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  • A few years ago,

    翻訳: Shoko Takaki 校正: Masaki Yanagishita

  • I always had this thing happening to me,


  • especially at family gatherings

    私には いつも決まって ある事が起きていました

  • like teas with aunts and uncles or something like this.

    特に 叔父叔母との

  • When people come up to you,

    お茶会といった 家族の集まりには―

  • and they ask you, "So, what are you doing?"


  • And I would have this magical one-word reply,

    こう訊くのです 「ねえ 何をやってるの?」

  • which would make everybody happy:

    すると私は 誰もが喜ぶ 魔法の一言を

  • "Medicine.


  • I'm going to be a doctor."


  • Very easy, that's it, everybody's happy and pleased.

    私 医者になるの」

  • And it could be so easy,

    本当に簡単です それだけで誰もが 喜んでくれるのですから

  • but this effect really only lasts for 30 seconds with me,


  • because that's then the time when one of them would ask,

    その効き目は 実際 わずか30秒程しか続きません

  • "So, in what area of medicine?

    つまり次の瞬間 その内の誰かが こう訊くのです

  • What specialty do you want to go into?"

    「じゃあ 医学のどの分野?

  • And then I would have to strip down in all honesty and just say,

    専門は 何にするつもり?」

  • "OK, so I'm fascinated with the colon.

    すると 私は 真正直にこう言っていました

  • It all started with the anus,

    「そうね 私は大腸に魅せられているの

  • and now it's basically the whole intestinal tract."

    全ては 肛門から始まったけど

  • (Laughter)

    今は基本的に 腸全般に夢中なの」

  • And this would be the moment when the enthusiasm trickled,


  • and it would maybe also get, like, awkwardly silent in the room,

    その時 皆の熱狂は 徐々に薄れていき

  • and I would think this was terribly sad,

    たぶん 部屋に気まずい沈黙が流れ

  • because I do believe our bowels are quite charming.

    私はひどく悲しい気分に なったものです

  • (Laughter)

    だって 腸ってとても魅力的だと 心底 思っているんですもの

  • And while we're in a time where many people are thinking about


  • what new superfood smoothie to make

    皆がどんな新しい スーパーフード・ スムージーを作るべきかや

  • or if gluten is maybe bad for them,


  • actually, hardly anyone seems to care about the organ where this happens,


  • the concrete anatomy and the mechanisms behind it.

    実際にその食物を消化する器官の 具体的な解剖学や

  • And sometimes it seems to me

    背後にあるメカニズムを 殆ど知ろうとしないのです

  • like we're all trying to figure out this magic trick,

    まるで 皆がこの魔法のタネを

  • but nobody's checking out the magician,

    解明しようと躍起になっているのに マジシャンの方を調べる人は

  • just because he has, like,


  • an embarrassing hairstyle or something.


  • And actually,

    その人の髪型が変とか そんなことのようです

  • there are reasons science disliked the gut for a long time;

    また 実際に

  • I have to say this.

    科学が長きに渡って 腸を嫌っていた理由があるのです

  • So, it's complex.


  • There's a lot of surface area --


  • about 40 times the area of our skin.


  • Then, in such a tight pipe,


  • there are so many immune cells that are being trained there.


  • We have 100 trillion bacteria doing all sorts of things --

    そこで訓練されている 非常に多くの 免疫細胞があります

  • producing little molecules.

    100兆もの細菌が生息して 様々な事を行ない

  • Then there's about 20 different hormones,


  • so we are on a very different level than our genitals, for example.

    そして 約20の異なる ホルモンが産生され

  • And the nervous system of our gut is so complex

    例えば 生殖器とは 比べものにならない複雑さです

  • that when we cut out a piece,

    また腸の神経システムは 非常に複雑なので

  • it's independent enough that when we poke it,


  • it mumbles back at us, friendly.

    突いてみると 各々が独立した生き物のように

  • (Laughter)

    1つひとつ 親しげに 呟き返します

  • But at least those reasons are also the reasons why it's so fascinating


  • and important.

    一方で こういう理由があるからこそ 腸は魅惑的で重要なのです

  • It took me three steps to love the gut.

    腸を大好きになるには 3つのステップがありました

  • So today, I invite you to follow me on those three steps.

    今日は皆さんに この3つのステップをご紹介します

  • The very first was just looking at it

    まず最初は 腸を見るだけで

  • and asking questions like, "How does it work?"

