字幕表 動画を再生する
So, I had been a photographer
翻訳: Kari C 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
for 18 years
このマイクロスカルプチャー企画を 立ち上げるまで
before I began the Microsculpture Project.
And in that time, I had shot global ad campaigns,
当時は世界的な 広告キャンペーンを撮影し
I had the opportunity to photograph some of my generation's icons,
時代のアイコンを 写真に収める機会もあって
and I was traveling the world.
I got to a point in my career that I dreamed of getting to,
自分のキャリアで 望むところまで来たのに
and yet, for some reason, I still felt a little bit unfulfilled.
何故か 少し満足できないものがありました
Despite the extraordinary things I was shooting and experiencing,
撮影し 体験した 素晴らしいものが
they'd started to feel a little bit ordinary to me.
I was also getting concerned
about how disposable photography had started to feel in the digital world,
使い捨てになる写真の価値が 気になってきました
and I really wanted to produce images that had a sense of worth again.
私は本当に価値のある映像を 撮りたいと思ったのです
And I needed a subject that felt extraordinary.
私には 特別に感じる被写体が必要でした
Sometimes I wish I had the eyes of a child.
And by that I mean, I wish I could look at the world
つまり 子供の頃と同じように 世界を見たかったのです
in the same as I did when I was a small boy.
I think there is a danger, as we get older,
経験のせいで好奇心が鈍り すり減るのではないかと危惧します
that our curiosity becomes slightly muted or dulled by familiarity.
視覚芸術家として ありきたりのものを
And as a visual creator, one of the challenges for me
斬新で魅力ある形で表現するのは 挑戦の一つでもあります
is to present the familiar in a new and engaging way.
幸い 私には 世界に好奇心を示す二人の子供がいます
Fortunately for me, though, I've got two great kids
その一人 セバスチャンは 2014年の春に
who are still curious about the world.
Sebastian -- he's still curious about the world, and in 2014, in spring,
he brought in a ground beetle from the garden.
There was nothing particularly special about this insect --
息子はそれが気になって 私のところに持ってきたので
you know, it was a common species.
But he was still curious,
息子はクリスマスに 小さな科学セットをもらっていたのです
and he brought it up to my office,
and we decided to look at it under his microscope.
He had a little science kit for Christmas.
And this is what we saw.
Now, when I first saw this, it blew me away.
Up here -- this is the back of the ground beetle.
私はこんな特別な被写体を 求めていました
When I first saw it, it reminded me of a galaxy.
セバスチャンの目と好奇心が これを私の元に連れてきました
And all the time, this had just been outside our window.
You know, I was looking for this extraordinary subject,
and it took Seb's eyes and curiosity to bring it in to me.
So I decided to photograph it for him, and this is what I produced.
I basically asked myself two simple questions.
The first one:
もう1つは その大きさの被写体でも 当てる照明に
Could I take all my knowledge and skill of photographic lighting
and take that onto a subject that's five millimeters long?
But also: Could I keep creative control over that lighting
on a subject that size?
企画のために 博物館の所蔵品を使えないかと
So I practiced on some other found specimens,
and I approached the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
to see if I could have access to their collection,
to progress the project.
どこまでのディテールを写せるか 彼らに見せました
And I went up there for a meeting,
今までにこれほどのものは 見たことがなかったと思います
and I showed them some of the images that I'd been shooting,
それ以降 私は所蔵品すべてに
and they could see the kind of detail I was able to get.
I don't think they'd ever really seen anything quite like it before,
昆虫学者ジェイムズ・ホーガン博士の 協力を手に入れました
and from that point forward, they gave me open access
以来 二年半
to their entire collection
私は所蔵品から 37種類の昆虫を撮影しました
and the assistance of Dr. James Hogan, their entomologist.
Now, over the next two-and-a-half years,
I shot 37 insects from their collection.
部分ごとに独立した静物として 撮影しました
And the way I work
is that I essentially split the insect up into multiple sections,
and I treat each one of those sections like a small still life.
大きくて柔らかい 面光源を使うとかです
So for example, if I was photographing the eye of the insect,
which is normally quite smooth and dome-shaped,
then I'd use a light source that is large and soft and diffuse,
こうして 1つの小さな範囲を 可能な限り美しく撮影しながら
so I don't get any harsh hot spots on that surface.
But once my attention turns over to a hairy leg,
最終的に20から25の部分を 完成させます
that lighting setup will change completely.
And so I make that one tiny section look as beautiful as I possibly can,
被写界深度が浅いことが 問題となります
and I work my way across the insect
until I have about 20 or 25 different sections.
The issue with photography at high magnification
撮影毎に自動で 10ミクロンずつ進めるようにしました
is that there is inherently a very shallow depth of field.
その距離は頭髪の太さの 7分の1です
So to get around that, what I do is,
こうすることで 一連の画像を得られます
I put my camera on a rail
どの画像にも 焦点のあった 小さな部分があります
that I can automate to move 10 microns in between each shot.
