった後で
from the things that seem random, like me selling dumplings,
私は 全てのデータポイントを まとめ始めて—
to the things that were more obvious,
点心売りのような バラバラに見えるものから
like tracking how much they were spending on their cell phone bills.
携帯電話料金の 支払額の推移のような
And I was able to create this much more holistic picture
of what was happening.
そして 何が起ころうとしているかの
And that's when I started to realize
that even the poorest in China would want a smartphone,
and that they would do almost anything to get their hands on one.
それは 中国では 底辺所得者層の人々もが スマホを欲しいと考えていて
You have to keep in mind,
一台手に入れるためなら ほぼ何でもするということです
iPhones had just come out, it was 2009,
so this was, like, eight years ago,
iPhoneが出たての2009年 つまり
and Androids had just started looking like iPhones.
And a lot of very smart and realistic people said,
iPhoneのような見た目の アンドロイド携帯も登場しました
"Those smartphones -- that's just a fad.
賢くて 現実的な人たちの 多くがこう言っていました
Who wants to carry around these heavy things
「スマホなんて 一時の流行にすぎない
where batteries drain quickly and they break every time you drop them?"
誰がこんな重いものを 持ち歩きたいと思うか?
But I had a lot of data,
バッテリだってすぐに切れるし 一度落としたら故障するのに」
and I was very confident about my insights,
でも 私は多くのデータを元に
so I was very excited to share them with Nokia.
But Nokia was not convinced,
ワクワクしながら その予見をノキアに知らせました
because it wasn't big data.
でも ノキアは懐疑的でした
They said, "We have millions of data points,
それがビッグデータでは なかったからです
and we don't see any indicators of anyone wanting to buy a smartphone,
「我々は何百万もの データポイントを持っている
and your data set of 100, as diverse as it is, is too weak
けれど スマホを購入したいと 思う人の指標は見えないし
for us to even take seriously."
たった100件の バラバラのデータでは弱すぎる
And I said, "Nokia, you're right.
Of course you wouldn't see this,
私は言いました 「御社のいう通りです
because you're sending out surveys assuming that people don't know
what a smartphone is,
人が知らないという前提で 調査していれば
so of course you're not going to get any data back
当然 見えないでしょうね
about people wanting to buy a smartphone in two years.
だから当然 これから2年間で スマホの購入を希望する人についての
Your surveys, your methods have been designed
to optimize an existing business model,
御社の調査と手法は 既存のビジネスモデルを
and I'm looking at these emergent human dynamics
that haven't happened yet.
私が見ている人間の動態は これから出てくるもので
We're looking outside of market dynamics
so that we can get ahead of it."
Well, you know what happened to Nokia?
その先を行けるよう 努めています」と
Their business fell off a cliff.
そして ノキアの結末は ご存知の通りです
This -- this is the cost of missing something.
It was unfathomable.
これは 大切なものを 見落としたことの代償です
But Nokia's not alone.
I see organizations throwing out data all the time
because it didn't come from a quant model
様々な組織が いつもデータを 廃棄するのを見て来ました
or it doesn't fit in one.
理由は 定量モデルから 出たものではないとか
But it's not big data's fault.
合致するモデルが ないというものでした
It's the way we use big data; it's our responsibility.
Big data's reputation for success
ビッグデータを 私たちがどう扱うかであり 私たちの責任です
comes from quantifying very specific environments,
like electricity power grids or delivery logistics or genetic code,
ごく限定された環境の定量化に 基づいたものであり
when we're quantifying in systems that are more or less contained.
送電網や物流システムや 遺伝子コードなど
But not all systems are as neatly contained.
ほぼ閉じたシステムを 定量化した場合です
When you're quantifying and systems are more dynamic,
でも 全てのシステムが きちんと閉じている訳ではありません
especially systems that involve human beings,
より動的なシステムで 定量化を行う場合
forces are complex and unpredictable,
特にシステムに 人間が関与している場合は
and these are things that we don't know how to model so well.
