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  • So in 2011, I altered my name

    翻訳: Shiho Kioka 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki

  • so that I could participate in Far Right youth camp in Hungary.

    2011年 私は名前を変えました

  • I was doing a PhD looking at youth political socialization --

    ハンガリーで極右青年キャンプに 参加するためです

  • why young people were developing political ideologies

    当時 私は博士課程で 若者の政治的社会化 つまり

  • in a post-communist setting,

    若者たちがポスト共産主義の世界で 政治的イデオロギーを

  • and I saw that a lot of young people I was talking to


  • were joining the Far Right,


  • and this was astounding to me.


  • So I wanted to enroll in this youth camp


  • to get a better understanding of why people were joining.

    そして その理由を知るために

  • So a colleague enrolled me,


  • and my last name sounds a little bit too Jewish.


  • So Erin got turned into Iréna,

    姓からユダヤ系だと 知られそうなので

  • and Saltman got turned into Sós,


  • which means "salty" in Hungarian.


  • And in Hungarian, your last name goes first,


  • so my James Bond name turned into "Salty Irena,"


  • which is not something I would have naturally chosen for myself.

    つまり 私のコードネームは 「塩からいアイリーナ」になりました

  • But going to this camp,


  • I was further shocked to realize that it was actually really fun.

    しかし 参加してみると

  • They talked very little about politics.

    その楽しさに さらに驚きを覚えました

  • It was mostly learning how to ride horses,

    政治のことは ほとんど語られませんでした

  • shooting a bow and arrow,

    たいていの時間は 乗馬を習ったり

  • live music at night,


  • free food and alcohol,


  • also some air-gun target practice


  • using mainstream politicians' faces as targets.


  • And this seemed like a very, actually, friendly, inclusive group


  • until you started talking or mentioning anything to do with the Roma population,

    彼らは すごくフレンドリーで 懐深いグループに思えました

  • Jewish people or immigrants,

    しかし 話題がロマ族(ジプシー)や ユダヤ人や

  • and then the discourse would become very hate-based very quickly.


  • So it led me into my work now,

    会話はすぐに 憎悪に満ちたものになりました

  • where we pose the question,

    それが 私の今の仕事につながり

  • "Why do people join violent extremist movements,


  • and how do we effectively counter these processes?"

    「なぜ人々は暴力的な過激派の活動に 身を投じるのか?

  • In the aftermath of horrible atrocities and attacks

    どうすれば うまく これに対抗することができるのか?」

  • in places like Belgium, France, but all over the world,

    ベルギーやフランスのみならず 世界中で起きている ―

  • sometimes it's easier for us to think,

    凄惨な残虐行為や攻撃の余波の中にあっても 人々は

  • "Well, these must be sociopaths,


  • these must be naturally violent individuals.


  • They must have something wrong with their upbringing."

    「もともと暴力的な 人格だったに違いない」

  • And what's really tragic


  • is that oftentimes there's no one profile.


  • Many people come from educated backgrounds,

    お決まりの犯人像など 存在しないことも多いのです

  • different socioeconomic backgrounds,


  • men and women, different ages,


  • some with families, some single.


  • So why? What is this allure?


  • And this is what I want to talk you through,

    ではなぜ? 何が彼らを惹きつけるのでしょう?

  • as well as how do we challenge this in a modern era?

    そういった問題や 今の時代において

  • We do know, through research,

    この問題にどう挑んでいくかについて お話ししたいと思います

  • that there are quite a number of different things


  • that affect somebody's process of radicalization,


  • and we categorize these into push and pull factors.

    さまざまな要因が 影響しているということです

  • And these are pretty much similar for Far Right, neo-Nazi groups

    これらを「プッシュ」要因と 「プル」要因に分類しました

  • all the way to Islamist extremist and terrorist groups.

    極右やネオナチに対する これらの要因は

  • And push factors are basically what makes you vulnerable

    イスラム過激派やテロリスト集団に 対するものと かなり似ています

  • to a process of radicalization,

    「プッシュ」(集団外に押し出す力)は 人々を脆弱にし

  • to joining a violent extremist group.


  • And these can be a lot of different things,


  • but roughly, a sense of alienation, a sense of isolation,

    そうさせる理由は 様々なことが考えられますが

  • questioning your own identity,

    およそのところを言えば 疎外感や 孤独感や

  • but also feeling that your in-group is under attack,


  • and your in group might be based on a nationality or an ethnicity

    それだけでなく自分が属する「内集団」が 批判の対象であると感じ

  • or a religion,

    その「内集団」が 国籍や民族や

  • and feeling that larger powers around you are doing nothing to help.