    「これ どんな働きがあるの?」とか

  • and "Why does it have to look so weird for that sometimes?"

    「なぜ時として凄く 不気味な 格好になるの?」といった疑問が湧きます

  • And it actually wasn't me asking the first kind of these questions,

    実は 最初にこの疑問を持ったのは 私ではなく

  • but my roommate.


  • After one heavy night of partying,


  • he came into our shared-room kitchen,

    彼がキッチンにやって来て こう言いました

  • and he said, "Giulia, you study medicine. How does pooping work?"

    「ジュリアは医学を学んでいるよね 排便ってどんな仕組みなの?」

  • (Laughter)


  • And I did study medicine but I had no idea,

    確かに医学を学んではいましたが 知りませんでした

  • so I had to go up to my room and look it up in different books.

    そこで 私は部屋に行き 様々な本を調べました

  • And I found something interesting, I thought, at that time.

    すると その時面白いと思う物を 見つけたのです

  • So it turns out, we don't only have this outer sphincter,

    私達には外括約筋だけでなく 内括約筋もあることが

  • we also have an inner sphincter muscle.


  • The outer sphincter we all know, we can control it,

    ご存知の通り 外括約筋は コントロールできるので

  • we know what's going on there;


  • the inner one, we really don't.


  • So what happens is,


  • when there are leftovers from digestion,


  • they're being delivered to the inner one first.


  • This inner one will open in a reflex

    内括約筋は 反射的に開き それを

  • and let through a little bit for testing.

    ほんの少しだけ 試しに通過させます

  • (Laughter)


  • So, there are sensory cells


  • that will analyze what has been delivered: Is it gaseous or is it solid?

    運ばれて来た物を分析するのです つまりそれが気体なのか固体なのか?

  • And they will then send this information up to our brain,

    つぎに この情報を脳に伝達します

  • and this is the moment when our brain knows,

    すると 脳が判断を下します

  • "Oh, I have to go to the toilet."


  • (Laughter)


  • The brain will then do what it's designed to do

    つぎに脳は その驚くべき意識の働きで

  • with its amazing consciousness.

    計画された事を 成し遂げるのです

  • It will mediate with our surroundings,


  • and it will say something like,


  • "So, I checked.


  • We are at this TEDx conference -- "

    私達はTEDxカンファレンスに います―」

  • (Laughter)


  • (Applause)


  • Gaseous?


  • Maybe, if you're sitting on the sides,


  • and you know you can pull it off silently.

    そして静かに 事を終えられるなら...

  • (Laughter)


  • But solid --


  • maybe later.


  • (Laughter)


  • Since our outer sphincter and the brain is connected with nervous cells,

    外括約筋と脳は 神経細胞で繋がっており

  • they coordinate, cooperate,

    協同し 協力して

  • and they put it back in a waiting line --


  • (Laughter)


  • for other times,


  • like, for example, when we're at home sitting on the couch,

    例えば家で ソファーに 座っているような時には

  • we have nothing better to do,


  • we are free to go.


  • (Laughter)


  • Us humans are actually one of the very few animals that do this

    私達人間は 実際 大変上手に清潔な方法で用を足す

  • in such an advanced and clean way.

    非常に数少ない 動物の1つなのです

  • To be honest, I had some newfound respect

    正直な所 この素晴らしい 内括約筋という物に対し

  • for that nice, inner sphincter dude --

    私はある新たな敬意を 抱くようになりました―

  • not connected to nerves

    外部世界や時間に 気をまわし過ぎる神経に

  • that care too much about the outer world or the time --


  • just caring about me for once.

    一回ごと ご主人のことだけを気にかけます

  • I thought that was nice.


  • And I used to not be a great fan of public restrooms,

    かつて私は公衆トイレが あまり好きではありませんでしたが

  • but now I can go anywhere,


  • because I consider it more


  • when that inner muscle puts a suggestion on my daily agenda.

    毎日のお約束の時間が来たよと 頻繁に言っているように思うからです

  • (Laughter)


  • And also I learned something else, which was:

    それから 次に私が学んだのは

  • looking closely at something I might have shied away from --

    以前ならたぶん 目を背けたような物—

  • maybe the weirdest part of myself --

    自分自身の中で 最も気味の悪い部分をよく観察することで

  • left me feeling more fearless,


  • and also appreciating myself more.