影響を与える要素は複雑で 予想不可能になり
Once you predict something about human behavior,
これらに関して うまくモデル化する術がありません
new factors emerge,
人間の行動について 一旦何かを予想すると
because conditions are constantly changing.
That's why it's a never-ending cycle.
なぜなら 常に条件は変化するからです
You think you know something,
そのため 終わりのない循環となります
and then something unknown enters the picture.
And that's why just relying on big data alone
未知のものが 関与してきます
increases the chance that we'll miss something,
だから ビッグデータに頼るだけでは
while giving us this illusion that we already know everything.
And what makes it really hard to see this paradox
全てが分かっているかのような 幻想が生まれるのです
and even wrap our brains around it
このパラドックスに気付き 理解することが 非常に困難なのは
is that we have this thing that I call the quantification bias,
私が 「定量化バイアス」と呼ぶ 状況があるからです
which is the unconscious belief of valuing the measurable
それは 測定可能なものを 測定不可能なものよりも重視するという
over the immeasurable.
And we often experience this at our work.
そして これは 私たちの仕事において ありがちな経験です
Maybe we work alongside colleagues who are like this,
多分 私たちは このような同僚の傍で働いているか
or even our whole entire company may be like this,
会社全体がこのような状態 なのかもしれません
where people become so fixated on that number,
that they can't see anything outside of it,
even when you present them evidence right in front of their face.
And this is a very appealing message,
定量化が とても訴えかけるメッセージなのは
because there's nothing wrong with quantifying;
なぜなら そこに何ら間違いはなく
it's actually very satisfying.
実際 とても満足のいくことだからです
I get a great sense of comfort from looking at an Excel spreadsheet,
ごく単純なエクセルの スプレッドシートを見ても
even very simple ones.
It's just kind of like,
"Yes! The formula worked. It's all OK. Everything is under control."
「そう!数式がうまく働いたから大丈夫 全てうまくいっている」
But the problem is
that quantifying is addictive.
And when we forget that
and when we don't have something to kind of keep that in check,
その確認を常に促す 何かを備えていなければ
it's very easy to just throw out data
because it can't be expressed as a numerical value.
It's very easy just to slip into silver-bullet thinking,
あたかも 簡単な解決策が存在するかのような
as if some simple solution existed.
特効薬的な思考に陥るのは 非常に簡単なことです
Because this is a great moment of danger for any organization,
これはどんな組織にとっても 危険な瞬間です
because oftentimes, the future we need to predict --
しばしば 私たちが 予測しなければならない未来は
it isn't in that haystack,
but it's that tornado that's bearing down on us
outside of the barn.
There is no greater risk
than being blind to the unknown.
It can cause you to make the wrong decisions.
It can cause you to miss something big.
But we don't have to go down this path.
でも この道を進まなくても良いのです
It turns out that the oracle of ancient Greece
古代ギリシアの神託が 行く末を私たちに示す
holds the secret key that shows us the path forward.
Now, recent geological research has shown
さて 最近の地質調査によると
that the Temple of Apollo, where the most famous oracle sat,
もっとも有名な巫女が神託をもたらした アポロの神殿は
was actually built over two earthquake faults.
なんと 2つの地震断層の上に 建造されているのです
And these faults would release these petrochemical fumes
そして これらの断層は地殻の下から
from underneath the Earth's crust,
and the oracle literally sat right above these faults,
巫女は文字通り この断層の真上に座して
inhaling enormous amounts of ethylene gas, these fissures.
亀裂から放出された 大量のエチレンガスを吸い込んでいました
It's true.
It's all true, and that's what made her babble and hallucinate
実話であり このため巫女は 大声でわめきながら 幻覚を見て
and go into this trance-like state.
She was high as a kite!
So how did anyone --
どうしたら —
How did anyone get any useful advice out of her
このような状態にある彼女から 有益な助言を
in this state?
Well, you see those people surrounding the oracle?
