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  • Chris Anderson: Christiane, great to have you here.

    翻訳: Hiroshi Uchiyama 校正: Eriko T

  • So you've had this amazing viewpoint,

    (クリス・アンダーソン) クリスティアンお迎えできて光栄です

  • and perhaps it's fair to say that in the last few years,


  • there have been some alarming developments that you're seeing.


  • What's alarmed you most?


  • Christiane Amanpour: Well, just listening to the earlier speakers,


  • I can frame it in what they've been saying:

    (クリスティアン・アマンプール) これまでのスピーカーの話を聞きましたが

  • climate change, for instance -- cities, the threat to our environment


  • and our lives.

    例えば気候変動ですね 都市や 私たちの環境や生命への脅威について

  • It basically also boils down to understanding the truth


  • and to be able to get to the truth of what we're talking about

    これは最終的には 私たちの議論している事柄について

  • in order to really be able to solve it.

    問題を本当に解決するために 真実を理解したり

  • So if 99.9 percent of the science on climate


  • is empirical, scientific evidence,


  • but it's competing almost equally with a handful of deniers,


  • that is not the truth;

    それが真実ではないとする ひと握りの否定論者達と

  • that is the epitome of fake news.

    五分の戦いという状況 ―

  • And so for me, the last few years -- certainly this last year --


  • has crystallized the notion of fake news in a way that's truly alarming

    ですから私にとって ここ数年の 特に昨年は

  • and not just some slogan to be thrown around.

    フェイクニュースの概念が 単にまき散らされるだけのスローガンから

  • Because when you can't distinguish between the truth and fake news,


  • you have a very much more difficult time trying to solve

    真実とフェイクニュースを 見分けられなければ

  • some of the great issues that we face.

    私たちが直面する 切実な問題を解決するのが

  • CA: Well, you've been involved in this question of,


  • what is balance, what is truth, what is impartiality,

    (アンダーソン)そうですね  あなたは長い間

  • for a long time.

    バランスとは 真実とは 公平とは何かという

  • You were on the front lines reporting the Balkan Wars 25 years ago.


  • And back then, you famously said,

    25年前 最前線から バルカン戦争を報道しました

  • by calling out human right abuses,

    その当時 あなたが

  • you said, "Look, there are some situations one simply cannot be neutral about,

    人権侵害の告発でこう言ったのは よく知られています

  • because when you're neutral,

    「中立性を保つのが無理な 状況があり得る

  • you are an accomplice."


  • So, do you feel that today's journalists aren't heeding that advice


  • about balance?

    その点で現在のジャーナリズムは バランスについての忠告を

  • CA: Well, look, I think for journalists, objectivity is the golden rule.


  • But I think sometimes we don't understand what objectivity means.

    (アマンプール)ジャーナリストにとっては 客観性こそが黄金律です

  • And I actually learned this very, very young in my career,

    でも客観性の意味を 理解できていない時があります

  • which was during the Balkan Wars.

    この事を学んだのは この業界に入ったばかりの頃で

  • I was young then.


  • It was about 25 years ago.


  • And what we faced was the wholesale violation, not just of human rights,


  • but all the way to ethnic cleansing and genocide,

    そこで目にしたのは 人権に留まらない

  • and that has been adjudicated in the highest war crimes court

    民族浄化や大量虐殺などの 不当行為の横行で

  • in the world.


  • So, we know what we were seeing.


  • Trying to tell the world what we were seeing


  • brought us accusations of bias,

    それを世界に伝えようとすると 非難されました

  • of siding with one side,


  • of not seeing the whole side,


  • and just, you know, trying to tell one story.


  • I particularly and personally was accused of siding with,

    1つの物語だけを語ろうとしているなどの 非難です

  • for instance, the citizens of Sarajevo --

    私 個人は とりわけ

  • "siding with the Muslims,"

    サラエボ市民から 「イスラム教徒の側に立った」

  • because they were the minority who were being attacked


  • by Christians on the Serb side

    その地域では 少数派のイスラム教徒が

  • in this area.


  • And it worried me.


  • It worried me that I was being accused of this.


  • I thought maybe I was wrong,


  • maybe I'd forgotten what objectivity was.

    私が間違っていたか あるいは

  • But then I started to understand that what people wanted

    客観性の意義を 忘れていたのかも知れないと悩みました

  • was actually not to do anything --

    しかしやがて人々が 何を求めていたかが分かり始めました

  • not to step in,

    何もしないで 踏み込んで来ないで

  • not to change the situation,

    状況を変えないで 解決策を見つけないで と求めていたのです

  • not to find a solution.

