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  • Why is Beimen dubbedthe town of salt”? 為什麼北門會被稱為「鹽鄉」呢?

  • Obviously, it is a town where salt is produced. 當然是因為盛產鹽囉!

  • But how is salt made? 那麼 鹽又是怎麼來的呢?

  • Let's find out! 跟我們去認識「鹽」吧!

  • Hello, everyone. 大家好

  • I'm now at Jingzaijiao. 我現在在北門的井仔腳,

  • You could watch the sunset here. 這裡是欣賞夕陽的最佳景點

  • Furthermore, you could experience the procedure of the salt production 也可以體驗剷鹽、挑鹽

  • as well as the spectacular view of the salt fields. 欣賞鹽田的風景

  • I wonder why the salt production is so popular here? 但是,為什麼這裡會有鹽呢?

  • Let's go and check it out! 跟我去了解一下!

  • Leon, you could meet my friend Leon 你可以到井仔腳瓦盤鹽田旁

  • by the Jingzijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields. 找我的朋友

  • He is the assistant store manager there, and he will tell you 他是那裡的副店長 可以告訴你

  • everything you need to know about the salt fields. 關於鹽田的故事喔

  • Hello, could you tell us a little bit 副店長你好 可不可以為我們介紹一下

  • why Beimen is home to a long stretch of salt fields? 北門為什麼會有鹽田

  • During the Qing dynasty, 北門鹽田要追溯到清朝的時候

  • the very first salt field in Taiwan was developed in 1665, 臺灣第一個鹽田在1665年

  • in the Yan Cheng Village of Tainan. 在臺南的鹽埕區那邊

  • It was Cheng Yonghua of the Zheng era 由明鄭時期的陳永華

  • who introduced the solar salt production to Taiwan. 引入這種曬鹽的方式

  • This process required specific atmospheric conditions, 曬鹽需要在特殊的大氣條件下進行

  • so in the early days, they moved quite a lot 早期遷移許多地方

  • before finally settling down in Beimen in 1818. 到1818年才遷入北門

  • These salt fields were shut down in 2001 因為人工曬鹽成本高

  • due to expensive labor costs. 這些鹽田於2001年結束

  • In 2003, to combine tourism with historic preservation, 2003年,為了推動觀光與古蹟保存

  • the salt fields were rejuvenated. 才讓井仔腳鹽田復曬

  • Could you please tell us 副店長可以幫我分享

  • how the salt is made here? 這邊製鹽的方法嗎

  • It's actually a simple process. 製鹽方式其實還蠻簡單的

  • The early method of salt production 如果要講到製鹽方式

  • is a caveman approach: 最早是用土法煉鋼的方式

  • the brine-boiling method. 把海水中的鹽煮出來

  • Completely raw sea salt is bitter, 用海水直煮出來的鹽有苦味

  • but intense sunshine could reduce its bitterness. 而曬鹽剛好能解決這個問題

  • Seawater is drawn from the ocean. 曬鹽是將海水引進來曬

  • There are three steps during the process: 簡單來說 有三個過程

  • First of all, seawater is pumped into the initial reservoir ponds 首先 將海水引到大蒸發池

  • before being drawn into the concentrating ponds. 沉澱過濾後 進入小蒸發池

  • These evaporation ponds are used to remove 蒸發池的功能是去除掉

  • impurities from the seawater. 海水中的雜質

  • Finally, in the crystallizing pond, 然後 流到結晶池

  • the salt is extracted from the brine 鹽粒慢慢由滷水中析出後

  • and is ready to be harvested. 就可以開始收鹽

  • The whole process takes up to three weeks. 整個過程歷時三週的時間

  • And if it rains, 而且過程不能下雨喔!

  • everything has to start over from the beginning. 遇到下雨可就要重來啦!

  • While at the salt fields, never miss out 話說,來到鹽田怎麼能錯過

  • on the famous sea salt coffee. 有名的鹽咖啡呢?

  • Leon, let's get us some nice coffee to sip on! Leon趕快帶我們去喝咖啡吧!

  • Wow, so this is the sea salt coffee. 哇!這是鹽咖啡

  • We are going to sprinkle some salt over the coffee. 那我們等一下要把我們的鹽花灑在咖啡上面

  • Whoa, even with a light! (Yes.) 喔!還有燈 (對)

  • Let's leave it like this without stirring. 我們就撒在上面 就不去攪拌它

  • If you stir, the salt will melt into the coffee. 因為攪拌就會溶在咖啡裡面

  • This smells so good. 好香啊

  • Have a sip. 嚐一口看看

  • It's hot, but so good. 好燙喔~但是好好喝喔

  • Be careful, Leon! 小心啊!Leon!

  • Of course the coffee is hot, Leon. 咖啡當然燙啊! Leon!