  • Now, push factors alone do not make you a violent extremist,

    自分が属するより上の組織が 何も守ってくれないと感じることにあります

  • because if that were the fact,

    「プッシュ」それ自体が 暴力的な過激派を生むわけではありません

  • those same factors would go towards a group like the Roma population,

    なぜなら もしそれが真実ならば

  • and they're not a violently mobilized group.

    同じ要因がロマ族にも 行動を起こさせるはずですが

  • So we have to look at the pull factors.

    彼らは暴力へと駆り立てられた 集団ではないからです

  • What are these violent extremist organizations offering

    そこで 「プル」(集団へ引き込む力)を 見るべきです

  • that other groups are not offering?


  • And actually, this is usually very positive things,


  • very seemingly empowering things,


  • such as brotherhood and sisterhood

    一見すると 力を与えるようなことです

  • and a sense of belonging,


  • as well as giving somebody a spiritual purpose,


  • a divine purpose to build a utopian society

    さらには 精神的な目標が設定され

  • if their goals can be met,

    目標が達成されたあかつきには 理想郷が構築されるといった

  • but also a sense of empowerment and adventure.


  • When we look at foreign terrorist fighters,

    それだけでなく力が与えられ 冒険をしている感覚も与えられます

  • we see young men with the wind in their hair


  • out in the desert and women going to join them


  • to have nuptials out in the sunset.


  • It's very romantic, and you become a hero.

    夕焼けの中 彼らは結婚をします

  • For both men and women, that's the propaganda being given.

    とてもロマンチックで 英雄の気分です

  • So what extremist groups are very good at


  • is taking a very complicated, confusing, nuanced world


  • and simplifying that world into black and white,

    複雑で込み入っていて 微妙な世界の見方を

  • good and evil.


  • And you become what is good,


  • challenging what is evil.


  • So I want to talk a little bit about ISIS, Daesh,


  • because they have been a game changer in how we look at these processes,

    ではISIS 別名ダーイシュについて 少しお話します

  • and through a lot of the material and their tactics.

    なぜなら 彼らのコンテンツや策略を深く知ることで

  • They're very much a modern movement.

    過激化が起こる過程に対する 我々の見方が大きく変わったからです

  • One of the aspects is the internet and the usage of social media,


  • as we've all seen in headlines tweeting and videos of beheadings.

    特徴のひとつはインターネット そしてソーシャルメディアの使い方です

  • But the internet alone does not radicalize you.

    断首のツイートやビデオをニュースの見出しで ご覧になったことがありますね

  • The internet is a tool.

    インターネット自体は 人を過激化させるものではなく

  • You don't go online shopping for shoes


  • and accidentally become a jihadist.


  • However, what the Internet does do is it is a catalyst.


  • It provides tools and scale and rapidity

    しかしインターネットは 触媒の機能を果たします

  • that doesn't exist elsewhere.

    インターネットは 他にはない手段と規模

  • And with ISIS, all of a sudden,


  • this idea of a cloaked, dark figure of a jihadist changed for us.

    ISIS の登場で 突如として

  • All of a sudden, we were in their kitchens.

    ジハーディストのイメージは マントに身を包んだ暗い人物像から変わりました

  • We saw what they were eating for dinner.

    突如として 我々は彼らの台所にいたのです

  • They were tweeting.


  • We had foreign terrorist fighters tweeting in their own languages.


  • We had women going out there talking about their wedding day,

    外国人テロ戦闘員が 彼らの言語でツイートしていました

  • about the births of their children.

    女性はそこで 結婚日のことや

  • We had gaming culture, all of a sudden,


  • and references to Grand Theft Auto being made.

    突如 ゲーム文化を目にすることになります

  • So all of a sudden, they were homey.


  • They became human.

    突如 家庭的な雰囲気になり

  • And the problem is that trying to counter it,


  • lots of governments and social media companies

    問題だったのは それに対抗しようとして

  • just tried to censor.


  • How do we get rid of terrorist content?


  • And it became a cat-and-mouse game

    テロリストのコンテンツを どう排除すれば?

  • where we would see accounts taken down and they'd just come back up,


  • and an arrogance around somebody having a 25th account

    アカウントを停止すると 次のアカウントができました

  • and material that was disseminated everywhere.

    酷い例では 25番目のアカウントまで 行ったこともあります

  • But we also saw a dangerous trend --


  • violent extremists know the rules and regulations of social media, too.

