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We live in a time of fear,
翻訳: Moe Shoji 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
and our response to fear can either be to contract
and attempt to guard ourselves
恐怖に対する反応としては 縮こまって
or to extend ourselves, hold on to each other,
and face our fears together.
手を差し伸べて 互いを支え合い
What is your instinct?
共に立ち向かうかの いずれかです
What do you see more of in the world?
The problem with the first approach
世界にはどちらが よく見られるでしょうか?
is that in our mounting isolation,
we divide ourselves from others.
Our sense of isolation grows,
自分を他者から 引き離すことです
because our imagination goes into overdrive
about the people and the spaces that we no longer engage with.
なぜなら つながりを絶った相手や
Our sense of otherness grows, and we lose empathy.
場に対する想像力は 惰性に陥るからです
Today I'm going to tell you about a group of people
見知らぬものという感覚が増し 共感する力を失います
that took the global challenge of terrorism
今日はあるグループについて お話しします
and began creating spaces where strangers connect in solidarity.
彼らはテロリズムという 世界的な問題に対して
My own obsession with what I see as irrational divisions began as a child.
見知らぬ者同士が団結できる場を 作ることで対抗しています
As a fourth-generation Kenyan Muslim of Indian origin,
道理の通らぬ分断が どうしても気になるのは子供の頃からです
it bothered me that in four generations,
ケニアのインド系イスラム教徒の 第4世代として
there wasn't a single marriage in my family
私が気になっていたのは 4世代にわたり
outside of my small religious community.
狭い宗教的コミュニティの 外での結婚が
And I wondered what that was about.
私の家族としては ただ一度として 行われなかったことです
Was it fear?
Was it racism?
Was it cultural preservation?
Did it have something to do with colonialism?
Certainly, we didn't share a lot of the same public spaces with others.
植民地支配と 何か関係があるのだろうか?
These divisions bothered me deeply, and they drove my career choices.
確かに私たちは他者と公共の場所を 共有していませんでした
When I was 20, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed.
この分断はとても気がかりで 私のキャリアの選択に影響しました
A year later, I was on my way to the Middle East
私が20歳の時 ケニアとタンザニアの アメリカ大使館が爆破されました
to study conflict resolution.
その1年後 私は中東に向かい
And then from that point on,
it wasn't very hard for me to find insecure environments to work in,
because the world was quickly shifting
仕事をする不安定な環境には 事欠きませんでした
in what we now know as the time of terrorism.
I was in Washington, DC when 9/11 happened,
テロの時代へと 突入していったからです
and then I moved back home to Kenya to work with refugees
9/11が起きた時 私は ワシントンDCにいました
and then later worked in Pakistan
それから難民を支援するために 祖国ケニアへと戻り
and in Afghanistan.
その後 パキスタンや
In all of these places, what I noticed
was how important physical spaces are
to making us feel safe
安全であると感じ 気持ちが安らぎ
and well
and like we belong.
In 2013, I came back home to Nairobi from Afghanistan.
Al-Shabaab operatives had besieged Westgate shopping center,
2013年にアフガニスタンから ナイロビへと戻りました
killing 67 people in a day of utter horror.
アル・シャバブの戦闘員が ウェストゲートの商業施設を包囲し
Soon after that,
非常に恐ろしい一日のうちに 67人をも殺害しました
I could see how Nairobi was beginning to change,
その後 間もなく
and it was beginning to feel more like the fear and terror-weary
ナイロビが変化し始めたのが 分かりました
and war-torn cities that I had worked in.
これまでに仕事をしてきたような 恐怖やテロへの恐れに満ち
And Nairobi continues to grow in fear-driven ways.
戦争によって分断された街へと 近づいていきました
We see more walls, more barriers,
ナイロビは恐怖に追い立てられる方向へと 変化していきました
more security.
And like other parts of the world,
we are experiencing an erosion of human connection.
Divisions along religious lines are deepening,
人と人とのつながりが 希薄になっていきました
and we're doubting more and more how much we have in common.
We are at a pivotal time
互いに共通点はあるのかと 私たちは疑いを深めています
when we need to restore our confidence in humanity
今 岐路に立っています
and stand boldly and visibly together.
今こそ 人間性への自信を取り戻し
So in 2014, I brought together a group of people in Nairobi
大胆かつ目に見える形で 団結するときです
to figure out what to do:
2014年 私はナイロビで 何をすべきか考えるために
public intellectuals, diplomats, artists, development workers.
And the group articulated our challenge as threefold:
知識人や外交官 芸術家や開発支援の人々などです
one, to reclaim the city from the narrative of terrorism
このグループが見い出した課題は 3つの要素から成ります
and back into the hands of the people that live there;
第一に 街を テロという文脈から
two, introduce a language beyond race, tribe or religion
そこに住む人々の手に 取り戻すこと
that would help us transcend our differences;
第二に 人種、民族、宗教を 超えるような言語を導入して
and three, provide a gesture that would help restore empathy
and conversation and trust.
