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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • We humans are becoming an urban species,

    翻訳: Hiroko Kawano 校正: Masaki Yanagishita

  • so cities, they are our natural habitat.

    私たち人類は都会の生き物と なりつつあります

  • That is where we live.

    都市は私たちにとって 自然の生息環境です

  • In 2014, over 54 percent


  • of the world population

    2014年には 世界人口の 54%以上が

  • was living in cities,


  • and I can bet you


  • that so many of these people have thought

    多くの人が 考えたことがあるはずです

  • of how they would do things differently,

    自分ならどんな風に 物事を変えるだろうかと

  • like if I only had the tools

    例えば もし住んでいる町の様子を

  • to change things in my city,


  • what would I do?


  • What would my dream city be like?


  • And these tools,

    そしてそのツールとは —

  • this is just what we gave them.

    これを 私たちは開発しました

  • Two years ago, my team and I,

    2年前 私はチームと

  • we released a game,


  • "Cities: Skylines."

    題して『シティーズ: スカイライン』

  • It is a game about building cities.

    これは 都市設計のゲームです

  • So I have always been interested in cities as systems.

    私はいつも システムとしての都市に 関心を持ってきました

  • It's something that I find immensely interesting.


  • But what I didn't understand

    でも 意外だったのは

  • was that I am not alone in this.


  • People love cities.


  • They are interested. They have ideas.

    関心を持ち アイデアを持っています

  • The game was an instant hit.


  • So far, over three and a half million people have played it.

    これまでに 350万人以上がプレイしました

  • And it's not just about playing.

    このゲームは プレイのためだけのものではありません

  • We also have really awesome sharing systems.


  • So people play, they create cities

    ユーザーは ゲームで 都市を作り

  • and then they are sharing these creations,


  • showing off what they have made.


  • And what I will show you


  • is some of these cities


  • created by the players.


  • So the game is about self-expression,

    このゲームの目的は 自己表現であり

  • creativity,


  • not just overcoming the challenges posed by the simulation.

    シミュレーションが提起する課題を 克服するだけのものではありません

  • It is about showing what your cities look like.

    自分の思い描く都市の様子を 表現することです

  • So I have a couple of videos.


  • These are from YouTube.


  • And these are some of the most interesting city designs I have seen.

    私が見た 最も興味深い 都市デザインのいくつかです

  • So they are all different,


  • and I hope you like all of these.

    みなさんの気に入って いただけるものと思います

  • This one is called The Netherlands.

    この作品は 『The Netherlands(オランダ)』です

  • It's by Silvarret.


  • And when you start the game,


  • you have an empty piece of land.


  • This land, it can be based on the real world,

    この土地は 実在の土地を元にしても

  • it can be hand-crafted in the map editor,

    地図編集キットでの 手作りでも構いません

  • or you can, of course, download a city made by someone else

    もちろん 他の誰かが作った都市を ダウンロードして

  • and play in that.


  • But what Silvarret has done here

    さて Silvarretが作ったもの —

  • is that what he wanted to make


  • was not a real city.


  • This is a fantasy city,


  • even though it looks real.


  • So what he wanted to do was a fantasy city that could be in the Netherlands.

    オランダにありそうな 空想の都市を作りたいと考えた訳です

  • So he kind of investigated


  • what are the characteristics of cities in the Netherlands


  • and combined a couple of those,


  • and this is what he created.


  • So it is a city,


  • but it is not a real city,


  • but it could be.


  • It looks just like the Netherlands.


  • So the places are really densely populated.

    町はどれも 人口密度が極めて高いです

  • So what you need is highways, trains,

    従って 不可欠なのは 高速道路 鉄道など

  • anything connecting these small town centers together.

    それぞれの コミュニティの中心を 結びつけるあらゆるものです

  • Lots of people, lots of moving,

    たくさんの人がいて たくさんの移動があるので

  • so transportation is the key here.


  • But then let's go even more on the fantasy side.


  • Let's go into the future.


  • This is one of my personal favorites.

    これは 私のお気に入りの1つです

  • These city designs are what I love the most.

    こういう都市デザインが 私は一番好きです

  • So this is a tiered city by Conflictnerd,

    ユーザー Conflictnerd(論争好き)による 段重ね構造の都市です

  • and the basic idea is that you have concentric circle routes.

    基本となるアイデアは 同心円状の道路です

  • So the city is a big circle


  • with tinier circles inside.


  • And the thing is that you put all of the services in the center,

    ここでのポイントは 行政や公共の設備を 全て都市の中心に置いて

  • and then people actually live on the outer ring,

    その外円部に 市民の 実生活の場があることです

  • because there is less traffic, less noise, less pollution,

    そこは 交通量、騒音、汚染が少ないので

  • so that is where you want to live.


  • But the services are still really close by.

    それでいて 行政や公共のサービスは ごく身近にあるという訳です

  • They are in the center.


  • And this is the soul of the game.


  • The player has to understand


  • what are the wishes, what are the needs


  • of the tiny people living in the cities.

    何を望み 何を必要とするか?です

  • So you need to know where you should put the things.