    しかしまた 危険な傾向もありました

  • So we would see a banal conversation with a recruiter

    彼らはソーシャルメディアの ルールや規制すら熟知していました

  • start on a mainstream platform,


  • and at the point at which that conversation


  • was going to become illegal,


  • they would jump to a smaller, less regulated,

    より小規模で 規制が緩く より暗号化された

  • more encrypted platform.


  • So all of a sudden, we couldn't track where that conversation went.

    突如 会話を追跡できなくなります

  • So this is a problem with censorship,

    これが 検閲のもたらした問題です

  • which is why we need to develop alternatives to censorship.

    検閲以外の 別の方法が必要です

  • ISIS is also a game-changer because it's state-building.

    ISISは国を作ろうしている点でも 革新的でした

  • It's not just recruiting combatants;

    彼らは戦闘員を 募集しているだけではありません

  • it's trying to build a state.


  • And what that means is all of a sudden,


  • your recruitment model is much more broad.


  • You're not just trying to get fighters --


  • now you need architects, engineers, accountants, hackers and women.

    建築家やエンジニア 会計士 ハッカー そして女性が必要です

  • We've actually seen a huge increase of women going

    過去24ヶ月 特にこの12ヶ月で

  • in the last 24, but especially 12 months.


  • Some countries, one in four of the people going over to join

    ある国では 今では 参加者の4分の1が

  • are now women.


  • And so, this really changes

    我々が テロ集団への参加を

  • who we're trying to counter this process with.

    防ごうとしてしている相手自体が 様変わりしているのです

  • Now, not all doom and gloom.


  • So the rest I'd like to talk about some of the positive things

    残りの時間は 建設的なことを お話したいと思います

  • and the new innovation in trying to prevent and counter violent extremism.

    過激主義を予防し 対抗するための新機軸です

  • Preventing is very different than countering,

    予防は 対抗とは別物です

  • and actually, you can think of it in medical terms.


  • So preventative medicine is,


  • how do we make it so you are naturally resilient


  • to this process of radicalization,


  • whereas that is going to be different

    一方 すでに暴力的な過激派の

  • if somebody is already showing a symptom or a sign

    イデオロギーに傾倒している 症状や前兆が出ている人には

  • of belonging to a violent extremist ideology.


  • And so in preventative measures,

    ですから 予防措置では

  • we're talking more about really broad groups of people


  • and exposure to ideas


  • to make them resilient.


  • Whereas it's very different


  • if somebody is starting to question and agree with certain things online,

    ネット上で特定のことに疑問を持ち 同意をしはじめている人や

  • and it's also very different if somebody already has a swastika tattoo

    または もうカギ十字の刺青が入っている人や 集団にどっぷりはまっている人には

  • and is very much embedded within a group.


  • How do you reach them?


  • So I'd like to go through three examples of each one of those levels


  • and talk you through


  • what some of the new ways of engaging with people are becoming.

    どんな新しい方法があるかを お話ししたいと思います

  • One is "Extreme Dialogue,"


  • and it's an educational program that we helped develop.


  • This one is from Canada,


  • and it's meant to create dialogues within a classroom setting,

    教室内での対話をうながすように 意図したものです

  • using storytelling,


  • because violent extremism can be very hard to try to explain,

    その理由は 過激主義とは何かを 若い人々に説明するのは

  • especially to younger individuals.

    ことさら 難しいからです

  • So we have a network of former extremists and survivors of extremism

    我々には元過激派や 過激主義を止めた人たちとの人脈があります

  • that tell their stories through video and create question-giving to classrooms,

    彼らの物語をビデオで流し クラスへ問いかけて

  • to start a conversation about the topic.

    その題材について 会話を始めてもらいます

  • These two examples show Christianne,


  • who lost her son,


  • who radicalized and died fighting for ISIS,

    息子さんを亡くした クリスティアンの例と

  • and Daniel is a former neo-Nazi

    かつて とても暴力的だった

  • who was an extremely violent neo-Nazi,


  • and they pose questions about their lives and where they're at and regret,

    登場人物は自分の人生や 現状、後悔について問いを投げかけ

  • and force a classroom to have a dialogue around it.


  • Now, looking at that middle range of individuals,


  • actually, we need a lot of civil society voices.

    実際 我々には市民社会からの 多くの声を必要としています

  • How do you interact with people that are looking for information online,


  • that are starting to toy with an ideology,

    イデオロギーに関心を 示し始めている人々

  • that are doing those searching identity questions?