    その当時のフェイクニュース ―

  • And so, their fake news at that time,


  • their lie at that time --

    私たちの政府 ― 民主的に選ばれ 人権の価値と道義を掲げる

  • including our government's, our democratically elected government's,

    私たちの政府も含めて 述べていた嘘は

  • with values and principles of human rights --

    これは何世紀にも渡る 民族間の憎悪感情に由来し

  • their lie was to say that all sides are equally guilty,

    すべての側がともに等しく 罪を負っていたとした事でした

  • that this has been centuries of ethnic hatred,

    私たちはそれが真実ではないと わかっていました

  • whereas we knew that wasn't true,

    ある一方が殺害し殺戮し民族浄化を 始めたのだと分かっていたんです

  • that one side had decided to kill, slaughter and ethnically cleanse


  • another side.


  • So that is where, for me,


  • I understood that objectivity means giving all sides an equal hearing

    しかしそれは すべての側を 等しく扱う事ではなく

  • and talking to all sides,

    強制された道徳的平等や既成事実の平等を 作る事でもないと気付きました

  • but not treating all sides equally,


  • not creating a forced moral equivalence or a factual equivalence.


  • And when you come up against that crisis point

    目にしている事の意味を 理解できないと

  • in situations of grave violations of international and humanitarian law,


  • if you don't understand what you're seeing,

    フェイクニュースのパラダイムに 捕らわれてしまうと

  • if you don't understand the truth


  • and if you get trapped in the fake news paradigm,

    そして私は集団虐殺の共犯者になる事を 拒否します

  • then you are an accomplice.


  • And I refuse to be an accomplice to genocide.

    (アンダーソン)プロパガンダの抗争は いつでもありましたし

  • (Applause)

    あなたは勇気を持って ご自分の主張を堅持していました

  • CH: So there have always been these propaganda battles,


  • and you were courageous in taking the stand you took back then.


  • Today, there's a whole new way, though,


  • in which news seems to be becoming fake.

    (アマンプール)ええ 大変憂慮しています

  • How would you characterize that?


  • CA: Well, look -- I am really alarmed.


  • And everywhere I look,

    まず 自由世界のリーダーであり

  • you know, we're buffeted by it.

    世界中で最も影響力のある人物 —

  • Obviously, when the leader of the free world,

    つまりアメリカ合衆国 大統領のことがあります

  • when the most powerful person in the entire world,

    この国は 経済的にも軍事的にも政治的にも

  • which is the president of the United States --


  • this is the most important, most powerful country in the whole world,

    自国の価値感と覇権を 世界に広めようとしています

  • economically, militarily, politically in every which way --

    だから真実を追求する 私たちジャーナリストは—

  • and it seeks to, obviously, promote its values and power around the world.


  • So we journalists, who only seek the truth --


  • I mean, that is our mission --


  • we go around the world looking for the truth

    人々がなかなか行く事ができない 世界の地域を訪れ

  • in order to be everybody's eyes and ears,


  • people who can't go out in various parts of the world


  • to figure out what's going on about things that are vitally important

    世界の有力な指導者に フェイクニュースだと非難されたら

  • to everybody's health and security.


  • So when you have a major world leader accusing you of fake news,

    そしてそこから始まるのは それが私たちの信頼性を

  • it has an exponential ripple effect.


  • And what it does is, it starts to chip away


  • at not just our credibility,

    私たちを見ている人々は 恐らくこんな風に考えます

  • but at people's minds --

    「アメリカ大統領の発言であるからには 真実が含まれているかも知れない」

  • people who look at us, and maybe they're thinking,

    (アンダーソン)大統領たちは 昔から常にメディアには批判的でした

  • "Well, if the president of the United States says that,


  • maybe somewhere there's a truth in there."


  • CH: Presidents have always been critical of the media --


  • CA: Not in this way.


  • CH: So, to what extent --

    (アンダーソン)数年前に誰かが ツイッターやフェイスブックなどに投稿される

  • (Laughter)


  • (Applause)


  • CH: I mean, someone a couple years ago looking at the avalanche of information

    「民主主義はこれまでになく 健全な状態になった

  • pouring through Twitter and Facebook and so forth,


  • might have said,

    もちろん大統領達は 好き勝手な事を言うだろうが

  • "Look, our democracies are healthier than they've ever been.


  • There's more news than ever.