第三に 共感する心や 対話や信頼を取り戻すための
One of the people in this group was an artist and architect,
Yazmany Arboleda.
このグループの中には 芸術家かつ建築家の
He and I have collaborated in other parts of the world
over many years.
彼とは長年に渡って 世界の別の場所で
He has a history
of disrupting urban environments
and making strangers connect
素晴らしく美しい 目を見張るような方法で
in incredible, beautiful and spectacular ways.
He had an idea.
The idea was to unite people of different faiths
by getting them to paint each other's houses of worship,
異なる宗教を信じる人々を 結びつけるために
mosques, temples, synagogues, churches,
お互いの礼拝堂の壁を 塗ってもらうというのです
paint them yellow
モスクや寺院 シナゴーグや教会などを
in the name of love.
By focusing on icons of faith,
we would get people to reexamine the true essence of their faith,
信仰心の象徴に 焦点を合わせることで
the common belief that we share in kindness, generosity and friendship.
自らの信仰心の核心である 親切心、寛容、友情などといった―
By creating pathways between houses of worship
共通する価値観を 再検討する機会となります
within one neighborhood,
異なる礼拝堂の間に 行き来を生むことで
we would create islands of stability
and networks of people
that could withstand threats.
And neighbors, by picking up a paintbrush with other neighbors,
would engage not just with their heads
近所の人と一緒に ペンキの刷毛を手にすることで
but with their hands and with their hearts.
And the painted buildings would become sculptures in the landscape
手を動かし 心で繋がれるのです
that speak of people from very different backgrounds
そして色が塗られた建物は 景観の中に彫刻となって
that stand together.
非常に様々な背景を持つ人々が 共に支え合うことを
We'd call the project "Colour in Faith."
We loved the idea and we immediately began approaching houses of worship:
プロジェクトを 「信仰の色」と名付けました
churches, temples, mosques, synagogues.
このアイデアが気に入って すぐに数ある礼拝堂に連絡しました
Door to door, we went to more than 60 rabbis,
教会、寺院、モスク シナゴーグなどです
imams, pastors and priests.
扉から扉へと 60人以上ものラビや
As you can imagine,
イマーム、牧師や 僧侶を訪ねました
bringing these communities together
when prejudices are reinforced by a global pandemic of fear
これらのコミュニティを まとめることは
is not easy.
世界的に広まる恐怖によって 偏見が増長されている時代にあって
It was complicated.
We were confronted with the hierarchy of decision-making
within religious establishments.
宗教団体内部での 意思決定に関わる上下関係にも
For example, with Catholic churches,
we were told that the archbishop would have to make the decision.
例えば カトリックの教会では
And so we wrote a letter to the archbishop.
大司教が決定を下さねばならない と言われました
We wrote a letter to the Vatican.
そこで大司教に 手紙を書きました
We're still waiting to hear back.
And with other houses of worship,
we were told that the patrons, the people that pay for the building
and the construction and the painting of the buildings
パトロンが意思決定をすると 言われました
would have to make a decision.
建物の経費や工事費 塗装費を
And then we came head-to-head
with the long legacy of missionary and donor dependence
that so impedes unconditional civic action,
無条件で行われる市民的行為を 妨げてしまうような
and we learned this the hard way.
伝道者や寄付に頼っているという 長く続く伝統でした
There was one community
that in our repeated conversations would keep asking us
to appreciate them.
何度も対話を持つたびに 自分たちに感謝してほしいと
And so we would keep going back
and telling them that we appreciate them,
ですから 何度も訪ねては
and of course,
if we didn't appreciate them, we wouldn't be here.
そして もちろん
And then we learned painfully late in the game
感謝していなければ ここでお話しすることはなかったでしょう
that the word "appreciation" is code for getting paid to participate.
後々になって 残念なことに わかったのは
And so we challenged them
「感謝」という言葉が「有償なら参加する」 という隠語だということでした
and we asked the question,
そこで私たちは 彼らに立ち向かいました
"So what will it cost?
How much could we pay you?
And if we pay for your faith, is it really faith?"
いくらお支払いすれば いいですか?
We started the project asking the question,
お金がかかる信仰は 信仰と言えるでしょうか?」と
"Where does your faith live?"
このプロジェクトは 問いかけから始めました
And here we found ourselves asking the question,
「あなたの信仰は どこにありますか?」
"How much does your faith cost?"
そして実際にすることになった 問いかけは
But the most difficult issue was the perceived risk of standing apart.
「あなたの信仰は いくらですか?」
We had one synagogue that flat-out refused to participate
ですが 最も難しい問題は 目立つリスクへの恐れでした
because it feared drawing attention to itself
あるシナゴーグは最初から 参加を完全に拒否しました
and becoming a target.
自らに注目が向けられて 標的となることを
Similarly, we had a mosque that also feared becoming a target.
And these fears are justified.
モスクの中にも標的になることを 恐れたところがありました
And yet, there were 25 houses of worship that pledged to participate.