    知る必要があるのは そういったものを どこに置くべきかです

  • Like, it's not enough to have a hospital.

    例えば 病院はあるだけでは不十分です

  • It needs to be accessible.


  • Citizens need to reach the hospital.


  • And this is one way to do it.


  • So maybe this is something that we might be seeing someday.

    いつの日か このような都市が 実現するかも知れません

  • And then even more into the future.


  • Astergea by Yuttho.

    ユーザーYutthoの 『Astergea(惑星 地球)』です

  • So Yuttho does YouTube videos and plays the game.

    Yutthoは ユーチューバーで ゲームのプレイヤーでもあります

  • What he did here was actually a 12-point series

    彼が ここでやったのは なんと

  • of creating this city.

    この都市を作るための 12回の動画シリーズです

  • So what he does is he plays the game,


  • he records it


  • and he explains as he's going what he's doing and why.

    自分が何をどんな理由でやっているのか 順を追って 説明しています

  • And as a part of this series,


  • he actually did an interview with an actual urban planner

    彼は 実在の都市計画者に インタビューをしています

  • called Jeff Speck.


  • And Speck is an expert on the concept of walkability.

    スペックは 「walkability(歩きやすさ)」 という概念のエクスパートです

  • The basic idea is that if you want your citizens to walk,

    基本概念は 自分の作る都市の住民を歩かせたいなら —

  • which is kind of beneficial,

    徒歩自体は良い手段なのですが —

  • you actually need to have walking as a reasonable means of transportation.

    徒歩を妥当な交通手段として 位置づけすることは絶対必要です

  • It should be a good way to reach places.

    場所を移動するための 良い手段でなければなりません

  • So what Yuttho did was that he explained this concept,

    そこでYutthoは この概念に解説をつけて

  • he had Speck explain it, too,


  • and then he applied it to the city that he was building.

    その上で 構築中の都市に 歩きやすさの概念を応用しました

  • So what we are seeing is Yuttho's vision of the future:

    今見ているのは Yutthoが描く未来の展望です

  • lots of public transportation, walkways, plazas,


  • connecting high-rise buildings.


  • Maybe this is what the future might look like.

    おそらく 未来の外観は このようなものかも知れません

  • And the game system works really well for this.

    そしてゲームのシステムは このような目的に本当によく機能します

  • We are seeing some real-world uses to this game.

    このゲームは 現実の世界に 応用されることがあります

  • So we know that some urban planners are using it as a sketching tool,

    都市プランナーが下絵ツールとして このゲームを使うことがあります

  • so while the simulation is not completely realistic,


  • it is realistic enough that if something works in the game,

    このシミュレーションは十分にリアルで ゲームでうまくいくものは

  • it is highly likely that it will also work in the real world,

    実社会でも うまくいく確率が 非常に高いので

  • so that you can actually try out things,

    色々 試行して

  • see if this intersection might fit this kind of a situation.

    一定の高速道路の合流地点が一定の状況に ふさわしいかどうか 判断できます

  • If we build a new road, would it help?


  • And this is what you can do with this game.

    そんなことが このゲームでできます

  • There was one really interesting contest held


  • by the Finnish city ofmeenlinna.

    フィンランド ハメーンリンナ市の主催でした

  • So what they did was that they had a new area

    市が行ったことは 市内に開発したい地区を

  • that they wanted to develop in the city.


  • They made a map with the existing city,

    市は 既存の市の地図を ゲーム用に作成し

  • they left empty the area that they would want to develop


  • and shared this map.


  • So anyone could download the map,

    誰でも この地図をダウンロードして

  • play the game, build the area

    ゲームで この地区を構築して

  • and submit their creations to the city council.

    作品を 市議会に提出できるようにしました

  • So they have not yet built anything,


  • but it might just be that they use one of these plans

    市は ゲームで作られた構想の

  • made with the game


  • to actually build the real city.


  • And these videos that I have shown you,

    ご覧いただいた動画 —

  • these are the people who are coming up with new kinds of solutions.

    ご覧いただいたのは 発案された 数々の新しいソリューションです

  • We know that cities are growing.


  • They're getting bigger as we go,


  • and the percentage of population living in cities is projected to rise.

    都市人口の割合は 増加すると考えられます

  • So we need the solutions

    私たちは 解決策を必要とし

  • and these people, playing the game,


  • they are trying out different kinds of solutions.


  • They might have something that is really important.

    その中にはとても重要なものが あるかも知れません

  • So what we are seeing here is dream cities that might be real one day.

    私たちがここで見ているのは いつか実現するかも知れない夢の都市です

  • So it might be

    ですから これは

  • that this is not just a game.


  • It might be a way


  • to decide our own fate.


  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


We humans are becoming an urban species,

翻訳: Hiroko Kawano 校正: Masaki Yanagishita


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A2 初級 日本語 TED 都市 ゲーム 知れ ユーザー オランダ

TED】Karoliina Korppoo: How a video game might help us build better cities (How a video game might help us build better cities | Karoliina Korppoo) (【TED】Karoliina Korppoo: How a video game might help us build better cities (How a video game might help us

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日