    これの一体何がいけないと言うんです? 更なる危険が潜むというのは何故?」

  • Of course presidents will say what they'll say,


  • but everyone else can say what they will say.

    私たちが情報を得る プラットフォームの普及が

  • What's not to like? How is there an extra danger?"

    真実や透明性や深さや正確さの 普及につながれば良かったと思います

  • CA: So, I wish that was true.


  • I wish that the proliferation of platforms upon which we get our information


  • meant that there was a proliferation of truth and transparency


  • and depth and accuracy.

    情報スーパーハイウェイの議論を始めた頃 —

  • But I think the opposite has happened.


  • You know, I'm a little bit of a Luddite,

    ツイッターやその類のソーシャルメディアが まだなかった頃に

  • I will confess.


  • Even when we started to talk about the information superhighway,

    情報スーパーハイウェイが人々を 決まった道に誘導してしまい

  • which was a long time ago,


  • before social media, Twitter and all the rest of it,


  • I was actually really afraid

    私が恐れているのは アルゴリズム、ロガリズムなど

  • that that would put people into certain lanes and tunnels


  • and have them just focusing on areas of their own interest

    私たちを 偏った特定の情報チャンネルに 誘導してしまいます

  • instead of seeing the broad picture.


  • And I'm afraid to say that with algorithms, with logarithms,


  • with whatever the "-ithms" are

    人々はこう言いました 「インターネットがやって来た

  • that direct us into all these particular channels of information,

    民主主義や 多くの情報へのアクセスが増え

  • that seems to be happening right now.

    偏見を減らし より多様な情報へのアクセスを

  • I mean, people have written about this phenomenon.


  • People have said that yes, the internet came,


  • its promise was to exponentially explode our access to more democracy,

    なので私にはとても 信じがたいほど危険に思えるのです

  • more information,

    繰り返しになりますが この国の大統領が発言すると

  • less bias,

    非民主主義国家の指導者たちに 私たちをさらに貶める―

  • more varied information.


  • And, in fact, the opposite has happened.

    私たち そしてその国のジャーナリストたちを フェイクニュースという棍棒で打ちのめすのです

  • And so that, for me, is incredibly dangerous.

    (アンダーソン)どの程度というか 何が起きたか ですが

  • And again, when you are the president of this country and you say things,

    ある意味 意図しない結果として

  • it also gives leaders in other undemocratic countries the cover


  • to affront us even worse,


  • and to really whack us -- and their own journalists --


  • with this bludgeon of fake news.

    信頼性を欠くような記事は 排除されていましたが

  • CH: To what extent is what happened, though,


  • in part, just an unintended consequence,


  • that the traditional media that you worked in


  • had this curation-mediation role,


  • where certain norms were observed,

    こういった行動が 問題になっていると思いますか?

  • certain stories would be rejected because they weren't credible,

    (アマンプール)その通り 大きな問題と思います 2016年の大統領選挙で目撃しましたが

  • but now that the standard for publication and for amplification

    「クリックベイト」と言う手法は 目を引いて誘惑的でした

  • is just interest, attention, excitement, click,


  • "Did it get clicked on?"

    無作為や偶然ではなく 意図的に公開されたものです

  • "Send it out there!"

    フェイクニュースを生みだす 一連の産業が

  • and that's what's -- is that part of what's caused the problem?

    東ヨーロッパやその他の地域に 存在していて

  • CA: I think it's a big problem, and we saw this in the election of 2016,

    現実世界にも仮想世界にも 根を張っているわけです

  • where the idea of "clickbait" was very sexy and very attractive,

    それと もう1つ

  • and so all these fake news sites and fake news items

    現代の技術は これらの情報を 音や光の速さで

  • were not just haphazardly and by happenstance being put out there,


  • there's been a whole industry in the creation of fake news

    これは私たちがかつて 経験した事がないものです

  • in parts of Eastern Europe, wherever,

    私たちは これ程大量の情報に 直面した経験はありませんでした

  • and you know, it's planted in real space and in cyberspace.


  • So I think that, also,

    真実性を担保し 事実確認をし 行動規範や職業倫理を堅持する―

  • the ability of our technology to proliferate this stuff


  • at the speed of sound or light, just about --

    (アンダーソン)ここにお集りの皆さんの中にも フェイスブックやツイッター

  • we've never faced that before.