こうした恐れは 理解できるものです
それでも25もの礼拝堂が 参加を確約してくれました
These bold leaders took the gesture and reinforced it with their own meaning.
For some, it was to tell the world that they're not terrorists.
これらの大胆な指導者たちは 行動を起こし 自ら意味を見い出しました
For others, it was to welcome people through their doors to ask questions.
自分たちはテロリストではないと 世界に伝えようと考えた人もいます
And for some, it was to bridge the gap
門戸を開き 質問したい人々を 歓迎しようと考えた人もいます
between the older and the younger generation,
which by the way is something that many faiths are grappling with right now.
格差を埋めたいと 考えた人もいます
And for some it was simply to build neighborhood solidarity
これは多くの信仰において 取り組まれている難題です
in advance of feared election violence.
選挙関連の予測される暴力が 起こる前に 近隣地区と
When asked why yellow,
ただ団結したいと 考えた人もいます
one imam beautifully said,
どうして黄色なのかと 問われた時
"Yellow is the color of the sun.
あるイマームが 美しい答えをくれました
The sun shines on us all equally.
It does not discriminate."
He and others spread the word through their congregations
and over the radio.
彼や他の指導者は 集会やラジオで
Municipal government officials stepped forward and helped
with permits and with convening civil society organizations.
市当局は自ら進んで 許可を発行したり
A paint company donated a thousand liters of yellow paint
市民社会団体を招集したりする 手助けをしてくれました
mixed especially for us in what they now call "optimistic yellow."
塗料会社は特別な配合の黄色の塗料を 千リットルも寄付してくれ
今では「楽観の黄色」と 呼ばれている色です
And a poetry collective joined forces with a university
and hosted a series of tweet chats
詩作の団体は 大学と協力をして
that challenged the nation on issues of faith,
our faith not just in the context of religion,
信仰に関して 全国に問いかけました
but our faith in politicians and tribe and nation,
our faith in the older generation and in the younger generation.
政治家や民族や国家に 関する信仰や
And then Colour in Faith was launched at a gallery event
年長者の世代における信仰や 若者の世代における信仰もです
that invited an incredible mix of gallerygoers
「信仰の色」は ギャラリーのイベントで幕を開け
and religious leaders and artists and businesspeople.
ここにはギャラリーの常連から 宗教的指導者や
Already, even before picking up a paintbrush,
アーティストやビジネス関係者まで 様々な顔ぶれが招かれました
we had accomplished so much of the conversation and connection
刷毛を手にする前に すでに
that we had hoped for.
私たちが望んでいたような 対話やつながりを
And then we began to paint.
Muslims stood by Christians
そして 壁を塗り始めました
and atheists and agnostics and Hindus
ムスリムに キリスト教徒や無神論者や
and painted a mosque yellow.
不可知論者や ヒンドゥー教徒が肩を並べて
And then they all came together again and painted a church yellow,
and then another mosque,
そしてまた全員が集まって 今度は教会を黄色に塗りました
and then another church.
Poets and musicians performed while we painted.
We painted in Nairobi,
塗装作業中には 詩人や音楽家が演奏をしました
and then we painted in Mombasa.
The local and international press did features on Colour in Faith
in English and French and Swahili
地元や国際的な報道陣が 「信仰の色」を特集し
and Spanish and Somali.
英語やフランス語や スワヒリ語や
CNN highlighted Colour in Faith as a way of bringing communities together.
スペイン語やソマリ語で 報道しました
And our social media platforms lit up,
「信仰の家」はコミュニティを 結びつける方法だとCNNは報じました
connecting more and more people.
私たちのソーシャルメディアも 功を奏して
And these neighbors continued to stay in touch.
There are some that are pursuing politics with a platform of peace,
こうした隣人たちは 互いに連絡を取り続けています
and we have communities as far as Argentina and the US
中には平和の対話のために 政治を志す者もいます
and as close as Mali and Rwanda
遠くはアルゼンチンや アメリカから
that are asking for our help.
近くはマリやルワンダまで 多くのコミュニテイが
And we would love to help.
It's our dream that this project, this idea, spreads across the world,
with or without our support.
私たちの夢は手助けの有無にかかわらず このプロジェクトやアイデアが
Colour in Faith is literally highlighting those who mean well in yellow.
Colour in Faith is binding neighborhoods together,
「信仰の色」は良心の持ち主を 文字通り 黄色で目立たせる行いです
and it's our hope that when threats come knocking,
「信仰の色」は近隣地区を 結びつけ
they will collectively sift fact from rumor
願わくば 脅威に襲われた折には
and stand in solidarity.
彼らが共に 噂から真実をふるい分け
We've proven that the human family can come together and send a message
far brighter and more powerful
私たちは 人類は家族として 共に支え合い
than the voices of those that wish to do us harm.
Though fear is infectious,
ずっと明るく力強いメッセージを 送ることができると証明したのです
we are showing that so is hope.
Thank you.
希望もまたそうであると 示しているのです