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I've been doing some thinking.
翻訳: Hiroko Kawano 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
I'm going to kill my dad.
I called my sister.
I've been doing some thinking.
I'm going to kill Dad.
I'm going to take him to Oregon,
find some heroin,
and give it to him."
My dad has frontotemporal lobe dementia,
or FTD.
私の父は 前頭側頭型認知症 ― FTDを患っています
It's a confusing disease that hits people in their 50s or 60s.
私の父は 前頭側頭型認知症 ― FTDを患っています
It can completely change someone's personality,
50代60代の人がかかる病気 症状は多彩です
making them paranoid and even violent.
病気にかかると その人の人格が すっかり変わってしまったり
My dad's been sick for a decade,
疑り深くなったり 暴力的になることもあります
but three years ago he got really sick,
and we had to move him out of his house --
3年前に 症状が悪化して
the house that I grew up in,
私たちは父を自宅から 引越させなければならなくなりました
the house that he built with his own hands.
それは 私が育った家であり
My strapping, cool dad with the falsetto singing voice
had to move into a facility for round-the-clock care
逞しくてカッコよくて ファルセットの歌声を持つ私の父が
when he was just 65.
24時間介護の施設に 移らねばならなくなったんです
At first my mom and sisters and I made the mistake
of putting him in a regular nursing home.
最初 母と姉と私は 間違いを犯して
It was really pretty;
it had plush carpet and afternoon art classes
and a dog named Diane.
深々としたカーペットが敷かれ 午後にアート教室があり
But then I got a phone call.
"Ms. Malone, we've arrested your father."
あるとき 私に電話がかかってきました
「マローンさん お父様を拘束しています」
"Well, he threatened everybody with cutlery.
And then he yanked the curtains off the wall,
「えっと お父様は ナイフで みんなを脅したんです
and then he tried to throw plants out the window.
そして カーテンを引きはがし
And then, well, he pulled all the old ladies out of their wheelchairs."
"All the old ladies?"
その上 女性を全員 車椅子から引きずり下ろしたんです
「女性 全員ですか?」
"What a cowboy."
「なんて 無茶なことを」
After he got kicked out of there,
we bounced him between a bunch of state-run facilities
before finding a treatment center specifically for people with dementia.
私たちは 様々な州営の施設に 父を入所させましたが
At first, he kind of liked it,
最終的に 認知症を持つ人専用の 治療センターを見つけました
but over time his health declined,
最初 父はそこを気に入ったようでしたが
and one day I walked in
しばらくすると 父の状態は悪くなり
and found him sitting hunched over on the ground wearing a onesie --
those kinds of outfits that zip in the back.
父は つなぎの服をきて 地べたに前かがみに座っていました
I watched him for about an hour as he yanked at it,
trying to find a way out of this thing.
父が それを引っ張って なんとか脱ごうとするのを
And it's supposed to be practical,
but to me it looked like a straightjacket.
And so I ran out.
I left him there.
I sat in my truck -- his old truck --
hunched over,
元は父のものだった トラックの中で
this really deep guttural cry coming out of the pit of my belly.
I just couldn't believe that my father,
お腹の底から 絞り出すように 泣きました
the Adonis of my youth,
my really dear friend,
would think that this kind of life was worth living anymore.
We're programmed to prioritize productivity.
こんな状態でもまだ生きる価値を 感じているとは思えませんでした
So when a person -- an Adonis in this case --
私たちは 生産性を優先するよう プログラムされています
is no longer productive in the way we expect him to be,
だから ある人が — この場合は 理想の男性ですが
the way that he expects himself to be,
もう 私たちの期待するような そして 本人が考えるような
what value does that life have left?
That day in the truck,
何の価値が人生に残っていると 言えるでしょうか?
all I could imagine was that my dad was being tortured
その日 トラックの中で
and his body was the vessel of that torture.
私には 父が拷問を受けていて
I've got to get him out of that body.
その体は 拷問を与えるための器としか 思えませんでした
I've got to get him out of that body; I'm going to kill Dad.
I call my sister.
体から出してあげなきゃ 父を殺そう —
"Beth," she said.