    グーグルなどの社員に 知り合いがいると思います

  • And we've never faced such a massive amount of information

    彼らはみな素晴らしい志を持った 優秀な人々のようです ―

  • which is not curated


  • by those whose profession leads them to abide by the truth,

    もしそのような企業のリーダー達と 話すとしたら

  • to fact-check


  • and to maintain a code of conduct and a code of professional ethics.

    (アマンプール)そうですね ―

  • CH: Many people here may know people who work at Facebook

    彼らは大変善い意図を 持っているのは確かで

  • or Twitter and Google and so on.

    信じられないような 画期的なシステムを構築しましたし

  • They all seem like great people with good intention --

    その1つフェイスブックには だれでも繋がっています

  • let's assume that.


  • If you could speak with the leaders of those companies,


  • what would you say to them?


  • CA: Well, you know what --

    「あなたたち 目を覚まして コーヒーを嗅ぎ

  • I'm sure they are incredibly well-intentioned,


  • and they certainly developed an unbelievable, game-changing system,

    マーク・ザッカーバーグは 世界的なコミュニティを作りたいと言います

  • where everybody's connected on this thing called Facebook.

    私が知りたいのは その世界的なコミュニティはどんなものか?

  • And they've created a massive economy for themselves

    行動規範がどこにあるのか 知りたいと思います

  • and an amazing amount of income.

    マーク・ザッカーバーグは言いました ー

  • I would just say,

    彼を非難するつもりもないし そう信じていたのでしょうから ー

  • "Guys, you know, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee


  • and look at what's happening to us right now."

    ネット工作をしているなどと 考えるなんて馬鹿げている」

  • Mark Zuckerberg wants to create a global community.


  • I want to know: What is that global community going to look like?


  • I want to know where the codes of conduct actually are.

    彼らは調査を行い 解決策を講じなくてはならなくなりました

  • Mark Zuckerberg said --


  • and I don't blame him, he probably believed this --

    フェイクニュースの増加を 抑えなければなりませんが

  • that it was crazy to think

    フェイクニュースは 長い間放置されて来ました

  • that the Russians or anybody else could be tinkering and messing around


  • with this avenue.


  • And what have we just learned in the last few weeks?


  • That, actually, there has been a major problem in that regard,


  • and now they're having to investigate it and figure it out.

    (アンダーソン)報道調査的機能を持つ アルゴリズムですね

  • Yes, they're trying to do what they can now

    (アマンプール)どう実現出来るかは 知りませんが

  • to prevent the rise of fake news,


  • but, you know,


  • it went pretty unrestricted for a long, long time.

    そして 無作為ではなく―

  • So I guess I would say, you know,


  • you guys are brilliant at technology;


  • let's figure out another algorithm.


  • Can we not?


  • CH: An algorithm that includes journalistic investigation --

    ソビエト、ロシア ―

  • CA: I don't really know how they do it, but somehow, you know --

    彼らは別の形の戦争 — ハイブリッド戦に長けています

  • filter out the crap!

    そしてこの事は ―

  • (Laughter)


  • And not just the unintentional --


  • (Applause)


  • but the deliberate lies that are planted


  • by people who've been doing this as a matter of warfare

    それぞれの国での国政選挙で 妨害工作が試みられましたが

  • for decades.

    現在のフランスの大統領 エマニュエル・マクロンは

  • The Soviets, the Russians --

    アンゲラ・メルケルと同様に 非常に厳しい立場を取って

  • they are the masters of war by other means, of hybrid warfare.


  • And this is a --


  • this is what they've decided to do.


  • It worked in the United States,


  • it didn't work in France,


  • it hasn't worked in Germany.


  • During the elections there, where they've tried to interfere,


  • the president of France right now, Emmanuel Macron,


  • took a very tough stand and confronted it head on,

    しかしその観点を突き詰めると これはテクノロジーの問題であり

  • as did Angela Merkel.

    テクノロジーは道徳的指針を 必要としているのです

  • CH: There's some hope to be had from some of this, isn't there?

    ナンセンスに聞こえるでしょうが 何を言いたいかは分かる筈です

  • That the world learns.

    (アンダーソン)道徳的指針を備えた でたらめ除外アルゴリズムが必要と?

  • We get fooled once,


  • maybe we get fooled again,


  • but maybe not the third time.


  • Is that true?

    誰もが持つ道徳的指針— それを機械に実装させるわけです

  • CA: I mean, let's hope.

    (アンダーソン)意義のある挑戦ですね (アマンプール)お分かりになりますね

  • But I think in this regard that so much of it is also about technology,


  • that the technology has to also be given some kind of moral compass.