That's about one-seventh the width of a human hair.
全身の近くから遠くまで 焦点のあった一枚の写真を作れます
And then that provides me with a deep stack of images.
こうして 隅々までピントが合い 美しく照明された
Each has a tiny sliver of focus all the way through.
And I can squash that down
to produce one image that is fully focused from front to back.
およそ8千〜1万枚ほどの 写真から出来ています
So essentially, that gives me 25 sections that are fully focused
作品1枚に3週半ほどの 制作時間がかかり
and beautifully lit.
ファイルサイズは およそ4ギガバイトです
Now, each one of my images
大量の情報があるので プリントする時にいろいろ試せます
is made up of anywhere between 8- and 10,000 separate shots.
展覧会でも3メートル程のプリントを 展示できます
They take about three-and-a-half weeks to create,
2週間前 ミラノの展示会でも
and the file sizes on average are about four gigabytes.
長さ9 mのプリントがありました
So I've got plenty of information to play with when I'm printing.
And the prints at the exhibition are around the three-meter mark.
デジタルの世界でも 使える必要があります
In fact, I had a show in Milan two weeks ago,
スクリーン上の500画素分しか 見せることが出来ないなら
and we had some prints there that were nine meters long.
But, you know, I realize
心血を注いできた 意味がないからです
that these images still have to work in the digital world.
ロッブ・チャンドラーと ウィル・クックソンの手伝いで
There's no point in me putting all my blood, sweat and tears
into these pictures
if they're only going to be showing 500 pixels on a screen.
So with the help of Rob Chandler and Will Cookson,
we developed a website
ぜひ microsculpture.net をご覧いただき
that enables the viewer to immerse themselves
into the full four-gigabyte files,
and they can explore all that microscopic detail.
So if you have the time, and I encourage you,
please visit microsculpture.net
ヨーロッパに戻り 次は コペンハーゲンを巡回します
and go and have a play.
It's good fun.
I first showed the work at Oxford,
and since then, it's moved on to the Middle East.
タブレットでサイトを見ている 子供からもです
It's now back in Europe and goes to Copenhagen this month.
拡大して 美術や生物の授業にも使っています
And the feedback has been great.
You know, I get emails, actually, from all over the world --
from teachers, at the moment, who are using the website in school.
実際 美術館で展示する時
The kids are using them on the tablet.
子供の反応を見るのが 楽しみの一つです
They're zooming into the pictures
and using it for art class, biology class.
And that's not something I planned.
そんなことはなく みんな興味津々でした
That's just a beautiful offshoot of the project.
この子はここで動かず 5分も見ていました
In fact, one of the things I like to do at the exhibitions
is actually look at the kiddies' reactions.
毎日閉館後 私たちは
And, you know, standing in front of a three-meter insect,
作品の下側についた 手の跡を拭き取らねばなりませんでした
they could have been horrified.
But they're not. They look in wonder.
べたべたの手の跡を 全部拭き取らなければなりません
This little chap here, he stood there for five minutes, motionless.
And at the end of the day, actually, at the end of the day at the exhibitions,
チャールズ・ダーウィンに 関するものです
we have to wipe down the lower third of the big prints --
猫ではなく 箱の中の昆虫です
just to remove all those sticky handprints,
because all they want to do is touch those big bugs.
チャールズ・ダーウィンが 1836年にビーグル号で
I do want to leave you with one final image, if that's OK.
オーストラリアから 採集してきたものです
This has to do with Charles Darwin.
One of the recent images that I photographed
was this one here.
この美しい昆虫を手にしていることが 信じられませんでした
I'm talking about the creature in the box, not my cat.
And this is a shield bug
博物館はリスクをおかして 標本を託してくれたのです
that Charles Darwin brought back from Australia
on the HMS Beagle in 1836.
And when I got it home,
I stood in my kitchen and stared at it for about 20 minutes.
これを見ると 私はこう思います
I couldn't believe I was in possession of this beautiful creature.
ダーウィンなら この写真をどう思うだろう
And at that moment, I kind of realized
彼はこのカメムシの写真を 気に入ってくれるでしょうか
that this validated the project for me.
The fact that the museum was willing to risk me playing with this
kind of showed me that my images had worth --
you know, they weren't disposable.
That's the image that I produced.
それでも格別の被写体を見つけるには 子供の目が必要です
I often wonder, still, when I look at this:
What would Charles Darwin make of these images?
ここでセバスチャンに お礼を言わないといけません
Do you think he'd like his picture of his shield bug? I hope so.
So --
You know, I think it's strange in a way.
I'm a visual person, I'm a creative person,
but I still needed the eyes of a child to find my extraordinary subject.
That's the way it was.
So all I can say is, thank you very much, Sebastian;
I am very, very grateful.
Thank you.