You see those people holding her up,
because she's, like, a little woozy?
And you see that guy on your left-hand side
そして左手の男性が 見えますが
holding the orange notebook?
Well, those were the temple guides,
彼らは 介添え人であり
and they worked hand in hand with the oracle.
When inquisitors would come and get on their knees,
質問者がきて 跪くと
that's when the temple guides would get to work,
寺院の介添え人たちが 仕事に就く時です
because after they asked her questions,
they would observe their emotional state,
and then they would ask them follow-up questions,
like, "Why do you want to know this prophecy? Who are you?
例えば 「なぜこの予言が知りたいのか? あなたは何者か?
What are you going to do with this information?"
この情報で 何をするつもりか?」 などなど
And then the temple guides would take this more ethnographic,
介添え人たちは この答えを追加の民俗学的で
this more qualitative information,
and interpret the oracle's babblings.
巫女のつぶやきを神託として 解釈しました
So the oracle didn't stand alone,
and neither should our big data systems.
Now to be clear,
さて 誤解のないよう
I'm not saying that big data systems are huffing ethylene gas,
私は ビッグデータのシステムが エチレン酔いだなどとは言いません
or that they're even giving invalid predictions.
全てが根拠のない予想だと 言うつもりもありません
The total opposite.
But what I am saying
is that in the same way that the oracle needed her temple guides,
神託を告げる巫女が 寺院の介添え人を必要とするのと同じく
our big data systems need them, too.
ビッグデータにも 介添え人が必要だということです
They need people like ethnographers and user researchers
私が「シックデータ(濃密データ)」と呼ぶ ものを収集できる ―
who can gather what I call thick data.
民俗学者やユーザーリサーチャーのような人が 必要です
This is precious data from humans,
これは 物語、感情、人間関係などの
like stories, emotions and interactions that cannot be quantified.
人間に由来し 定量化できない 貴重なデータです
It's the kind of data that I collected for Nokia
私がノキアのために収集した データの類であり
that comes in in the form of a very small sample size,
ごく小さなサンプルサイズという形で 手に入るデータですが
but delivers incredible depth of meaning.
信じられないくらい 深い意味を持っています
And what makes it so thick and meaty
is the experience of understanding the human narrative.
And that's what helps to see what's missing in our models.
そしてそれこそが 現行モデルの中の 見落としを見つける助けとなります
Thick data grounds our business questions in human questions,
シックデータはビジネス上の問いを 人間の問いに基づいたものとなし
and that's why integrating big and thick data
だからこそ ビッグデータとシックデータを 統合することで
forms a more complete picture.
Big data is able to offer insights at scale
and leverage the best of machine intelligence,
whereas thick data can help us rescue the context loss
シックデータは ビッグデータを使えるようにした時に
that comes from making big data usable,
and leverage the best of human intelligence.
人的知能を最大限に活用するのに 役立ちます
And when you actually integrate the two, that's when things get really fun,
この2つを実際に統合すると 本当に面白くなります
because then you're no longer just working with data
なぜなら 単に自分の収集した データを扱う以上のことが
you've already collected.
You get to also work with data that hasn't been collected.
未収集のデータを扱うことも できるようになるのです
You get to ask questions about why:
Why is this happening?
Now, when Netflix did this,
さて Netflixはこれを実現し
they unlocked a whole new way to transform their business.
ビジネスを変容させる 全く新しい道を開拓しました
Netflix is known for their really great recommendation algorithm,
Netflixは 非常に優れた 推薦アルゴリズムで知られていて
and they had this $1 million prize for anyone who could improve it.
そのアルゴリズムを改良した者に 百万ドルの賞金を出しました
And there were winners.
But Netflix discovered the improvements were only incremental.
でも Netflixは 全ての改良は 漸増の過程であると気づきました
So to really find out what was going on,
そこで 何が起こっているかを見極めるため
they hired an ethnographer, Grant McCracken,
Netflixは 民俗学者の グラント・マクラッケンを雇って
to gather thick data insights.