    世界中の多くの方と 話す機会があったようですね

  • I know I'm talking nonsense, but you know what I mean.

    私たちの中には ―

  • CH: We need a filter-the-crap algorithm with a moral compass --

    私自身の話にしましょう ほかの人はどうかわかりませんが―

  • CA: There you go.


  • CH: I think that's good.


  • CA: No -- "moral technology."


  • We all have moral compasses -- moral technology.

    最近の例では アウンサンスーチーです

  • CH: I think that's a great challenge. CA: You know what I mean.


  • CH: Talk just a minute about leadership.


  • You've had a chance to speak with so many people across the world.


  • I think for some of us --


  • I speak for myself, I don't know if others feel this --

    印象を受けた人 影響を受けた人はいましたか?

  • there's kind of been a disappointment of:

    (アマンプール)世界が 危機的状況にあるという事では

  • Where are the leaders?


  • So many of us have been disappointed --

    危機の渦中で一生を過ごす 私たちジャーナリストは

  • Aung San Suu Kyi, what's happened recently,


  • it's like, "No! Another one bites the dust."


  • You know, it's heartbreaking.

    そして 仰る通りで

  • (Laughter)

    皆が感じている リーダーシップの不在があります

  • Who have you met


  • who you have been impressed by, inspired by?

    お話しするすべての人に リーダーシップについて尋ねます

  • CA: Well, you talk about the world in crisis,

    今日は退任間際のリベリア共和国大統領と 話していました

  • which is absolutely true,


  • and those of us who spend our whole lives immersed in this crisis --


  • I mean, we're all on the verge of a nervous breakdown.


  • So it's pretty stressful right now.


  • And you're right --

    憲法を順守し 任期を終え 権力を放棄する ―

  • there is this perceived and actual vacuum of leadership,

    アフリカ諸国の首長の中でも 非常にまれな1人になるのです

  • and it's not me saying it, I ask all these --

    彼女は民主主義のあるべき姿を 示したかったのだと言いました

  • whoever I'm talking to, I ask about leadership.


  • I was speaking to the outgoing president of Liberia today,


  • [Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,]

    フランスの新しい大統領である エマニュエル・マクロンの

  • who --


  • (Applause)


  • in three weeks' time,

    「彼の名前を聞いて何を思いましたか?」 と聞いたら

  • will be one of the very rare heads of an African country


  • who actually abides by the constitution

    「現在のリーダーシップの不在を 埋めるリーダーになろうとしている」

  • and gives up power after her prescribed term.


  • She has said she wants to do that as a lesson.

    昨日偶然に彼にインタビューする 機会がありました

  • But when I asked her about leadership,


  • and I gave a quick-fire round of certain names,


  • I presented her with the name of the new French president,


  • Emmanuel Macron.

    公開フォーラムの場で言うのが 正しいか分かりませんが

  • And she said --


  • I said, "So what do you think when I say his name?"


  • And she said,

    彼には初インタビューだったから というだけかもしれませんが

  • "Shaping up potentially to be

    私が数々の質問をして— どうだったと思います?

  • a leader to fill our current leadership vacuum."


  • I thought that was really interesting.


  • Yesterday, I happened to have an interview with him.


  • I'm very proud to say,


  • I got his first international interview. It was great. It was yesterday.


  • And I was really impressed.


  • I don't know whether I should be saying that in an open forum,


  • but I was really impressed.

    答えを引き出すために 発言を何度も遮る必要も

  • (Laughter)


  • And it could be just because it was his first interview,


  • but -- I asked questions, and you know what?


  • He answered them!


  • (Laughter)


  • (Applause)


  • There was no spin,

    (アンダーソン)あなたが話し手で 私が聴き手です

  • there was no wiggle and waggle,


  • there was no spend-five-minutes- to-come-back-to-the-point.


  • I didn't have to keep interrupting,

    (アマンプール)あなたは ナショナリズムと民族主義について話しました

  • which I've become rather renowned for doing,


  • because I want people to answer the question.

    アメリカで何が起きたかを そして

  • And he answered me,

    2017年初めのヨーロッパ諸国の選挙を 目撃した後

  • and it was pretty interesting.

    反グローバリゼーション ナショナリズム、ポピュリズムの

  • And he said --

    気運に立ち向かう勇気は 一体どこから湧いて来たのです?」

  • CH: Tell me what he said.


  • CA: No, no, you go ahead.

    「私にとって ナショナリズムは 戦争を意味します

  • CH: You're the interrupter, I'm the listener.