    アイデンティティの疑問を持つ人々に どう関われば?

  • How do we provide alternatives for that?

    どうやって代わりとなるものを 提供するのか?

  • And that's when we combine large groups of civil society voices


  • with creatives, techies, app developers, artists, comedians,

    クリエーターや技術者 アプリ開発者 芸術家 コメディアンとともに

  • and we can create really specified content

    本当に特化したコンテンツを 作ることができ

  • and actually, online, disseminate it to very strategic audiences.

    ネット上でとても戦略的に選んだ 視聴者に向けて広めることができます

  • So one example would be creating a satirical video


  • which makes fun of Islamophobia,


  • and targeting it to 15- to 20-year-olds online

    動画のターゲットは 15歳から20歳のネットユーザーで

  • that have an interest in white power music


  • and live specifically in Manchester.

    マンチェスター在住というところまで 絞り込みます

  • We can use these marketing tools to be very specific,

    マーケティングツールを使えば 非常に具体的に

  • so that we know when somebody's viewing, watching

    いつ コンテンツを閲覧したり視聴をしたり

  • and engaging with that content,


  • it's not just the average person, it's not me or you --

    ターゲットは 平均的な人ではなく 我々とも違う属性を持つ ―

  • it's a very specific audience that we are looking to engage with.


  • Even more downstream, we developed a pilot program called "One to One,"

    もっと先に進んだ人には 「One to One」という 試験的プログラムが開発されました

  • where we took former extremists


  • and we had them reach out directly to a group of labeled neofascists

    ネオファシストやイスラム過激派に 指定されたグループへ

  • as well as Islamist extremists,

    直接 接触してもらいました

  • and put direct messages through Facebook Messenger into their inbox, saying,

    Facebook メッセンジャーを使って 直接メッセージを送りました

  • "Hey, I see where you're going. I've been there.

    「君が行こうとしている所 僕もいたことがあるよ

  • If you want to talk, I'm here."


  • Now, we kind of expected death threats from this sort of interaction.

    この種の関わり方をすると 殺害脅迫を受けることを恐れていました

  • It's a little alarming to have a former neo-Nazi say, "Hey, how are you?"

    元ネオナチに「調子はどう?」と 言わせるのは 少しばかり危険です

  • But actually, we found that around 60 percent

    しかし 約60%の人々が 接触に対して反応し

  • of the people reached out to responded,


  • and of that, around another 60 percent had sustained engagement,


  • meaning that they were having conversations

    つまり 接触が もっとも難しいとされる人々から

  • with the hardest people to reach about what they were going through,

    彼らがしていることについて聞き出し 組織に対する―

  • planting seeds of doubt


  • and giving them alternatives for talking about these subjects,

    これらの話題について話すことで 別の行動の選択肢を与えていたのです

  • and that's really important.


  • So what we're trying to do


  • is actually bring unlikely sectors to the table.

    思いもよらぬ人達の 協力を得ることです

  • We have amazing activists all over the world,


  • but oftentimes, their messages are not strategic

    しかし 彼らのメッセージは 戦略的ではなかったり

  • or they don't actually reach the audiences they want to reach.

    メッセージが意図する相手に 届かないこともしばしばです

  • So we work with networks of former extremists.


  • We work with networks of young people in different parts of the world.

    また さまざまな国々の若者たちの 人脈を通じて働きかけます

  • And we work with them to bring the tech sector to the table

    彼らの協力を得て 技術分野の人たちが

  • with artists and creatives and marketing expertise

    芸術家やクリエーターやマーケッターと共に 貢献してくれるのです

  • so that we can actually have a more robust and challenging of extremism

    このような協力体制によって より頑強かつ挑戦的に

  • that works together.


  • So I would say that if you are in the audience


  • and you happen to be a graphic designer,


  • a poet, a marketing expert,

    詩人や マーケッターや

  • somebody that works in PR,


  • a comedian --


  • you might not think that this is your sector,

    協力できる分野ではないと 思わないでください

  • but actually, the skills that you have right now


  • might be exactly what is needed


  • to help challenge extremism effectively.

    まさに必要とされているかも しれません

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


So in 2011, I altered my name

翻訳: Shiho Kioka 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 集団 暴力 isis 人々 主義

TED】エリン・マリー・ソートマン: How young people join violent extremist groups -- and how to stop them (How young people join violent extremist groups -- and how to stop them | エリン・マリー・ソートマン) (【TED】Erin Marie Saltman: How young people join violent extremist groups --

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日