    自身をより正しく 認識するようになった事です

  • And I think this happens a lot of times

    実際 腸を見ていると

  • when you look at the gut, actually.


  • Like those funny rumbling noises that happen

    このおかしなゴロゴロという音が 聞こえてくるのは

  • when you're in a group of friends


  • or at the office conference table,


  • going, like, "Merrr, merrr..."

    「グルグル グルグル…」

  • This is not because we're hungry.


  • This is because our small intestine is actually a huge neat freak,

    私達の小腸が 大の綺麗好きだからです

  • and it takes the time in between digestion to clean everything up,

    消化していない間 全てを綺麗にし その結果

  • resulting in those eight meters of gut -- really, seven of them --

    8メートルの腸は— 実際はそのうち7メートル分ですが

  • being very clean and hardly smelling like anything.

    すっかり綺麗になり 臭いは殆どしなくなります

  • It will, to achieve this, create a strong muscular wave

    これをやり遂げる為に 消化終了後 残留物を全て先方に押し出す

  • that moves everything forward that's been leftover after digestion.

    強力な 筋肉の蠕動運動が 起こるのです

  • This can sometimes create a sound,

    ここで時折 音が生じるのですが

  • but doesn't necessarily have to always.


  • So what we're embarrassed of is really a sign

    私達が 恥ずかしく思っている音は

  • of something keeping our insides fine and tidy.

    お腹が調子良く 清潔であるという信号なのです

  • Or this weird, crooked shape of our stomach --

    私達のこの奇妙で ひん曲がった胃の形は

  • a bit Quasimodo-ish.


  • This actually makes us be able to put pressure on our belly

    そのお陰で 実際私達は 笑ったりスポーツをする時

  • without vomiting,


  • like when we're laughing


  • and when we're doing sports,


  • because the pressure will go up and not so much sideways.

    それは圧力が 横道にではなく 上方に移動するからです

  • This also creates this air bubble


  • that's usually always very visible in X-rays, for example,

    これは しばしば とても良くレントゲンに写ります

  • and can sometimes, with some people,


  • when it gets too big,


  • create discomfort or even some sensations of pain.

    気分が悪くなったり 痛みの感覚を持つ人もいます

  • But for most of the people, is just results

    しかし殆どの人達は 右を下にではなく

  • that it's far easier to burp when you're laying on your left side

    左を下に横になるとずっと ゲップがしやすくなります

  • instead of your right.


  • And soon I moved a bit further

    身体と健康を全体像として とらえるようになりました

  • and started to look at the whole picture of our body and health.

    これは ある人が自殺したという話を

  • This was actually after I had heard


  • that someone I knew a little bit had killed himself.

    その前日 私はたまたま 自殺したその人の隣に座っており

  • It happened that I had been sitting next to that person the day before,

    その人の口臭が 酷いのに気づきました

  • and I smelled that he had very bad breath.

    その翌日 自殺の事を知りました

  • And when I learned of the suicide the next day,

    腸が何らかの係わりを 持っていたのかなと思いました

  • I thought: Could the gut have something to do with it?

    私は夢中で 腸と脳の関係に関する論文が

  • And I frantically started searching if there were scientific papers


  • on the connection of gut and brain.

    驚いた事に 沢山見つかりました

  • And to my surprise, I found many.

    私達は時として思っている程 単純ではないと分かったのです

  • It turns out it's maybe not as simple as we sometimes think.


  • We tend to think our brain makes these commands


  • and then sends them down to the other organs,

    臓器はそれに従わねばならないと 思いがちです

  • and they all have to listen.

    しかし実際に 脳から腸に情報を伝えているのは

  • But really, it's more that 10 percent of the nerves that connect brain and gut


  • deliver information from the brain to the gut.


  • We know this, for example, in stressful situations,

    脳から放出された神経伝達物質が 腸で感じられ

  • when there are transmitters from the brain that are being sensed by our gut,


  • so the gut will try to lower all the work,

    問題解決のためにエネルギーを節約しようと 腸の動きを止めて

  • and not be working and taking away blood and energy


  • to save energy for problem-solving.

    このため 消化を続行したくない食べ物を 腸から取り除こうと

  • This can go as far as nervous vomiting or nervous diarrhea

    精神的な 嘔吐や下痢さえ起こします

  • to get rid of food that it then doesn't want to digest.


  • Maybe more interestingly,


  • 90 percent of the nervous fibers that connect gut and brain


  • deliver information from our gut to our brain.