"You don't want to live the rest of your life
knowing that you killed your father.
And you'd be arrested I think,
残りの人生を生きるなんて 嫌でしょう?
because he can't condone it.
And you don't even know how to buy heroin."
だって 父さんには 容認の 意思表示ができないんだから
それに ヘロインの買い方も 知らないくせに」
It's true, I don't.
The truth is we talk about his death a lot.
When will it happen? What will it be like?
実際には 父の死について たくさん話しあいました
But I wish that we would have talked about death when we were all healthy.
いつそうなるか? どんな死に方をするのか?
What does my best death look like?
でも みんなが元気なうちに 死について 話せたら良かったのにと思います
What does your best death look like?
私の最高の死に方とは どんなものだろう?
But my family didn't know to do that.
あなたの最高の死に方は どんなものだろう?
And my sister was right.
でも私の家族は そうすることに 考えが及びませんでした
I shouldn't murder Dad with heroin,
but I've got to get him out of that body.
私は 父をヘロインで 殺すわけにはいきません
So I went to a psychic.
でもあの体から 解放してあげる必要はありました
And then a priest, and then a support group,
and they all said the same thing:
牧師さんや 支援グループも 訪ねましたが
sometimes people hang on when they're worried about loved ones.
Just tell them you're safe, and it's OK to go when you're ready.
「愛する人のことが心配だと ご家族はワラにもすがる思いですからね
So I went to see Dad.
でもこう言ってあげなさい ―大丈夫だよ良いと思った時に 逝っていいよ」
I found him hunched over on the ground in the onesie.
He was staring past me and just kind of looking at the ground.
父はつなぎを着て 地べたに前かがみに座っていました
I gave him a ginger ale
父は 私の向こうにある何か 地面でも見つめているようでした
and just started talking about nothing in particular,
but as I was talking, he sneezed from the ginger ale.
とりとめのないことを話し始めた途端 —
And the sneeze -- it jerked his body upright,
話している最中に父が ジンジャーエールでくしゃみをしたんです
sparking him back to life a little bit.
くしゃみで 父の体が はね上がり
And he just kept drinking and sneezing and sparking, over and over and over again
少しだけ 父が息を吹き返したみたいでした
until it stopped.
それから 父は飲んではくしゃみをして 息を吹き返すのを何度も繰り返して
And I heard,
heheheheheh ...
this is so fabulous.
This is so fabulous."
His eyes were open and he was looking at me,
and I said, "Hi, Dad!"
父は目を開けて 私を見ていました
and he said, "Hiya, Beth."
And I opened my mouth to tell him, right?
父も「やあ ベス」と言いました
"Dad, if you want to die, you can die.
私は口を開いて こう言おうとしたんです
We're all OK."
「パパ 死にたかったら 死んでもいいよ
But as I opened my mouth to tell him,
all I could say was, "Dad!
でも 口をついて出た言葉は
I miss you."
And then he said, "Well, I miss you, too."
And then I just fell over because I'm just a mess.
So I fell over and I sat there with him
そこで私は取り乱してしまい その場にうずくまりました
because for the first time in a long time he seemed kind of OK.
私は父と一緒に 座りこみました
And I memorized his hands,
だって 久しぶりにやっと 父が はっきりした様子だったからです
feeling so grateful that his spirit was still attached to his body.
私は 父の手を記憶に刻みました
And in that moment I realized
父の体に まだ父の心が残っていることに とても感謝の気持ちでいっぱいでした
I'm not responsible for this person.
その瞬間 私は気づいたんです
I'm not his doctor,
I'm not his mother,
私は 父の主治医ではないし
I'm certainly not his God,
and maybe the best way to help him and me
is to resume our roles as father and daughter.
そして多分 父と自分にとって 一番役に立つことは
And so we just sat there,
calm and quiet like we've always done.
Nobody was productive.
かつてのように 静かに穏やかに過ごしました
Both of us are still strong.
"OK, Dad. I'm going to go,
私たちは2人とも まだ強い
but I'll see you tomorrow."
「じゃあ パパ 行くね
"OK," he said.
this is a pretty nice hacienda."
Thank you.