  • In order to have the best taste 為了能夠同時品嚐到

  • of the coffee and the salt at the same time, 咖啡的原味及鹽花的滋味

  • it's advised not to stir up your cup of coffee. 建議不要攪拌 直接品嚐

  • But be careful, don't burn your tongue. 但也要小心燙口喔

  • It is really special. 真的很特別

  • Be sure to try some sea salt coffee if you happen to be around. 下次來一定要嚐嚐這個鹽花咖啡

  • Besides the salt fields, 來北門除了欣賞鹽田的風光外

  • the salt production site is another must-visit in Beimen. 絕對不能錯過北門鹽場的建築群

  • This is where refined sea salt was washed in the old days. 這個是北門鹽場以前洗鹽的地方

  • Wow, this complex has been preserved for future generations 哇!這裡保留了完整的鹽場建築群

  • to imagine how busy the salt production once was. 可以想像當時製鹽的忙碌景象

  • After some restorations, 經過修復後

  • these historic buildings have re-opened their doors 這些歷史建築再度對外開放

  • to tourists and visitors. 供觀光客及遊客參觀

  • What a wonderful idea. 真的非常棒

  • Where we are standing right now 以前 我們現在所站的這個地方

  • used to look like this, 就是這個景象

  • covered with salt. 全部都是白鹽

  • Because the town produces a lot of…? 因為這裡產什麼?

  • Salt. (Correct.) 產鹽 (對)

  • Wow, so this piece of land used to be a stretch of salt fields. 哇!原來這片土地在以前都是鹽田

  • No wonder the salt production site was set up here. 難怪當時會把鹽場設在這裡

  • On the southwest side lies the Beimen Visitor Center, 西南側的倉庫群現在是北門遊客中心

  • next to which you could find the outdoor and indoor brine ponds. 旁邊有室外鹽滷池和室內鹽滷池

  • Head a bit south and the washing plant will come into sight. 往南走就會看到洗滌工廠

  • Have you seen the holes over there? 那你看旁邊有沒有看到那個洞

  • Every room has one hole, and why is that? 每一間都有 為什麼?

  • During the salt-washing process, 因為它洗鹽

  • the wastewater would flow down the sides 不好的水就往下流

  • until it reached the very end. 流到最後面

  • At the beginning, the salt is around 3 degrees Baume. 剛開始鹽的濃度是大約波美3度左右

  • When reaching saturation point of 25 degrees Baume, 等到接近飽和濃度大約波美25度後

  • it will crystallize into grains of salt. 結晶成鹽

  • It is believed that salt has the best taste at 28 degrees Baume. 據說28度的鹽最好吃

  • It becomes bitter after 30 degrees Baume. 如果超過30度就會變苦

  • The whole process needs to be precise 製鹽不只要精準

  • and done under the sun. 更是需要陽光的洗禮

  • This is the wisdom of the ancients. 這是老祖宗留下來的智慧

  • Isn't it impressive? 真的非常厲害

  • In the past, this was a truck weigh station 這裡就是以前載鹽的車

  • used to monitor the weight of a truck loaded with salt. 來的話就在這裡過磅

  • Oh, a truck scale. 過磅的地方

  • And this is where the trucks should be parked. 所以你看一個卡車的範圍

  • Besides the truck weigh station, 除了有過磅室外

  • if a truck ran out of fuels, 如果運輸油料不夠時

  • drivers could fill up their gas tanks at the green building 可以在綠色建築

  • as it served as the oil depot. 加油

  • After weighing and registration, 鹽車過磅及登記後

  • the trucks then proceeded to the washing plant. 直接載到洗滌室洗鹽

  • They would pour the truck of salt in here, 然後就把整車的鹽倒進去

  • Wow, this is a very well-preserved salt-washing plant. 哇!這應該是保存非常完整的洗滌鹽工廠吧!

  • In addition to the salt-washing plant, 除了參觀洗滌鹽工廠外

  • the traditional grocery store and 旁邊還有傳統風格的

  • the Beimen Salt Administration Office nearby 雜貨店和北門出張所

  • are also very worth a visit. 也是非常值得一看的景點!

  • If you have a chance to visit the town of salt, 有機會來到鹽鄉

  • enjoy the sea breeze, 來這裡吹吹海風

  • go and experience the story of salt, 認識「鹽」的故事

  • and don't forget to give the special salty coffee a try. 也別忘了品嚐獨特的鹽味咖啡喔

  • I will see you next time. 我們下次再見

  • Bye-bye. 再見

Why is Beimen dubbedthe town of salt”? 為什麼北門會被稱為「鹽鄉」呢?


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2017 ホット台南EP11。塩の物語 (2017 Hot Tainan EP11. The Story of Salt)

  • 169 16
    Hot Tainan 哈臺南 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日