  • And when you think about it a little bit,

    私達の脳は非常に孤立しているので 外部からの情報が必要です

  • it does make sense, because our brain is very isolated.

    脳は厚い皮膚と骨に囲まれた 頭蓋骨の中に収まっており

  • It's in this bony skull surrounded by a thick skin,

    「身体全体として 私はうまくやっている?」

  • and it needs information to put together a feeling

    という 感覚を統合するための情報を 必要としています

  • of "How am I, as a whole body, doing?"

    実際 腸はおそらく脳にとって 最も重要なアドバイザーでしょう

  • And the gut, actually, is possibly the most important advisor for the brain

    それは腸が感覚に関する 最大の器官で

  • because it's our largest sensory organ,

    私達の摂取する 栄養の質に関してだけでなく

  • collecting information not only on the quality of our nutrients,

    免疫細胞の状態や 腸が感知できる血中のホルモンに関して

  • but really also on how are so many of our immune cells doing,


  • or things like the hormones in our blood that it can sense.

    腸はこの情報をひとまとめにして 脳に送る事ができるのです

  • And it can package this information, and send it up to the brain.

    その情報は視覚野や 言語野には到達できません

  • It can, there, not reach areas like visual cortex or word formations --

    さもないと 私達が食物を消化する時

  • otherwise, when we digest,

    変な色を見たり おかしな声を出したり ということになってしまいます

  • we would see funny colors or we would make funny noises -- no.

    しかし腸からの情報は倫理性、怖れ 感情の処理といった領域や

  • But it can reach areas for things like morality,


  • fear or emotional processing


  • or areas for self-awareness.

    ですから 私達の体と脳とが

  • So it does make sense

    「身体全体として 私はうまくやっている?」 という感覚を統合しているとき

  • that when our body and our brain are putting together this feeling


  • of, "How am I, as a whole body, doing?"

    寄与できるというのは 本当に理にかなっています

  • that the gut has something to contribute to this process.


  • And it also makes sense

    炎症性腸疾患といった 病気を持つ人達は

  • that people who have conditions like irritable bowel syndrome


  • or inflammatory bowel disease

    リスクが高いのも うなずけます

  • have a higher risk of having anxiety or depression.

    これは共有すべき 良い情報だと思います

  • I think this is good information to share,


  • because many people will think,

    「腸の調子が悪いし その上 精神状態も良くない」

  • "I have this gut thing, and maybe I also have this mental health thing."

    そしておそらくこれは―科学的には現在 まだ明確ではありませんが

  • And maybe -- because science is not clear on that right now --

    脳が腸に 同情しているだけかもしれません

  • it's really just that the brain is feeling sympathy with their gut.

    これが実用的知識になるには 証拠が不十分です

  • This has yet to grow in evidence until it can come to practice.

    しかしこの種の研究が 現在 世界で

  • But just knowing about these kinds of research


  • that's out there at the moment


  • helps me in my daily life.

    お陰で憂鬱な気分を 違ったように考えられるし

  • And it makes me think differently of my moods


  • and not externalize so much all the time.

    起きている間 私達の存在はまるで 脳とコンピュータ画面だけのように感じます

  • I feel oftentimes during the day we are a brain and a screen,

    そこで直ちに答えを 探そうとしがちになり

  • and we will tend to look for answers right there

    仕事がくだらないとか 隣人のことなど考え始めます

  • and maybe the work is stupid or our neighbor --

    実際は 気分の変化は 体内からもやって来るのです

  • but really, moods can also come from within.

    それを知っているだけで 助かりました

  • And just knowing this helped me,

    例えば 朝 目覚めが早すぎた時

  • for example, when I sometimes wake up too early,

    悩んで 色々と思いを 巡らし始めます

  • and I start to worry and wander around with my thoughts.

    そしてこう考えます 「ちょっと待って 昨日何を食べた?

  • Then I think, "Stop. What did I eat yesterday?


  • Did I stress myself out too much?


  • Did I eat too late or something?"


  • And then maybe get up and make myself a tea,


  • something light to digest.


  • And as simple as that sounds,


  • I think it's been surprisingly good for me.

    3つ目のステップでは 私は さらに身体から離れ

  • Step three took me further away from our body,

    今までとは違った形で 細菌を本当に 理解するに至りました

  • and to really understanding bacteria differently.