  • CA: No, no, go ahead.

    欧州でも人々は そのような時代を生きてきました

  • CH: What'd he say?


  • CA: OK. You've talked about nationalism and tribalism here today.

    彼は 他国の選挙で 受け容れられたやり方で

  • I asked him, "How did you have the guts to confront the prevailing winds


  • of anti-globalization, nationalism, populism

    政治上の一時しのぎとして 受け入れるつもりはなかったのです

  • when you can see what happened in Brexit,

    そして彼はとても危険な女性 マリーヌ・ル・ペンと対峙しました

  • when you could see what happened in the United States

    (アンダーソン)クリスティアン 最後の質問です

  • and what might have happened in many European elections


  • at the beginning of 2017?"

    ここにいる皆さんの心に アイデアを植え付ける事ができるとしたら

  • And he said,


  • "For me, nationalism means war.

    (アマンプール)情報をどこから得るかに 細心の注意を払う事でしょう

  • We have seen it before,

    あなたが読むもの聴くもの見るものについて 責任を持つ事です

  • we have lived through it before on my continent,

    主要な情報を得る時には情報源が信頼できる ブランドである事を確かめて下さい

  • and I am very clear about that."

    あなたがネットの様々な情報源から ニュースを得られるとしても

  • So he was not going to, just for political expediency,

    確立されたブランドから 情報を得るようにして下さい

  • embrace the, kind of, lowest common denominator


  • that had been embraced in other political elections.

    私たちの直面する 危機や挑戦や問題は とても過酷であり

  • And he stood against Marine Le Pen, who is a very dangerous woman.

    私たちが 世界市民として 真実を尊重し

  • CH: Last question for you, Christiane.


  • Tell us about ideas worth spreading.

    経験的証拠と事実を理解して 取り組まない限り

  • If you could plant one idea into the minds of everyone here,


  • what would that be?


  • CA: I would say really be careful where you get your information from;

    ですから 真実が大事です

  • really take responsibility for what you read, listen to and watch;


  • make sure that you go to the trusted brands to get your main information,


  • no matter whether you have a wide, eclectic intake,


  • really stick with the brand names that you know,


  • because in this world right now, at this moment right now,

    私は「あなたの結婚に世界が注目しています」 と言いました

  • our crises, our challenges, our problems are so severe,


  • that unless we are all engaged as global citizens


  • who appreciate the truth,


  • who understand science, empirical evidence and facts,

    それまで大統領や首長に 愛について聞く事はありませんでした

  • then we are just simply going to be wandering along


  • to a potential catastrophe.

    そして— 彼は真摯に答えたんですよ

  • So I would say, the truth,

    「妻を愛しています 妻は私の一部なのです

  • and then I would come back to Emmanuel Macron


  • and talk about love.


  • I would say that there's not enough love going around.


  • And I asked him to tell me about love.


  • I said, "You know, your marriage is the subject of global obsession."

    「僕にとって真実を語ってくれる人が 家にいる事がとても重要なのです」

  • (Laughter)

    ほらね 真実が大切という事です

  • "Can you tell me about love?


  • What does it mean to you?"

    (アンダーソン)そういう事ですね 真実と愛 広める価値のあるアイデア

  • I've never asked a president or an elected leader about love.

    クリスティアン・アマンプールでした 素晴らしいお話でした

  • I thought I'd try it.


  • And he said -- you know, he actually answered it.

    (アマンプール)ありがとうございました (アンダーソン)とても素晴らしかった

  • And he said, "I love my wife, she is part of me,


  • we've been together for decades."


  • But here's where it really counted,

  • what really stuck with me.

  • He said,

  • "It is so important for me to have somebody at home

  • who tells me the truth."

  • So you see, I brought it home. It's all about the truth.

  • (Laughter)

  • CH: So there you go. Truth and love. Ideas worth spreading.

  • Christiane Amanpour, thank you so much. That was great.

  • (Applause)

  • CA: Thank you. CH: That was really lovely.

  • (Applause)

  • CA: Thank you.

Chris Anderson: Christiane, great to have you here.

翻訳: Hiroshi Uchiyama 校正: Eriko T


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TED】Christiane Amanpour.フェイクニュースの時代に真実を求める方法 (フェイクニュースの時代に真実を求める方法|クリスティアン・アマンプール) (【TED】Christiane Amanpour: How to seek truth in the era of fake news (How to seek truth in the era of fake news | Christiane Amanpour))

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