シックデータによる洞察を まとめさせました
And what he discovered was something that they hadn't seen initially
彼が見つけたものは 最初は定量的なデータの中には
in the quantitative data.
He discovered that people loved to binge-watch.
彼は 一気(イッキ)見が好まれること を発見したのです
In fact, people didn't even feel guilty about it.
実際 何ら罪悪感を感じることもなく
They enjoyed it.
So Netflix was like, "Oh. This is a new insight."
Netflixは「おや これは新しい洞察だ」 みたいな感じでした
So they went to their data science team,
そこで データサイエンスの部署を使って
and they were able to scale this big data insight
このシックデータの洞察を スケールアップさせ
in with their quantitative data.
And once they verified it and validated it,
Netflix decided to do something very simple but impactful.
Netflixは とても単純ながらも インパクトのある決定をしました
They said, instead of offering the same show from different genres
ある番組を色々なジャンルから 提案するのをやめる
or more of the different shows from similar users,
また 似たユーザーの観た別の番組を 提案するのもやめて その代わり
we'll just offer more of the same show.
ただ同じ番組を どんどん見せて行こうというのです
We'll make it easier for you to binge-watch.
「一気見」をしやすくしようと 言ったのです
And they didn't stop there.
そこで 更に
They did all these things
to redesign their entire viewer experience,
to really encourage binge-watching.
It's why people and friends disappear for whole weekends at a time,
そのため『マスター・オブ・ゼロ』などの 見逃し配信があると
catching up on shows like "Master of None."
週末丸ごと 友人も人々も一斉に姿を消しました
By integrating big data and thick data, they not only improved their business,
ビッグデータとシックデータを統合して Netflixは自社の業績改善をしただけでなく
but they transformed how we consume media.
ユーザーのメディア消費方法をも 変貌させたのです
And now their stocks are projected to double in the next few years.
そして今や Netflixの株価は 数年以内に倍増が予想されています
But this isn't just about watching more videos
でもこれは 動画の視聴数やスマホ販売数が
or selling more smartphones.
For some, integrating thick data insights into the algorithm
濃いデータの洞察をアルゴリズムに組み込む ということは 人によっては
could mean life or death,
特に 社会の周縁に追いやられた者にとっては
especially for the marginalized.
All around the country, police departments are using big data
国中で 警察がビッグデータを
for predictive policing,
to set bond amounts and sentencing recommendations
in ways that reinforce existing biases.
既存のバイアスを増長するようなやり方で 行なっています
NSA's Skynet machine learning algorithm
has possibly aided in the deaths of thousands of civilians in Pakistan
from misreading cellular device metadata.
何千人ものパキスタン市民の死を もたらした可能性があります
As all of our lives become more automated,
from automobiles to health insurance or to employment,
it is likely that all of us
私たちは皆 定量化バイアスに
will be impacted by the quantification bias.
Now, the good news is that we've come a long way
さて 良い知らせは 予測をするのに
from huffing ethylene gas to make predictions.
エチレンガスの吸入から ずいぶん遠くまで来たことです
We have better tools, so let's just use them better.
ツールがより良くなったので より良く使いましょう
Let's integrate the big data with the thick data.
ビッグデータを シックデータと統合しましょう
Let's bring our temple guides with the oracles,
「オラクル」を補助する 介添え人を呼んで来ましょう
and whether this work happens in companies or nonprofits
企業であれ 非利益団体であれ 行政であれ ソフトウェアであれ
or government or even in the software,
all of it matters,
because that means we're collectively committed
なぜなら こうすることの意味は 私たちが力を合わせて全力で
to making better data,
より良いデータ、より良いアルゴリズム より良い計算結果、より良い意思決定を
better algorithms, better outputs
and better decisions.
こうすることで 私たちは大切なことを 見落とさずに済むでしょう
This is how we'll avoid missing that something.