    こんにち 私達が行う研究は 本当の清潔さとは何かという

  • The research we have today is creating a new definition


  • of what real cleanliness is.


  • And it's not the hygiene hypothesis --


  • I think many maybe know this.


  • So it states that when you have too little microbes in your environment


  • because you clean all the time,


  • that's not really a good thing,

    アレルギーや自己免疫疾患が 増加します

  • because people get more allergies or autoimmune diseases then.


  • So I knew this hypothesis,


  • and I thought I wouldn't learn so much

    あまり多くは 学べないだろうと思っていました

  • from looking at cleanliness in the gut.


  • But I was wrong.


  • It turns out,

    細菌を直ちに 死滅させる事ではありません

  • real cleanliness is not about killing off bacteria right away.


  • Real cleanliness is a bit different.


  • When we look at the facts,

    この惑星に存在する 全ての細菌の 95%は私達を傷つけず

  • 95 percent of all bacteria on this planet don't harm us -- they can't,

    害になる遺伝子を 持たないのです

  • they don't have the genes to do so.

    多くの細菌が 実際 大いに役立ちます

  • Many, actually, help us a lot,

    現在 科学者は 次のような事を調べています

  • and scientists at the moment are looking into things like:

    ある種の細菌は腸を綺麗にする 手助けをするか?

  • Do some bacteria help us clean the gut?


  • Do they help us digest?

    同じように沢山食べても体重が 増えたり減ったりする

  • Do they make us put on weight or have a lean figure


  • although we're eating lots?

    それが私達に勇気を持たせたり ストレスに耐性を持たせたりするか?

  • Are others making us feel more courageous or even more resilient to stress?

    そして清潔さという事になると 疑問はもっとあります

  • So you see, there are more questions when it comes to cleanliness.

    実際 要は 健康的なバランスだと思います

  • And, actually, the thing is, it's about a healthy balance, I think.


  • You can't avoid the bad all the time.

    単純に あり得ないことです

  • This is simply not possible;

    何か悪い物が 周囲には常にあるものです

  • there's always something bad around.


  • So what really the whole deal is when you look at a clean gut,

    良い細菌が十分あり 悪い細菌も少しはあるのです

  • it's about having good bacteria, enough of them,

    免疫システムには 悪い細菌も必要です

  • and then some bad.


  • Our immune system needs the bad, too,

    そこで 私は清潔さに関して 異なる見方をするようになりました

  • so it knows what it's looking out for.


  • So I started having this different perspective on cleanliness


  • and a few weeks later,


  • I held a talk at my university,

    家に帰り すぐに気づきました

  • and I made a mistake by 1,000.

    私はこんな感じでした 「あぁひどい間違い

  • And I went home and I realized in that moment,

    もうダメ もうウンザリよ 恥ずかしいったらないわ」

  • I was like, "Ah! I made a mistake by 1,000.

    これを考え始めて 私は 「あーあ!」という感じでしたが

  • Oh God, that's so much, and that's so embarrassing."

    しばらくして 言いました

  • And I started to think about this, I was like, "Ugh!"

    「大丈夫 ここを1つ間違えたけど

  • And after a while I said,

    あとは すごく沢山の有益で正しく 役に立つ事を言ったわ

  • "OK, I made this one mistake,


  • but then I also told so many good and right and helpful things,


  • so I think it's OK, you know?

    その後「あ ちょっと待って

  • It's a clean thing."

    多分 私は清潔さについて 更に進んだ 理解をするようになったわ」

  • And then I was like, "Oh, wait.

    それが私の今の理論です 皆さんもそうされていると思います

  • Maybe I took my perspective on cleanliness further."

    単にリビングを掃除するという 理論を少し進めて

  • And it's my theory at the moment that maybe we all do.

    「人生の衛生」とでもいうようなものに 発展させることです

  • Take it a bit further than just cleaning our living room,

    悪いものから 身を守ろうとするのと同様に

  • where maybe we make it to sort like a life hygiene.

    良いものを助長することについて 知ることは

  • Knowing that this is about fostering the good


  • just as much as trying to shelter yourself from the bad


  • had a very calming effect on me.

    今日の話が 「全体として」有意義で お役に立つことであったらと願っています

  • So in that sense,


  • I hope today I told you mostly good and helpful things,


  • and thank you for your time,


  • for listening to me.

  • (Applause)

A few years ago,

翻訳: Shoko Takaki 校正: Masaki Yanagishita


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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日